1 coupon
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2 dividend
ndividenda• accumulative dividend kumulativna dividenda• allocation and payment of dividends raspodjela i isplata dividendi• book value of dividend knjigovodstvena vrijednost dividende• cash dividend gotovinska dividenda• cum dividend s dividendom• declaration of cash dividend objava novčane dividende• disbursement of cash dividend isplata novčane dividende• dividend addition dividenda na premiju ћivotnoga osiguranja koja se koristi za kupnju dodatne police osiguranja• dividend cover pokriće dividendi• dividend coupon dividendni kupon• dividend decision odluka o dividendama (o isplati, visini itd.)• dividend discount model model diskontiranja dividendi• dividend limitation ograničenje dividendi• dividend payment restriction ograničenje pri isplati dividendi• dividend-payout ratio stopa isplate dividendi• dividend policy politika isplate dividendi• dividend warrant dividendni kupon• equivalent level annual dividend iznos koji je sastavni dio metode kamatnoga usklađenja za određivanje cijene ћivotnoga osiguranjaBilj.: To je dio koji osiguravatelj ne jamči, a koji se prezentira kupcima kao pokazatelj u kojoj mjeri ovaj nezajamčeni iznos utječe na kamatno usklađenu isplatu i troљak police osiguranja• extra cash dividends dodatne novčane dividende• extra dividends dodatne dividende• legal restriction on dividend policy zakonsko/pravno ograničenje politike (isplate) dividendi• non-distribution of dividends neraspodjela dividendi• policy dividend povrat premije po polici• stock dividend dividenda u dionicamaEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > dividend
3 date
ndatum• average due date prosječni rok dospijeća• balance sheet date datum bilance stanja• cut-off date isključni datum• date of acceptance datum akcepta ili isplate mjenice• date of acquisition datum kupnje ili stjecanja• date of declaration datum objave dividende• date of issue datum izdanja• date of maturity datum dospijeća• date of maturity of the coupon datum dospijeća kamatnoga kupona• date of payment datum plaćanja• date of record datum utvrđivanja stanja u knjizi dionica (radi određivanja liste dioničara koji imaju pravo na dividendu)• due date datum dospijeća• effective date pravomoćni datum, datum stupanja na snagu• ex-dividend date krajnji rok prava na dividendu• expiration date value of option vrijednost opcije na dan dospijeća• expiry date datum isteka vaћenja (police osiguranja, najma itd.)• initial settlement date početni datum namire• purchase date datum kupnje• repayment of the due date otplata na datum dospijeća• repurchase date datum povratne kupnje• retroactive date retroaktivni datum• start date datum početka• trade date (T) dan trgovanja• valuation date datum procjene vrijednosti• value date datum valuteEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > date
4 equivalent
nistovrijednica, ekvivalent• coupon yield equivalent ekvivalent prinosa od kupona• equivalent level annual dividend iznos koji je sastavni dio metode kamatnoga usklađenja za određivanje cijene ћivotnoga osiguranjaBilj.: To je dio koji osiguravatelj ne jamči, a prezentira se kupcima kao pokazatelj u kojoj mjeri ovaj nezajamčeni iznos utječe na kamatno usklađenu isplatu i troљak police osiguranja.• equivalent of the EUA in a Community currency ekvivalent europske obračunske jedinice u valuti Zajednice• equivalent value protuvrijednostEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > equivalent
См. также в других словарях:
ex dividend/coupon — See ex dividend; ex coupon … Financial and business terms
coupon — cou·pon / kü ˌpän, kyü / n [French, from Old French, piece, from couper to cut]: a statement of due interest to be cut from a debt instrument and esp. a bearer bond when payable and presented for payment; also: the interest rate of a coupon… … Law dictionary
dividend — div·i·dend / di və ˌdend/ n 1: the part of corporate net earnings distributed usu. periodically (as quarterly) to stockholders in the form of cash, additional shares, or property either as a set amount per share or a percentage of par value… … Law dictionary
dividend — [n] one’s share, profit allotment, allowance, appropriation, bonus, carrot*, check, coupon, cut*, dispensation, divvy*, extra, gain, gravy*, guerdon, interest, lagniappe*, meed, pay, portion, premium, prize, proceeds, remittance, returns, reward … New thesaurus
dividend — a distribution of the profits of a company among its members or shareholders. Glossary of Business Terms A portion of a company s profit paid to common shareholders and preferred shareholders. A stock selling for $20 a share with an annual… … Financial and business terms
coupon — The interest rate on a debt instrument expressed in terms of a percent on an annualized basis that the issuer guarantees to pay the holder until maturity. Chicago Board of Trade glossary coupon, coupon rate (1) The rate of interest received by… … Financial and business terms
coupon — cou·pon (ko͞o’pŏn′, kyo͞o’ ) n. 1) A code or detachable part of a ticket, card, or advertisement that entitles the holder to a certain benefit, such as a cash refund or a gift. 2) a) A periodic interest payment due to the holder of a bond. b) The … Word Histories
coupon — 1) One of several dated slips attached to a bond, which must be presented to the agents of the issuer or the company to obtain an interest payment or dividend. They are usually used with bearer security; the coupon yield is the yield provided by… … Big dictionary of business and management
dividend — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. share, part, portion; interest, bonus, plum. See apportionment, payment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. profit, interest, bonus, proceeds, returns, return on investment, share, allotment, payback, payout,… … English dictionary for students
coupon — 1) One of several dated slips attached to a bond, which must be presented to the agents of the issuer or the company to obtain an interest payment or dividend. Coupons are mainly used with bearer securities 2) The rate of interest paid by a fixed … Accounting dictionary
ex-coupon — cf. ex dividendThe trading status of a bond or share such that the seller of the bond or share retains the right to receive the next interest or dividend ( dividends) payment. The alternative is cum dividend or cum interest, when the purchaser… … Financial and business terms