1 dividend payout ratio
[com] stopa isplate dividendi -
2 dividend
ndividenda• accumulative dividend kumulativna dividenda• allocation and payment of dividends raspodjela i isplata dividendi• book value of dividend knjigovodstvena vrijednost dividende• cash dividend gotovinska dividenda• cum dividend s dividendom• declaration of cash dividend objava novčane dividende• disbursement of cash dividend isplata novčane dividende• dividend addition dividenda na premiju ћivotnoga osiguranja koja se koristi za kupnju dodatne police osiguranja• dividend cover pokriće dividendi• dividend coupon dividendni kupon• dividend decision odluka o dividendama (o isplati, visini itd.)• dividend discount model model diskontiranja dividendi• dividend limitation ograničenje dividendi• dividend payment restriction ograničenje pri isplati dividendi• dividend-payout ratio stopa isplate dividendi• dividend policy politika isplate dividendi• dividend warrant dividendni kupon• equivalent level annual dividend iznos koji je sastavni dio metode kamatnoga usklađenja za određivanje cijene ћivotnoga osiguranjaBilj.: To je dio koji osiguravatelj ne jamči, a koji se prezentira kupcima kao pokazatelj u kojoj mjeri ovaj nezajamčeni iznos utječe na kamatno usklađenu isplatu i troљak police osiguranja• extra cash dividends dodatne novčane dividende• extra dividends dodatne dividende• legal restriction on dividend policy zakonsko/pravno ograničenje politike (isplate) dividendi• non-distribution of dividends neraspodjela dividendi• policy dividend povrat premije po polici• stock dividend dividenda u dionicamaEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > dividend
См. также в других словарях:
Dividend payout ratio — is the fraction of net income a firm pays to its stockholders in dividends: The part of the earnings not paid to investors is left for investment to provide for future earnings growth. Investors seeking high current income and limited capital… … Wikipedia
Dividend payout ratio — Percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * dividend payout ratio dividend payout ratio ➔ ratio * * * dividend payout ratio UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE the percentage of a company s profit that is paid… … Financial and business terms
dividend payout ratio — Percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * dividend payout ratio dividend payout ratio ➔ ratio * * * dividend payout ratio UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE the percentage of a company s profit that is paid as… … Financial and business terms
Dividend Payout Ratio — The percentage of earnings paid to shareholders in dividends. Calculated as: The payout ratio provides an idea of how well earnings support the dividend payments. More mature companies tend to have a higher payout ratio. In the U.K. there is a… … Investment dictionary
Payout Ratio — The amount of earnings paid out in dividends to shareholders. Investors can use the payout ratio to determine what companies are doing with their earnings. Calculated as: For example, a very low payout ratio indicates that a company is primarily… … Investment dictionary
Payout ratio — Generally, the proportion of earnings paid out to the common stockholders as cash dividends. More specifically, the firm s cash dividend divided by the firm s earnings in the same reporting period. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * *… … Financial and business terms
payout ratio — Generally, the proportion of earnings paid out to the common stockholders as dividends. More specifically, the firm s cash dividend divided by the firm s earnings in the same reporting period. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * payout ratio… … Financial and business terms
payout ratio — noun : a ratio relating dividend payout of a company to its earnings or cash flow * * * the ratio between dividends paid out and earnings per share of common stock within a time period … Useful english dictionary
payout ratio — (Economics) ratio between the net profit of a company and the dividend distributed to shareholders (reflects the dividend policies and maturity of a company) … English contemporary dictionary
Dividend stripping — is the purchase of shares just before a dividend is paid, and the sale of those shares after that payment, i.e. when they go ex dividend. This may be done either by an ordinary investor as an investment strategy, or by a company s owners or… … Wikipedia
payout dei dividendi — Dividend payout ratio Rapporto tra il totale dei dividendi distribuiti agli azionisti e l utile d esercizio della società. Quanto più è alto tale rapporto, maggiore sarà la maturità gestionale dell impresa … Glossario di economia e finanza