1 domestic rate
национальный тариф
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > domestic rate
2 domestic rate
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > domestic rate
3 domestic rate
Телекоммуникации: национальный тариф -
4 domestic rate
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > domestic rate
5 domestic rate
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > domestic rate
6 national non-domestic rate
Англо-русский экономический словарь > national non-domestic rate
7 non domestic rate
гос. фин., преим. множ. = business rate -
8 non-domestic rate
гос. фин., преим. множ. = business rate -
9 domestic
1. прил.1)а) общ. домашний; семейныйdomestic cares [functions\] — обязанности по дому, домашние дела
See:domestic account 3), domestic labour, domestic partnership, 1), domestic violence, domestic relations order, domestic purposes benefitб) общ. бытовой (для домашнего потребления, в отличие от промышленного потребления)See:в) общ. домоседливый; любящий семейную жизньdomestic man [woman\] — домосед [домоседка\]
2)а) общ. внутренний ( находящийся или происходящий внутри страны или предприятия)domestic airport — внутренний аэропорт, аэропорт внутренних авиалиний
See:domestic account 1), domestic acquisition, domestic advertising, domestic affairs, domestic agreement, domestic analogy, domestic bill, domestic bond, domestic commerce, domestic consumption, domestic debt, domestic demand, domestic diplomacy, domestic distortion, domestic exchange ratio, domestic interest shock, domestic interest rate shock, domestic investment, domestic loan, domestic market 1), domestic marketer, domestic marketing, domestic merger, domestic outlet, domestic policy, domestic politics, domestic price, domestic public debt, domestic revenue effect, domestic resources, domestic savings, domestic subsidy, domestic support, domestic trade, Domestic Policy Councilб) общ. местный, отечественныйSee:domestic account 2), domestic applicant, domestic brand, domestic business, domestic company, domestic corporation, domestic currency, domestic exports, domestic food, domestic goods, domestic invention, domestic licensing, domestic market 2), domestic ordering, domestic owner, domestic patent, domestic production, domestic products, 2),в) сокр. D межд. эк., амер. местный* (один из статусов, присваиваемых товарам при допуске их в зону внешней торговли; этот статус присваивается товарам, которые были выращены или произведены на территории США либо ранее были ввезены на территорию США и прошли таможенную очистку (т. е. импортные товары, по которым были уплачены все причитающиеся пошлины и налоги))See:3) общ. домашний, прирученный ( о животных)2. сущ.1) общ. (домашняя) прислуга, слуги2) мн., эк., амер. товары отечественного производстваSee:import 1. 2) -
10 rate
1. n1) темп; уровень; показатель2) норма; размер•to accelerate / to speed up rates of growth — ускорять темпы роста
to harmonize VAT rates — согласовывать величину налога на добавленную стоимость / НДС
to improve the literacy rate — повышать процент грамотного населения / степень грамотности
- accounting exchange rateto raise at a rapid rate — расти / повышаться быстрым темпом
- activity rate
- activity rates
- annual growth rate
- annual rate of increase
- at a much slower rate
- at an easy rate
- at an even greater rate
- at prevailing rates of exchange
- at the black market rate
- at the official exchange rate
- at too low rate
- average annual rate
- average rate of profit
- bank lending rate
- bank lending rates
- bank rate
- bank rates
- basic rate
- birth rate
- black-market rate
- building societies' mortgage rates
- child mortality rate
- closing currency rates
- commercial interest rate
- commission rate
- common table of rates
- comparable rate of increase
- contribution rates
- crime rate
- currency exchange rate
- current rate
- cut in interests rates
- death rate
- decrease in the inflation rate
- discount rate
- divorce rate
- dollar rate
- economic growth rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective interest rate
- exchange rate between the dollar and the yen
- exchange rate
- fall in the exchange rate
- fixed exchange rate
- flexible exchange rate
- flexible rate
- floating rates of exchange
- floating rates
- fluctuations of currency exchange rate
- foreign exchange rates
- freight rates
- general rate
- growth rate
- high rate
- high tax rates
- household rate
- huge discrepancy in exchange rates
- illiteracy rate
- industrial growth rates
- infant mortality rate
- inflation rate
- interest rate
- interest rates are at an all-time high
- key discount rate
- lending rate
- lending rates
- literacy rate
- long-term rate of interest
- low rate
- mean annual rate
- mortality rate
- official rate of pay
- official rate
- operational exchange rate
- overall growth rate
- pay rate
- piecework rate
- population growth rate
- priority growth rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- rate of consumption
- rate of domestic capital formation
- rate of economic development
- rate of economic growth
- rate of exchange
- rate of growth
- rate of industrialization
- rate of inflation
- rate of interest
- rate of killing
- rate of population growth
- rate of profit
- rate of return
- rate of surplus value
- rate of unemployment
- rate of work
- rates of assessment
- rates of increase in the national income
- rates of increase of the national income
- record abstention rate
- recruitment rate
- reduction in interest rates
- reliability rate
- rise in interest rates
- rise in lending rates
- rise in the inflation rate to 3.5 per cent
- rising unemployment rate
- short-term rate of interest
- soaring inflation rate
- stable rate of exchange
- stable rates of growth
- steady exchange rate of the pound
- sterling rate
- survival rate
- target rate
- tariff rate
- time rate
- top marginal tax rate
- total rate
- two-tie rate of exchange
- unemployment rate
- value-added tax rates
- VAT rates
- wage rate s
- world market rates
- yen-dollar rate 2. vоценивать; исчислять; определять; измерять; устанавливать -
11 rate
12 domestic interest rate shock
межд. эк. шок внутренней процентной ставки* (резкое изменение национальной процентной ставки по сравнению с процентной ставкой в странах-основных партнерах по торговле и движению капитала, оказывающее сильное влияние на условия производства или уровень жизни)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > domestic interest rate shock
13 domestic interest shock
межд. эк. = domestic interest rate shockАнгло-русский экономический словарь > domestic interest shock
14 domestic price shock
межд. эк. шок внутренних цен*, внутренний ценовой шок* (резкое изменение общего уровня национальных цен или цен на какое-л. экономически важное благо, оказывающее сильное влияние на условия производства или уровень жизни)See: -
15 domestic interest rate
Биржевой термин: внутренняя процентная ставкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > domestic interest rate
16 rate of domestic capital formation
Политика: темп внутренних капиталовложенийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rate of domestic capital formation
17 rate of domestic capital formation
Politics english-russian dictionary > rate of domestic capital formation
18 business rate
тж. non-domestic rate, non domestic rate гос. фин., брит., преим. множ. местный налог на нежилую (коммерческую) недвижимость* (ставка местного налога, применяющаяся по отношению к предприятиям, а также по отношению к самой земле при отсутствии физических зданий, как например, угольные шахты и автостоянки; как правило, выше ставки местного налога на жилую недвижимость)See: -
19 electric rate
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > electric rate
20 uniform business rate
сокр. UBR гос. фин., брит. налог на коммерческую недвижимость (налог на коммерческую недвижимость в Англии и Уэльсе; собирается в общенациональный фонд, а затем распределяется между органами местного самоуправления; сумма налога рассчитывается путем умножения оценки стоимости недвижимости на соответствующую ставку, которая ежегодно устанавливается правительством)Syn:See:
См. также в других словарях:
domestic — 1 adjective 1 WITHIN ONE COUNTRY happening within a country and not involving any other countries: the domestic market | Domestic flights go from Terminal 1. 2 USED AT HOME used in the house or home: domestic appliance/equipment etc: Electricity… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Domestic violence — Domestic disturbance redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Domestic Disturbance. Domestic violence Classification and external resources eMedicine article/805546 MeSH … Wikipedia
Domestic liability dollarization — (DLD) refers to the denomination of banking system deposits and lending in a currency other than that of the country in which they are held. It is important to note that DLD does not refer exclusively to denomination in US dollars, as DLD… … Wikipedia
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE — DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, behavior used by one partner to control the other; it can include verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse and cuts across social strata. Although men can be abused, most victims are women. Children in abusive households… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Domestic containment in post–World War II America — Domestic containment was the domestic manifestation of the foreign policy of containment, articulated in 1947 by Foreign Service officer George F. Kennan. When applied to a domestic context, containment produced a suppression of all social and… … Wikipedia
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule — (DMCS) The basic framework for classifying domestic mail categories (mail classes) and postal services and for setting postal rates and fees. It represents the recommendations of the Postal Rate Commission as adopted by the USPS Board of… … Glossary of postal terms
domestic demand — ➔ demand * * * domestic demand UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS ► the total amount of money that is spent on goods and services by the people, companies, and government within a particular country, or that would be spent if the goods and services were… … Financial and business terms
Domestic trade — Domestic trade, also known as internal trade or home trade, is the exchange of domestic goods within the boundaries of a country. This may be sub divided into two categories, wholesale and retail. Wholesale trade is concerned with buying goods… … Wikipedia
Domestic sourcing — is the activity of contracting for goods or services that are delivered or manufactured within the buyers home country borders. Domestic sourcing is becoming central to the discussion of Buy American or the protectionist debate that is being… … Wikipedia
Domestic Mail Manual — (DMM) The USPS manual that contains the basic standards governing domestic mail services; descriptions of the mail classes and services and conditions governing their uses; and standards for rate eligibility and mail preparation. Domestic mail… … Glossary of postal terms
rate setting — The process by which postage rates and fees are changed under the joint responsibility of the USPS and the Postal Rate Commission (PRC). USPS managers recommend proposed rates for all mail classes to the Board of Governors; with the approval of… … Glossary of postal terms