1 divorce rate
показатель количества разводов (отношение числа разводов к числу заключенных браков)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > divorce rate
2 divorce rate
3 divorce rate
коэффициент разводов; уровень разводимости.* * *коэффициент разводов; уровень разводимости. -
4 divorce rate
1) Общая лексика: статистика разводов, коэффициент разводов, уровень разводимости3) Политика: число разводов4) Демография: коэффициент разводимости5) Реклама: процент разводов -
5 divorce rate
показатель количества разводовАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > divorce rate
6 divorce rate
7 divorce rate
8 divorce rate
Stat. taux de divortialitéEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > divorce rate
9 divorce rate
• rozvodovost -
10 divorce rate
показатель количества разводов (отношение числа разводов к числу заключённых браков)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > divorce rate
11 divorce rate
12 divorce rate
s.tasa de divorcio. -
13 divorce rate falls to a 10-year low, but divorce is partly down because marriages have slumped
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > divorce rate falls to a 10-year low, but divorce is partly down because marriages have slumped
14 duration-specific divorce rate
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > duration-specific divorce rate
15 drop in divorce rate
16 rise in divorce rate
17 duration-specific divorce rate
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > duration-specific divorce rate
18 ♦ divorce
♦ divorce /dɪˈvɔ:s/n. [uc]1 (leg.) divorzio: to get a divorce, ottenere il divorzio; to ask sb. for a divorce, chiedere il divorzio a q.; to file (o to petition) for divorce, fare domanda di divorzio; to start divorce proceedings, avviare un procedimento di divorzio; grounds for divorce, motivi per chiedere il divorzio; divorce by consent, divorzio consensuale; (stat.) divorce rate, indice (di frequenza) dei divorzi2 (fig. form.) separazione; opposizione: the divorce between theory and practice, l'opposizione tra teoria e pratica● divorce laws, leggi sul divorzio.(to) divorce /dɪˈvɔ:s/A v. t.1 divorziare da: He divorced his first wife, ha divorziato dalla prima moglie; She threatened to divorce him, ha minacciato di chiedergli il divorzio2 (fig. form.) separare; scindere: You can't divorce honesty from truth, non puoi separare l'onestà dalla veritàB v. i.● to divorce oneself from st., dissociarsi da qc. -
19 ♦ rate
♦ rate /reɪt/n.1 ( anche stat.) tasso; indice: the birth [death] rate, il tasso di natalità [mortalità]; divorce rate, tasso di divorzio; rate of unemployment, tasso di disoccupazione; growth rate, tasso di crescita; the rate of inflation, il tasso d'inflazione; (fisc.) flat rate, aliquota costante; (econ.) savings rate, saggio di risparmio; (econ.) wage rate, saggio di salario2 ritmo; (= rate of speed) velocità: (fisiol., nuoto) rate of respiration, ritmo respiratorio; House prices are falling at a rate of 2% a year, i prezzi delle abitazioni stanno calando a un ritmo del 2% l'anno; The rate of population growth has slowed, il tasso di crescita della popolazione è diminuito; heart rate, battito cardiaco; The average adult has a pulse rate of 70 beats per minute, un adulto ha mediamente 70 pulsazioni al minuto3 prezzo; tariffa: Can you tell me what your rates are?, mi può dire quali sono le sue tariffe?; the going rate, la tariffa corrente; What's the going rate for a babysitter?, quanto prende mediamente una baby-sitter?; at a cheap rate, a basso prezzo; a buon mercato; the monthly rate of pay, il livello salariale mensile; the rate for printed matter, la tariffa per (la spedizione degli) stampati; subscription rates, quote d'abbonamento; hourly rate, tariffa oraria; postal rates, tariffe postali; (trasp.) reduced rate, tariffa ridotta4 (fin.) tasso: the rate of exchange, il tasso di cambio; rate of interest, tasso d'interesse; rate of discount, tasso (o saggio) di sconto; rate of return, tasso di rendimento5 – (solo nella loc.) first- [second-, third-] rate, di prim'ordine [second'ordine, terz'ordine]; a first-rate writer, uno scrittore di prim'ordine6 (spec. al pl.) (fisc.) imposta locale sugli immobili (sostituita per le abitazioni dalla ► council tax nel 1990): rates and taxes, tributi locali e imposte nazionali; (antiq.) rate rebate, agevolazione fiscale ( per reddito basso)● (fin.) rate base, base del tasso di remunerazione □ (fin.) rate basis, base tariffaria □ rate book, tariffario □ (fin.) rate cut, riduzione del tasso d'interesse □ rate-making, tariffazione □ (aeron.) rate of climb, velocità ascensionale □ (aeron.) rate-of-climb indicator, variometro □ rate of wages, saggio salariale □ (econ.) rate war, guerra tariffaria □ at any rate, ad ogni modo, comunque □ (fam.) at a rate of knots, a tutta velocità □ at this (o that) rate, di questo passoFALSI AMICI: rate non significa rata nel senso di frazione di pagamento. (to) rate /reɪt/A v. t.1 considerare; giudicare: He is rated as one of the best young directors in Hollywood, è considerato uno tra i migliori giovani registi a Hollywood; to rate sb. highly, apprezzare molto q.; She is highly rated by her students, i suoi studenti la apprezzano molto; How do you rate this book?, come trovi questo libro?; I rate him among my best friends, lo annovero tra i miei più cari amici2 valutare; stimare: Battery life for this model is rated at 30 hours, la durata della batteria per questo modello è stimata a 30 ore3 classificare ( film): This film has been rated 18, questo film è stato vietato ai minori di 18 anniB v. i.1 essere classificato; essere considerato: He rates among the best contemporary poets, è considerato uno tra i migliori poeti contemporanei● to rate goods, fissare le tariffe per il trasporto delle merci □ (ass., USA) to rate up, far pagare ( a un contraente, un assicurato) un sovrappremio □ (elettr.) rated current, corrente nominale □ (mecc.) rated horsepower, potenza caratteristica ( di un motore) □ (trasp.) rated load, carico di targa. -
20 divorce
̈ɪdɪˈvɔ:s I
1. сущ.
1) развод, расторжение брака divorce decree ≈ решение о расторжении брака divorce rate ≈ показатель количества разводов (отношение числа разводов к числу заключенных браков) no-fault divorce ≈ развод по взаимному согласию сторон
2) отделение, разъединение, разрыв ∙ Syn: divorcement
2. гл.
1) а) расторгать брак, разводить (в суде) This famous actress has been divorced from three husbands. ≈ У знаменитой актрисы было три развода. б) расторгать брак, разводиться( with)
2) разводиться по одностороннему заявлению (обыкн. мужа) ;
дать развод жене Syn: repudiate
3) разрывать, отделять, разделять, разъединять( from) Syn: separate, sever, cut off, part II франц.;
сущ. разведенный( муж) Syn: a divorced man развод, расторжение брака - bill of * решение суда о расторжении брака - * rate процент разводов - * case /suit/ дело о разводе /о расторжении брака/ - * court суд по бракоразводным делам - to file a petition for *, to sue for a * потребовать развода в судебном порядке - to take /to start/ * proceedings начать дело о разводе - to obtain a * получить развод, развестись разрыв, разъединение - the * between science and religion пропасть между наукой и религией разводиться, расторгать брак - to * smb. развестись с кем-л. разводить (кого-л.;
о суде и т. п.) - to be *d from smb. быть в разводе с кем-л., развестись с кем-л. разрывать, отрывать, разъединять - to * form from matter отрывать форму от содержания - to * one's conduct from one's principles действовать вразрез со своими принципами - a passage *d from its context отрывок, вырванный из контекста отделять, разделять - to * the church from the State отделять церковь от государства разведенный муж divorce отделение, разъединение, разрыв ~ отделять, разъединять;
to divorce from the soil обезземеливать divorcee: divorcee разведенная жена, divorce разведенный муж divorce: divorce фр. разведенный ( муж) ~ развод, расторжение брака ~ развод, расторжение брака, расторгать брак ~ развод ~ развод супругов;
прекращение брака ~ разводиться, расторгать брак ~ разводиться ~ расторгать брак ~ расторжение брака ~ a mensa et thoro прекращение совместной жизни ~ отделять, разъединять;
to divorce from the soil обезземеливать file a petition for ~ подавать заявление о разводе file a petition for ~ подавать ходатайство о расторжении брака institute ~ proceedings возбуждать бракоразводный процесс institute: ~ divorce proceedings возбуждать дело о разводе ~ divorce proceedings возбуждать судебное дело о расторжении брака
См. также в других словарях:
divorce-rate — A measure designed to provide information on the comparative propensity to divorce in different populations. The crude divorce rate for a particular year is calculated by dividing the number of divorces occurring within a population over the year … Dictionary of sociology
crude divorce-rate — See divorce rate … Dictionary of sociology
DIVORCE — (Heb. גֵּרוּשִׁין), the formal dissolution of the marriage bond. IN THE BIBLE Divorce was accepted as an established custom in ancient Israel (cf. Lev. 21:7, 14; 22:13; Num. 30:10; Deut. 22:19, 29). In keeping with the other cultures of the Near… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence) — Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence) Divorce is defined in jurisprudence as the dissolution or partial suspension by law of the marriage relation (Bouvier s Law Dictionary).… … Catholic encyclopedia
Divorce — For other uses, see Divorce (disambiguation). Family law … Wikipedia
Divorce in the United States — Relationships Types … Wikipedia
Divorce demography — The current marriage to current divorce ratio measures the divorce rate by comparing the number of marriages to the number of divorces in a given year.[1] For example, if there are 500 divorces and 1,000 marriages in a given year in a given area … Wikipedia
divorce — Until recent decades, divorce has been a taboo in Chinese society. For women especially, marriage is expected to be for life, as described in the old saying ‘If a woman marries a chicken, she should stick with the chicken; if she marries a dog,… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
divorce — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ amicable, uncontested ▪ no fault ▪ acrimonious, bitter, messy, nasty, painful … Collocations dictionary
rate — 1 /reIt/ noun (C) 1 SPEED the speed at which something happens over a period of time: Our money was running out at an alarming rate. | Children learn at different rates. (+ of): the rate of economic growth 2 AMOUNT the number of times something… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Divorce of same-sex couples — Legal recognition of same sex relationships Marriage Argentina Belgium Canada Iceland Netherlands Norway Portugal South Africa Spain Sweden … Wikipedia