1 domestic user
споживач побутових товарів; побутовий користувач -
2 exclusive
виключний; ексклюзивний; який виключає; монопольний; недоступний, із обмеженим доступом- exclusive agentexclusive character of state jurisdiction regarding its own citizens — виключна юрисдикція держави стосовно своїх громадян
- exclusive agreement
- exclusive authority
- exclusive commitment
- exclusive contract
- exclusive control
- exclusive dealing agreement
- exclusive domain
- exclusive economic right
- exclusive economic zone
- exclusive entitlement
- exclusive export right
- exclusive fishing rights
- exclusive import right
- exclusive jurisdiction
- exclusive liability
- exclusive licence
- exclusive license
- exclusive marketing right
- exclusive occupation
- exclusive of
- exclusive of smth.
- exclusive ownership
- exclusive possession
- exclusive possessor
- exclusive power
- exclusive privilege
- exclusive representative
- exclusive right
- exclusive sales right
- exclusive selling right
- exclusive sovereignty
- exclusive user -
3 non-
префікс, що позначає заперечення або відсутність; нерідко перекладається префікомnon-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life, non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life, non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life неподання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя становищі
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration to a sick person on the part of a medical worker — неподання допомоги хворому особою медичного персоналу
non-observance of the conditions of a contract — = non-observance of the terms of a contract порушення умов контракту ( угоди)
- non-acceptancenon-observance of the terms of a contract — = non-observance of the conditions of a contract
- non-access
- non-act
- non-actionable
- non-adjudicative
- non-adjudicative fact
- non-admission
- non-admittance
- non-adult
- non-affiliation
- non-age
- non-aggression
- non-aggression pact
- non-aggressive
- non-alcoholic
- non-aligned
- non-aligned countries
- non-aligned movement
- non-aligned state
- non-aligned status
- non-alignment
- non-alignment movement
- non-amicable
- non-appealable
- non-appearance
- non-arraignment
- non-attendance
- non-authoritarian
- non-belligerence
- non-belligerency
- non-belligerent
- non-binding
- non-cabinet agency
- non-cabinet minister
- non-cadreman
- non-capital murder
- non-career appointment
- non-career criminal
- non-career post
- non-citizen
- non-claim
- non-classified
- non-classified document
- non-coercive
- non-combatant
- non-commercial
- non-commercial organization
- non-commissioned officer
- non-committal
- non-committal reply
- non-committalism
- non-Communist
- non-Communist bloc of states
- non-comp.
- non-compelable witness
- non-compellable witness
- non-competition clause
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- non-compos
- non-compos mentis
- non-concur
- non-confidence
- non-confidence vote
- non-conforming
- non-conforming prisoner
- non-conformity
- non-constitutional
- non-constitutional authority
- non-content
- non-contentious proceedings
- non-contractual
- non-contractual case
- non-contractual liability
- non-contributory pension
- non-controversial
- non-controversial bill
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperationist
- non-corporate
- non-corporate body
- non-crime
- non-criminal
- non-criminal life
- non-criminal
- non-criminal prisoner
- non-criminal proceeding
- non-criminal proceedings
- non-cumulative
- non-custodial
- non-custodial penalty
- non-sanction
- non-custodial sentencing
- non-definitive
- non-definitive judgement
- non-definitive judgment
- non-delegable
- non-deliberate
- non-delivery
- non-democrat
- non-democratic
- non-departmental minister
- non-deputy
- non-detected delinquency
- non-deviation
- non-disclosure
- non-disclosure agreement
- non-discovery of the criminal
- non-discovery of the culprit
- non-discovery of the offender
- non-discretionary
- non-discriminating
- non-discriminating law
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-discriminatory law
- non-discriminatory law
- non-divulgence
- non-effective
- non-effective deterrent
- non-elected
- non-eligibility
- non-eligibility for office
- non-eligible for office
- non-enacted
- non-enacted law
- non-enforceability
- non-entry
- non-essential ignorance
- non-EU country
- non-evidence fact
- non-exclusive licence
- non-exclusive license
- non-exclusive
- non-exclusive use
- non-execution
- non-exempt
- non-existent
- non-expert opinion
- non-extradition
- non-feasance
- non-fulfilment
- non-fulfillment
- non-fulfilment of the decision
- non-gang offender
- non-governmental
- non-governmental body
- non-governmental organization
- non-governmental property
- non-governmental regulation
- non-immigrant
- non-immigrant visa
- non-immigrant
- non-independent
- non-independent country
- non-information
- non-infringing article
- non-infringing article
- non-institutional treatment
- non-intentional
- non-intentional fault
- non-intercourse
- non-interference
- non-intervention
- non-issuable
- non-issuable plea
- non-joinder
- non-judgemental
- non-judgmental
- non-judicial
- non-judicial agency
- non-judicial day
- non-judicial punishment
- non-juring
- non-jury
- non-jury case
- non-jury court
- non-legal
- non-legal employee
- non-lethal
- non-legislative
- non-legislative organization
- non-lethal weapon
- non-lethal weapons
- non-mailable
- non-mandatory
- non-marital
- non-marital sexual relations
- non-medical
- non-medical use of drugs
- non-member
- non-member state
- non-metropolitan county
- non-military
- non-military means
- non-military service
- non-ministration
- non-ministration of succor
- non-ministration of succour
- non-molestation order
- non-moral
- non-national
- non-negligent manslaughter
- non-negotiable
- non-nuclear
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-observance
- non-observance of traffic laws
- non-obvious
- non-obvious subject-matter
- non-offender
- non-official
- non-official majority
- non-parliamentary
- non-participation
- non-partisan
- non-partisan ballot
- non-partisan government
- non-party
- non-party minister
- non-patent
- non-patentability
- non-patentable
- non-payment
- non-payment of taxes
- non-pecuniary
- non-performance
- non-permanent
- non-permanent member
- non-police
- non-police enforcement
- non-police enforcement agency
- non-police enforcement body
- non-presidential appointment
- non-prison
- non-prison gang
- non-professional
- non-professional consul
- non-profit
- non-profit agency
- non-profit corporation
- non-profit organization
- non-proliferation
- non-proliferation treaty
- non-property
- non-property right
- non-pros.
- non-prosequitur
- non-prospectus company
- non-punishable
- non-punitive
- non-recognition
- non-recurrent
- non-recurrent levy
- non-recurrent transaction
- non-recurring
- non-recurring duty
- non-registrability
- non-relative
- non-relative adoption
- non-representative
- non-residence
- non-resident
- non-resident alien
- non-resident citizen
- non-resident patient
- non-residential care
- non-residential premises
- non-retroactivity
- non-retroactivity of law
- non-secular
- non-secular law
- non-secure
- non-secure setting
- non-secure shelter
- non-self-executing treaty
- non-self-governing
- non-self-governing territory
- non-signatory
- non-state
- non-statutory
- non-statutory authority
- non-statutory subject-matter
- non-substantive
- non-suit
- non-support
- non-tariff
- non-tariff barriers
- non-tariff regulation
- non-tax source
- non-taxable
- non-taxed
- non-term
- non-terminal
- non-testifying co-defendant
- non-transferable
- non-treaty based
- non-treaty based mechanism
- non-unanimous
- non-unanimous jury
- non-unanimous jury system
- non-union country
- non-union employer
- non-use
- non-use of force
- non-use of punishment
- non-user
- non-violent
- non-violent protest
- non-voter
- non-voting
- non-voting member
- non- wage benefits
- non-working
- non-working day
- non-working elements
- non-working time -
4 consumer
n ком., ек., марк. споживач; клієнт; a споживчий; споживацькийтой, хто фактично споживає або використовує товари (good) чи користується послугами (service¹) для задоволення особистих потреб; ♦ споживач не обов'язково мусить бути покупцем (purchaser) продукту чи послуги: напр., мати, яка купує спортивні черевики для дітей, вважається покупцем продукту, але його споживачами фактично є діти═════════■═════════average consumer середній споживач; college-educated consumer споживач з вищою освітою; conventional consumer звичайний споживач; direct consumer безпосередній споживач; domestic consumer внутрішній споживач; electricity consumer споживач електроенергії; end consumer кінцевий споживач; final consumer кінцевий споживач; gas consumer споживач газу; green consumer споживач екологічно чистих продуктів; health-conscious consumer споживач, який дбає про здоров'я; household consumers домогосподарства-споживачі; individual consumer окремий споживач; industrial consumer промисловий споживач • споживач товарів промислового призначення; interested consumer зацікавлений споживач; intermediate consumer проміжний споживач; large-scale consumer оптовий споживач; loyal consumer прихильний споживач • вірний споживач; nominal consumer номінальний споживач; personal consumer особистий споживач; potential consumer потенційний споживач; price-conscious consumer споживач, який вчасно реагує на ціну; primary consumer первинний споживач; prospective consumer потенційний споживач; quality consumer споживач високоякісних товарів; rational consumer раціональний споживач; reasonable consumer розсудливий споживач; retail consumer роздрібний споживач; secondary consumer вторинний споживач; semi-independent consumer напівнезалежний споживач; solvent consumer платоспроможний споживач; target consumer цільовий споживач; ultimate consumer кінцевий споживач; upper-income consumer споживач з високим рівнем доходу; weight-conscious consumer споживач, який стежить за своєю вагою═════════□═════════consumer advertising споживча реклама; consumer agreement договір зі споживачем; consumer awareness обізнаність споживача; consumer behaviour поведінка споживача; consumer behaviour research дослідження поведінки споживачів; consumer buying behaviour поведінка споживача; consumer choice вибір споживача • споживчий вибір; consumer commodities споживчі товари; consumer confidence довіра покупця; consumer confidence index індекс впевненості споживача; consumer convenience goods споживчі товари повсякденного користування; consumer cooperative споживчий кооператив; consumer credit споживчий кредит; consumer credit loan позика на споживчий кредит; consumer deal споживча угода; consumer demand споживчий попит; consumer demographic profile профіль демографічної статистики споживача; consumer demographics демографічні дані споживача • демографічна статистика споживача; consumer durables споживчі товари тривалого користування; consumer education навчання споживача; consumer equilibrium рівновага споживача • стан рівноваги споживача; consumer expectation survey обстеження очікувань споживачів; consumer goods; consumer industry промисловість споживчих товарів; consumer information споживча інформація; consumer lending кредитування споживачів; consumer list споживчий список; consumer loan споживча позика; consumer loyalty прихильність споживача; consumer magazines журнали для споживачів; consumer market споживчий ринок • ринок споживчих товарів; consumer motivation мотивація споживача; consumer needs споживчі потреби; consumer non-durables споживчі товари короткочасного користування; consumer ombudsman посередник у справі скарг споживачів; consumer panel група споживачів • комісія споживачів; consumer policy політика у сфері захисту споживачів; consumer price index; consumer products споживчі товари; consumer profile профіль споживача; consumer promotion стимулювання купівельного споживчого попиту; consumer protection захист споживача; consumer protection legislation законодавство у галузі захисту споживача; consumer relations споживчі відносини • відносини зі споживачами; consumer research вивчення споживача; consumer response реакція споживача; consumer sales продаж споживчих товарів; consumer service обслуговування споживачів; consumer sovereignty незалежність споживача • суверенітет споживача; consumer spending споживчі витрати; consumer spokesman представник споживачів; consumer stimulants споживчі стимули; consumer surplus надлишок споживача • споживчий надлишок; consumer survey опитування споживачів; consumer taste споживчий смак; consumer taxation оподаткування споживача; consumer transaction споживча операціяconsumer:: end-user; consumer: producer; consumer ‡ C. four principles of marketing (386)
См. также в других словарях:
Domestic discipline (lifestyle) — Domestic discipline (DD) is the practice of interspousal discipline with an emphasis on spanking as a punishment. Practitioners argue that domestic discipline is distinct from both domestic abuse, and activities such as erotic spanking and… … Wikipedia
Domestic technology — is the incorporation of applied science into the home. There are many aspects of domestic technology. On one level, there are home appliances, home automation and other devices commonly used in the home, such as clothes dryers and washing… … Wikipedia
Domestic Harmony — Studio album by Do Ré Mi Released 23 August 1985 Recorded Januar … Wikipedia
domestic — 01. [Domestic] violence is a serious problem in many societies. 02. I usually drink [domestic] beers, but sometimes I ll have an imported one as a special treat. 03. Our airline has more than 100 [domestic] flights a day. 04. Police were called… … Grammatical examples in English
user fee — Charges imposed on persons for the use of a particular facility. A charge designed only to make the user of state provided facilities pay a reasonable fee to help defray the costs of their construction and maintenance may be constitutionally… … Black's law dictionary
Outline of domestic violence — The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to domestic violence: Domestic violence – pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship, such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation.… … Wikipedia
Gross domestic product — GDP redirects here. For other uses, see GDP (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Gross national product or Gross domestic income. CIA World Factbook 2005 figures of total nominal GDP (top) compared to PPP adjusted GDP (bottom) … Wikipedia
Message transfer agent — Within Internet message handling services (MHS), a message transfer agent[1] or mail transfer agent[2] (MTA) or mail relay is software that transfers electronic mail messages from one computer to another using a client–server application… … Wikipedia
Power dividers and directional couplers — A 10 dB 1.7–2.2 GHz directional coupler. From left to right: input, coupled, isolated (terminated with a load), and transmitted port … Wikipedia
Cyworld — minihompy URL cyworld.co.kr (Korea) … Wikipedia
бытовой потребитель (газа) — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN domestic userhousehold customerhousehold userresidential customerresidential user … Справочник технического переводчика