1 domestic court
внутрішньодержавний суд (судовий орган), національний суд; суд у сімейних справах -
2 domestic court
національний суд; суд країни інкорпорації компанії; суд національної приналежності компанії -
3 domestic
домашній, сімейний; вітчизняний; внутрішній, внутрішньодержавний- domestic attachment
- domestic bill of lading
- domestic court
- domestic crime
- domestic crisis
- domestic disturbance
- domestic domicile
- domestic intelligence
- domestic investigation
- domestic investigator
- domestic judgement
- domestic judgment
- domestic jurisdiction
- domestic law
- domestic legal system
- domestic legislation
- domestic licensing
- domestic market
- domestic passport
- domestic peace
- domestic policy
- domestic politics
- domestic priority
- domestic producer
- domestic proceeding
- domestic proceeding
- domestic proceedings
- domestic relations action
- domestic relations court
- domestic-relations court
- domestic system
- domestic terrorism
- domestic tranquility
- domestic tribunal -
4 court
суд; зал суду; будівля суду; законодавчі збори; засідання законодавчих зборів; королівський двір; суддя; розм. час, призначений для слухання справи у суді; палацеве прийняттяcourt of appellate jurisdiction — апеляційний суд, апеляційна судова інстанція; суд другої інстанції
court of competent jurisdiction — належна судова інстанція, належний суд
court staffed by professional judges — суд, укомплектований професійними суддями
- court actioncourt's power of judicial review — право судового нагляду, право судового контролю
- court administration
- court and jury
- court appearance
- court-appointed
- court-appointed attorney
- court-appointed expert
- court-appointed lawyer
- court-appointed trustee
- court approval
- court-approved agreement
- court attendant
- court authorization
- court-authorized
- court-baron
- court below
- court brief
- court briefing
- court case
- court challenge of a decision
- court charges
- court Christian
- court christian
- court clerk
- court-committed
- court-committed inmate
- court competence
- court composition
- court costs
- court day
- court decision
- court decree
- court delay
- court determination
- court district
- court expert
- court expert's report
- court fee
- court fees
- court file
- court hearing
- court holding
- court house
- court-house
- court-imposed
- court-imposed fine
- court in banco
- court in bank
- court in camera
- court in session
- court in term time
- court in vacation
- court injunction
- court instance
- court investigator
- court judgement
- court judgment
- court jurisdiction
- court-like
- court-like body
- court-martial
- Court Martial Appeal Court
- court-martial for desertion
- court-martial prisoner
- court-martial summons
- court not of record
- court of admiralty
- court of aldermen
- court of appeal
- court of appeals
- court of appeal ruling
- court of appeals ruling
- court of arbitration
- Court of archdeacon
- court of assize and nisi prius
- court of assizes
- court of auditors
- court of bankruptcy
- court of cassation
- court of chivalry
- court of claims
- court of Common Council
- court of common law
- court of conciliation
- court of construction
- court of criminal appeal
- court of criminal correction
- court of domestic relations
- court of enquiry jurisdiction
- court of inquiry jurisdiction
- court of equity
- court of first appearance
- court of first instance
- court of general jurisdiction
- court of highest resort
- court of honor
- court of honour
- court of impeachment
- court of industrial relations
- court of inquiry
- court of inquiry jurisdiction
- Court of International Trade
- court of judiciary
- court of jurisdiction
- court of justice
- court of last resort
- court of law
- court of limited jurisdiction
- court of military appeals
- court of military justice
- court of nisi prius
- court of original jurisdiction
- court of oyer and terminer
- court of Passage
- court of petty sessions
- court of primary jurisdiction
- court of quarter sessions
- court of record
- court of referees
- court of second instance
- Court of Session
- court of sessions
- court of small claims
- court of special jurisdiction
- Court of St. James
- court of staple
- Court of Star Chamber
- court of summary jurisdiction
- court of summary prosecution
- court of superior jurisdiction
- court of swainmote
- Court of the Archbishop
- court of the communions
- court of the United States
- court of third instance
- court of trial
- court of wards
- court official
- court opinion
- court order
- court-ordered
- court-ordered desegregation
- court orders
- court practice
- court preference
- court president
- court prisoner
- court proceedings
- court procedure
- court processes
- court rate
- court receiver
- court record
- court record
- court records
- court referral
- court register
- court registry
- court report
- court reports
- court reporter
- court rolls
- court-room
- court rules
- court ruling
- court rulings
- court sentence
- court settlement
- court session
- court structure
- court style
- court system
- court taxes
- court trust
- court usage
- court usher
- court victory
- court with lay judges
- courts brief
- courts martial system
- court's approach
- court's budget
- court's calendar
- court's conclusion
- court's consent
- court's construction
- court's conviction
- court's decision
- court's decision for retrial
- court's duty
- court's expert
- court's holding
- court's independence
- court's initial ruling
- court's interpretation
- court's invalidation
- court's judgement
- court's judgment
- court's jurisdiction
- court's jurisprudence
- court's justice
- court's majority
- court's office
- court's offices
- court's opinion
- court's order
- court's position
- court's powers
- court's public session
- court's resolution of a case
- court's role
- court's ruling
- court's rules
- court's satisfaction
- court's unanimous opinion
- court's witness
- court's work -
5 court of domestic relations
суд у сімейних справах, сімейний судEnglish-Ukrainian law dictionary > court of domestic relations
6 domestic relations court
, -
7 domestic-relations court
8 supreme
верховний; який має верховенство; вищий, найвищий- supreme arbiter
- supreme authority
- supreme body
- Supreme Commander-in-Chief
- Supreme Court
- Supreme Court attorney
- Supreme Court Judge
- Supreme Court of Appeal
- Supreme Court of Judicature
- Supreme Court's interpretation
- supreme judge
- supreme judicial body
- supreme law of the land
- supreme legislative body
- supreme normative principle
- supreme over domestic law
- Supreme Pontiff
- supreme power
- supreme representative body
- Supreme Soviet -
9 fall
1) падіння; зниження; моральне падіння, втрата честі2) випадати; падати; переходити ( у спадщину); потрапляти ( під підозру тощо); гинути; падати морально; зазнавати краху•- fall apart
- fall due
- fall due for payment
- fall from grace
- fall heir
- fall in
- fall into a trap
- fall into abeyance
- fall into arrears
- fall into contempt
- fall into debt
- fall into desuetude
- fall into disuse
- fall into disrepute
- fall of regime
- fall on
- fall under
- fall under cognizance
- fall under suspicion
- fall under the article
- fall under the penumbra
- fall vacant
- fall within
- fall within cognizance
- fall within the competence
- fall within the jurisdiction
- fall within the scope -
10 law
1) закон; право ( як система законів); правознавство, законознавство; юстиція; професія юриста; суд, судовий процес, судова процедура; розм. юристи; правило; the law розм. поліція, поліцейський2) атриб. юридичний, законний, правовий•law based on judicial decisions — право, засноване на судових (прецедентних) рішеннях
law enforcement classification of confidential information — засекречування конфіденційної інформації поліцією ( або іншим правоохоронним органом)
law of international organizations — право, що регулює діяльність міжнародних організацій
law on amendments and additions — ( to the law on smth) закон про внесення змін і доповнень ( до закону про щось)
law on combating organized crime — = law on combatting organized crime закон про боротьбу з організованою злочинністю
- law-abiding citizenlaw on combatting organized crime — = law on combating organized crime
- law-abiding person
- law-abidingness
- law administration
- law agent
- law analogy
- law and equity
- law and order
- law-and-order
- law-and-order advocate
- law-and-order campaign
- law-and-order candidate
- law-and-order champion
- law-and-order force
- law and order maintenance
- law and usage of Parliament
- law application
- law as a career
- law as amended
- law as fact
- law as norm
- law blank
- law-book
- law books
- law-breaker
- law-breaking
- law case
- law canter
- law centre
- law changes
- law charge
- law charges
- law Christian
- law clerk
- law code
- law commentator
- law compliance
- law-complying
- law-complying citizen
- law-complying person
- law conference
- law costs
- law course
- law-court
- law courts
- law-creating
- law-creating process
- law-creating source
- law creation
- law day
- Law Day
- law defiance
- law-defying person
- law degree
- law department
- law dictionary
- law digest
- law doctorate
- law drafting
- law draftsman
- law due to expire
- law education
- law effectiveness
- law enforcement
- law-enforcement
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement action
- law enforcement administration
- law enforcement administrator
- law enforcement agencies
- law enforcement forces
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement agent
- law enforcement authority
- law enforcement body
- law enforcement classification
- law-enforcement community
- law enforcement duty
- law enforcement effectiveness
- law enforcement establishment
- law-enforcement executive
- law enforcement force
- law enforcement intelligence
- law enforcement investigator
- law enforcement manual
- law enforcement matter
- law-enforcement officer
- law-enforcement official
- law enforcement personnel
- law enforcement policy
- law enforcement procedure
- law enforcement process
- law enforcement statistics
- law enforcement structure
- law enforcement system
- law-enforcement technique
- law enforcer
- law enforcing body
- law examiner
- law-executing power
- law expenses
- law factory
- law faculty
- law firm
- law for the time being
- law form
- law-forming decision
- law French
- law-giver
- law-governed
- law-governed state
- law in effect
- law in force
- law in vigor
- law in vigour
- law-interpreting power
- law interpretation
- law is silent
- law judgement
- law judgment
- law language
- Law Latin
- law lecture
- law library
- law-list
- Law Lords
- law lords
- law-maker
- law-making
- law-making activity
- law-making body
- law-making instrument
- law-making power
- law-making process
- law-making treaty
- law manuscript
- law martial
- law matter
- law merchant
- law-monger
- law obedience
- law-obedient
- law obedient citizen
- law obedient person
- law observance
- law of accidental error
- law of agency
- law of arbitral procedure
- law of armed conflict
- law of arms
- law of business property
- law of casuality
- law of civil procedure
- law of conflict
- law of contract
- law of copyright
- law of corrections
- law of crime
- law of crimes
- law of criminal procedure
- law of domestic relations
- law of domestical relations
- law of employment
- law of enforceable rights
- law of equity
- law of evidence
- law of God
- law of immovable property
- law of industrial relations
- law of inheritance
- law of international trade
- law of landlord and tenant
- law of marriage
- law of master and servant
- law of merchant shipping
- lawof nations
- lawof nature
- law of neighboring tenements
- law of neighbouring tenements
- law of no effect
- law of obligation
- law of outer space
- law of peace
- law of persons
- law of power
- law of practice
- law of precedent
- law of prize
- law of procedure
- law of property
- law of property act
- law of quasi-contract
- law of real property
- law of rights
- law of self-preservation
- law of shipping
- law of substance
- law of succession
- law of talion
- law of the air
- law of the case
- Law of the Church
- Law of the church
- law of the Constitution
- law of the court
- law of the flag
- law of the jungle
- law of the land
- law of the land clause
- law of the sea
- law of the situs
- law of the staple
- law of the United Nations
- law of torts
- law of treaties
- law of trust
- law of wages
- law of war
- law of wills
- law offender
- law-office
- law office
- law officer
- law officers of the Crown
- law on additions
- law on amendments
- law on cooperation
- law on elections
- law on refugees
- law on the state budget
- law order
- law person
- law policy
- law position
- law practice
- law proceeding
- law proceedings
- law profession
- law professor
- law-protected
- law reform
- law remedy
- law report
- law reporter
- law reports
- law-restricted
- law review
- law revision
- law revision commission
- law school
- law school curriculum
- law side
- law sitting
- law society
- law spiritual
- law still in force
- law still in vigor
- law still in vigour
- law student
- law suit
- law system
- law teacher at the university
- law teaching
- law temporal
- law term
- law-term
- law terminology
- law terms
- law textbook
- law theory
- law-trained
- law treaty
- law-unabiding
- law-unabiding citizen
- law unacted upon
- law violation
- law-violator
- law was in being since...
- law wife
- law-writer
- law's provision
- laws of war -
11 non-
префікс, що позначає заперечення або відсутність; нерідко перекладається префікомnon-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life, non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life, non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life неподання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя становищі
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration to a sick person on the part of a medical worker — неподання допомоги хворому особою медичного персоналу
non-observance of the conditions of a contract — = non-observance of the terms of a contract порушення умов контракту ( угоди)
- non-acceptancenon-observance of the terms of a contract — = non-observance of the conditions of a contract
- non-access
- non-act
- non-actionable
- non-adjudicative
- non-adjudicative fact
- non-admission
- non-admittance
- non-adult
- non-affiliation
- non-age
- non-aggression
- non-aggression pact
- non-aggressive
- non-alcoholic
- non-aligned
- non-aligned countries
- non-aligned movement
- non-aligned state
- non-aligned status
- non-alignment
- non-alignment movement
- non-amicable
- non-appealable
- non-appearance
- non-arraignment
- non-attendance
- non-authoritarian
- non-belligerence
- non-belligerency
- non-belligerent
- non-binding
- non-cabinet agency
- non-cabinet minister
- non-cadreman
- non-capital murder
- non-career appointment
- non-career criminal
- non-career post
- non-citizen
- non-claim
- non-classified
- non-classified document
- non-coercive
- non-combatant
- non-commercial
- non-commercial organization
- non-commissioned officer
- non-committal
- non-committal reply
- non-committalism
- non-Communist
- non-Communist bloc of states
- non-comp.
- non-compelable witness
- non-compellable witness
- non-competition clause
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- non-compos
- non-compos mentis
- non-concur
- non-confidence
- non-confidence vote
- non-conforming
- non-conforming prisoner
- non-conformity
- non-constitutional
- non-constitutional authority
- non-content
- non-contentious proceedings
- non-contractual
- non-contractual case
- non-contractual liability
- non-contributory pension
- non-controversial
- non-controversial bill
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperationist
- non-corporate
- non-corporate body
- non-crime
- non-criminal
- non-criminal life
- non-criminal
- non-criminal prisoner
- non-criminal proceeding
- non-criminal proceedings
- non-cumulative
- non-custodial
- non-custodial penalty
- non-sanction
- non-custodial sentencing
- non-definitive
- non-definitive judgement
- non-definitive judgment
- non-delegable
- non-deliberate
- non-delivery
- non-democrat
- non-democratic
- non-departmental minister
- non-deputy
- non-detected delinquency
- non-deviation
- non-disclosure
- non-disclosure agreement
- non-discovery of the criminal
- non-discovery of the culprit
- non-discovery of the offender
- non-discretionary
- non-discriminating
- non-discriminating law
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-discriminatory law
- non-discriminatory law
- non-divulgence
- non-effective
- non-effective deterrent
- non-elected
- non-eligibility
- non-eligibility for office
- non-eligible for office
- non-enacted
- non-enacted law
- non-enforceability
- non-entry
- non-essential ignorance
- non-EU country
- non-evidence fact
- non-exclusive licence
- non-exclusive license
- non-exclusive
- non-exclusive use
- non-execution
- non-exempt
- non-existent
- non-expert opinion
- non-extradition
- non-feasance
- non-fulfilment
- non-fulfillment
- non-fulfilment of the decision
- non-gang offender
- non-governmental
- non-governmental body
- non-governmental organization
- non-governmental property
- non-governmental regulation
- non-immigrant
- non-immigrant visa
- non-immigrant
- non-independent
- non-independent country
- non-information
- non-infringing article
- non-infringing article
- non-institutional treatment
- non-intentional
- non-intentional fault
- non-intercourse
- non-interference
- non-intervention
- non-issuable
- non-issuable plea
- non-joinder
- non-judgemental
- non-judgmental
- non-judicial
- non-judicial agency
- non-judicial day
- non-judicial punishment
- non-juring
- non-jury
- non-jury case
- non-jury court
- non-legal
- non-legal employee
- non-lethal
- non-legislative
- non-legislative organization
- non-lethal weapon
- non-lethal weapons
- non-mailable
- non-mandatory
- non-marital
- non-marital sexual relations
- non-medical
- non-medical use of drugs
- non-member
- non-member state
- non-metropolitan county
- non-military
- non-military means
- non-military service
- non-ministration
- non-ministration of succor
- non-ministration of succour
- non-molestation order
- non-moral
- non-national
- non-negligent manslaughter
- non-negotiable
- non-nuclear
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-observance
- non-observance of traffic laws
- non-obvious
- non-obvious subject-matter
- non-offender
- non-official
- non-official majority
- non-parliamentary
- non-participation
- non-partisan
- non-partisan ballot
- non-partisan government
- non-party
- non-party minister
- non-patent
- non-patentability
- non-patentable
- non-payment
- non-payment of taxes
- non-pecuniary
- non-performance
- non-permanent
- non-permanent member
- non-police
- non-police enforcement
- non-police enforcement agency
- non-police enforcement body
- non-presidential appointment
- non-prison
- non-prison gang
- non-professional
- non-professional consul
- non-profit
- non-profit agency
- non-profit corporation
- non-profit organization
- non-proliferation
- non-proliferation treaty
- non-property
- non-property right
- non-pros.
- non-prosequitur
- non-prospectus company
- non-punishable
- non-punitive
- non-recognition
- non-recurrent
- non-recurrent levy
- non-recurrent transaction
- non-recurring
- non-recurring duty
- non-registrability
- non-relative
- non-relative adoption
- non-representative
- non-residence
- non-resident
- non-resident alien
- non-resident citizen
- non-resident patient
- non-residential care
- non-residential premises
- non-retroactivity
- non-retroactivity of law
- non-secular
- non-secular law
- non-secure
- non-secure setting
- non-secure shelter
- non-self-executing treaty
- non-self-governing
- non-self-governing territory
- non-signatory
- non-state
- non-statutory
- non-statutory authority
- non-statutory subject-matter
- non-substantive
- non-suit
- non-support
- non-tariff
- non-tariff barriers
- non-tariff regulation
- non-tax source
- non-taxable
- non-taxed
- non-term
- non-terminal
- non-testifying co-defendant
- non-transferable
- non-treaty based
- non-treaty based mechanism
- non-unanimous
- non-unanimous jury
- non-unanimous jury system
- non-union country
- non-union employer
- non-use
- non-use of force
- non-use of punishment
- non-user
- non-violent
- non-violent protest
- non-voter
- non-voting
- non-voting member
- non- wage benefits
- non-working
- non-working day
- non-working elements
- non-working time -
12 come
приходити; з'являтися ( до суду); потрапляти ( під підозру тощо)come under the exclusive jurisdiction of a sovereign state — підпадати під виключну юрисдикцію суверенної держави
- come aftercome within the provisions of the law — підпадати під закон, підпадати під дію закону
- come an informer
- come back
- come-back
- come clean
- come forward with the evidence
- come from
- come into
- come into a court
- come into an heirdom
- come into an inheritance
- come into being
- come into collision
- come into effect
- come into force
- come into office
- come into operation
- come loose
- come of age
- come of full age
- come of legal age
- come off duty
- come on
- come to agreement
- come to light
- come to no judgement
- come to no judgment
- come to nothing
- come to power
- come to terms
- come to the aid of others
- come to the throne
- come under
- come under cognizance
- come under jurisdiction
- come under legal attack
- come under suspicion
- come under the jurisdiction
- come up
- come up for one's trial
- come upon the track
- come within
- come within a pistol-shot
- come within cognizance
- come within jurisdiction
- come within the jurisdiction
- come within the purview -
13 exclusive
виключний; ексклюзивний; який виключає; монопольний; недоступний, із обмеженим доступом- exclusive agentexclusive character of state jurisdiction regarding its own citizens — виключна юрисдикція держави стосовно своїх громадян
- exclusive agreement
- exclusive authority
- exclusive commitment
- exclusive contract
- exclusive control
- exclusive dealing agreement
- exclusive domain
- exclusive economic right
- exclusive economic zone
- exclusive entitlement
- exclusive export right
- exclusive fishing rights
- exclusive import right
- exclusive jurisdiction
- exclusive liability
- exclusive licence
- exclusive license
- exclusive marketing right
- exclusive occupation
- exclusive of
- exclusive of smth.
- exclusive ownership
- exclusive possession
- exclusive possessor
- exclusive power
- exclusive privilege
- exclusive representative
- exclusive right
- exclusive sales right
- exclusive selling right
- exclusive sovereignty
- exclusive user -
14 keep
володіти; зберігати; тримати; переховувати ( майно); не порушувати (спокій, порядок); дотримуватися (правила, угоди)keep a general supervision over the working of the courts — здійснювати загальний нагляд за діяльністю судів
keep service information secret — тримати в таємниці службову інформацію ( інформацію для службового користування)
keep up a secret correspondence — (with smb.) підтримувати таємне листування ( з кимсь)
- keep a close watchkeep wages abreast of the cost of living — підвищувати заробітну плату в залежності від зростання вартості життя
- keep a disorderly house
- keep a family
- keep a record
- keep a secret
- keep a state secret
- keep a term
- keep back a crowd
- keep bad company
- keep behind bars
- keep books
- keep close
- keep dark
- keep discipline
- keep domestic peace
- keep from aggressive action
- keep from aggressive actions
- keep from court
- keep guard
- keep in a detention center
- keep in close confinement
- keep in confinement
- keep in custody
- keep in detention
- keep in jail
- keep in solitary confinement
- keep in thralldom
- keep informed
- keep itself in office
- keep law current
- keep lost property
- keep mandate
- keep minutes
- keep order
- keep out
- keep out of
- keep out of danger
- keep out of debt
- keep out of mischief
- keep peace
- keep power
- keep private
- keep record
- keep records
- keep record clean
- keep secrecy
- keep secret
- keep securely
- keep the law
- keep the peace
- keep to the left
- keep to the protocol
- keep to the reference
- keep to the right
- keep to the right left
- keep to the terms of reference
- keep track
- keep under detention
- keep under guard
- keep under heavy guard
- keep under intense guard
- keep under observation
- keep under surveillance
- keep under surveille
- keep within the law
- keep within the bounds of law
- keep within the law
- keep within the reference
- keep within the speed limit
- keep within the time-limit -
15 jurisdiction
n1) судочинство; здійснення правосуддя2) юрисдикція; підсудність; підвідомчістьwant of jurisdiction — непідсудність, некомпетентність
3) сфера повноважень; підвідомча галузь (сфера)* * *n1) судочинство, відправлення правосуддя2) юрисдикція; підсудність; підвідомчістьwant of jurisdiction — непідсудність, некомпетентність
3) підвідомча галузь; сфера повноважень; компетенція
См. также в других словарях:
Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina — This article refers to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a domestic court which includes international judges and prosecutors and a section for war crimes; it should not be confused with the separate International Criminal Tribunal for the… … Wikipedia
Domestic violence — Domestic disturbance redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Domestic Disturbance. Domestic violence Classification and external resources eMedicine article/805546 MeSH … Wikipedia
court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… … Law dictionary
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE — DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, behavior used by one partner to control the other; it can include verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical abuse and cuts across social strata. Although men can be abused, most victims are women. Children in abusive households… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Domestic drama — expresses and focuses on the realistic everyday lives of middle or lower classes in a certain society, generally referring to the post Renaissance eras. According to the English Communications Syllabus, domestic drama refers to a dramatic story… … Wikipedia
court of domestic relations — court of domestic re·la·tions often cap C&D&R: family court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
domestic — do·mes·tic /də mes tik/ adj 1: of or relating to the household or family a domestic servant domestic relations see also family court 2: of, relating to, or originating within … Law dictionary
domestic violence — domestic vi·o·lence n: violence committed by one family or household member against another see also restraining order at order Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
court of domestic relations — court′ of domes′tic rela′tions n. law a court that handles family controversies Also called domestic relations court,family court … From formal English to slang
Court-martial — redirects here. For other uses, see Court Martial (disambiguation). The field court martial of the Finnish 15th Brigade in July 1944 A court martial (plural courts martial, as martial is postpositive) is a military court. A court martial is… … Wikipedia
Domestic adoption — is the placing of a child within the same country as the child’s birth. This may be achieved through a private agency or the state, such as foster care. Contents 1 Domestic adoption 1.1 Open adoption 1.2 Confidential (a/k/a closed) adoption … Wikipedia