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со всех языков на квенья


  • 1 tál(tal-)

    as in "g.sg. talen"; in LotR-style Quenya this is rather the dative singular noun "foot" TAL, VT49:17. Also tala VT49:42. Pl. táli “feet” PE16:96; here Tolkien did not use tal- with a short a as the stem-form. VT43:16 mentions "an unpublished declension" of this word dating from ca. 1967; here the locative is said to appear as talassë and talsë. Cf. also talya “his foot”; see -ya \#4. Early "Qenya" forms:tala "foot" LT2:347 and dual talwi "the feet" LT2:347; tálin "feet" MC:216; instrumental talainen, talalínen MC:213, 216, 220; this is "Qenya"

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > tál(tal-)

  • 2 ta

    1 pron. "that, it" TA; compare antaróuta/u "he gave it" FS; see anta-. The forms tar/tara/tanna “thither”, talo/tó “thence” and tás/tassë “there” are originally inflected forms of this pronoun: *”to that”, *”from that” and *”in that” place, respectively. Compare “there” as one gloss of ta see \#4. 2 adv. “so, like that, also”, e.g. ta mára “so good” VT49:12 3 pron. "they, them", an "impersonal" 3rd person pl. stem, referring "only to 'abstracts' or to things such as inanimates not by the Eldar regarded as persons" VT43:20, cf. ta as an inanimate Common Eldarin plural pronoun, VT49:52. Compare te, q.v. The word ta occurring in some versions of Tolkien's Quenya Lord's Prayer may exemplify this use of ta as an "impersonal" plural pronoun: emmë avatyarir uta/u "we forgive uthem/u" VT43:8, 9; this refers to trespasses, not the trespassers. However, since Tolkien also wanted ta to mean “that” see \#1 above, he may seem to be somewhat dissatisfied with ta “they, them”, introducing variant forms like tai VT49:32 to free up ta as a sg. pronoun. In one document, tai was in turn altered to te VT49:33, which could suggest that the distinction between animate and inanimate “they, them” was abandoned and the form te q.v. could be used for both. In some documents, Tolkien seems to use tar as the plural form VT49:56 mentions this as an uncertain reading in a source where the word was struck out; compare ótar under ó-. 4 conj., said to be a reducted form of tá “then”, used “before each new item in a series or list”; “if as often in English the equivalent of and was omitted, and placed only before a final item e.g. ‘Tom, Dick, and Harriet’, this would in Quenya represent a discontinuity, and what followed after ta would be an addition of something overlooked or less important”. PE17:70 Hence the use of arta ar ta, “and ta” for “et cetera”; in older language ta ta or just ta. 5 adv. “there” VT49:33; this may be an Elvish root or “element” rather than a Quenya word; see tanomë; see however also tar, tara, tanna under ta \#1.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ta

  • 3 u-

    vb. "not do, not be" 1st pers. aorist uin "I do not, am not", pa.t. úmë UGU/UMU. A late ca. 1968 source gives the forms uin, uinyë “I am not”, uilyë *”you are not”, uis “it is not”, uilmë *”we are not”, uir “are not” and endingless ui *”is not” VT49:29, 36; these forms were however struck out. The example uin carë “I don’t” PE17:68 combines this negative verb with a following verb in the “simplest aorist infinitive”. Compare ua in another late source. See also ui, which despite its use as an interjection “no” seems to be the endingless 3rd person aorist.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > u-

  • 4 an

    1 conj. and prep. "for" Nam, RGEO:66, an cé mo quernë“for if one turned…” VT49:8, also used adverbially in the formula an + a noun to express “one more” of the thing concerned: an quetta “a word more”, PE17:91. The an of the phrase es sorni heruion an! "the Eagles of the Lords are at hand" SD:290 however seems to denote motion towards the speaker: the Eagles are coming. Etym has an, ana "to, towards" NĀsup1/sup. The phrase an i falmalīPE17:127 is not clearly translated but seems to be a paraphrase of the word falmalinnar “upon the foaming waves” Nam, suggesting that an can be used as a paraphrase of the allative ending and if falmalīis seen as a Book Quenya accusative form because of the long final vowel, this is evidence that an governs the accusative case.In the "Arctic" sentence, an is translated "until". Regarding an as used in Namárië, various sources indicate that it means an “moreover, furthermore, to proceed” VT49:18-19 or “properly” “further, plus, in addition” PE17:69, 90. According to one late source ca. 1966 or later, an “is very frequently used after a ‘full stop’, when an account or description is confirmed after a pause. So in Galadriel’s Elvish lament: An sí Tintallë, etc. = For now the Kindler, etc… This is translated by me ‘for’, side an is as here often in fact used when the additional matter provides an explanation of or reason for what has already been said”. Related is the use of an + noun to express “one more”; here an is presumably accented, something the word would not normally be when used as a conjunction or preposition.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > an

  • 5 tai

    1 pron. "that which, what", “which fact” VT42:34, VT49:12, 20. The word occurs in the sentence alasaila ná lá carë tai mo navë mára, translated "it is unwise not to do what one judges good". So tai = "what", but it means more literally "that which" VT49:12, ta + i cf. ta \#1 and the use of i as a relative pronoun. In one note, Tolkien emended tai to ita, reversing the elements VT49:12 and also eliminating the ambiguity involving the homophone tai \#2, see below. 2 pron. “they, them”, 3rd person pl., used with reference to inanimates rather than persons or living things VT49:32, see ta \#3 above. Perhaps to avoid the clash with tai “that which”, the pronoun tai “they, them” was altered to te in at least one manuscript VT49:33, so that it would merge with the pronoun used of living beings and the distinction between animate and inanimate would be abandoned see te. 3 adv. “then”, also tá which form may be preferred because tai has other meanings as well VT49:33

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > tai

  • 6 elda

    1. originally adj. "of the stars", but wholly replaced WJ:362 by: 2. noun Elda = one of the people of the Stars, high-elf, an Elf SA:êl, elen, Letters:281, ELED, ÉLED; notice that Tolkien abandoned a former etymology with "depart", chiefly in the pl. Eldar WJ:362, cf. GATH, TELES.The primitive form Tolkien variously cited as ¤eledā/ elenā Letters:281, PE17:152 and ¤eldā WJ:360. Partitive pl. Eldali VT49:8, gen. pl. Eldaron WJ:368, PM:395, 402;dative pl.eldain "for elves", for Eldar FS; possessive sg. Eldava "Elf's" WJ:407; possessive pl. Eldaiva WJ:368, Eldaivë governing a plural word WJ:369. The word Eldar properly refers to the non-Avari Elves only, but since Eldar rarely had any contact with the Avari, it could be used for "elves" in general in LT1:251, Elda is simply glossed "Elf". See also Eldo. – The plural form Eldar should not require any article when the reference is to the entire people; i Eldar refers to a limited group, “all the Elves previously named”; nevertheless, Tolkien in some sources does use the article even where the reference seems to be generic i Eldar or i-Eldar, VT49:8.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > elda

  • 7 lóna

    1 noun "pool, mere" VT42:10. Variant of lón, lónë above? 2 noun "island, remote land difficult to reach" LONO AWA. Obsoleted by \#1 above? 3 unused adj., a form Tolkien mentioned as the hypothetical Quenya cognate of Sindarin loen, Telerin logna adj. "soaking wet" VT42:10, but this cognate was not in use because it clashed with \#1 above. At this point, Tolkien may seem to have forgotten lóna \#2. 4 adj. "dark" DO3/DŌ. If this is to be the cognate of "Noldorin"/Sindarin dûr, as the context seems to indicate, lóna is likely a misreading for *lóra in Tolkien's manuscript.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > lóna

  • 8 vasar(þ)

    noun "veil" VT42:10, the word was "not in daily use", VT42:9. Older form waþar.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > vasar(þ)

  • 9 loa

    noun literally "growth", used of a solar year = coranar when seasonal changes are considered Appendix D; in PM:126 loa is translated "time of growth". Pl. loar, or "löar", in MR:426 The form loa is also mentioned as the hypothetical Quenya cognate of Sindarin lô "swampy", but precisely because it clashed with loa "year", this Quenya cognate was not in use VT42:10

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > loa

  • 10 Valinor

    place-name "the land or people of the Valar", *"Vali-land" Vali = Valar, land of the Gods in the West BAL, NDOR; cf. Valandor. Full form Valinórë BAL; Vali-nórë under NDOR.Said to be “the true Eldarin name of Aman”, the latter name being explained as a borrowing from Valarin in some versions of the linguistic scenario VT49:26. In the early "Qenya Lexicon", Valinor, Valinórë is glossed "Asgard", the name of the city of the gods in Norse mythology LT1:272. It seems that in such more restricted use, Valinor is not the entire Blessed Realm but rather the specific region beyond the Pelóri where most of the Valar dwelt, with Valimar as the chief city. Thus it is said of Eärendil that he “went into Valinor and to the halls of Valimar” only after he had already left his ship and ventured as far as Tirion Silmarillion, chapter 24. – Possessive Valinóreva in Nurtalë Valinóreva, the "Hiding of Valinor", the possessive case here assuming the function of object genitive Silm; genitive Valinórëo in Yénië Valinórëo “Annals of Valinor” MR:200; the last word was changed from Valinóren, Tolkien revising the genitive ending from -n to -o

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Valinor

  • 11 ó-

    usually reduced to o- when unstressed a prefix "used in words describing the meeting, junction, or union of two things or persons, or of two groups thought of as units". In omentië, onóna, ónoni, q.v. WJ:367, PE17:191; in the Etymologies, stem WŌ, the prefix o-, ó- is simply defined as "together". In VT43:29 is found a table showing how pronominal endings can be added to the preposition ó-; the resulting forms are onyë or óni *"with me", ómë *"with us" also in VT43:36, where "us" is said to be exclusive, ólyë or ólë *"with you" olyë only sg. "you", whereas ólë can be either sg. or pl., ósë *"with him/her", ótë *"with them" of animates – where "them" refers to non-persons, óta or shortened ót is used, though the conceptual validity of ta as a pl. pronoun is questionable, ósa or shortened ós "with it". Two additional forms, ótar and ótari, presumably mean “with them” of inanimate things; see VT49:56 for a possible second attestation of tar as the word for plural inanimate “they”. However, Tolkien's later decision to the effect that ó- refers to two parties only may throw doubt upon the conceptual validity of some of these forms, where at least three persons would be implied like ótë "with them", where one person is "with" two or more others – though Tolkien indicates that two groups may also be involved where the preposition ó- is used. The explicit statement in WJ:367 that the prepostion o variant of ó did not exist independently in Quenya is however difficult to get around, so instead using the preposition ó/o with or without endings for "with", writers may rather use as, the form appearing in the last version of Tolkien's Quenya Hail Mary also attested with a pronominal suffix: aselyë "with you".

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ó-

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Villa Scacciapensieri DBL ACCOUNT DO NOT USE — (Сиена,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Strada Scacciapensieri 10, Strada Scacciapensieri, 53100 Сиена, Италия Описание: Just a little outside Siena …   Каталог отелей

  • not only — not only/​just/​merely/​simply phrase used for emphasizing that, although something is true, something else is also true or is more important Our apartment is not only centrally located, it’s near a park too. We need to talk about these problems …   Useful english dictionary

  • not — W1S1 [nɔt US na:t] adv [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: nought] 1.) used to make a word, statement, or question negative ▪ Most of the stores do not open until 10am. ▪ She s not a very nice person. ▪ You were wrong not to inform the police. ▪ Can we go… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • use — 1 /ju:z/ verb (T) 1 USE STH if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose: Can I use your phone? | More people are using the library than ever… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Use of courtesy titles and honorifics in professional writing — The use of honorifics (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms.) and styles (HRH, His Holiness, etc.) differs greatly among publications in both journalism and academia. The differences are based on tradition, practical concerns (such as space), and cultural norms.… …   Wikipedia

  • use — v. /yoohz/ or, for pt. form of 9, /yoohst/; n. /yoohs/, v., used, using, n. v.t. 1. to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of: to use a knife. 2. to avail oneself of; apply to one s own purposes: to use the facilities. 3. to… …   Universalium

  • Use of social network websites in investigations — Social network services are increasingly being used in legal and criminal investigations. Information posted on sites such as MySpace and Facebook has been used by police and university officials to prosecute users of said sites. In some… …   Wikipedia

  • use — v. & n. v.tr. 1 cause to act or serve for a purpose; bring into service; avail oneself of (rarely uses the car; use your discretion). 2 treat (a person) in a specified manner (they used him shamefully). 3 exploit for one s own ends (they are just …   Useful english dictionary

  • use, used, used to — As a verb, use means to put into service, to make use of: He will use my car today. The principal parts of use are use, used, used: He used my car yesterday. He has used my car for a week. When did is added to the verb phrase, however, the word… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • not touch — Synonyms and related words: abstain, abstain from, avoid, dispense with, do without, eschew, fight shy of, forbear, forgo, give place to, hold aloof, hold aloof from, hold back, hold off, keep aloof, keep away from, keep back, keep clear of, keep …   Moby Thesaurus

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