1 don't hover over me!
Общая лексика: не стой над душой! -
2 Don't hover over me!
Не стой над душой!Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Don't hover over me!
3 hover
intransitive verb1) schweben2) (linger) sich herumdrücken (ugs.)3) (waver) schwankenhover between life and death — (fig.) zwischen Leben und Tod schweben
* * *2) (to move around while still remaining near a person etc: I wish she'd stop hovering round me and go away.) sich herumtreiben•- academic.ru/35897/hovercraft">hovercraft* * *hov·er[ˈhɒvəʳ, AM ˈhʌvɚ]viher expression \hovered between joy and disbelief ihr Gesichtsausdruck schwankte zwischen Freude und Ungläubigkeitthe patient was \hovering between life and death der Patient schwebte zwischen Leben und Todinflation is \hovering at 3 percent die Inflation bewegt sich um 3 Prozentto \hover on the brink of disaster am Rande des Ruins stehento \hover on the brink of accepting sth kurz davorstehen, etw zu akzeptieren▪ to \hover over sb jdm nicht von der Seite weichenstop \hovering over me! geh endlich weg!* * *['hɒvə(r)]vi1) (helicopter, insect) schweben; (bird) schweben, stehen2) (fig)a smile hovered on her lips —
she hovered on the verge of death — sie war dem Tode nahe
to hover on the brink of disaster — am Rande des Ruins stehen
he hovered between two alternatives — er schwankte zwischen zwei Alternativen
the exchange rate is hovering around 110 yen to the dollar — der Wechselkurs bewegt sich um die 110 Yen für den Dollar
3) (fig: stand around) herumstehena waiter hovered at his elbow, waiting to refill his glass — ein Kellner schwebte herum und wartete nur darauf, nachzuschenken
* * *A v/i1. schweben (auch fig):hovering accent LIT schwebender Akzenta question hovered on his lips ihm lag eine Frage auf den Lippen3. schwanken, sich nicht entscheiden können:B s1. Schweben n2. Schwanken n* * *intransitive verb1) schweben2) (linger) sich herumdrücken (ugs.)3) (waver) schwankenhover between life and death — (fig.) zwischen Leben und Tod schweben
* * *v.schweben v. -
4 hover
1. [ʹhɒvə] n1. парение; свободный полёт2. ожидание; неопределённое положение; состояние неопределённости, «подвешенное» состояние3. диал. нависший берег; яма под берегом ( где прячется рыба)4. = hoverer2. [ʹhɒvə] v1. 1) парить ( о птице; тж. hover about, hover over)2) парить, кружить, зависать, находиться в режиме висения ( о вертолёте)2. 1) нависать, окутывать ( об облаках)2) нависать, застывать (над чем-л.)the director hovered her typewriter waiting for her to finish the letter - директор застыл над её машинкой, ожидая, пока она закончит письмо
3) нависать, угрожать (об опасности и т. п.)3. (over, around) вертеться, болтаться; ходить вокруг кого-л., топтаться, толпиться вокруг кого-л.don't hover over me! - не стой над душой!
4. 1) быть на краю (чего-л.); постоянно подвергаться угрозе (чего-л.)2) колебаться, не решаться, мешкатьto hover on the brink of decision - колебаться, не знать, что делать /какое решение принять/
5. 1) сидеть на яйцах, высиживать2) прикрывать (телом, крыльями и т. п.) -
5 hover
hover ['hɒvə(r)](a) (in air → smoke) stagner; (→ balloon, scent) flotter; (→ insects) voltiger; (→ helicopter, hummingbird) faire du surplace;∎ bees hovered around the roses des abeilles voltigeaient autour des roses∎ a waitress was hovering near our table une serveuse tournait autour de notre table;∎ I don't like him hovering over me je n'aime pas qu'il soit sur mon dos;∎ it's no use hovering over the phone like that ce n'est pas la peine de guetter la sonnerie du téléphone comme ça;∎ she was hovering between life and death elle restait suspendue entre la vie et la mort;∎ don't just hover in the background ne reste pas dans ton coin(c) (hesitate) hésiter;∎ his finger hovered over the button son doigt hésita à appuyer sur le bouton;∎ I'm hovering between the two possible options j'hésite entre les deux options possibles;∎ he seemed to be hovering on the brink of saying something il semblait hésiter à dire quelque chose2 nounaéroglisseur m∎ (move about near) to hover around sb errer ou rôder autour de qn;∎ prices are hovering around the £3.50 mark les prix oscillent autour de 3 livres 50(move about nearby) tourner -
6 не стой над душой!
General subject: don't hover over me!Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не стой над душой!
7 dudar
v.1 to doubt.¿vas a venir? — lo dudo are you going to come? — I doubt it o I don't think solo dudo mucho I very much doubt ityo no lo hice — no lo dudo, pero… I didn't do it — I'm sure you didn't, but…dudo que venga I doubt (whether) he'll comeRicardo duda Richard doubts.2 to hesitate.dudar entre hacer una cosa u otra to be unsure whether to do one thing or anotherno dudes en venir a preguntarme don't hesitate to come and ask meMaría duda Mary hesitates.* * *1 to doubt, have doubts2 (titubear) to hesitate1 to doubt\dudar de alguien to doubt somebody, mistrust somebody* * *verb1) to doubt2) hesitate* * *1. VT1) (=no estar seguro de) to doubtespero que venga, aunque lo dudo mucho — I hope she'll come, although I doubt very much (if) she will
-yo te ayudaré -no lo dudo, pero... — "I'll help you" - "I'm sure you will, but..."
es lo mejor para ti, no lo dudes — it's the best thing for you, believe me
a no dudarlo — undoubtedly•
dudar que, dudo que sea verdad — I doubt (whether o if) it's true•
dudar si, dudaba si había echado la carta — I wasn't sure if I had posted the letter2) (=vacilar sobre)lo dudé mucho y al final me decidí por el azul — I thought about it o dithered * a lot but in the end I decided on the blue one
si yo fuera tú, no lo dudaría — if I were you, I wouldn't hesitate
2. VI1) (=desconfiar) to doubt, have doubts•
dudar de algo — to question sth, doubt sthlos celos le hicieron dudar de su cariño — jealousy made her question o doubt his affection
2) (=vacilar)no sé qué hacer, estoy dudando — I don't know what to do, I'm in two minds o I'm undecided
dudar en hacer algo — to hesitate to do sth* * *1.verbo transitivo to doubtdudo que te haya dicho la verdad — I doubt if o whether he's told you the truth
es el mejor, no lo dudes — it's the best one, take it from me
2.yo hice todo lo que pude - no lo dudo, pero... — I did everything I could - I'm sure you did, but...
dudar vicómpralo, no sigas dudando — go ahead and buy it, stop dithering
dudar en + inf — to hesitate to + inf
dudar de algo/alguien — to doubt something/somebody
* * *= be hesitant (to), doubt, have + second thoughts, hesitate, waver, express + reservations, have + reservations (about), dither, hang back, be suspicious, voice + reservations, teeter + on the edge of, think + twice.Ex. I remember being hesitant to buy a CD player because I was attached to my extensive collection of LPs collected over a lifetime.Ex. He explained that while there was considerable turnover he doubted 18 assistants would be needed in the year, perhaps three or four at best.Ex. We can then have second thoughts, and possibly arrive at a more suitable form of truncation.Ex. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask me or anyone on the management team for advice or assistance!.Ex. The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.Ex. While reservations have been expressed about the festival, its value in enhancing and enriching the cultural life of this part of the country is evident.Ex. Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.Ex. The Executive Board has been dithering over the control of the search for the next executive director = La Junta Directiva ha estado dudando si controlar o no la elección del siguiente director ejecutivo.Ex. This article explores the implications of these threats, maintaining that publishers cannot afford to hang back, but must innovate or atrophy.Ex. Collection development librarians are often met with distrust from faculty colleagues who are often suspicious of their ability to select books.Ex. The author voices reservations about the latest amendments to the Library Act.Ex. We would like to encourage other institutions who have been teetering on the edge of implementation to get on their running shoes and go for it.Ex. I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.----* dudar entre... y/o... = hover between... and/or....* hacer dudar = make + Nombre + doubt, misgive.* no lo dudes = take it from me.* sin dudar = without a doubt.* sin dudarlo = without hesitation.* * *1.verbo transitivo to doubtdudo que te haya dicho la verdad — I doubt if o whether he's told you the truth
es el mejor, no lo dudes — it's the best one, take it from me
2.yo hice todo lo que pude - no lo dudo, pero... — I did everything I could - I'm sure you did, but...
dudar vicómpralo, no sigas dudando — go ahead and buy it, stop dithering
dudar en + inf — to hesitate to + inf
dudar de algo/alguien — to doubt something/somebody
* * *= be hesitant (to), doubt, have + second thoughts, hesitate, waver, express + reservations, have + reservations (about), dither, hang back, be suspicious, voice + reservations, teeter + on the edge of, think + twice.Ex: I remember being hesitant to buy a CD player because I was attached to my extensive collection of LPs collected over a lifetime.
Ex: He explained that while there was considerable turnover he doubted 18 assistants would be needed in the year, perhaps three or four at best.Ex: We can then have second thoughts, and possibly arrive at a more suitable form of truncation.Ex: Good luck and don't hesitate to ask me or anyone on the management team for advice or assistance!.Ex: The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.Ex: While reservations have been expressed about the festival, its value in enhancing and enriching the cultural life of this part of the country is evident.Ex: Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.Ex: The Executive Board has been dithering over the control of the search for the next executive director = La Junta Directiva ha estado dudando si controlar o no la elección del siguiente director ejecutivo.Ex: This article explores the implications of these threats, maintaining that publishers cannot afford to hang back, but must innovate or atrophy.Ex: Collection development librarians are often met with distrust from faculty colleagues who are often suspicious of their ability to select books.Ex: The author voices reservations about the latest amendments to the Library Act.Ex: We would like to encourage other institutions who have been teetering on the edge of implementation to get on their running shoes and go for it.Ex: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.* dudar entre... y/o... = hover between... and/or....* hacer dudar = make + Nombre + doubt, misgive.* no lo dudes = take it from me.* sin dudar = without a doubt.* sin dudarlo = without hesitation.* * *dudar [A1 ]vtto doubtlo dudo mucho I doubt it very muches lo que te conviene, no lo dudes it's what's right for you, take it from meyo hice todo lo que pude — no lo dudo, pero … I did everything I could — I'm sure you did, but …dudar QUE + SUBJ:nunca dudé que fuera inocente I never doubted his innocence o that he was innocentdudo que llegue a tiempo I doubt that o if o whether I'll get there in time, I don't think I'll get there in timedudo que te haya dicho la verdad I doubt if o whether he's told you the truth■ dudarvivamos, cómpralo, no sigas dudando go ahead and buy it, stop hesitating o ditheringestá dudando entre comprar y alquilar she can't make up her mind o she is in two minds whether to buy or rentdudar EN + INF to hesitate to + INFno dudes en llamarme don't hesitate to call medudar DE algo/algn to doubt sth/sb¿dudas de su honradez? do you doubt his honesty?no dudo de su capacidad para desempeñar el cargo I don't doubt o I'm not questioning his ability to do the job¿cómo pude dudar de ti? how could I have doubted you?* * *
dudar ( conjugate dudar) verbo transitivo
to doubt;◊ dudo que lo haya terminado I doubt if o whether he's finished it
verbo intransitivo: duda entre comprar y alquilar she can't make up her mind whether to buy or rent;
dudar en hacer algo to hesitate to do sth;
dudar de algo/algn to doubt sth/sb
I verbo intransitivo
1 to doubt: no dudes de él, don't distrust him
2 (estar indeciso) to hesitate [en, to]: dudaban entre comprarlo o no, they hesitated whether to buy it or not
II verbo transitivo to doubt: dudo mucho que se disculpe, I very much doubt that he'll apologize
' dudar' also found in these entries:
- ver
- titubear
- doubt
- falter
- hesitate
- shot
- suspect
- vacillate
- waver
* * *♦ vi1. [desconfiar]dudar de algo/alguien to have one's doubts about sth/sb;dudo de sus intenciones I question his intentions;no dudo de su buena voluntad I don't doubt his goodwill;sé que dudan de mí, pero yo soy inocente I know they have their doubts about me, but I'm innocent;¿acaso dudas de mí? don't you trust me then?3. [vacilar] to hesitate;dudar entre hacer una cosa u otra to be unsure whether to do one thing or another;no dudes en venir a preguntarme don't hesitate to come and ask me♦ vtto doubt;¿vas a venir? – lo dudo are you going to come? – I doubt it, I don't think so;lo dudo mucho I very much doubt it;después de dudarlo bastante se decidió a ir after being in some doubt he decided to go;¿que eres sincero? permíteme que lo dude so you're telling the truth, are you? I think I'll reserve judgement on that, if I may;yo no lo hice – no lo dudo, pero… I didn't do it – I'm sure you didn't, but…;no lo dude, ha hecho lo que debía you can rest assured you've done the right thing;dudo que venga I doubt (whether) he'll come;no dudo que lo hiciera con muy buena intención no doubt he did it with the best of intentions* * *I v/t doubt;¡no lo dudes! of course!, no problem!II v/i1 hesitate (en to);no dudar en hacer algo not hesitate to do sth2:dudar de alguien not trust s.o.* * *dudar vt: to doubtdudar vidudar en : to hesitate tono dudes en pedirme ayuda: don't hesitate to ask me for help* * *dudar vb1. (en general) to doubtsi llueve, que lo dudo, iremos al museo if it rains, which I doubt, we'll go to the museum2. (vacilar) to hesitate3. (no poder escoger) not to be sure / not to be able to make up your mind4. (desconfiar) to mistrust -
8 hang
hæŋpast tense, past participle - hung; verb1) (to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook: We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall.) colgar2) (to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall: A door hangs by its hinges.) colgar, pender3) ((past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop: Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now.) colgar, ahorcar4) ((often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards: The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down.) colgar; caer5) (to bow (one's head): He hung his head in shame.) inclinar, bajar•- hanger- hanging
- hangings
- hangman
- hangover
- get the hang of
- hang about/around
- hang back
- hang in the balance
- hang on
- hang together
- hang up
hang vb1. colgar2. ahorcartr[hæŋ]3 (pt & pp hanged) SMALLLAW/SMALL ahorcar3 (pt & pp hanged) SMALLLAW/SMALL ser ahorcado,-a1 (of dress etc) caída\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLhang loose! familiar ¡tranqui!to get the hang of something cogerle el tranquillo a algoto hang in the air flotar en el aireto hang up one's boots colgar las botas1) suspend: colgar, tender, suspender3)to hang one's head : bajar la cabezahang vi1) fall: caer (dícese de las telas y la ropa)2) dangle: colgar3) hover: flotar, sostenerse en el aire4) : ser ahorcado5) droop: inclinarse6)to hang up : colgarhe hung up on me: me colgóhang n1) drape: caída f2)to get the hang of something : colgarle el truco a algo, lograr entender algon.• sentido s.m.• significado s.m.v.(§ p.,p.p.: hung) (•§ p.,p.p.: hanged•) = ahorcar v.• guindar v.• inclinar v.• pender v.• suspender v.
1. hæŋ1) (past & past p hung)a) ( suspend) \<\<coat/picture\>\> colgar*b) ( put in position) \<\<door/gate\>\> colocar*, montarc) ( Culin) \<\<game\>\> manird)to hang one's head — bajar or inclinar la cabeza
vi1) (past p hung)a) ( be suspended) colgar*, pender (liter), estar* colgadoto hang BY/FROM/ON something — colgar* de algo
they were hanging on his every word — estaban totalmente pendientes de lo que decía or de sus palabras
hang loose! — (esp AmE sl) tranquilo!
to hang tough on something — (AmE) mantenerse* firme en algo
b) ( hover) \<\<fog/smoke\>\> flotar; \<\<bird\>\> planear, cernerse*to hang OVER something: the mist hung over the marshes la bruma flotaba sobre las marismas; I still have that essay hanging over me — todavía tengo ese ensayo pendiente
c) \<\<clothing/fabric\>\> caer*that skirt hangs very well — esa falda tiene muy buena caída or cae muy bien
2) (past & past p hanged or hung) ( be executed)•Phrasal Verbs:- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up
noun (no pl) ( of garment) caída f[hæŋ] (pt, pp hung)to get the hang of something — (colloq) agarrarle la onda a algo (AmL fam), cogerle* el tranquillo a algo (Esp fam), agarrarle la mano a algo (CS fam)
1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) (=suspend) [+ coat, curtains] colgar; [+ picture] (on wall) colgar; (as exhibit) exponer; [+ washing] tender; [+ wallpaper] pegar; [+ door] colocar; (Culin) [+ game] manirare you any good at hanging wallpaper? — ¿se te da bien empapelar?
- hang one's headpeg 1., 3), hung overhe hung his head in shame — bajó or agachó la cabeza avergonzado
2) (=decorate) adornar3) (pt, pp hanged)a) [+ criminal] ahorcarhe was hanged, drawn and quartered — lo ahorcaron, destriparon y descuartizaron
to hang o.s. — ahorcarse
b) †* (=damn)hang the expense! — ¡al diablo (con) los gastos!
hang it (all)! — ¡qué demonios!
I'll be hanged if I know! — ¡que me aspen or maten si lo sé!
4) (US) (=turn)hang a right here — gira or dobla or tuerce a la derecha aquí
5) (=hold)see fire 1., 7)2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (=be suspended) colgar•
a light-bulb was hanging from the ceiling — una bombilla colgaba del techoI was hanging from the ledge by my fingertips — estaba colgado de la cornisa sujeto por la punta de los dedos
his portrait hangs in the National Gallery — su retrato está expuesto en la National Gallery•
let your arms hang loose at your sides — deje los brazos sueltos or caídoshang loose! — (US) * (fig) ¡tranqui! *, ¡relájate!
thread 1., 1)•
your coat is hanging on the hook — tu abrigo está colgado en el perchero2) (=be positioned)•
to hang open: the door hung open — (=not closed) la puerta estaba abierta; (=partly off hinges) la puerta estaba encajada•
I can't work with you hanging over me like that — no puedo trabajar contigo pendiente de todo lo que hago3) (=flow) [rope, garment, hair] caer•
her hair hangs down her back — el pelo le cae por la espalda4) (pt, pp hanged) (=be hanged) [criminal] morir en la horca5) (=hover) [fog] flotar•
his breath hung in the icy air — su aliento flotaba en el aire helado•
the threat hanging over us — la amenaza que se cierne sobre nosotrosa question mark hangs over many of their futures — se cierne un or una interrogante sobre el porvenir de muchos de ellos
6)- go hang- hang tough3. NOUN1) [of garment] caída f2)- get the hang of sthI'll never get the hang of this oven — nunca aprenderé a usar este horno, nunca le cogeré el tranquillo a este horno
- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up* * *
1. [hæŋ]1) (past & past p hung)a) ( suspend) \<\<coat/picture\>\> colgar*b) ( put in position) \<\<door/gate\>\> colocar*, montarc) ( Culin) \<\<game\>\> manird)to hang one's head — bajar or inclinar la cabeza
vi1) (past p hung)a) ( be suspended) colgar*, pender (liter), estar* colgadoto hang BY/FROM/ON something — colgar* de algo
they were hanging on his every word — estaban totalmente pendientes de lo que decía or de sus palabras
hang loose! — (esp AmE sl) tranquilo!
to hang tough on something — (AmE) mantenerse* firme en algo
b) ( hover) \<\<fog/smoke\>\> flotar; \<\<bird\>\> planear, cernerse*to hang OVER something: the mist hung over the marshes la bruma flotaba sobre las marismas; I still have that essay hanging over me — todavía tengo ese ensayo pendiente
c) \<\<clothing/fabric\>\> caer*that skirt hangs very well — esa falda tiene muy buena caída or cae muy bien
2) (past & past p hanged or hung) ( be executed)•Phrasal Verbs:- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up
noun (no pl) ( of garment) caída fto get the hang of something — (colloq) agarrarle la onda a algo (AmL fam), cogerle* el tranquillo a algo (Esp fam), agarrarle la mano a algo (CS fam)
9 darüber
Adv.1. räumlich: darüber legen / liegen / breiten etc. lay / lie / spread etc. over it ( oder them) ( betont: over that [oder those]; quer darüber: across it etc.); darüber schweben etc. hover etc. above it; das Zimmer darüber the room above; mit einem Dach etc. darüber with a roof etc. on top; mit der Hand darüber fahren oder streichen run one’s hand over it; mit einem Staubtuch darüber wischen go over it with a duster; darüber fallen fall over it; darüber schreiben write over it; (Namen etc.) write at the top; es geht nichts darüber fig. there’s nothing like it; da steht er darüber fig. he is above that ( oder such things)2. fig. (mehr) more; (höher) higher; die Kosten liegen ( weit) darüber the costs are (much) higher; sechs Jahre und darüber Alter: six years (of age) and above ( oder over), from six years of age upwards; Zeitraum: six years and over3. zeitlich: in the meantime; ich bin darüber eingeschlafen I fell asleep over it; darüber werden Jahre vergehen that will take years4. fig. (über eine Sache) about that ( oder it); (über dieses Thema) on that ( oder it); ich freue mich darüber, dass... I’m glad (that)...; darüber vergaß er seine Probleme it took his mind off his problems; darüber wird morgen verhandelt we’ll etc. be discussing that tomorrow; darüber lässt sich streiten that’s a matter of opinion, that’s a debatable point; er beklagt sich darüber, dass er unfair behandelt worden sei he complains of having been treated unfairly; sich darüber hermachen umg. (übers Essen) get stuck in(to it)5. darüber hinaus beyond it, past it; fig. in addition, on top of it; (was das Übrige angeht) beyond that; darüber hinaus möchte ich noch sagen... furthermore ( oder moreover) I would like to say...; wir sind darüber hinweg fig. we’ve got(ten) over it* * *upwards (Adv.); above (Präp.); thereon (Adv.); upward (Adv.)* * *da|rü|ber [da'ryːbɐ] (emph) ['daːryːbɐ]adv1) (räumlich) over that/it/them; (= quer darüber) across or over there; (wenn Bezugsobjekt vorher erwähnt) across or over it/them; (= höher als etw) above (there/it/them); (= direkt auf etw) on top (of it/them)geh darǘber, nicht hierüber! — go across or over there, not here!
die Aufgabe war sehr schwer, ich habe lange darǘbergesessen — the exercise was very difficult, I sat over it for a long time
darǘber hinweg sein (fig) — to have got over it
darǘber hinaus — apart from this/that, in addition
darǘber hinaus kann ich nichts sagen — over and above that I can't say anything
darǘber hinaus log sie mich auch noch an — on top of that she also lied to me
jetzt ist er darǘber hinaus (fig) — he is past that now
2) (= deswegen, in dieser Beziehung) about that/itsich darǘber beschweren/beklagen etc — to complain/moan etc about it
sich darǘber beschweren/beklagen etc, dass... — to complain/moan etc that...
wir wollen nicht darǘber streiten, ob... — we don't want to argue or disagree about whether...
3) (= davon) about that/itRechenschaft darǘber ablegen — to account for it
sie führt eine Liste darǘber — she keeps a list of it
4) (= währenddessen) in the meantimeWochen gingen darǘber hin — meanwhile or in the meantime weeks went past
21 Jahre/4 Euro und darǘber — 21 years/4 euros and above or over
kein Cent darǘber — not a penny over (that) or more
darǘber hinaus — over and above that
es geht nichts darǘber — there is nothing to beat it
* * *dar·über[daˈry:bɐ]1. (räumlich) over it/that/them; (direkt auf etw) on top [of it/that]; (oberhalb von etw) above [it/that/them]; (über etw hinweg) over [it/that/them]2. (hinsichtlich einer Sache) about it/that/them\darüber brüten/sitzen/wachen to brood/sit/watch over it/that/them\darüber spricht man nicht! one doesn't [or you don't] talk about such things!\darüber hinweggehen/hinwegsehen to pass over [or ignore] itsie sah \darüber hinweg, dass er schlecht gelaunt war she ignored the fact that he was in a bad mood\darüber Stillschweigen bewahren to maintain silence on [or keep silent about] it\darüber besteht kein Zweifel there is no doubt about it4. (über diese Grenze hinaus) above [or over] [that]10 Stunden oder \darüber 10 hours and/or longer [or more]die Teilnehmer waren alle 50 oder \darüber the participants were all 50 or above [or older5.▶ \darüber hinausgehend exceeding [a limit]\darüber hinausgehende Kosten werden erstattet costs exceeding [or in excess of] this limit will be reimbursed▶ jdm \darüber hinweghelfen to help sb get over it/that* * *wir wohnen im zweiten Stock und er darüber — we live on the second floor and he lives above us
darüber fahren — run over it/them
darüber stehen — (fig.) be above such things
darüber steigen — climb over it/them
2)darüber hinaus — in additon [to that]; (noch obendrein) what is more
3) (über dieser/diese Angelegenheit) about it/them4) (über diese Grenze, dieses Maß hinaus) above [that]; over [that]Ist es schon 12 Uhr? - Aber ja, es ist schon 10 Minuten darüber — Is it twelve o'clock yet? - Oh yes, it's already ten past
5) (währenddessen) meanwhile6) (währenddessen und deshalb) because of it/them; as a result* * *darüber adv1. räumlich:darüber legen/liegen/breiten etc lay/lie/spread etc over it ( oder them) ( betont: over that [ oder those]; quer darüber: across it etc);das Zimmer darüber the room above;mit einem Dach etcdarüber with a roof etc on top;mit einem Staubtuch darüber wischen go over it with a duster;darüber fallen fall over it;darüber schreiben write over it; (Namen etc) write at the top;es geht nichts darüber fig there’s nothing like it;die Kosten liegen (weit) darüber the costs are (much) higher;sechs Jahre und darüber Alter: six years (of age) and above ( oder over), from six years of age upwards; Zeitraum: six years and over3. zeitlich: in the meantime;ich bin darüber eingeschlafen I fell asleep over it;darüber werden Jahre vergehen that will take yearsich freue mich darüber, dass … I’m glad (that) …;darüber vergaß er seine Probleme it took his mind off his problems;darüber wird morgen verhandelt we’ll etc be discussing that tomorrow;darüber lässt sich streiten that’s a matter of opinion, that’s a debatable point;er beklagt sich darüber, dass er unfair behandelt worden sei he complains of having been treated unfairly;sich darüber hermachen umg (übers Essen) get stuck in(to it)5.darüber hinaus beyond it, past it; fig in addition, on top of it; (was das Übrige angeht) beyond that;darüber hinaus möchte ich noch sagen … furthermore ( oder moreover) I would like to say …;wir sind darüber hinweg fig we’ve got(ten) over it* * *1) (über diesem/diesen) over or above it/them; (über dies/diese) over it/themdarüber fahren — run over it/them
darüber stehen — (fig.) be above such things
darüber steigen — climb over it/them
2)darüber hinaus — in additon [to that]; (noch obendrein) what is more
3) (über dieser/diese Angelegenheit) about it/them4) (über diese Grenze, dieses Maß hinaus) above [that]; over [that]Ist es schon 12 Uhr? - Aber ja, es ist schon 10 Minuten darüber — Is it twelve o'clock yet? - Oh yes, it's already ten past
5) (währenddessen) meanwhile6) (währenddessen und deshalb) because of it/them; as a result -
10 tourner
tourner [tuʀne]➭ TABLE 11. transitive verb• tournez s.v.p. please turn over• tourner et retourner [+ pensée, problème] to turn over and over in one's mindb. ( = orienter) [+ appareil, tête, yeux] to turn• elle tourna son regard or les yeux vers la fenêtre she turned her eyes towards the window• tourner la tête à droite/à gauche to turn one's head to the right/to the left• quand il m'a vu, il a tourné la tête when he saw me he looked awayc. [+ difficulté, règlement] to get roundd. [+ phrase] to turn ; [+ demande, lettre] to phrasee. ( = transformer) tourner qn/qch en ridicule to ridicule sb/sth• tourner un film ( = faire les prises de vues) to shoot a film ; ( = produire) to make a film ; ( = jouer) to make a filmg. [+ bois, ivoire] to turn ; [+ pot] to throw2. intransitive verb• la grande aiguille tourne plus vite que la petite the big hand goes round faster than the small one• tout d'un coup, j'ai vu tout tourner all of a sudden my head began to spin• son spectacle va tourner dans le Midi cet été his show is on tour in the South of France this summer• faire tourner la tête à qn [compliments, succès, vin] to go to sb's head ; [bruit, altitude] to make sb's head spin► tourner autour de to turn round ; [terre, roue] to go round ; [oiseau] to fly round ; [mouches] to buzz round ; [prix] to be around or about (Brit)• le prix doit tourner autour de 80 000 € the price must be around 80,000 eurosb. [vent, opinion, chemin, promeneur] to turn• la chance a tourné his (or her etc) luck has turnedc. ( = évoluer) bien tourner to turn out well• mal tourner [farce, entreprise, personne] to turn out badly• tourner au drame/au tragique to take a dramatic/tragic turnd. [programme informatique] to work• ça tourne sur quelles machines ? which machines does it work on?e. [lait] to turn sour ; [poisson, viande, fruits] to go bad3. reflexive verb• se tourner du côté de or vers qn/qch to turn towards sb/sth• se tourner vers une profession/la politique to turn to a profession/to politics* * *tuʀne
1) ( faire pivoter) to turn [volant, clé, bouton, meuble]2) Cinéma to shoot [film, scène]3) ( éluder) to get around [difficulté, loi]4) ( formuler) to phrase [lettre, compliment, critique]5) Technologie ( façonner) to turn [bois, pièce]; to throw [pot]6) ( transformer)tourner quelqu'un/quelque chose en dérision or ridicule — to deride ou ridicule somebody/something
8) ( envisager)9) ( remuer) to stir [sauce]; to toss [salade]
verbe intransitif1) ( pivoter) gén [clé, disque] to turn; [roue] to turn, to revolve; [planète, hélice] to rotate; [porte à gonds] to swing; [porte à tambour] to revolve; ( rapidement) [toupie, danseur] to spinfaire tourner — gén to turn; ( rapidement) to spin
faire tourner les tables — ( en spiritisme) to do table-turning
2) ( graviter)tourner autour de — gén to turn around; [planète, étoile] to revolve around; [avion] to circle
3) ( aller et venir)tourner (en rond) — [personne] to go around and around; [automobiliste] to drive around and around
tourner en rond — fig [discussion] to go around in circles
il tourne dans son bureau depuis une heure — he has been pacing up and down in his office for the last hour
5) ( se situer)tourner autour de — [effectifs, somme d'argent] to be (somewhere) in the region of, to be round about (colloq) GB, to be around
6) ( fonctionner) [moteur, usine] to runtourner rond — [moteur] to run smoothly; [entreprise, affaires] to be doing well
faire tourner — to run [entreprise]
il y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond dans cette histoire — (colloq) there's something fishy (colloq) about this business
mon frère ne tourne pas rond (colloq) depuis quelque temps — my brother has been acting strangely for some time
7) ( évoluer)les choses ont bien/mal tourné pour lui — things turned out well/badly for him
tourner à l'avantage de quelqu'un/au désavantage de quelqu'un — to swing in somebody's favour [BrE]/against somebody
la réunion a tourné à la bagarre/en mascarade — the meeting turned into a brawl/into a farce
8) Cinéma [réalisateur] to shoot, to filmtourner (dans un film) — [acteur] to make a film GB ou movie US
9) ( faire une tournée) [représentant, spectacle] to tour10) ( fermenter) [lait, sauce, viande] to go off11) ( chercher à séduire)
se tourner verbe pronominal1) (se diriger, par intérêt ou besoin)se tourner vers or du côté de quelqu'un/quelque chose — to turn to somebody/something
ne pas savoir vers qui se tourner/de quel côté se tourner — not to know who to turn to/which way to turn
2) ( changer de position)se tourner vers quelqu'un/quelque chose — to turn toward(s) somebody/something
3) ( faire demi-tour sur soi-même) to turn aroundtourne-toi un peu plus sur la or à gauche — just turn a little bit more to the left
* * *tuʀne1. vt1) [manivelle, poignée] to turn2) [sauce, mélange] to stir, [salade] to toss3) CINÉMA, [scène] to shoot4) (= contourner) [obstacle] to get around, to get round Grande-Bretagnetourner le dos à (mouvement) — to turn one's back on, (position) to have one's back to
2. vi1) (mouvement, direction, orientation) to turnTournez à droite au prochain feu. — Turn right at the lights.
2) [moteur] to run3) [compteur] to tick away4) [lait] to go sour, to turnLe lait a tourné. — The milk's gone sour., The milk has turned.
Ça a mal tourné. — It all went wrong.
tourner à; tourner en — to turn into
tourner autour de (à pied, en voiture) — to go around, [axe, planète] to revolve around, péjoratif (= rôder) to hang around
* * *tourner verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( faire pivoter) to turn [volant, clé, bouton, meuble]; tourner la tête vers to turn to look at; tourner les yeux vers to look at; le bruit m'a fait tourner la tête I looked around at the noise; ⇒ bouche, tête;3 ( éluder) to get around [difficulté, obstacle, problème, loi];4 ( formuler) to phrase [lettre, compliment, critique]; il tourne bien ses phrases he has a nice turn of phrase; il tourne mal ses phrases he doesn't have a very elegant turn of phrase;6 ( transformer) tourner qn en dérision or ridicule to make sb a laughing stock; tourner qch en dérision to make a mockery of sth;8 ( envisager) tourner et retourner qch dans son esprit to mull sth over; tourner une proposition en tous sens pour en trouver les implications to look at a proposal from every angle to work out the implications;B vi1 ( pivoter) gén [clé, disque] to turn; [roue] to turn, to revolve; [planète, rotor, hélice] to rotate; [porte à gonds] to swing; [porte à tambour] to revolve; ( rapidement) [toupie, étoile, particule, danseur] to spin; tourner sur soi-même to spin around; faire tourner gén to turn; ( rapidement) to spin; danseur qui fait tourner sa partenaire dancer spinning his partner around; faire tourner les tables ( en spiritisme) to do table-turning; ⇒ heure, œil, tête;2 ( graviter) tourner autour de gén to turn around; [planète, étoile] to revolve around; [avion] to circle; tourner au-dessus de [hélicoptère, oiseau] to circle over; [insecte] to buzz around;3 ( aller et venir) tourner (en rond) [personne] to go around and around; [automobiliste] to drive around and around; tourner en rond fig [discussion, négociations] to go around in circles; ça fait une heure qu'on tourne ( en voiture) we've been driving around for an hour; il tourne dans son bureau depuis une heure he has been pacing up and down in his office for the last hour; ⇒ cage, pot;4 ( virer) to turn (vers toward, towards GB); tournez à gauche turn left; le chemin tourne entre les arbres the path winds between the trees; ⇒ chance, vent;5 ( se situer) tourner autour de [effectifs, somme d'argent] to be (somewhere) in the region of, to be round about○ GB, to be around;6 ( fonctionner) [moteur, usine, entreprise] to run; tourner rond [moteur] to run smoothly; [entreprise, affaires] to be doing well; l'usine tourne au tiers de sa capacité the factory is running at one third of its capacity; les affaires tournent (bien) business is good; faire tourner qch to run sth [entreprise]; il y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond dans cette histoire○ there's something fishy○ about this business; mon frère ne tourne pas rond depuis quelque temps○ my brother has been acting strangely for some time;7 ( évoluer) comment ont tourné les choses? how did things turn out?; les choses ont bien/mal tourné pour lui things turned out well/badly for him; leur frère a mal tourné their brother turned out badly; leur réunion a mal tourné their meeting went badly; tourner à l'avantage de qn/au désavantage de qn to swing in sb's favourGB/against sb; la réunion a tourné à la bagarre /en mascarade the meeting turned into a brawl/into a farce; mon rhume a tourné en bronchite my cold turned into bronchitis;8 Cin [réalisateur] to shoot, to film; [acteur] to make a film GB ou movie US; tourner dans un film [acteur] to make a film GB ou movie US; tourner en Espagne to shoot in Spain; elle a tourné avec les plus grands acteurs she's worked with top actors; silence, on tourne! quiet everyone, we're shooting!;9 ( faire une tournée) [représentant, spectacle] to tour; troupe de théâtre qui tourne en Europe theatreGB company touring (in) Europe; le spectacle a tourné dans toute la France the show went all over France on tour;10 ( fermenter) [lait, sauce, viande] to go off;11 ( chercher à séduire) tourner autour de qn to hang around sb; qu'est-ce qu'il a à me tourner autour○? why doesn't he leave me alone?C se tourner vpr1 (se diriger, par intérêt ou besoin) se tourner vers or du côté de qn/qch to turn to sb/sth; se tourner vers la botanique/un ami to turn to botany/a friend; se tourner du côté du mysticisme to turn to mysticism; ne pas savoir vers qui se tourner/de quel côté se tourner not to know who to turn to/which way to turn; de quelque côté qu'on se tourne whichever way you turn;2 ( changer de position) se tourner vers qn/qch to turn toward(s) sb/sth; tous les yeux se sont tournés vers elle all eyes turned toward(s) her; nous nous sommes tournés dans la direction d'où venait le bruit we turned in the direction of the noise;3 ( faire demi-tour sur soi-même) to turn around; tournez-vous, je me change! turn around, I'm changing!; tourne-toi, que je voie ta coupe de cheveux turn around and let me see your haircut; tourne-toi un peu plus sur la or à gauche just turn a little bit more to the left; se tourner et se retourner dans son lit to toss and turn; ⇒ pouce.I[turne] verbe intransitifA.[DÉCRIRE DES CERCLES]II[turne] verbe intransitifA.[DÉCRIRE DES CERCLES]1. [se mouvoir autour d'un axe - girouette] to turn, to revolve ; [ - disque] to revolve, to spin ; [ - aiguille de montre, manège] to turn, to go round (UK) ou around ; [ - objet suspendu, rouet, toupie] to spin (round (UK)) ou around ; [ - aile de moulin] to turn ou to spin round (UK) ou around ; [ - clef, pédale, poignée] to turn ; [ - hélice, roue, tour] to spin, to rotateb. [vite] to spin (round and round)je voyais tout tourner everything was spinning ou swimminga. [pièce de monnaie, manège, roue] to spinb. [clef] to turn2. [se déplacer en cercle - personne] to go round (UK) ou around ; [ - oiseau] to fly ou to wheel round (UK) ou around, to circle (round (UK)) ou around ; [ - insecte] to fly ou to buzz round (UK) ou around ; [ - avion] to fly round (UK) ou around (in circles), to circle ; [ - astre, satellite] to revolve, to go round (UK) ou aroundj'ai tourné 10 minutes avant de trouver à me garer I drove round for 10 minutes before I found a parking space3. (familier) [être en tournée - chanteur] to (be on) tournotre représentant tourne dans votre région en ce moment our representative is in your area at the momentB.[CHANGER D'ORIENTATION, D'ÉTAT]1. [changer de direction - vent] to turn, to veer, to shift ; [ - personne] to turn (off) ; [ - véhicule] to turn (off), to make a turn ; [ - route] to turn, to bendla chance ou la fortune a tourné (pour eux) their luck has changed3. (familier) [se succéder - équipes] to rotateles médecins tournent pour assurer les urgences the doctors operate a rota system to cover emergenciesbien tourner [situation, personne] to turn out well ou satisfactorilymal tourner [initiative, plaisanterie] to turn out badly, to go wrongun jeune qui a mal tourné a youngster who turned out badly ou went off the straight and narrow5. [s'altérer - lait] to go off (UK), ou bad (US), to turn (sour) ; [ - viande] to go off (UK) ou bad ; [ - crème, mayonnaise] to curdlefaire tourner du lait/une mayonnaise to curdle milk/mayonnaiseC.[MARCHER, RÉUSSIR]1. [fonctionner - compteur] to go round (UK) ou around ; [ - taximètre] to tick away ; [ - programme informatique] to runle moteur tourne the engine's running ou goingl'heure ou la pendule tourne time passesfaire tourner une entreprise [directeur] to run a businessce sont les commandes étrangères qui font tourner l'entreprise orders from abroad keep the business going2. [réussir - affaire, entreprise, économie] to be running well————————[turne] verbe transitifA.[FAIRE CHANGER D'ORIENTATION]1. [faire pivoter - bouton, clé, poignée, volant] to turn2. [mélanger - sauce, café] to (give a) stir ; [ - salade] to toss3. [diriger - antenne, visage, yeux] to turntourner son regard ou les yeux vers to turn one's eyes ou to look towardstourner son attention vers to focus one's attention on, to turn one's attention to4. [retourner - carte] to turn over ou up (separable) ; [ - page] to turn (over) (separable) ; [ - brochette, grillade] to give a turn, to turn (over) (separable)tourner quelque chose contre un mur to turn something against ou to face a walltourner et retourner, tourner dans tous les sensa. [boîte, gadget] to turn over and overb. [problème] to turn over and over (in one's mind), to mull over6. (locution)a. (sens propre) to nauseate somebody, to turn somebody's stomachB.cinématélévision1. [cinéaste]a. [cinéaste] to shoot ou to film a sceneb. [acteur] to play ou to act a sceneelle a tourné plusieurs fois avec Pasolini she played in several of Pasolini's films (UK) ou movies (US)silence, on tourne! quiet please, action!C.[METTRE EN FORME]3. [transformer]tourner quelque chose à son avantage/désavantage to turn something to one's advantage/disadvantagetourner quelque chose/quelqu'un en ridicule to ridicule something/somebody, to make fun of something/somebody————————tourner à verbe plus prépositiontourner au burlesque/drame to take a ludicrous/tragic turnle temps tourne à la pluie/neige it looks like rain/snow————————tourner autour de verbe plus préposition1. [axe] to move ou to turn roundl'escalier tourne autour de l'ascenseur the staircase spirals ou winds round the lift2. [rôder]a. [généralement] to hang ou to hover round somebodyb. [pour le courtiser] to hang round somebodya. [par désœuvrement] the children had been hanging around outside the shop for a whileb. [avec de mauvaises intentions] the children had been loitering outside the shop for a whileles réparations devraient tourner autour de 200 euro the repairs should cost around ou should cost about ou should be in the region of 200 euro4. [concerner - suj: conversation] to revolve round, to centre ou to focus on ; [ - suj: enquête policière] to centre on————————tourner en verbe plus prépositionto turn ou to change into————————se tourner verbe pronominal intransitif1. [faire un demi-tour] to turn roundtourne-toi, je me déshabille turn round ou turn your back, I'm getting undressed2. [changer de position] to turnde quelque côté qu'on se tourne wherever ou whichever way you turn————————se tourner contre verbe pronominal plus préposition————————se tourner en verbe pronominal plus préposition————————se tourner vers verbe pronominal plus préposition1. [s'orienter vers] to turn towards2. (figuré)se tourner vers quelqu'un/Dieu to turn to somebody/God -
11 aire
m.1 air (fluido).al aire libre in the open aircon el pecho al aire bare-chestedcambiar de aires to have a change of scenedejar algo en el aire to leave something up in the airestar en el aire to be in the airsaltar o volar por los aires to be blown sky hightomar el aire to go for a breath of fresh aira mi aire in my own wayaire acondicionado air-conditioningaire comprimido compressed airaire puro fresh airaire viciado foul air2 wind (viento).hoy hace mucho aire it's very windy today3 air, appearance (aspecto).tiene un aire a su madre she has something of her motherdarse aires (de algo) to put on airs (about something)4 resemblance, likeness, air, look.* * *1 air2 (viento) wind; (corriente) draught4 figurado (parecido) resemblance, likeness7 figurado (ambiente) atmosphere8 MÚSICA air, melody\al aire libre in the open air, outdoorscambiar de aires to change one's surroundings, have a change of scenerydarse aires to put on airsestar en el aire (en antena) to be on the airhacerse/darse aire to fan oneselfsaltar por los aires to blow uptener aires to put on airstomar el aire to take the air, get some fresh airvivir del aire to live on air¡vete a tomar (el) aire! familiar get lost!aire acondicionado air conditioningaire puro clean air* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=elemento) air¡fuera de aquí, aire! — * get out of here! scram! *
al aire, lanzar algo al aire — to throw sth into the air•
estar en el aire — [balón, paracaidista] to be in the air; (Radio) to be on (the) airtodo está en el aire hasta que se conozcan los resultados — it's all up in the air until the results are known
dejar una pregunta/problema en el aire — to leave a question/an issue up in the air
al aire libre — [con verbo] outdoors, in the open air; [con sustantivo] outdoor antes de s, open-air antes de sel concierto se celebró al aire libre — the concert was held outdoors o in the open air
una piscina al aire libre — an outdoor o open-air pool
salir al aire — (Radio) to go on (the) air•
saltar por los aires — to blow up, explode•
tomar el aire — to get some fresh airsalió a tomar un poco el aire — he went out to get o for some fresh air
¡vete a tomar el aire! — * scram! *, clear off! *
volar por los aires — to blow up, explodea mi/tu/su aire —
ir a su aire — to go one's own way, do one's own thing *
darle un aire a algn —
aire colado — cold draught, cold draft (EEUU)
2) (Meteo) (=viento) wind; (=corriente) draught, draft (EEUU)•
dar aire a algn — to fan sbla prensa no da aire al éxito del gobierno — the press is giving no coverage to the government's success
darse aire — to fan o.s.
aires de cambio — (Pol) winds of change
3) (=aspecto) airlos techos altos le daban un aire señorial a la casa — high ceilings gave a stately air to the house
tienen aire de no haber roto un plato en su vida — they look as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths
eso te pasa por darte aires de superioridad — that's what happens when you think you're better than everyone else o when you put on airs
4) (=parecido)¿no le notas un aire con Carlos? — don't you think he looks a bit like Carlos?
darse un aire a algn — to look a bit like sbaire de familia — family resemblance, family likeness
5) (=aerofagia) wind6) (=garbo) style, panache7) (Mús) air* * *1) airal aire libre — outdoors, in the open air
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq); cambiar or mudar de aire(s): necesito cambiar de aires I need a change of scene o air; dejar a alguien en el aire to leave somebody in suspense; quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air; su futuro quedó en el aire his future hung in the balance; saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up; vivir del aire — to live on air
3) (Rad, TV)salir al aire — to go out
4)a) ( aspecto) airdarse aires (de grandeza) — to put on o give oneself airs
b) ( parecido) resemblance5) (Mús) tuneaires populares — traditional tunes o airs
* * *= air.Ex. This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.----* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* aire acondicionado = air-conditioning.* aire a presión = air pressure.* aire caliente = hot air.* aire cargado = fug.* aire comprimido = compressed air.* aire de optimismo = air of optimism.* aire de superioridad = condescension, condescension, attitude of superiority.* aire fresco = fresh air.* aire puro = fresh air.* aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.* aire viciado = fug.* al aire libre = open-air, outdoors, in the open, out of doors.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* aparato de aire acondicionado = air conditioner.* a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.* bocanada de aire = gust of wind, blast.* bocanada de aire caliente = gust of warm air, gust of hot air, gust of heat.* bocanada de aire fresco = breath of fresh air.* bolsa de aire = air bag [airbag].* bolsa de aire caliente = pocket of warm air.* calentador de aire = air heater.* calidad del aire = air quality.* cambiar de aire = move on to + pastures new.* cambiar de aires = change + scenery.* cambio de aires = change of air and scene, change of scenery, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.* castillo en el aire = castle in the air.* circulación del aire = air flow, airflow.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* compresor de aire = air compressor.* con aire acondicionado = air conditioned.* conducto de aire = air duct.* conducto de aire caliente = hot air duct.* con el culo al aire = out in the cold.* contaminación del aire = air pollution.* contaminante del aire = air pollutant.* con un aire de = with an air of.* corriente de aire = air current, draught [draft, -USA].* dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.* darse aires = strut.* darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.* dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dispersado por el aire = wind-blown, wind-borne.* echarse una cana al aire = have + a fling.* echarse una canita al aire = have + a fling.* echar una cana al aire = one-night stand, kick up + Posesivo + heels.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una cana al aire cuando joven = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una canica al aire = disport + Reflexivo.* ejército del aire = Army Air Force, Air Force.* en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.* entrada de aire = air intake.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espray de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* filtro del aire = air cleaner.* flujo del aire = airflow.* globo de aire caliente = hot-air balloon.* haber un aire de emoción = there + be + an air of excitement.* haber un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.* hacer saltar por los aires = blow + sky high.* índice de calidad del aire = air quality index.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* juego de exterior, juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lata de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* llevado por el aire = wind-borne.* llevar por el aire = waft.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* masa de aire = air mass.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* palos al aire = a stab in the dark, a shot in the dark.* pared con cámara de aire = cavity wall.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* presión del aire = air pressure.* purificación del aire = air purification.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* racha de aire = blast.* ráfaga de aire = blast.* rejilla para el aire = air vent.* respirarse emoción en el aire = there + be + an air of excitement.* respirarse un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* salida de aire = venting.* sistema de aire acondicionado = air conditioning system, air cooling system.* soplado por el aire = wind-blown.* suspender en el aire = hover.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.* toma de aire = air intake.* transmitido por el aire = airborne [air-borne].* transportado por el aire = wind-borne, wind-blown.* transportar por aire = airlift.* tubo de aire caliente = hot air duct.* un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.* ventilador del aire = heater blower.* volar en el aire = fly in + the air.* * *1) airal aire libre — outdoors, in the open air
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq); cambiar or mudar de aire(s): necesito cambiar de aires I need a change of scene o air; dejar a alguien en el aire to leave somebody in suspense; quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air; su futuro quedó en el aire his future hung in the balance; saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up; vivir del aire — to live on air
3) (Rad, TV)salir al aire — to go out
4)a) ( aspecto) airdarse aires (de grandeza) — to put on o give oneself airs
b) ( parecido) resemblance5) (Mús) tuneaires populares — traditional tunes o airs
* * *= air.Ex: This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.
* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* aire acondicionado = air-conditioning.* aire a presión = air pressure.* aire caliente = hot air.* aire cargado = fug.* aire comprimido = compressed air.* aire de optimismo = air of optimism.* aire de superioridad = condescension, condescension, attitude of superiority.* aire fresco = fresh air.* aire puro = fresh air.* aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.* aire viciado = fug.* al aire libre = open-air, outdoors, in the open, out of doors.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* aparato de aire acondicionado = air conditioner.* a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.* bocanada de aire = gust of wind, blast.* bocanada de aire caliente = gust of warm air, gust of hot air, gust of heat.* bocanada de aire fresco = breath of fresh air.* bolsa de aire = air bag [airbag].* bolsa de aire caliente = pocket of warm air.* calentador de aire = air heater.* calidad del aire = air quality.* cambiar de aire = move on to + pastures new.* cambiar de aires = change + scenery.* cambio de aires = change of air and scene, change of scenery, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.* castillo en el aire = castle in the air.* circulación del aire = air flow, airflow.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* compresor de aire = air compressor.* con aire acondicionado = air conditioned.* conducto de aire = air duct.* conducto de aire caliente = hot air duct.* con el culo al aire = out in the cold.* contaminación del aire = air pollution.* contaminante del aire = air pollutant.* con un aire de = with an air of.* corriente de aire = air current, draught [draft, -USA].* dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.* darse aires = strut.* darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.* dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dispersado por el aire = wind-blown, wind-borne.* echarse una cana al aire = have + a fling.* echarse una canita al aire = have + a fling.* echar una cana al aire = one-night stand, kick up + Posesivo + heels.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una cana al aire cuando joven = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una canica al aire = disport + Reflexivo.* ejército del aire = Army Air Force, Air Force.* en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.* entrada de aire = air intake.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espray de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* filtro del aire = air cleaner.* flujo del aire = airflow.* globo de aire caliente = hot-air balloon.* haber un aire de emoción = there + be + an air of excitement.* haber un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.* hacer saltar por los aires = blow + sky high.* índice de calidad del aire = air quality index.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* juego de exterior, juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lata de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* llevado por el aire = wind-borne.* llevar por el aire = waft.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* masa de aire = air mass.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* palos al aire = a stab in the dark, a shot in the dark.* pared con cámara de aire = cavity wall.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* presión del aire = air pressure.* purificación del aire = air purification.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* racha de aire = blast.* ráfaga de aire = blast.* rejilla para el aire = air vent.* respirarse emoción en el aire = there + be + an air of excitement.* respirarse un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* salida de aire = venting.* sistema de aire acondicionado = air conditioning system, air cooling system.* soplado por el aire = wind-blown.* suspender en el aire = hover.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.* toma de aire = air intake.* transmitido por el aire = airborne [air-borne].* transportado por el aire = wind-borne, wind-blown.* transportar por aire = airlift.* tubo de aire caliente = hot air duct.* un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.* ventilador del aire = heater blower.* volar en el aire = fly in + the air.* * *aire1A airsintió que le faltaba el aire en aquel cuarto tan pequeño she felt as if she was going to suffocate in that tiny roomabre la ventana, que entre un poco de aire open the window and let some (fresh) air invoy a salir a tomar el aire I'm going outside for a breath of fresh airtengo que ponerles aire a las ruedas I have to put some air in the tiresel globo se elevó por los aires the balloon rose up into the airuna piscina al aire libre an outdoor pool, an open-air pool ( BrE)debería pasar más tiempo al aire libre he ought to spend more time outdoors o out of doors o in the open airun vestido con la espalda al aire a backless dressdeja la herida al aire leave the wound uncovereddisparar un tiro al aire to fire a shot into the aira mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing ( colloq)cambiar or mudar de aire(s): lo que necesitas es cambiar de aires (cambio temporal) what you need is a change of scene o change of air; (cambio permanente) what you need is a change of sceneestar/dejar/quedar en el aire: todo quedó muy en el aire everything was left very much up in the airsu futuro quedó en el aire a question mark hung over his future, his future hung in the balanceno me contestó ni sí ni no, dejándome en el aire he left me in suspense, not giving me a definite yes or noestamos todos en el aire sin saber qué hacer we're all at a loss as to what to dosaltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow upCompuestos:air-conditioninglocal con (instalación de) aire acondicionado air-conditioned premisescompressed airuna escopeta de aire comprimido an air rifleun airecillo fresco a cool breeze¡qué calor! no corre nada de aire it's so hot! there's not a breath of windse daba aire con un abanico she was fanning herselfdarle un aire a algn ( fam): le dio un aire y quedó con la boca torcida he had some sort of stroke which left his mouth twistedC ( Rad, TV):estar en el or ( Méx) al aire to be on the air[ S ] en el aire on airsalir al aire to go outsale al aire en dos canales it goes out o is shown on two different channelsD1(aspecto): ese pequeño detalle le da un aire distinguido that little touch gives him a distinguished appearancetiene un aire extranjero she has a foreign air about hersu rostro tiene un aire infantil his face has a childish look about itsus composiciones tienen un aire melancólico her compositions have a melancholy feel to themesto tiene todo el aire de tratarse de una broma this looks for all the world like a jokecon ese aire de superioridad/inocencia que tiene with that air of superiority/innocence he hasla protesta tomó aires de revuelta the protest began to look like a revoltdarse aires to put on o give oneself airs2(parecido): ¿no le encuentras un aire con Alberto? don't you think he looks (a bit) like Alberto?se dan or tienen un aire they look a bit alike, there is a slight likeness o resemblance between themCompuesto:family resemblanceE ( Mús) tune, airaires populares castellanos traditional Castilian tunes o airsaire2* * *
Del verbo airar: ( conjugate airar)
airé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
aíre es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
aire sustantivo masculino
1 air;
salir a tomar el aire to go outside for a breath of fresh air;
al aire libre outdoors, in the open air;
aire acondicionado air-conditioning;
con aire acondicionado air-conditioned;
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq);
quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air;
saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up;
2 ( viento) wind;
( corriente) draft (AmE), draught (BrE)
3 (Rad, TV):
la protesta tomó aires de revuelta the protest began to look like a revolt;
darse aires (de grandeza) to put on o give oneself airs
aire sustantivo masculino
1 air
aire acondicionado, air conditioning
2 (aspecto) air, appearance
(parecido) resemblance: tiene un aire a su padre, she looks like her father
3 (viento) wind: hace aire, it's windy
4 Mús tune
5 Auto choke
6 aires (alardes, pretensiones) airs: ¡vaya unos aires de condesa que se da!, she really gives herself such airs
♦ Locuciones: al aire: (hacia arriba) tirar al aire, to throw into the air
(al descubierto) llevar los brazos al aire, to have one's arms uncovered
comer al aire libre, to eat in the open air
estar en el aire, (una pregunta, un proyecto) to be up in the air
Rad on the air
necesitar un cambio de aires, to need a change of scene
saltar por los aires, to blow up
tomar el aire, to get some fresh air
' aire' also found in these entries:
- acondicionado
- ahogar
- ahogarse
- bocanada
- bolsa
- bombear
- bombeo
- brizna
- cana
- castillo
- circular
- condescendiente
- corriente
- cortante
- desinflarse
- dotada
- dotado
- echar
- espantar
- familia
- frigoría
- globo
- hinchada
- hinchado
- izar
- inspiración
- mover
- pura
- puro
- refrigeración
- remolino
- remontar
- remontarse
- resuello
- sabor
- sofocarse
- surcar
- suspensión
- tomar
- vacía
- vacío
- viciar
- vilo
- volandas
- voltear
- acondicionador
- aliento
- bomba
- burbuja
- air gun
- air pocket
- air-conditioning
- airborne
- airlock
- breezy
- clear
- crisp
- dangle
- device
- dissipate
- door
- draught
- draughty
- festival
- foul
- fresh
- fug
- garden party
- gasp
- grim
- hair
- hang
- hover
- impure
- inhale
- intake
- jet
- jet-stream
- kiss
- likeness
- manner
- midair
- open
- open-air
- outdoor
- outdoors
- outdoorsman
- pipe dream
- pocket
- puff
- rush
- sardonically
- sleep out
- somersault
- spirit level
- spring
- still
- stuffy
* * *♦ nm1. [fluido] air;al aire [al descubierto] exposed;con el pecho al aire bare-chested;con las piernas al aire with bare legs, bare-legged;si duermes con los pies al aire te enfriarás if you sleep with your feet sticking out from under the covers, you'll catch cold;el médico le aconsejó que dejara la quemadura al aire the doctor advised him to leave the burn uncovered;disparar al aire to shoot into the air;disparó al aire she fired a shot into the air;aire-aire [misil] air-to-air;a esta rueda le falta aire this tyre is a bit flat;al aire libre in the open air;un concierto al aire libre an open-air concert;tú a tu aire, si te aburres vete a casa do whatever you like, if you're bored just go home;cambiar de aires to have a change of scene;el médico le recomendó cambiar de aires the doctor recommended a change of air;dejar algo en el aire to leave sth up in the air;estar en el aire [sin decidir] to be in the air;Rad & TV to be on the air;el resultado todavía está en el aire the result could still go either way;el programa sale al aire los lunes a las nueve the programme is broadcast on Mondays at nine o'clock;saltar o [m5]volar por los aires: el automóvil saltó o [m5] voló por los aires the car was blown into the air;tomar el aire to go for a breath of fresh air;Famvivir del aire [no tener nada] to live on thin air;[comer poco] to eat next to nothing;sin trabajo ni casa, ¿es que piensa vivir del aire? how does she expect to survive without a job or a home?aire acondicionado air-conditioning;aire comprimido compressed air;aire líquido liquid oxygen;aire del mar sea air;aire puro fresh air;aire viciado foul air2. [viento] wind;hoy hace mucho aire it's very windy today;cierra la puerta que entra aire close the door, there's a draughtaire polar polar wind;aire tropical tropical wind3. [aspecto] air, appearance;un vehículo de aire deportivo a sporty-looking car;tiene un aire distraído she has an absent-minded air about her, she comes across as rather absent-minded;su respuesta tenía un cierto aire de escepticismo there was a touch of scepticism about her answertiene un aire con alguien que conozco he reminds me of someone I know5.desde que es jefe se da muchos aires (de grandeza) since he became the boss he's been giving himself airsle dio un aire he had a fit[ritmo] tempo aire lento slow tempo;aire popular folk song, traditional song;aire rápido fast o upbeat tempo8. [ventosidad] wind;tener aire to have winddio aire a su novio she dumped her boyfriend♦ interjFam clear off!;¡aire, y no se te ocurra volver por aquí! clear off and don't let me see you here again!* * *m1 air;al aire libre in the open air;traer aire fresco a algo bring a breath of fresh air to sth;estar en el aire fig fam be up in the air fam ;dejar en el aire fig leave … up in the air;vivir del aire fam live on thin air;a mi aire in my own way2 MÚS tune3 ( viento):hace mucho aire it is very windy;corre mucho aire it is very windy;cambiar de aires have a change of scene4:darse aires fam give o.s. airs, put on airs and graces* * *aire nm1) : air2)aire acondicionado : air-conditioning3)darse aires : to give oneself airs* * *aire n1. (en general) air2. (viento) wind -
12 encima
adv.1 on top (arriba).pásame el de encima pass me the top one o the one on topel vecino de encima the upstairs neighborvivo encima de tu casa I live upstairs from youel pan está encima de la nevera the bread is on (top of) the fridgevive por encima de sus posibilidades he lives beyond his meanspor encima de todo more than anything else2 on top of that.encima de no hacerlo bien… on top of not doing it well…encima de ser tonto, es feo on top of being stupid, he's also uglypres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: encimar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: encimar.* * *► adverbio1 (más arriba) above, overhead; (sobre) on top2 (ropa etc) on, on top■ ¿llevas cambio encima? do you have any change on you?4 (además) in addition, besides5 familiar (por si fuera poco) what's more, on top of that, besides\de encima top, on top, aboveestar alguien encima de otro familiar to be on somebody's back, be breathing down somebody's neckpor encima de todo above allquitarse algo de encima / quitarse a alguien de encima figurado to get rid of something / get rid of somebodytener algo encima figurado to be just round the corner* * *adv.1) above, on top2) upon•* * *ADV1) [en el espacio]•
encima de — [con contacto] on top of; [sin contacto] above•
venirse encima de algn — [animal, vehículo] to come (straight) at sb, bear down on sb; [peso, mueble] to fall on (top of) sbno sabía lo que se le venía encima cuando llegara a casa — he didn't know what was going to hit him when he got home
con su actitud se echó encima a todos sus compañeros — he got on the wrong side of all his colleagues because of his attitude
tengo que estar siempre encima de mis hijos para que estudien — I always have to stand over my children to make them work
- hacerse encimamundo 5)2) [en el tiempo] upontenían ya la guerra encima — war was imminent o upon them
se nos echó la noche encima — it grew dark, night fell
se nos viene encima la fecha de la boda — the wedding is nearly upon us, the wedding is just around the corner
por encima —a) (=por lo alto) over•
por encima de — overha nevado por encima de los 2.500m — there is snow above o over 2,500 metres
estar por encima de algo — [en cantidad, nivel] to be above sth; [en preferencia] to come before sthestoy por encima de él en categoría — I'm higher in rank o level than him
b) (=superficialmente)4) (=además) on top of thatte lo envían a casa y encima te regalan un libro — they send it to your house and you get a free book too o as well
encima de — besides, as well asy luego, encima de todo lo que dijo, se fue sin disculparse — and then, as well as o on top of saying all that, he left without apologizing
5) esp Cono Sur•
encima mío/tuyo/ etc — above me/you/etc* * *1) ( en el espacio)2) ( en el tiempo)3) ( además)y encima no me lo devolvió — and on top of that, he didn't give it back
4) (en locs)encima de: encima de la mesa on the table; encima del armario on top of the cupboard; llevaba un chal encima de la chaqueta she wore a shawl over her jacket; viven encima de la tienda they live over o above the shop; encima de caro es feo not only is it expensive, it's also ugly; echarse algo encima < deuda> to saddle o land oneself with something; < problema> to take... upon oneself; echarse encima a alguien (AmL): se echó encima a todos los profesores he turned all the teachers against him; estar encima de alguien or estarle encima a alguien (fam) to be on at somebody (colloq); hacerse encima (fam & euf) ( orinarse) to wet oneself; ( hacerse caca): todavía se hace encima he still messes his pants; por encima: esparcir las almendras por encima sprinkle the almonds over it o on top; volaban por encima del pueblo they flew over the town; está por encima del jefe de sección she's higher up than o she's above the head of department; temperaturas por encima de lo normal above-average temperatures; lo leí por encima I just skimmed through it; le eché un vistazo muy por encima I just looked over it very quickly; una limpieza por encima a quick clean; por encima de todo: por encima de todo, que no se entere él above all o most important, he mustn't find out; pone su carrera por encima de todo she puts her career before anything else; quitarse or sacarse algo de encima <problema/tarea> to get something out of the way; quitarse or sacarse a alguien de encima — to get rid of somebody
* * *= on top, thereupon [thereon].Ex. Built for King Frederick William II. in 1788-91 with the Quadriga on top, a four-horse chariot driven by the goddess of Victory, holding the symbols of victory.Ex. The inspector may enter, inspect and examine an amusement park and the amusement devices and structures contained thereupon.----* actuar por encima de {Posesivo} capacidades = punch above + Posesivo + weight.* destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* echar por encima = top with.* echarse encima de = bear down on.* écharsele a Uno el día encima = make + hay while the sun shines.* encima de = on top of, above, atop.* estar de pie por encima de = stand over.* estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.* justo encima de = smack right on top of.* leer por encima = browse, skim, skim read.* leer rápidamente por encima = skim through.* mirar por encima = eyeball.* mirar por encima del hombre = look down + Posesivo + nose at.* mirar por encima del hombro = look over + Posesivo + shoulders, look down on/upon.* muy por encima de todo = over and above all.* pasar por encima = pass over.* pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.* poner encima = top with.* ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.* por encima = overhead.* por encima de = across, beyond, beyond all, over, over and above, beyond the range of, well over + Expresión Numérica, overarching, above.* por encima de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.* por encima de eso = beyond that.* por encima del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.* por encima de la tierra = aboveground.* por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.* por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.* por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.* por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.* quitarse a Alguien de encima = keep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + back, get + Nombre + off + Posesivo + back.* quitarse de encima = shake off.* quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.* quitarse un peso de encima = take + a weight off + Posesivo + mind, take + a load off + Posesivo + mind.* quitar un peso de encima = remove + burden from shoulders.* quitar un peso de encima a Alguien = lift + a weight off + Posesivo + shoulders.* sacudirse de encima = shake off.* sobresalir por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, a cut above the rest, stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* y encima = into the bargain.* * *1) ( en el espacio)2) ( en el tiempo)3) ( además)y encima no me lo devolvió — and on top of that, he didn't give it back
4) (en locs)encima de: encima de la mesa on the table; encima del armario on top of the cupboard; llevaba un chal encima de la chaqueta she wore a shawl over her jacket; viven encima de la tienda they live over o above the shop; encima de caro es feo not only is it expensive, it's also ugly; echarse algo encima < deuda> to saddle o land oneself with something; < problema> to take... upon oneself; echarse encima a alguien (AmL): se echó encima a todos los profesores he turned all the teachers against him; estar encima de alguien or estarle encima a alguien (fam) to be on at somebody (colloq); hacerse encima (fam & euf) ( orinarse) to wet oneself; ( hacerse caca): todavía se hace encima he still messes his pants; por encima: esparcir las almendras por encima sprinkle the almonds over it o on top; volaban por encima del pueblo they flew over the town; está por encima del jefe de sección she's higher up than o she's above the head of department; temperaturas por encima de lo normal above-average temperatures; lo leí por encima I just skimmed through it; le eché un vistazo muy por encima I just looked over it very quickly; una limpieza por encima a quick clean; por encima de todo: por encima de todo, que no se entere él above all o most important, he mustn't find out; pone su carrera por encima de todo she puts her career before anything else; quitarse or sacarse algo de encima <problema/tarea> to get something out of the way; quitarse or sacarse a alguien de encima — to get rid of somebody
* * *= on top, thereupon [thereon].Ex: Built for King Frederick William II. in 1788-91 with the Quadriga on top, a four-horse chariot driven by the goddess of Victory, holding the symbols of victory.
Ex: The inspector may enter, inspect and examine an amusement park and the amusement devices and structures contained thereupon.* actuar por encima de {Posesivo} capacidades = punch above + Posesivo + weight.* destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* echar por encima = top with.* echarse encima de = bear down on.* écharsele a Uno el día encima = make + hay while the sun shines.* encima de = on top of, above, atop.* estar de pie por encima de = stand over.* estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.* justo encima de = smack right on top of.* leer por encima = browse, skim, skim read.* leer rápidamente por encima = skim through.* mirar por encima = eyeball.* mirar por encima del hombre = look down + Posesivo + nose at.* mirar por encima del hombro = look over + Posesivo + shoulders, look down on/upon.* muy por encima de todo = over and above all.* pasar por encima = pass over.* pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.* poner encima = top with.* ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.* por encima = overhead.* por encima de = across, beyond, beyond all, over, over and above, beyond the range of, well over + Expresión Numérica, overarching, above.* por encima de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.* por encima de eso = beyond that.* por encima del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.* por encima de la tierra = aboveground.* por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.* por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.* por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.* por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.* quitarse a Alguien de encima = keep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + back, get + Nombre + off + Posesivo + back.* quitarse de encima = shake off.* quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.* quitarse un peso de encima = take + a weight off + Posesivo + mind, take + a load off + Posesivo + mind.* quitar un peso de encima = remove + burden from shoulders.* quitar un peso de encima a Alguien = lift + a weight off + Posesivo + shoulders.* sacudirse de encima = shake off.* sobresalir por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, a cut above the rest, stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* y encima = into the bargain.* * *A(en el espacio): le puso el pie/una piedra encima he put his foot/a stone on itno tengo or llevo dinero encima I don't have any money on mese me sentaron encima they sat on top of mese tiró el café encima she spilled the coffee over herselfvi el coche cuando ya lo tenía encima I didn't see the car until it was on top of meel autobús se nos venía encima the bus was coming straight at o toward(s) usse me vino el armario encima the cupboard came down on top of mese le vino encima una enorme responsabilidad he had to take on a great deal of reponsibilityB(en el tiempo): ya tenemos las fiestas encima the festive season is just around the cornerlos exámenes ya estaban encima the exams were already upon usla fecha se nos vino encima y no habíamos terminado the day arrived and we hadn't finishedse nos venía or echaba encima la noche night was falling (around us)C(además): es caro y encima de mala calidad it's expensive and, not only that, it's poor qualityle han dado el mejor lugar — ¡y encima se queja! they've given her the best seat — and she goes and complains!y encima, no me lo quiso devolver and then o and on top of that, he wouldn't give it back!D ( en locs):encima de: encima de la mesa on the tableencima del armario on top of the cupboardllevaba un chal encima de la chaqueta she wore a shawl over her jacketviven encima de la tienda they live over o above the shopencima de caro es feo as well as being expensive, it's (also) ugly o not only is it expensive, it's also uglyecharse algo encima ‹deuda› to saddle o land o ( BrE) lumber oneself with sth;‹problema› to take … upon oneselfecharse encima a algn ( AmL): se echó encima a todos los profesores he turned all the teachers against him, he got on the wrong side of all the teachers(hacerse caca): todavía se hace encima he still messes his pants o does it in his pantspor encima: esparcir las almendras por encima sprinkle the almonds over it o on topla miró por encima de los anteojos he looked at her over the top of his glasseslos aviones volaban por encima del pueblo the planes flew over the townella está por encima del jefe de sección she's higher up than o she's above the head of departmentpasar por encima de algn or pasarle por encima a algn (para un ascenso) to pass sb over; (para una consulta, queja) to go over sb's headtemperaturas por encima de lo normal above-average temperaturesun porcentaje muy por encima de la media a much higher than average percentageestá muy por encima de la competencia it is well ahead of the competitionlo leí muy por encima I skipped through itle eché un vistazo muy por encima I just looked over o through it very quicklyhice una limpieza muy por encima I gave the place a very quick cleanpor encima de todo: por encima de todo, que no se entere ella above all o most important, she mustn't find outpone su carrera por encima de todo she puts her career before anything elsequitarse or sacarse algo/a algn de encima: me saqué ese problema de encima I got that problem out of the waypor lo menos te has sacado ese peso de encima at least you've got that weight off your mindno sabía qué hacer para quitármela de encima I didn't know what to do to get rid of her* * *
encima adverbio
1 ( en el espacio):
no llevo dinero encima I don't have any money on me;
se tiró el café encima she spilled the coffee over herself;
se me vino el armario encima the cupboard came down on top of me
2 ( además):◊ ¡y encima se queja! and then she goes and complains!;
y encima no me lo devolvió and on top of that, he didn't give it back!
3 ( en locs)◊ encima de: encima de la mesa on the table;
encima del armario on top of the cupboard;
llevaba un chal encima de la chaqueta she wore a shawl over her jacket;
viven encima de la tienda they live over o above the shop;
encima de caro es feo not only is it expensive, it's also ugly;
por encima over;
saltó por encima he jumped over;
le eché un vistazo por encima I just looked over it quickly;
una limpieza por encima a quick clean;
por encima de above;
por encima de la media above average;
por encima de todo above everything;
volaban por encima de las nubes/del pueblo they flew above the clouds/over the town;
está por encima del jefe de sección she's above the head of department;
quitarse algo de encima ‹problema/tarea› to get sth out of the way;
quitarse a algn de encima to get rid of sb
encima adverbio
1 (en la parte superior de) on top: pon la maleta encima, put the case on top
2 (sobre uno) no tenía encima la documentación, she didn't have her papers on her
(sobre el cuerpo) se me cayó encima el café, I spilt the coffee over myself
se echó una manta encima, he put a blanket over himself
3 (sobre el espíritu, en la mente) tiene muchas preocupaciones encima, she has got lots of worries
4 (además) besides, on top of that: se estropeó el coche y encima empezó a nevar, the car broke down and then to cap it all it started to snow
no da ni golpe y encima se queja, he doesn't lift a finger and on top of all that he complains
5 (muy cerca) tengo encima el coche de detrás, the car behind is getting too close
(muy pendiente) on top of, in control of: tengo al jefe encima todo el día, I've got the boss breathing down my neck all day
♦ Locuciones: encima de, (sobre) on, over: vive encima de un bar, she lives above a bar
por encima, (superficialmente) hablamos de ello por encima, we scarcely talked about it
por encima de, over: los pájaros volaban por encima, birds flew overhead
' encima' also found in these entries:
- arriba
- cadáver
- casa
- echarse
- espachurrar
- estar
- fullera
- fullero
- hombro
- llevar
- montante
- mundo
- peso
- por
- quitarse
- saltar
- sobre
- superar
- atropellar
- mirada
- ojo
- posibilidad
- quitar
- tener
- todavía
- atop
- bear down on
- beyond
- bob
- body
- bung
- burn out
- canopy
- cave in
- clamber
- class
- dead
- disdain
- excel
- eye
- grape
- hold
- hover
- neck
- on
- one-upmanship
- over
- overhang
- overhead
- paint out
- plonk
- rise above
- rivet
- senior
- shake off
- sketchily
- skim
- stand
- standard
- top
- upon
- bargain
- by
- capacity
- carry
- first
- get
- go
- just
- keep
- look
- nag
- nose
- palm
* * *♦ adv1. [arriba] on top;[en el piso de arriba] upstairs;un pastel con una guinda encima a cake with a cherry on top;pásame el de encima pass me the top one o the one on top;yo vivo encima I live upstairs;el vecino de encima the upstairs neighbour;tienes encima un mosquito you've got a mosquito on you;Amde encima in addition, besides;le cayó encima la responsabilidad de dirigir el partido the responsibility of leading the party was thrust upon her;el autobús se le echó encima antes de que pudiera reaccionar the bus was upon him before he had time to react;tiene a su jefe encima todo el día his boss is on at him o on his back all day longse nos echó la noche encima night fell, night descended upon us3. [además] on top of that;está lejos y encima no hay transporte público it's a long way away and on top of that o what is more, there's no public transport;voy a consolarlo y encima me grita I go to comfort him and all he does is shout at meponte algo encima, vas a tener frío put something on, you'll be cold;¿llevas dinero encima? have you got any money on you?;le quitaron todo lo que llevaba encima they took everything he had with him♦ encima de loc prep1. [sobre, en] on (top of);el pan está encima de la nevera the bread is on (top of) the fridge2. [en lugar más alto que] above;encima de la montaña el cielo se encapotó the sky above the mountain clouded over;vivo encima de tu casa I live upstairs from you;estar encima de alguien [controlar, vigilar] to be on sb's back;mi madre está encima de mí todo el día my mother's on at me o on my back all day long3. [además de] as well as;encima de (ser) tonto, es feo as well as being stupid, he's also ugly;encima de no hacerlo bien… not only did he not do it well…♦ por encima loc adv1. [sobre la parte superior] on top;por encima lleva una capa de chocolate it has a layer of chocolate on top;había ropa por encima de la cama there were clothes on the bed2. [por arriba]la ciudad tenía una capa de contaminación por encima the city was covered with a layer of pollution;por encima de over;volaron por encima de los Alpes they flew over the Alps;el sol asomaba por encima de las montañas the sun was peeping over the mountainspor encima de over, above;un precio muy por encima de lo que habíamos presupuestado a price well over o above what we had budgeted for;una calidad muy por encima de lo habitual a much higher quality than usual;la salud de sus hijos está por encima de todo lo demás their childrens' health comes before everything else;está muy por encima de los otros alumnos he's far better than the other students;vive por encima de sus posibilidades he lives beyond his means;por encima de todo: por encima de todo, hazlo con mucho cuidado above all o first and foremost, be very careful;por encima de todo, lo que más me preocupa… what worries me more than anything else…;por encima de todo, no se lo digas a nadie whatever else you do, don't tell anyone;ponemos la seguridad por encima de todo we place safety first o before everything elsesólo lo he leído por encima I've only skimmed through it;ordené la casa por encima y me marché I gave the house a quick tidy up and left* * *adv1 on top;encima de on top of, on;por encima de over, above;por encima de todo above all;estar por encima de be above;echarse encima de alguien fig pounce on s.o.;la noche se nos echó encima night overtook us2:hacer algo muy por encima do sth very quickly;leí el artículo por encima I skimmed (through) the article3:no lo llevo encima I haven’t got it on me;ponerse algo encima put sth on4 ( cercano):el final del curso ya está encima we’re nearly at the end of the course already5 ( además):lo ayudo, y encima se queja I help him and then he goes and complains* * *encima adv1) : on top, above2) además: as well, besides3)encima de : on, on top of, over4)por encima de : above, beyondpor encima de la ley: above the law5)echarse encima : to take upon oneself6)7)quitarse de encima : to get rid of* * *encima adv1. (en) on2. (sobre) on top¿cuál? el que está encima which one? the one on top3. (sin tocar) over¡salta por encima! jump over!4. (además) on top of everything / on top of thatllegó tarde y, encima, se enfadó conmigo he arrived late and on top of that, he got angry with me -
13 wisieć
(-szę, -sisz); imp; -ś; vito hang; ( o helikopterze) to hoverwisieć na kimś — ( o ubraniu) to hang loose on sb
wisieć nad kimś — (przen) to hang over sb
wisieć na włosku — (przen) to hang by a thread
coś wisi w powietrzu — (przen) something is in the air
wisi mi to — pot I don't give a damn (about it) (pot)
* * *ipf.1. (= być powieszonym) hang; be suspended; całymi godzinami wisisz na telefonie! you're on the phone for hours on end!; egzamin wisi nade mną jak miecz Damoklesa the exam is hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles; kłótnia wisi w powietrzu quarrel is in the air l. wind; marynarka wisi w szafie the jacket is hanging in the wardrobe; mój awans wisi na włosku my promotion is hanging by a thread; na drzwiach wisiała tabliczka there was a plaque on the door; to mi wisi! pot. I don't give a damn (about it)!2. (= źle leżeć) ( o ubraniu) hang loose ( na kimś on sb); (o tkaninie, skórze) bag; ta kurtka wisi na tobie jak worek this jacket droops and sags.3. (= unosić się w powietrzu) hang (nad kimś/czymś over sb/sth); (o helikopterze, ptaku) hover (nad kimś/czymś over sb/sth); mgła wisi nad łąkami mist is hanging over the meadows.4. (= być uśmierconym przez powieszenie) hang; co ma wisieć, nie utonie if you're born to be hanged then you'll never be drowned.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wisieć
14 vacilar
v.1 to hesitate.El chico vaciló brevemente The boy hesitated briefly.2 to falter.3 to flicker (fluctuar) (light).La llama vaciló en el viento The flame flickered in the wind.4 to wobble, to sway.5 to swank, to show off (informal) (chulear).6 to tease, to pull the leg of, to ride, to spoof.María vaciló a Ricardo todo el día Mary teased Richard the whole day.* * *1 (oscilar) to sway, vacillate2 (estar poco firme) to wobble3 (al andar) to sway, stagger, wobble; (al hablar) to falter4 (luz) to flicker6 familiar (tomar el pelo) to joke, tease■ ¡no me vaciles! don't tease me!7 familiar (presumir) to show off\hacer vacilar figurado to shakesin vacilar without hesitationmemoria que vacila shaky memory* * *verb* * *1. VI1) (=dudar) to hesitate, waver; (=ser indeciso) to vacillate; (=esperar) to hold back from doing sthes un hombre que vacila mucho — he is a very indecisive man, he is a man who dithers a lot
2) (por falta de estabilidad) [mueble] to be unsteady, wobble[persona] (al andar) to totter, reel; (al hablar) to falter; [memoria] to fail; [moralidad] to be collapsing3) [luz] to flicker4) (=variar)un sabor que vacila entre agradable y desagradable — a taste which varies o ranges between nice and nasty
5) *(=guasearse)vacilar con algn — to tease sb, take the mickey out of sb **
6) (Méx)* (=divertirse) to have fun, lark about *; (=ir de juerga) to go on a spree7) * (=presumir) to talk big *, show off, swank *2. VT1) (=burlarse de) to take the mickey out of **, make fun of¡no me vaciles! — stop messing me about! *
2) (CAm)* (=engañar) to trick* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( dudar) to hesitateno vaciles más, hazlo — stop dithering and do it
vacilar en + inf — to hesitate to + inf
b) fe/determinación to waverc) luz to flicker3) (Esp, Méx fam) ( bromear) to joke, to kid (colloq)4) (AmL exc CS fam) ( divertirse) to have fun2.vacilar vt (Esp, Méx fam) to tease* * *= shake, waver, falter, vacillate, hang back, oscillate, baulk [balk, -USA], wobble.Ex. This attitude had to go and by the 1830s it was shaking.Ex. The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.Ex. The project faltered because the data became increasingly difficult to input and manipulate.Ex. Australia's treatment of information technology has vacillated between laissez faire and an interventionist strategy.Ex. This article explores the implications of these threats, maintaining that publishers cannot afford to hang back, but must innovate or atrophy.Ex. This dichotomy in Muslim history, which has oscillated between periods of piousness & decadence, demonstrates further disunity in the Muslim world.Ex. While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.Ex. This adaptation of David Leavitt's novel wobbles between comedy and melodrama, ultimately fudging the novel's spiky empathy.----* sin vacilar = unswervingly.* vacilar entre... y/o... = hover between... and/or....* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( dudar) to hesitateno vaciles más, hazlo — stop dithering and do it
vacilar en + inf — to hesitate to + inf
b) fe/determinación to waverc) luz to flicker3) (Esp, Méx fam) ( bromear) to joke, to kid (colloq)4) (AmL exc CS fam) ( divertirse) to have fun2.vacilar vt (Esp, Méx fam) to tease* * *= shake, waver, falter, vacillate, hang back, oscillate, baulk [balk, -USA], wobble.Ex: This attitude had to go and by the 1830s it was shaking.
Ex: The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.Ex: The project faltered because the data became increasingly difficult to input and manipulate.Ex: Australia's treatment of information technology has vacillated between laissez faire and an interventionist strategy.Ex: This article explores the implications of these threats, maintaining that publishers cannot afford to hang back, but must innovate or atrophy.Ex: This dichotomy in Muslim history, which has oscillated between periods of piousness & decadence, demonstrates further disunity in the Muslim world.Ex: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.Ex: This adaptation of David Leavitt's novel wobbles between comedy and melodrama, ultimately fudging the novel's spiky empathy.* sin vacilar = unswervingly.* vacilar entre... y/o... = hover between... and/or....* * *vacilar [A1 ]viA1 (dudar) to hesitaterespondió sin vacilar he replied without hesitating o without hesitationvacila entre aceptar la propuesta y seguir aquí she's hesitating over whether to accept the offer or stay here, she can't make up her mind whether to accept the offer or stay hereno vaciles más, hazlo stop dithering and do itvacilar EN algo:no vaciló en la elección he made his choice without hesitationno vacilaron en aceptar they did not hesitate to accept, they accepted without hesitation2 «fe/determinación» to waver3 «luz» to flicker1 «mueble» to wobble, rock2«persona»: vaciló pero enseguida recuperó el equilibrio she staggered/tottered but she regained her balance immediatelyvacilaba al andar, como si estuviese borracho he swayed from side to side as he walked, as if he were drunkD( AmL exc CS fam) (divertirse): vacilamos un montón en la fiesta we had a great time o a lot of fun at the party■ vacilarvt(Esp, Méx fam) to teaselo estuvieron vacilando toda la noche they were teasing him o pulling his leg all evening¡no me vaciles! be serious!* * *
vacilar ( conjugate vacilar) verbo intransitivo
no vaciló en aceptar he did not hesitate to accept, he accepted without hesitation
2 ( oscilar) [ persona] to stagger, totter
3 (AmL exc CS fam) ( divertirse) to have fun
vacilar verbo intransitivo
1 (titubear, dudar) to hesitate: vaciló en responder, he hesitated before answering
2 (una voz) to falter
(una luz) to flicker
3 argot (hacer burla soterradamente) to tease: ¿me estás vacilando?, are you winding me up?
4 argot (presumir, fanfarronear) to boast, show off
' vacilar' also found in these entries:
- falter
- hang back
- hesitate
- hold back
- little
- shilly-shally
- shrink
- straight
- vacillate
- waver
- dither
* * *♦ vi1. [dudar] to hesitate;contestó sin vacilar she replied without hesitation;vacilaba entre ambas opciones he hesitated o wavered between the two options;no vaciles más y subscríbete why wait? get your subscription today2. [voz, principios, régimen] to falter3. [fluctuar] [luz] to flicker;[pulso] to be irregular4. [oscilar] [mueble, persona] to wobbleuna moto de esas vacila mucho a bike like that is really cool♦ vtFam1. Esp, Carib, Méxme estás vacilando you're pulling my legvacílate ese carro get a load of that car, check out that car* * *I v/i3 Méx fam ( divertirse) have funII v/t fammake fun of* * *vacilar vi1) : to hesitate, to vacillate, to waver2) : to be unsteady, to wobble3) : to flicker* * *¡no me vaciles! come off it! -
15 rondar
v.1 to patrol.2 to court.3 to be around (edad, cifra).ronda los cuarenta años he's about forty4 to wander.me ronda una idea por la cabeza I've been turning over an idea in my head5 to hover around, to circle, to haunt, to hang round.* * *1 (vigilar) to patrol, do the rounds of2 peyorativo (merodear) to prowl around, hang about, haunt3 (cortejar) to woo, court4 figurado (estar cerca) to stalk1 (vigilar) to patrol2 (merodear) to prowl around, roam around3 (tocar y cantar por las calles) to busk, serenade4 (andar de noche) to roam at night, wander at night* * *verb1) to patrol, police2) haunt* * *1. VT1) [policía, soldado] to patrol2) [+ cifra, edad]3) (=perseguir)es una idea que me rondaba la cabeza desde hace tiempo — it's an idea which I've had going round in my head for quite a while
4) † (=cortejar) to court2. VI1) [policía, soldado] to (be on) patrol2) (=deambular) to prowl3) [pensamiento, idea]debes rechazar las dudas que te rondan por la cabeza — you must dispel the doubts that are besetting you
4) † [enamorado, la tuna] to serenade* * *1.verbo transitivo1) vigilante/patrulla to patrol2) pensamiento3) < lugar> to hang around4) ( cortejar) to court (dated or liter)5) ( acercarse a)la rentabilidad ronda el 3% — the yield is hovering around the 3% mark
6) ( dar serenata a) to serenade2.rondar vi1) vigilante/patrulla to be on one's round o beat, be on patrol2) ( merodear) to hang around3) ( dar serenata) to serenade* * *= be one step away from, walk (a)round, hang around, loiter (about/around), loaf (about/around), bum around, linger, prowl, hang about.Ex. Denigrating the ideas of others is just one step away from a personal attack and reflects the speaker's ineptness.Ex. He got up, and, putting hands in the pockets of his trousers, began to walk around the room.Ex. His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.Ex. A high-pitched sound said to be only audible to young people will be used to deter teenagers from loitering at night.Ex. The less you work, the less you spend and the more time you have for loafing about.Ex. He spent his early twenties bumming around the world and became fascinated by the differences and similarities in all of us.Ex. He lingered round the bookstall looking at the books and papers till a pert girl behind the counter asked him if he wouldn't like a chair.Ex. Told in rhyme, this is the story of a slinky black cat who prowls at night and becomes a thief.Ex. A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.----* pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de uno = thought + run through + Posesivo + head.* rondar + Número = hover around + Número.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) vigilante/patrulla to patrol2) pensamiento3) < lugar> to hang around4) ( cortejar) to court (dated or liter)5) ( acercarse a)la rentabilidad ronda el 3% — the yield is hovering around the 3% mark
6) ( dar serenata a) to serenade2.rondar vi1) vigilante/patrulla to be on one's round o beat, be on patrol2) ( merodear) to hang around3) ( dar serenata) to serenade* * *= be one step away from, walk (a)round, hang around, loiter (about/around), loaf (about/around), bum around, linger, prowl, hang about.Ex: Denigrating the ideas of others is just one step away from a personal attack and reflects the speaker's ineptness.
Ex: He got up, and, putting hands in the pockets of his trousers, began to walk around the room.Ex: His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.Ex: A high-pitched sound said to be only audible to young people will be used to deter teenagers from loitering at night.Ex: The less you work, the less you spend and the more time you have for loafing about.Ex: He spent his early twenties bumming around the world and became fascinated by the differences and similarities in all of us.Ex: He lingered round the bookstall looking at the books and papers till a pert girl behind the counter asked him if he wouldn't like a chair.Ex: Told in rhyme, this is the story of a slinky black cat who prowls at night and becomes a thief.Ex: A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.* pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de uno = thought + run through + Posesivo + head.* rondar + Número = hover around + Número.* * *rondar [A1 ]vtA «vigilante/patrulla» to patrolB«idea/pensamiento»: hace días que me ronda esa idea I've had that idea going around in my head for daysdebemos ahuyentar los malos pensamientos que nos rondan we must chase away the evil thoughts that beset usC ‹lugar› to hang aroundla gentuza que ronda el bar the rabble who hang around the barera como si la muerte lo estuviese rondando it was as if death were stalking himlleva varios años rondándola he's been courting her for several yearsE ‹cifra/edad›debe estar rondando los 60 she must be around/getting on for 60la rentabilidad ronda el 3% the yield is hovering around the 3% markF (dar serenata a) to serenade■ rondarviA (para vigilar) «vigilante/patrulla» to be on one's round o beat, be on patrolB (merodear) to hang aroundC (dar serenata) to serenade* * *
rondar ( conjugate rondar) verbo transitivo
b) [ pensamiento]:
d) ( acercarse a):
verbo intransitivo ( merodear) to hang around
I verbo transitivo
1 (a una mujer) to court frml
(a alguien con algún fin) to be after sb
2 (vagar, pasear de noche con un fin poco claro) to loiter, prowl around: un extraño ronda la casa desde ayer, a stranger has been prowling around the house since yesterday
3 (vigilar) to patrol
4 (estar en torno a, aproximarse a) to be about: el precio ronda los dos millones, the price is about two million
5 (gripe, sueño, enfermedad) to approach: me está rondando la gripe, I think I'm coming down with flu
(una idea) to think about: no sé qué le está rondando en la cabeza, I don't known what he has in his mind
II verbo intransitivo
1 (un vigilante, etc) to do the rounds
2 (un delicuente, alguien sospechoso) to loiter, prowl around
' rondar' also found in these entries:
- haunt
- push
* * *♦ vt1. [vigilar] to patrol;rondaban las calles en parejas they patrolled the streets in pairsle ronda el sueño he's about to drop off;♦ vi1. [vigilar] to patrol;rondaban en parejas they patrolled in pairs3. [edad, cifra] to be around;ronda los cuarenta años he's about forty;las pérdidas rondan los tres millones the losses are in the region of three million4. [cortejar] to serenade* * *I v/t1 zona patrol2:me ronda una idea I have an idea going around in my head3 mujer serenade4:rondar los treinta be around thirtyII v/i famhang around fam* * *rondar vt1) : to patrol2) : to hang aroundsiempre está rondando la calle: he's always hanging around the street3) : to be approximatelydebe rondar los cincuenta: he must be about 50rondar vi1) : to be on patrol2) : to prowl around, to roam about* * *rondar vb3. (rayar) to be nearlyronda los 30 años he's nearly 30 / he's about 30 -
16 encima
encima adverbio 1 ( en el espacio): no llevo dinero encima I don't have any money on me; se tiró el café encima she spilled the coffee over herself; se me vino el armario encima the cupboard came down on top of me 2 ( además):◊ ¡y encima se queja! and then she goes and complains!;y encima no me lo devolvió and on top of that, he didn't give it back! 3 ( en locs)◊ encima de: encima de la mesa on the table;encima del armario on top of the cupboard; llevaba un chal encima de la chaqueta she wore a shawl over her jacket; viven encima de la tienda they live over o above the shop; encima de caro es feo not only is it expensive, it's also ugly; por encima over; saltó por encima he jumped over; le eché un vistazo por encima I just looked over it quickly; una limpieza por encima a quick clean; por encima de above; por encima de la media above average; por encima de todo above everything; volaban por encima de las nubes/del pueblo they flew above the clouds/over the town; está por encima del jefe de sección she's above the head of department; quitarse algo de encima ‹problema/tarea› to get sth out of the way; quitarse a algn de encima to get rid of sb
encima adverbio
1 (en la parte superior de) on top: pon la maleta encima, put the case on top
2 (sobre uno) no tenía encima la documentación, she didn't have her papers on her (sobre el cuerpo) se me cayó encima el café, I spilt the coffee over myself
se echó una manta encima, he put a blanket over himself
3 (sobre el espíritu, en la mente) tiene muchas preocupaciones encima, she has got lots of worries
4 (además) besides, on top of that: se estropeó el coche y encima empezó a nevar, the car broke down and then to cap it all it started to snow
no da ni golpe y encima se queja, he doesn't lift a finger and on top of all that he complains
5 (muy cerca) tengo encima el coche de detrás, the car behind is getting too close (muy pendiente) on top of, in control of: tengo al jefe encima todo el día, I've got the boss breathing down my neck all day Locuciones: encima de, (sobre) on, over: vive encima de un bar, she lives above a bar
por encima, (superficialmente) hablamos de ello por encima, we scarcely talked about it
por encima de, over: los pájaros volaban por encima, birds flew overhead ' encima' also found in these entries: Spanish: añadidura - arriba - cadáver - casa - echarse - espachurrar - estar - fullera - fullero - hombro - llevar - montante - mundo - peso - por - quitarse - saltar - sobre - superar - atropellar - mirada - ojo - posibilidad - quitar - tener - todavía English: above - atop - bear down on - beyond - bob - body - bung - burn out - canopy - cave in - clamber - class - dead - disdain - excel - eye - grape - hold - hover - neck - on - one-upmanship - over - overhang - overhead - paint out - plonk - rise above - rivet - senior - shake off - sketchily - skim - stand - standard - top - upon - bargain - by - capacity - carry - first - get - go - just - keep - look - nag - nose - palm -
17 wi|sieć
impf (wiszę, wisiał, wisieli) vi 1. (być zawieszonym) to hang- pranie wisi na sznurze the washing is hanging on the line- klucz wisiał na gwoździu/haczyku the key hung from a nail/hook- zegar/obraz wisi na ścianie the clock/picture is hanging on the wall- obraz wisi krzywo the painting hangs at a. on a slant- na drzwiach wisi tabliczka there’s a plaque on the door- wisząca półka/szafeczka a hanging shelf/cupboard- lampa wisząca u sufitu a lamp hanging a. suspended from the ceiling2. (zwisać) to hang (down)- wiszące sople lodu hanging icicles- wiszący podbródek a sagging a. drooping chin3. [ubranie] to hang loosely (na kimś on sb); to flap (na kimś round sb)- płaszcz wisi na nim jak na wieszaku a. kołku his overcoat is all big and baggy- suknia wisi na niej jak worek her dress is all baggy4. (unosić się) to hang- mgła wisi nad doliną fog hangs over the valley- dym z papierosów wisiał w pokoju cigarette smoke hung a. floated in the room- orzeł wisiał w powietrzu the eagle hovered in mid-air5. [osoba] to hang- wisieć na szubienicy to hang on the gallows6. przen. (dać się odczuć) to be felt- w powietrzu wisiała nuda boredom hung a. could be felt in the air7. przen. (zagrażać) [niebezpieczeństwo, groźba] to hang, to hover- ciągle wisiało nad nami widmo aresztowania the spectre of arrest still hung over us- wisi nad nimi zagłada (the threat of) annihilation hangs over them a. hovers over their heads8. pot. (być winnym pieniądze) to owe- wisisz mi stówkę you owe me a hundred, that’s a hundred you owe me■ wisieć na stopniach tramwaju to travel a. be perched on the footboard of a tram- wisieć oczami a. wzrokiem a. spojrzeniem na kimś/na czymś to stare a. gaze at sb/sth searchingly- wisieć przy kimś to be dependent on sb, to live off sb- wisieć przy czyjejś spódnicy to be tied to sb’s apron strings- wisieć na telefonie pot. to be hogging the phone- godzinami/bez przerwy wisi na a. przy telefonie he spends hours on the phone, he never gets off the phone- wszystko mu wisi posp. he doesn’t care about anything- to mi wisi posp. I couldn’t care less, I’m past caring, I don’t give a damn (about that)- wisi mi nad głową jeszcze jeden egzamin I have another exam hanging over my head a. over me- jego kariera/życie wisi na włosku his career/life is hanging by a thread a. is on the line- przez kilka dni jego życie wisiało na włosku for several days he hovered on the brink of death a. it was touch and go for him- nasze małżeństwo wisi na włosku our marriage is on the skids a. in danger of breaking up- wojna wisi na włosku war is looming a. imminent- groźba bankructwa wisi nad nami jak miecz Damoklesa a. Damoklesowy the threat of bankruptcy hangs over us like the sword of Damocles- wisieć w próżni [działanie, plan] to be divorced a. remote from reality- jak wisieć, to za obie nogi przysł. I might as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb przysł., you can only die once przysł.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wi|sieć
18 hängen
v/i; hing, ist gehangen; bes. schw. oder altm. hängen1; mit Hangen und Bangen geh. in anxious anticipation; (knapp) barely; mit Hangen und Bangen bestehen geh. scrape through* * *das Hängenhanging* * *Hạn|gen ['haŋən]ntmit Hangen und Bangen — with fear and trembling
* * *das1) (the (act of) killing a criminal by hanging.) hanging2) (to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook: We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall.) hang3) (to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall: A door hangs by its hinges.) hang4) ((often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards: The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down.) hang* * *Han·gen<-s>[ˈhaŋən]nt* * *Iunregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; südd., österr., schweiz. mit sein1) hangdie Bilder hängen [schon] — the pictures are [already] up
der Schrank hängt voller Kleider — the wardrobe is full of clothes
der Weihnachtsbaum hängt voller Süßigkeiten — the Christmas tree is laden with sweets
etwas hängen lassen — (vergessen) leave something behind
2) (sich festhalten) hang, dangle (an + Dat. from)jemandem am Hals hängen — hang round somebody's neck; s. auch Rockzipfel
4) (an einem Fahrzeug) be hitched or attached (an + Dat. to)5) (herabhängen) hang downdie Beine ins Wasser hängen lassen — let one's legs dangle in the water
sich hängen lassen — (fig.) let oneself go
lass dich nicht so hängen! — (fig.) [you must] pull yourself together!
6) (unordentlich sitzen)im Sessel hängen — (erschöpft, betrunken) be or sit slumped in one's/the chair; (flegelhaft) lounge in one's/the chair
jemanden hängen lassen — (fig. ugs.): (jemandem nicht helfen) let somebody down
8) (haften) cling, stick (an + Dat. to)an/auf etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben — stick to something
von dem Vortrag bleib [bei ihm] nicht viel hängen — (fig.) not much of the lecture stuck (coll.)
ein Verdacht bleibt an ihr hängen — (fig.) suspicion rests on her
9) (festhängen)sie hing mit dem Rock am Zaun/in der Fahrradkette — her skirt was caught on the fence/in the bicycle chain
[mit dem Ärmel usw.] an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben — get one's sleeve etc. caught on/in something
[schon wieder] am Telefon/vorm Fernseher hängen — be on the telephone [again]/be in front of the television [again]
11) (sich nicht trennen wollen)an jemandem/etwas hängen — be very attached to somebody/something
12) (sich neigen) lean13) (ugs.): (angeschlossen sein)an etwas (Dat.) hängen — be on something
14) (ugs.): (nicht weiterkommen) be stuck15) (ugs.): (zurück sein) be behindhängen bleiben — (ugs.): (verweilen) get stuck (coll.); (ugs.): (nicht versekt werden) stay down; have to repeat a year
16) (entschieden werden)II 1.an/bei jemandem/etwas hängen — depend on somebody/something
transitives Verb1)etwas in/über etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang something in/over something
etwas an/auf etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang something on something
2) (befestigen) hitch up (an + Akk. to); couple on <railway carriage, trailer, etc.> (an + Akk. to)3) (hängen lassen) hang4) (erhängen) hangmit Hängen und Würgen — by the skin of one's teeth
5) (ugs.): (aufwenden)an/in etwas (Akk.) hängen — put <work, time, money> into something; spend <time, money> on something
6) (ugs.): (anschließen)2.jemanden/etwas an etwas (Akk.) hängen — put somebody/something on something; s. auch Glocke 1); Nagel 2)
reflexives Verb1) (ergreifen)sich an etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang on to something
sich ans Telefon hängen — (fig. ugs.) get on the telephone
2) (sich festsetzen) < smell> cling (an + Akk. to); <burr, hairs, etc.> cling, stick (an + Akk. to)sich an jemanden hängen — attach oneself to somebody; latch on to somebody (coll.)
4) (verfolgen)sich an jemanden/ein Auto hängen — follow or (coll.) tail somebody/a car
* * *hängen1 v/i; hängt, hing, hat/südd, österr, schweiz ist gehangen1. (befestigt sein) hang (an +dat on;es hängt schief/zu tief etc it’s not (hanging) straight/it’s (hanging) too low etc;jemanden hängen lassen umg, fig leave sb in the lurch2. (sich festhalten) hang;das Kind hing an i-r Hand/i-m Hals the child was hanging onto her hand/around her neck;sie hing aus dem Fenster umg (lehnte sich hinaus) she was hanging out of the window3. durch sein Gewicht etc: droop, hang down; (durchhängen) sag; (sich zur Seite neigen) be inclined, lean over (bis auf den Boden hängen Zweige, Tischdecke etc: hang down to the ground;die Köpfe der Blumen hängen (nach unten) the heads of the flowers are drooping;die Beine ins Wasser hängen lassen dangle one’s legs in the water;den Kopf/Schwanz hängen lassen hang one’s head/let its tail hang down;lass den Kopf nicht hängen! fig keep your head up;sich hängen lassen fig (sich gehen lassen) let o.s. go;lässig im Sessel hängen loll in the armchair;4. geh (unbeweglich schweben) float, hover;hängen über (+dat) Schicksal, Schwert etc: hang over;Wolken hängen am Himmel clouds float ( oder hang) in the sky;Rauch hing in der Luft smoke was hanging in the air5. (haften) cling, stick (6.hängen bleiben get ( oder be) caught (in +dat in); TECH jam, stick; Computer, Programm, Schallplatte: hang; umg, fig (nicht weiterkommen) be stuck; fig stick (im Gedächtnis in one’s mind); umg bei Freunden, in Kneipe etc: get stuck; (aufgehalten werden) be held up; SPORT be stopped (er blieb mit der Hose am Zaun hängen he caught his trousers (US pants) on the fence;ihr Blick/ein Verdacht blieb an ihm hängen her eyes/a suspicion rested on him;von dem Vortrag ist bei mir nicht viel hängen geblieben I can’t remember much of (what was said in) the talk;an mir bleibt alles hängen umg I get lumbered with everything, I end up having to do everything;die ganze Arbeit hängt an mir umg (bin verantwortlich) I’m responsible for all the work; (bin damit belastet) I’ve been lumbered with all the work umg;wo(ran) hängt’s? umg what’s the problem?;sie hängt in Latein umg she’s behind in Latin7. umg (sich aufhalten, sein) hang around (in +dat in;bei at);sie hängt den ganzen Tag vor dem Fernseher she’s glued to the TV all day8. (voll sein):der Baum hängt voller Früchte the tree is laden with fruit9. (angeschlossen sein) be connected (up) (to);der Computer hängt am Netz the computer is connected to the net(work), the computer is networked;sie hängt am Tropf/an der Herz-Lungen-Maschine she’s on a drip (US IV)/heart-lung machine10. fig:hängen an (+dat) an einem Brauch, am Leben etc: cling to; an jemandem: be very attached ( stärker: devoted) to; am Geld, an Besitz: love, be fond of; (abhängen von) depend on; (verbunden sein mit) be involved;du weißt ja nicht, was für mich alles daran hängt you’ve no idea how much is hanging on this as far as I’m concerned, you just don’t know what this means for me; → auch Faden1 3, Lippe etchängen2; hängt, hängte, hat gehängtA. v/t3. (hängen lassen) dangle;die Beine ins Wasser hängen dangle one’s legs in the water;den Kopf aus dem Fenster hängen stick one’s head out of the window4. (jemanden) hang;gehängt werden be hanged;5. fig:sein Herz an etwas (akk)hängen set one’s heart on sth;viel Arbeit/Mühe/Zeit an oderin etwas (akk)B. v/r:sich an jemanden/etwas hängen hang on to sb/sth, auch gefühlsmäßig: cling to sb/sth;sich ans Telefon hängen umg get on the telephone;sich an jemandes Fersen hängen (jemanden verfolgen) follow close on sb’s heels;sich aus dem Fenster hängen hang out of the window;sich in etwas (akk)* * *Iunregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; südd., österr., schweiz. mit sein1) hangdie Bilder hängen [schon] — the pictures are [already] up
etwas hängen lassen — (vergessen) leave something behind
2) (sich festhalten) hang, dangle (an + Dat. from)jemandem am Hals hängen — hang round somebody's neck; s. auch Rockzipfel
3) (erhängt werden) hang; be hanged4) (an einem Fahrzeug) be hitched or attached (an + Dat. to)5) (herabhängen) hang downsich hängen lassen — (fig.) let oneself go
lass dich nicht so hängen! — (fig.) [you must] pull yourself together!
im Sessel hängen — (erschöpft, betrunken) be or sit slumped in one's/the chair; (flegelhaft) lounge in one's/the chair
7) (geh.): (schweben, auch fig.) hang (über + Dat. over)jemanden hängen lassen — (fig. ugs.): (jemandem nicht helfen) let somebody down
8) (haften) cling, stick (an + Dat. to)an/auf etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben — stick to something
von dem Vortrag bleib [bei ihm] nicht viel hängen — (fig.) not much of the lecture stuck (coll.)
ein Verdacht bleibt an ihr hängen — (fig.) suspicion rests on her
9) (festhängen)sie hing mit dem Rock am Zaun/in der Fahrradkette — her skirt was caught on the fence/in the bicycle chain
[mit dem Ärmel usw.] an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben — get one's sleeve etc. caught on/in something
10) (ugs.): (sich aufhalten, sein) hang around (coll.)[schon wieder] am Telefon/vorm Fernseher hängen — be on the telephone [again]/be in front of the television [again]
an jemandem/etwas hängen — be very attached to somebody/something
12) (sich neigen) lean13) (ugs.): (angeschlossen sein)an etwas (Dat.) hängen — be on something
14) (ugs.): (nicht weiterkommen) be stuck15) (ugs.): (zurück sein) be behindhängen bleiben — (ugs.): (verweilen) get stuck (coll.); (ugs.): (nicht versekt werden) stay down; have to repeat a year
II 1.an/bei jemandem/etwas hängen — depend on somebody/something
transitives Verb1)etwas in/über etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang something in/over something
etwas an/auf etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang something on something
2) (befestigen) hitch up (an + Akk. to); couple on <railway carriage, trailer, etc.> (an + Akk. to)3) (hängen lassen) hang4) (erhängen) hang5) (ugs.): (aufwenden)an/in etwas (Akk.) hängen — put <work, time, money> into something; spend <time, money> on something
6) (ugs.): (anschließen)2.jemanden/etwas an etwas (Akk.) hängen — put somebody/something on something; s. auch Glocke 1); Nagel 2)
reflexives Verb1) (ergreifen)sich an etwas (Akk.) hängen — hang on to something
sich ans Telefon hängen — (fig. ugs.) get on the telephone
2) (sich festsetzen) < smell> cling (an + Akk. to); <burr, hairs, etc.> cling, stick (an + Akk. to)sich an jemanden hängen — attach oneself to somebody; latch on to somebody (coll.)
4) (verfolgen)sich an jemanden/ein Auto hängen — follow or (coll.) tail somebody/a car
* * *adj.hung adj. v.(§ p.,pp.: hing, gehangen)= to hang v.(§ p.,p.p.: hung) (•§ p.,p.p.: hanged•) -
19 hang
[hæŋ] 1. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. hung1)а) вешать, развешивать, подвешиватьShe was hanging wet clothes outside. — Она развешивала мокрое бельё на улице.
Hang out the flag, the victory is ours! — Вывешивай флаги, мы победили!
Syn:б) подвешивать (тушу, мясо животных; чтобы дать стечь крови, довести до нужного состояния)2)а) висетьThe picture hangs right above the fireplace. — Картина висит прямо над камином.
She sat her legs hanging in the air. — Она сидела свесив ноги.
The coat hangs loosely on his body. — Пальто на нём висит.
б) свисать; покачиватьсяSyn:в) = hang over нависать ; парить, зависать, висеть в воздухе (о птицах, облаках)Clouds are hanging low overhead. — Низкие облака висят над головой.
Syn:3)а) прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. hanged вешать; казнить через повешениеHe hanged himself with a guitar string. — Он повесился на гитарной струне.
We all were to be hanged upon a gibbet. — Все мы были приговорены к виселице.
б) быть повешенным, казнённымBoth men were sentenced to hang. — Оба человека были приговорены к повешению.
He hanged for his crimes. — Он был повешен за свои преступления.
4) наклеивать, оклеивать ( обоями)5) ( hang with) украшать, развешивать для украшения (ленты, полосы, драпировку)The rooms were hung with tapestries. — Комнаты были завешаны гобеленами.
Syn:6) представлять на выставке, выставлятьHis pictures were not hung in that hall. — Его картины не были выставлены в том зале.
Syn:7) навешивать, надевать на петли ( дверь); ставить ( экипаж на рессоры)8) болтаться, быть хорошо подвешеннымHis tongue is hanged well enough. — У него достаточно хорошо подвешен язык.
9) делать поворот, разворот ( на машине)to hang a Ralph / Ralphie / right — повернуть направо
He hung a quick U-turn. — Он резко развернулся на 180 градусов.
10)а) ( hang on(to)) хвататься, цепляться (за что-л.) прям. и перен.She hung on his arm. — Она вцепилась ему в руку.
Hang onto my arm on this icy surface. — Держись за мою руку, здесь скользко.
We should hung onto the house and sell it later when prices are higher. — Нам надо попридержать дом и продать его, когда цены повысятся.
The old lady had only her religion to hang onto when all her family had gone. — После того, как у старой леди умерли все родственники, ей осталась лишь её вера.
б) ( hang to) упорствовать, не сдаваться; не отрываться (от какого-л. занятия)Dogs hung to the trail. — Собаки не теряли следа.
Syn:11) медлить, мешкать, не спешитьSyn:12)а) спускатьсяб) ( hang over) надвигаться, нависатьDoom hung over the nation. — Злой рок навис над страной.
I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me. — Ненавижу, когда надо мной висит незаконченная работа.
в) быть утомительным, мучительным; мучить, томить (кого-л.)Time hangs on his hands. — Время ему только в тягость.
13) ( hang (up)on) зависеть от (кого-л.)Election hangs on one vote. — Результаты выборов зависят от одного голоса.
The result will hang on whether the secret is discovered. — Результат будет зависеть от того, раскроют ли этот секрет.
Syn:14) быть неопределённым, сомнительнымto hang in balance — быть в неопределённом положении, колебаться
The decision is still hanging. — Решение всё ещё не принято.
15) ( hang on) быть полностью поглощённым, восторженно вниматьHe hung on her every word. — Он жадно ловил каждое её слово.
•- hang around
- hang round
- hang back
- hang behind
- hang in
- hang on
- hang out
- hang over
- hang together
- hang up••I'll be hanged if... — да провалиться мне сквозь землю, если...
As well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb. посл. — Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать.
to hang upon smb.'s lips / words — внимательно слушать, ловить каждое слово кого-л.
to hang the head / lip (down) — вешать голову, печалиться; трусить
to hang the groin / a leg / an arse — груб. мешкать, не решаться; тормозить
to hang by a thread / hair / an eyelid — висеть на волоске
to hang upon smb.'s sleeve — зависеть от кого-л.
- hang fire- hang loose
- hang one on smb.
- hang tough 2. сущ.1)а) склонённость, наклонб) то, как что-л. повешено или висит; манера, вид (чего-л. склонённого, висящего)the brilliance of the hang — прекрасно продуманная экспозиция, красота размещения экспонатов ( на выставке)
the hang of the dress — посадка; то, как сидит платье
в) спорт. вис2) склон, скат; уклон; покатостьSyn:3) диал. что-л. висящее, свисающее, нависающее4) пауза, остановка; ослабление, замедление, торможение (движения, развития чего-л.)Syn:5) австрал.; новозел.; разг. блин, чёртit's a hang of a (hangava, hanguva, etc.) wet day — ну и сыро сегодня, чёрт побери!
Syn:••not a hang — ни черта, нисколько
to get the hang of smth. — разг. освоить, овладеть чем-л.; усвоить, понять что-л.
I don't care a hang. — Мне по фигу, наплевать.
It's not worth a hang. — Это и яйца выеденного не стоит.
20 vie
vie [vi]feminine nouna. life• c'est la belle vie ! this is the life!• c'est la vie ! that's life!• avoir la vie dure [préjugé, superstition] to die hard* * *vi1) gén, Biologie life2) ( période) lifepasser sa vie à faire — gén to spend one's life doing; ( tout le temps) to spend all one's time doing
à vie — [bannir, défigurer, marquer] for life; [bannissement, suspension] lifetime (épith); [emprisonnement, adhésion, président] life (épith)
3) ( activité) lifenotre vie de couple — our relationship; château
4) ( vitalité) lifemanquant de vie, sans vie — [personne, lieu] lifeless
5) ( biographie) life6) Technologie ( durabilité) life••avoir la vie dure — [préjugés] to be ingrained
mener la vie dure à quelqu'un — to make life hard for somebody, to give somebody a hard time
faire la vie — (colloq) [enfants] to have a wild time; [adultes] to live it up (colloq)
à la vie, à la mort! — till death us do part!
* * *vi nfavoir la vie dure (= persister) (clichés, habitudes) — to die hard
* * *vie nf1 gén, Biol life; sauver la vie de qn to save sb's life; rendre la vie à qn to bring sb back to life; risquer sa vie to risk one's life; sacrifier ou donner sa vie pour qn to give one's life for sb; devoir la vie à qn to owe sb one's life; être en vie to be alive; maintenir qn en vie to keep sb alive; il y a laissé sa vie that was how he lost his life; sans vie lifeless; on l'a retrouvé sans vie they found him dead; donner la vie à qn to bring sb into the world; sauver des vies to save lives; vie végétale/animale/humaine plant/animal/human life; être entre la vie et la mort [malade] to hover between life and death; y a-t-il une vie après la mort? is there life after death?; y a-t-il de la vie sur Mars? is there life on Mars?;2 ( période) life; avoir une vie dure to have a hard life; pour la vie for life; courte/longue vie short/long life; sur or vers la fin de leur vie toward(s) the end of their lives; la peur/course de ma vie the fright/race of my life; elle a travaillé toute sa vie she worked all her life; je ne vous ai jamais vu de ma vie I've never seen you in my life; pour la première fois de ma vie for the first time in my life; il n'y a pas que le travail/l'amour dans la vie there's more to life than work/love; avoir quelqu'un dans sa vie to have somebody in one's life; partager la vie de qn to share one's life with sb; ce n'est pas la femme de ma vie she's not the love of my life; que feras-tu dans la vie? what are you going to do in life?; faciliter la vie à qn to make life easier for sb; vivre sa vie to lead one's own life; passer sa vie à faire gén to spend one's life doing; ( tout le temps) to spend all one's time doing; à vie [bannir, défigurer, marquer] for life; [bannissement, suspension] lifetime ( épith); [emprisonnement, adhésion, président] life ( épith); œuvre d'une vie work of a lifetime; c'est la chance de ta vie it's the chance of a lifetime; durer toute une vie to last a lifetime; tu as toute la vie devant toi you've got your whole life in front of you;3 ( activité) life; la vie urbaine/rurale city/country life; la vie culturelle/professionnelle cultural/professional life; la vie moderne/actuelle modern/ present day life; la vie d'entreprise corporate life; mener une vie de luxe to lead a life of luxury; la vie est chère the cost of living is high; avoir une vie active/sédentaire to lead an active/a sedentary life; mode de vie lifestyle; apprendre/connaître la vie to learn/know what life is all about; notre vie de couple our relationship, our life together (as a couple); comment réussir sa vie de couple how to live together and make it work; ⇒ bâton, enterrer;4 ( vitalité) life; prendre vie to come to life; reprendre vie to come back to life; déborder de vie to be bursting with life; donner de la vie à un personnage to bring a character to life; donner de la vie à une fête to liven up a party; mettre de la vie dans qch to liven sth up; plein de vie [personne, lieu] full of life; manquant de vie, sans vie [personne, lieu] lifeless;5 ( biographie) life; écrire la vie de qn to write a life of sb; la vie de Mozart the life of Mozart;vie active Sociol working life; vie antérieure former life; vie chère high cost of living; vie éternelle eternal life; vie de famille family life; vie intérieure inner life; vie privée private life; vie quotidienne daily life; vie spirituelle spiritual life.c'est la vie! that's life!; ça c'est la vie!, c'est la vie d'artiste! this is the life!; ce n'est pas une vie! it's no life!; quelle vie! what a life!; ainsi va la vie that's the way it goes; ils ont la belle vie they have a good life; c'est la belle vie! what a life!; ( en ce moment) this is the life!; une vie de chien○ a dog's life; avoir la vie dure [préjugés] to be ingrained; mener la vie dure à qn to make life hard for sb, to give sb a hard time; faire la vie○ [enfants] to have a wild time; [adultes] to live it up○; à la vie, à la mort! till death us do part!; entre eux c'est à la vie à la mort with them it's for life.[vi] nom fémininla vie animale/végétale animal/plant life2. [existence] lifeà la fin de sa vie at the end of his life, late in lifeà Julie, pour la vie to Julie, forever ou for evera. [ne pas être pressé] to have all the time in the worldb. [être jeune] to have one's whole life in front of oneêtre entre la vie et la mort to be hovering between life and death, to be at death's door3. [personne] life4. [entrain] lifea. [ressemblant] true to life, lifelikeb. [énergique] lively, full of life5. [partie de l'existence] lifela vie affective/intellectuelle/sexuelle love/intellectual/sex life6. [façon de vivre - d'une personne, d'une société] life, lifestyle, way of life ; [ - des animaux] lifela vie en Australie the Australian lifestyle ou way of lifedans la vie, l'important c'est de... the important thing in life is to...faire ou mener la vie dure à quelqu'un to make life difficult for somebodyrefaire sa vie to start afresh ou all over againc'est la vie!, la vie est ainsi faite! such is ou that's life!c'est la belle vie ou la vie de château! this is the life!7. [biographie] lifeil a écrit une vie de Flaubert he wrote a life ou biography of Flaubert8. [conditions économiques] (cost of) livingdans ce pays, la vie n'est pas chère prices are very low in this country10. TECHNOLOGIE life————————à vie locution adjectivale————————en vie locution adjectivaleêtre toujours en vie to be still alive ou breathing————————sans vie locution adjectivale
См. также в других словарях:
hover over — {v. phr.} 1. To remain close or above. * /The rescue helicopter was carefully hovering above the stranded rock climbers./ 2. To watch over; supervise. * / Mother! Phillip cried, if you don t stop hovering over me, I ll go bananas! / … Dictionary of American idioms
hover over — {v. phr.} 1. To remain close or above. * /The rescue helicopter was carefully hovering above the stranded rock climbers./ 2. To watch over; supervise. * / Mother! Phillip cried, if you don t stop hovering over me, I ll go bananas! / … Dictionary of American idioms
hover\ over — v. phr. 1. To remain close or above. The rescue helicopter was carefully hovering above the stranded rock climbers. 2. To watch over; supervise. Mother! Phillip cried, if you don t stop hovering over me, I ll go bananas! … Словарь американских идиом
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hang — [haŋ] vt. HUNG, hanging; for vt. 3 & vi. 5, hanged is the preferred pt. & pp. hung [ME hangen, with form < OE vi. hangian & ON vi. hanga; senses < these, also < OE vt. hon & ON caus. v. hengja; akin to Ger vi. hangen, vt. hängen, to… … English World dictionary
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