1 dividend
ndividenda• accumulative dividend kumulativna dividenda• allocation and payment of dividends raspodjela i isplata dividendi• book value of dividend knjigovodstvena vrijednost dividende• cash dividend gotovinska dividenda• cum dividend s dividendom• declaration of cash dividend objava novčane dividende• disbursement of cash dividend isplata novčane dividende• dividend addition dividenda na premiju ћivotnoga osiguranja koja se koristi za kupnju dodatne police osiguranja• dividend cover pokriće dividendi• dividend coupon dividendni kupon• dividend decision odluka o dividendama (o isplati, visini itd.)• dividend discount model model diskontiranja dividendi• dividend limitation ograničenje dividendi• dividend payment restriction ograničenje pri isplati dividendi• dividend-payout ratio stopa isplate dividendi• dividend policy politika isplate dividendi• dividend warrant dividendni kupon• equivalent level annual dividend iznos koji je sastavni dio metode kamatnoga usklađenja za određivanje cijene ћivotnoga osiguranjaBilj.: To je dio koji osiguravatelj ne jamči, a koji se prezentira kupcima kao pokazatelj u kojoj mjeri ovaj nezajamčeni iznos utječe na kamatno usklađenu isplatu i troљak police osiguranja• extra cash dividends dodatne novčane dividende• extra dividends dodatne dividende• legal restriction on dividend policy zakonsko/pravno ograničenje politike (isplate) dividendi• non-distribution of dividends neraspodjela dividendi• policy dividend povrat premije po polici• stock dividend dividenda u dionicamaEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > dividend
2 discount
ndiskont; eskont; popust• accretion of a discount prirast/kretanje diskonta• all-equity discount rate diskontna stopa za financiranje (samo) dionicama• bank discount bankovni diskont• bond discount diskont na obveznice• cash discount gotovinski popust• deep-discounted bond obveznica s velikim diskontom• discount bond diskontna obveznica• discount credit diskontni kredit• discount factor diskontni faktor (pri određivanju sadaљnje vrijednosti budućih vrijednosti)• discount formula diskontna formula• discount house diskontna kuća• discount market diskontno trћiљte• discount on accounts receivable diskontiranje potraћivanja od kupaca• discount on rights issue diskontiranje emitiranih prava (na dionice)• discount payment diskontno plaćanjeBilj.: Razlika između nominalne vrijednosti vrijednosnoga papira i cijene plaćene za njega• discount policy eskontna politikaBilj.: Politika eskontne kamatne stope monetarnih vlasti• discount rate diskontna/eskontna stopa srediљnje banke• discount rate policy politika diskontne/eskontne stope• discount window “eskontni љalter” (politika eskontne kamatne stope)• discount window policy politika “eskontnoga љaltera” (politika eskontne kamatne stope)• dividend discount model model diskontiranja dividendi• forward discount terminski diskont• pure discount bonds obveznica s čistim diskontomEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > discount
См. также в других словарях:
Dividend discount model — The dividend discount model is a way of valuing a company based on the theory that a stock is worth the discounted sum of all of its future dividend payments.[1] In other words, it is used to evaluate stocks based on the net present value of the… … Wikipedia
dividend discount model — ( DDM) A method to value the common stock of a company that is based on the present value of the expected future dividends. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ► See DDM. * * * dividend discount model UK US noun [C] ► … Financial and business terms
Dividend Discount Model - DDM — A procedure for valuing the price of a stock by using predicted dividends and discounting them back to present value. The idea is that if the value obtained from the DDM is higher than what the shares are currently trading at, then the stock is… … Investment dictionary
Dividend discount model (DDM) — A model for valuing the common stock of a company, based on the present value of the expected cash flows. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
Multistage Dividend Discount Model — An equity valuation model that builds on the Gordon growth model by applying varying growth rates to the calculation. Under the multistage model, changing growth rates are applied to different time periods. Various versions of the multistage… … Investment dictionary
Dividend Growth Rate — The annualized percentage rate of growth that a particular stock s dividend undergoes over a period of time. The time period included in the analysis can be of any interval desired, and is calculated by using the least squares method, or by… … Investment dictionary
Supernormal Dividend Growth — A period of time in which the dividends issued on shares of a stock are inceasing at a higher than average rate. The high growth rate of payouts are seen as above normal, thus supernormal . Because this rate is also expected to be unsustainable,… … Investment dictionary
Gordon model — The Gordon growth model is a variant of the discounted cash flow model, a method for valuing a stock or business. Often used to provide difficult to resolve valuation issues for litigation, tax planning, and business transactions that don t have… … Wikipedia
T-Model — The T Model is a formula that states the returns earned by holders of a company s stock in terms of accounting variables obtainable from its financial statements [ Estep, Preston W., A New Method For Valuing Common Stocks , Financial Analysts… … Wikipedia
Constant-growth model — Also called the Gordon Shapiro model, an application of the dividend discount model which assumes (1) a fixed growth rate for future dividends and (2) a single discount rate. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
constant-growth model — Also called the Gordon Shapiro model, an application of the dividend discount model that assumes (1) a fixed growth rate for future dividends, and (2) a single discount rate. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms