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  • 1 distribuir

    to distribute.
    distribuyen comida entre los pobres they give out food to the poor, they distribute food among the poor
    distribuir las tareas to divide up o share out the tasks
    Ella distribuyó las provisiones She distributed the provisions.
    Ellos distribuyeron los volantes They distributed=handed out the fliers.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ HUIR], like link=huir huir
    1 (repartir) to distribute
    2 (correo) to deliver; (trabajo) to share, allot; (agua, gas, etc) to supply
    3 (un piso) to lay out
    4 (colocar) to arrange, place
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=repartir) [+ víveres, mercancía, película] to distribute; [+ correo] to deliver; [+ trabajo, tarea] to allocate; [+ folletos] [en buzones] to distribute; [en mano] to hand out
    2) (=entregar) [+ premios] to give out; [+ dividendos] to pay
    3) (Téc) [+ carga] to stow, arrange; [+ peso] to distribute equally
    4) (Arquit) to plan, lay out
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <dinero/víveres/panfletos> to hand out, distribute; < ganancias> to distribute; < tareas> to allocate, assign; <carga/peso> to distribute, spread
    b) <producto/película> to distribute
    c) canal/conducto < agua> to distribute
    d) (disponer, dividir)
    distribuirse v pron (refl) to divide up
    * * *
    = allot, circulate, disperse, distribute, hand (over), host, scatter, spread (over/throughout), propagate out to, hand out, apportion, dispense, pass out, sequence, spread out, lay out, cascade, space out.
    Ex. Money is allotted with the library fund subfunction.
    Ex. The discussions, debates, submissions and decisions of conferences are often printed and circulated to delegates and made available to other interested parties.
    Ex. For example, Recreation, previously dispersed over several main classes, is now brought together as a new main class, and Space Science has been added between Astronomy and the Earth Sciences.
    Ex. A bulletin will be a printed list, or set list for consultation on a VDU, which is published and distributed to a number of users on a specific subject area, say, building products or cancer research.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. Most computer bureaux which host the factual data bases have their own world-wide networks.
    Ex. Similar and closely related subjects are likely to be scattered under different keywords.
    Ex. This should illustrate rather dramatically how failure to adopt a single well-defined form of name could spread entries throughout the alphabet.
    Ex. We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
    Ex. An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex. However, procedures for apportioning collection budgets have not been designed specifically for the school context.
    Ex. This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    Ex. At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex. The coefficients of eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalue provide the basis for sequencing atoms which are ordered according to the relative magnitudes of the coefficients.
    Ex. For instance, in reproduction of Renoir's work under the subject IMPRESSIONISM, Renoir's works would not stand together in the catalog but be spread out according to their titles.
    Ex. There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex. This project is designed to provide a network of practising librarians with a programme in educational methods and skills which can then be disseminated, or ' cascaded', to a wider network of professional colleagues.
    Ex. The results of a study suggest that people remember more high school material when learning occurs spaced out over several years.
    * distribuir aleatoriamente = randomise [randomize, -USA].
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * distribuir el trabajo = spread + the load.
    * distribuir la responsabilidad = spread + the load.
    * distribuirse = spread over.
    * distribuir un cuestionario = circulate + questionnaire.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <dinero/víveres/panfletos> to hand out, distribute; < ganancias> to distribute; < tareas> to allocate, assign; <carga/peso> to distribute, spread
    b) <producto/película> to distribute
    c) canal/conducto < agua> to distribute
    d) (disponer, dividir)
    distribuirse v pron (refl) to divide up
    * * *
    = allot, circulate, disperse, distribute, hand (over), host, scatter, spread (over/throughout), propagate out to, hand out, apportion, dispense, pass out, sequence, spread out, lay out, cascade, space out.

    Ex: Money is allotted with the library fund subfunction.

    Ex: The discussions, debates, submissions and decisions of conferences are often printed and circulated to delegates and made available to other interested parties.
    Ex: For example, Recreation, previously dispersed over several main classes, is now brought together as a new main class, and Space Science has been added between Astronomy and the Earth Sciences.
    Ex: A bulletin will be a printed list, or set list for consultation on a VDU, which is published and distributed to a number of users on a specific subject area, say, building products or cancer research.
    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex: Most computer bureaux which host the factual data bases have their own world-wide networks.
    Ex: Similar and closely related subjects are likely to be scattered under different keywords.
    Ex: This should illustrate rather dramatically how failure to adopt a single well-defined form of name could spread entries throughout the alphabet.
    Ex: We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
    Ex: An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex: However, procedures for apportioning collection budgets have not been designed specifically for the school context.
    Ex: This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    Ex: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex: The coefficients of eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalue provide the basis for sequencing atoms which are ordered according to the relative magnitudes of the coefficients.
    Ex: For instance, in reproduction of Renoir's work under the subject IMPRESSIONISM, Renoir's works would not stand together in the catalog but be spread out according to their titles.
    Ex: There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex: This project is designed to provide a network of practising librarians with a programme in educational methods and skills which can then be disseminated, or ' cascaded', to a wider network of professional colleagues.
    Ex: The results of a study suggest that people remember more high school material when learning occurs spaced out over several years.
    * distribuir aleatoriamente = randomise [randomize, -USA].
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * distribuir el trabajo = spread + the load.
    * distribuir la responsabilidad = spread + the load.
    * distribuirse = spread over.
    * distribuir un cuestionario = circulate + questionnaire.

    * * *
    1 (repartir) ‹dinero/víveres/panfletos› to hand out, distribute; ‹ganancias› to distribute; ‹tareas› to allocate, assign; ‹carga/peso› to distribute, spread
    un país donde la riqueza está muy mal distribuida a country where wealth is very unevenly distributed
    2 ‹producto/película› to distribute
    3 «canal/conducto» ‹agua› to distribute
    (disponer, dividir): las habitaciones están muy bien distribuidas the rooms are very well laid out o arranged
    los distribuyeron en tres grupos they divided them into three groups
    ( refl) to divide up
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    distribuir algo
    distribuir ( conjugate distribuir) verbo transitivo
    a)dinero/víveres/panfletos to hand out, distribute;

    ganancias to distribute;
    tareas to allocate, assign;
    carga/peso to distribute, spread
    b)producto/película to distribute

    c) [canal/conducto] ‹ agua to distribute

    e) ( dividir) to divide … up;

    distribuirse verbo pronominal ( refl) to divide up
    distribuir verbo transitivo
    1 (repartir productos) to distribute: ¿quién distribuye esta revista en España?, who distributes this magazine in Spain?
    2 (dar la parte correspondiente) to share out: voy a distribuir las pocas patatas que quedan, I'll divide up the few potatoes left
    3 (poner varias cosas en un sitio adecuado) to arrange: ¿qué te parece cómo he distribuido los muebles?, how do you like my furniture arrangement?
    ' distribuir' also found in these entries:
    - repartir
    - dole out
    - give out
    - hand round
    - issue
    - pass out
    - syndicate
    - deal
    - give
    - hand
    - share
    * * *
    1. [repartir] [dinero, alimentos, medicamentos] to distribute, to hand out;
    [carga, trabajo] to spread; [pastel, ganancias] to divide up; [correo] to deliver;
    distribuyen comida entre los pobres they give out food to the poor, they distribute food among the poor;
    distribuir propaganda por los buzones to deliver advertising leaflets through Br letter boxes o US mailboxes;
    distribuir la riqueza más justamente to share out o distribute wealth more justly;
    distribuir el trabajo/las tareas to divide up o share out the work/the tasks;
    trata de distribuir bien tu tiempo try to manage your time carefully
    2. Com [mercancías, productos, películas] to distribute;
    una empresa que distribuye material de papelería a firm distributing stationery materials
    3. [disponer]
    una casa muy bien distribuida a house with a very nice layout;
    nos distribuyeron en grupos de cinco they divided o split us into groups of five;
    distribuyó los libros por temas she arranged the books by topic
    * * *
    1 distribute; beneficio share out
    distribuir en grupos divide into groups
    * * *
    distribuir {41} vt
    : to distribute
    * * *
    1. (en general) to distribute
    hay que distribuir la riqueza, el saber y el poder we must distribute wealth, knowledge and power
    2. (trabajo) to share out

    Spanish-English dictionary > distribuir

См. также в других словарях:

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