Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) guardar
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) guardar
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) manter
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) continuar a
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) guardar
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) cuidar
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) conservar
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) fazer
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) atrasar
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) sustentar
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) manter
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) celebrar
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) sustento
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch
    * * *
    [ki:p] n 1 sustento, manutenção, alimentação e moradia. 2 pasto, prado. 3 calabouço, prisão, masmorra, torre de menagem. • vt+vi (ps, pp kept) 1 ter, possuir, guardar. she keeps a thing close / ela sabe guardar um segredo. she keeps lodgers / ela tem inquilinos. 2 conservar, reter, deter. 3 reservar, guardar, ocultar. 4 cuidar, tomar conta, proteger, favorecer, resguardar, defender. she keeps guard over the treasure / ela vela o tesouro. they keep hold of their property / eles sabem guardar (ou defender) sua propriedade. 5 lembrar, ter em mente. 6 empregar, aproveitar. 7 impedir, deter, prevenir. 8 refrear, reprimir, abster-se. 9 manter, manter em condições, preservar, durar. keep your balance / não perca o seu equilíbrio. he keeps his countenance / ele mantém a calma. she keeps peace / ela mantém a paz. the meat will keep till tomorrow / a carne conservar-se-á até amanhã. 10 cultivar. 11 continuar, permanecer, prolongar. 12 celebrar, observar. 13 cumprir, executar, ser fiel à palavra. 14 alimentar, sustentar. I keep him on milk / alimento-o com leite. 15 armazenar, ter em estoque ou à venda. l6 manter(-se). he keeps his ground / ele mantém-se firme. 17 criar. 18 gerir, dirigir, ter um negócio. they keep a shop / eles têm uma loja. for keeps 1 para ficar com alguma coisa (não para devolver). 2 permanentemente, para sempre. he keeps pace with his friend ela anda ao mesmo passo que o seu amigo, fig iguala-o. he keeps the bed ele está acamado, doente. how are you keeping? como vai?, como tem passado? keep going! continua!, continua andando! keep the ball rolling! não ceda!, continue esforçando-se! keep your distance mantenha a distância (também fig). keep your hair on! sangue frio!, calma! keep your head! não perca a cabeça! to keep aloof manter-se afastado. to keep a low profile sl passar despercebido, tentar não chamar a atenção. to keep an eye on coll vigiar, tomar conta. to keep a straight face ficar sério. to keep asunder manter separado, estar desunido. to keep at it persistir numa coisa, manter-se firme, insistir em alguma coisa, empenhar-se. to keep away a) conservar-se afastado. b) abster-se. c) afastar(-se). to keep back a) retardar, reter o progresso. b) reservar uma parte, guardar um pouco. c) não contar, silenciar. d) conter, conservar baixo. e) segurar, parar no estômago. to keep body and soul together manter-se vivo. to keep books escriturar (contas). to keep clear of manter-se afastado de alguém ou de alguma coisa. to keep company a) ficar junto, estar em companhia. b) fig namorar. to keep down a) abaixar-se. b) oprimir, humilhar. c) reprimir. to keep fit conservar a forma. to keep from a) guardar, conservar. b) preservar. c) impedir, impossibilitar. d) sonegar. e) abster-se. to keep house ter casa. to keep in a) deter, reter. b) comprimir. c) não sair de casa, ficar em casa. d) ficar na parte de dentro. to keep in custody guardar, custodiar. to keep in mind ter em mente, lembrar-se. to keep in with someone estar às boas com alguém, estar bem com. to keep off a) reter, impedir, barrar. keep off! / mantenha distância!, cuidado!, cautela! b) afastar(-se), ficar longe de. c) repelir, rejeitar. d) evitar. to keep on a) continuar, prosseguir. for how long is this to keep on? / quanto tempo isto deve durar? b) avançar, seguir. c) ficar (com o chapéu na cabeça). d) ficar vestido. e) conservar, guardar, manter. to keep on at someone amolar, importunar. to keep one’s end up continuar, prosseguir, não desistir. to keep one’s hand in praticar, conservar aptidão através da prática, continuar em forma. to keep one’s head down evitar chamar atenção sobre si mesmo, passar despercebido. to keep one’s shirt/ pants on coll ficar calmo, ficar frio. to keep out a) impedir a entrada. keep out! / entrada proibida! b) excluir, afastar. to keep quiet ficar quieto. to keep silence ficar calado. to keep smiling não desanimar, sorrir sempre. to keep someone at it obrigar alguém a trabalhar. to keep someone in clothes prover alguém de roupas. to keep someone out of excluir alguém de algo, deixar fora de. to keep someone waiting fazer alguém esperar. to keep something to oneself guardar segredo, ocultar algo. to keep still não se mexer. to keep tab(s) on Amer a) registrar, anotar. b) coll controlar, vigiar. to keep time a) Mus manter o compasso. b) estar certo ou andar bem, ser pontual. to keep to a) seguir, obedecer, aderir. keep to the left! / seguir à esquerda! b) limitar-se a. c) permanecer. to keep to oneself isolar-se dos outros espontaneamente. to keep track of a) ficar informado. b) observar atentamente. to keep under a) conter, reprimir, refrear, tirar a liberdade. b) deixar inconsciente, manter dopado. to keep up a) manter, conservar. b) sustentar, prover. c) continuar, prosseguir, manter-se, não desanimar. the rain keeps up / continua chovendo. d) atualizar-se, ajustar-se. to keep up appearances manter as aparências. to keep up with não ficar atrás, adaptar-se, imitar, copiar. to play for keeps jogar por dinheiro. where do you keep? onde é que você mora?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep

  • 2 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) guardar
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) guardar, conservar
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) manter(-se)
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) prosseguir
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) guardar
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) manter
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) conservar(-se)
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) manter
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) reter
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) manter
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) manter
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) celebrar
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) sustento
    - keeping - keep-fit - keepsake - for keeps - in keeping with - keep away - keep back - keep one's distance - keep down - keep one's end up - keep from - keep going - keep hold of - keep house for - keep house - keep in - keep in mind - keep it up - keep off - keep on - keep oneself to oneself - keep out - keep out of - keep time - keep to - keep something to oneself - keep to oneself - keep up - keep up with the Joneses - keep watch

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > keep

  • 3 world

    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) mundo
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) mundo
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) mundo
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) mundo
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) mundo
    6) (a great deal: The holiday did him a/the world of good.) imenso
    7) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) mundo
    - worldliness
    - worldwide
    - World Wide Web
    - the best of both worlds
    - for all the world
    - out of this world
    - what in the world? - what in the world
    * * *
    [wə:ld] n mundo: a) Terra, globo terrestre. b) parte determinada do mundo, continente. c) mundo em determinada época. d) macrocosmo. e) humanidade, gênero ou raça humana, os homens. f) povo, público, gente. g) classe, camada ou grupo social. h) vida mundana, existência. he began the world / ele iniciou a sua vida, começou sua carreira. i) grande quantidade, infinidade. j) qualquer extensão muito grande. l) o ambiente de cada um. m) o todo. n) astro, planeta. o) reino da natureza (vegetal, etc.). all over the world em todas as partes do mundo. all the world ( and his wife) todos, todo o mundo. all the world over por todo o mundo. as the world goes como costuma acontecer no mundo. a world of trouble um mundo de dificuldades, grande empenho ou esforço. do someone all the good in the world faça todo o bem possível a alguém. for all the world as if. como se fosse a coisa mais natural do mundo. he has gone down in the world, he has come down in the world ele caiu na vida (financeira e socialmente). he has gone up in the world, he has come up in the world ele progrediu, melhorou de vida. he is on top of the world ele está feliz da vida. he wants the best of both worlds ele só quer as vantagens. it’s out of this world é extremamente bom, excelente, do outro mundo. I wouldn’t do it for the world eu não faria isto nem morto. man of the world homem do mundo. not for all the world por nada deste mundo. nothing in the world can help him nada neste mundo pode ajudá-lo. she carried the world before her ela teve muita sorte, muito êxito na vida. the New World o Novo Mundo, a América. the other ( next) world, the world to come o outro mundo (vida após a morte), o além. there’s a world of a difference são totalmente diferentes. the ways of the world o modo, o curso do mundo. the whole world o mundo todo, a humanidade inteira. the world of commerce o mundo comercial. they are worlds apart eles são dois mundos diferentes. to bring into the world dar à luz. to come into the world nascer. to set the world on fire coll dar-se bem, ser bem-sucedido. to think the world of someone amar, admirar muito (uma pessoa). you are all the world to me, you mean the world to me você é a pessoa mais importante do mundo para mim.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > world

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