1 displacement chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > displacement chromatography
2 displacement chromatography
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > displacement chromatography
3 displacement chromatography
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > displacement chromatography
4 displacement chromatography
Англо-русский технический словарь > displacement chromatography
5 displacement chromatography
Медицина: вытеснительная хроматографияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > displacement chromatography
6 displacement chromatography
мед.фраз. вытеснительная хроматографияАнгло-русский медицинский словарь > displacement chromatography
7 displacement chromatography
English-russian biological dictionary > displacement chromatography
8 displacement chromatography
English-russian dictionary of physics > displacement chromatography
9 displacement chromatography
Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии > displacement chromatography
10 chromatography
chromatography хроматографияchromatography on hydroxyapatitete column хроматография на колонке с гироксиапатитомabsorption chromatography абсорбционная хроматографияactivated sepharose column chromatography хроматография на активированной сефарозеadsorption chromatography адсорбционная хроматографияaffinity chromatography хроматография по сродству, аффинная хроматографияanaerobic chromatography хроматография в анаэробных условияхanoxic chromatography бескислородная хроматографияascending chromatography восходящая хроматографияcircular chromatography круговая хроматографияcircular paper chromatography круговая хроматография на бумагеcolumn chromatography хроматография на колонкеcountercurrent chromatography противоточная хроматографияdisplacement chromatography вытеснительная хроматографияelectromigration chromatography электромиграционная хроматографияgas chromatography газовая хроматографияgas-liquid chromatography газожидкостная хроматографияgas-solid chromatography газоадсорбционная хроматографияgel chromatography гел-хроматографияhigh-performance liquid chromatography жидкостная хроматография высокого разрешенияhigh-pressure liquid chromatography жидкостная хроматография высокого давленияion-exchange chromatography ионообменная хроматографияliquid chromatography жидкостная хроматографияmethylated albumin kieselgu(h)r column chromatography хроматография на колонках метилированного альбумина-кизельгураpaper chromatography хроматография на бумагеpartition chromatography распределительная хроматографияreversed-phase partition chromatography распределительная хроматография с обращёнными фазамиstream chromatography хроматография в потокеthin-layer chromatography хроматография на тонком слое, тонкослойная хроматографияtwo-dimensional paper chromatography двухмерная хроматография на бумагеEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > chromatography
11 chromatography
хроматография; хроматографический анализchromatography in aqueous media chromatography — хроматография в водной среде-
adsorption chromatography
affinity chromatography
ascending chromatography
bidimensional chromatography
capillary column chromatography
capillary chromatography
capillary gas chromatography
centrifugal chromatography
circular chromatography
circulation chromatography
column chromatography
continuous chromatography
continuous-flow chromatography
countercurrent chromatography
descending chromatography
displacement chromatography
electromigration chromatography
elution chromatography
exclusion chromatography
fixed-bed chromatography
flow-programmed chromatography
fluid chromatography
frontal chromatography
gas chromatography
gas-liquid partition chromatography
gas-liquid chromatography
gas-solid chromatography
gel-penetrating chromatography
gradient chromatography
high-performance liquid chromatography
high-performance size-exclusion chromatography
high-performance thin-layer chromatography
high-pressure liquid chromatography
high-speed chromatography
high-temperature chromatography
horizontal chromatography
hot chromatography
inversed phase chromatography
ion-exchange chromatography
ion-pair chromatography
isocratic chromatography
layer chromatography
ligand-exchange chromatography
ligand chromatography
liquid chromatography
liquid-liquid chromatography
low-temperature chromatography
microbore column chromatography
microbore chromatography
molecular chromatography
molecular sieve chromatography
moving-bed chromatography
multidimensional chromatography
multiple chromatography
normal-phase chromatography
one-dimensional chromatography
open-tubular column chromatography
paper chromatography
partition chromatography
preparative-scale chromatography
preparative chromatography
pressure-programed chromatography
pyrolysis gas chromatography
pyrolysis chromatography
radial chromatography
radiation chromatography
reaction gas chromatography
recycling chromatography
repetitive chromatography
reversed-phase chromatography
subambient chromatography
supercritical fluid chromatography
supercritical chromatography
surface chromatography
temperature-programmed gas chromatography
thin-layer chromatography
two-dimensional chromatography
unidimensional chromatography
vacanto chromatography
vapor phase chromatography -
12 chromatography
- activated sepharose column chromatography
- adsorption chromatography
- affinity chromatography
- anion-exchange chromatography
- antibody-agarose affinity chromatography
- ascending chromatography
- centrifugal elution chromatography
- charge-transfer chromatography
- circular chromatography
- circular paper chromatography
- column chromatography
- constant-humidity chromatography
- continuous chromatography
- countercurrent chromatography
- countercurrent droplet chromatography
- countercurrent foam chromatography
- descending chromatography
- displacement chromatography
- electromigration chromatography
- electrophoretic chromatography
- exclusion chromatography
- fast performance liquid chromatography
- gas chromatography
- gas-liquid chromatography
- gas-liquid partition chromatography
- gas-solid chromatography
- gel chromatography
- head-space gas chromatography
- high pH anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography
- high-performance chromatography
- high-performance liquid chromatography
- high-pressure liquid chromatography
- high-resolution liquid chromatography
- hydrophobic chromatography
- hydrophobic interaction chromatography
- immunoaffinity chromatography
- immunoexchange chromatography
- ion-exchange chromatography
- ion-exclusion chromatography
- liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase support
- liquid chromatography
- liquid column chromatography
- liquid partition chromatography
- low-pressure liquid chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselgur column chromatography
- molecular sieve chromatography
- one-dimensional chromatography
- paper chromatography
- partition chromatography
- preparative chromatography
- pyrolysis gas chromatography
- recycling chromatography
- reversed-phase chromatography
- reversed-phase partition chromatography
- step-exclusion chromatography
- steric exclusion chromatography
- stream chromatography
- thin-layer chromatography
- two-dimensional chromatography
- two-dimensional paper chromatography
- two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography* * * -
13 chromatography
хроматографияfouling chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
gel permeation chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
inverse chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
ion-pair chromatography — ионопарная хроматография ( хроматография с использованием ионных пар растворителей)
large-scale chromatography — крупномасштабная ( полупромышленная) хроматография
methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography — хроматография на колонках с метилированным альбумин-кизельгуром
potential barrier chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
reversed-phase chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
salt-mediated hydrophobic chromatography — гидрофобная хроматография в солевой среде, ионозависимая гидрофобная хроматография
size-exclusion chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
14 chromatography
хроматография, хроматографический - annular chromatography - capillar chromatography - chromatography apparatus - dimeric chromatography - displacement chromatography - elution chromatography - exclusion chromatography - frontal chromatography - ion exchange chromatography - partition chromatography - precipitation chromatography - thin-layer chromatography( химическое) хроматографияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > chromatography
15 chromatography
1) хроматография
2) хроматографический
– annular chromatography
– capillar chromatography
– chromatography apparatus
– dimeric chromatography
– displacement chromatography
– elution chromatography
– exclusion chromatography
– frontal chromatography
– ion exchange chromatography
– partition chromatography
– precipitation chromatography
– thin-layer chromatography -
16 displacement
1) перемещение
2) водоизмещение
3) вытеснение
4) литраж
5) сдвиг
6) сдвиговый
7) смещение
8) перенесение
9) индукция
10) смещенность
11) вытеснительный
12) замещение
13) объем рабочий
– displacement chromatography
– displacement controller
– displacement current
– displacement flux
– displacement free
– displacement line
– displacement of track
– displacement pump
– displacement reaction
– displacement thickness
– displacement tonnage
– displacement transducer
– displacement transmission
– displacement volume
– electric displacement
– full-load displacement
– insulation displacement
– light displacement
– normal displacement
– submerged displacement
– surface displacement
– total displacement
– volume displacement
displacement hydraulic transmiss — гидростатическая гидропередача
electric displacement vector — вектор электрической индукции
hydraulic displacement transmission — <engin.> трансмиссия гидрообъемная
power per liter of displacement — <engin.> литровая мощность
17 gas-solid chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gas-solid chromatography
18 immunoaffinity chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > immunoaffinity chromatography
19 вытеснительная хроматография
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > вытеснительная хроматография
20 вытеснительная хроматография
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > вытеснительная хроматография
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Displacement chromatography — is a chromatography technique in which a sample is placed onto the head of the column[n 1] and is then displaced by a solute that is more strongly sorbed than the components of the original mixture. The result is that the components are resolved… … Wikipedia
Chromatography — Pictured is a sophisticated gas chromatography system. This instrument records concentrations of acrylonitrile in the air at various points throughout the chemical laboratory. Chromatography (from Greek χρῶμα chroma color and γράφειν graphein to… … Wikipedia
High-performance liquid chromatography — An HPLC. From left to right: A pumping device generating a gradient of two different solvents, a steel enforced column and an apparatus for measuring the absorbance. Acronym HPLC Classification Chromatography … Wikipedia
Column chromatography — A chemist in the 1950s using column chromatography. The Erlenmeyer receptacles are on the floor. Column chromatography in chemistry is a method used to purify individual chemical compounds from mixtures of compounds. It is often used for… … Wikipedia
Countercurrent chromatography — (CCC) or partition chromatography is a category of chromatography techniques;[1] laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures, in this case liquid liquid mixtures. Contents 1 Chromatography 2 Techniques … Wikipedia
Gas chromatography — A gas chromatograph with a headspace sampler Acronym GLC, GC Classification chromatography Analytes organic inorganic … Wikipedia
Size-exclusion chromatography — Equipment for running size exclusion chromatography. The buffer is pumped through the column (right) by a computer controlled device Acronym SEC Classification Chromatography Analytes … Wikipedia
Ion chromatography — Ion exchange chromatography Acronym IC, IEC Classification Chromatography Other techniques Related High performance liquid chromatography Aqueous Normal Phase Chromatography Size exclusion chromatography Micellar liquid chromatography Ion… … Wikipedia
Paper chromatography — Chromatography jar Classification Chromatography Other techniques Related Thin layer chromatography Paper chromatography is a … Wikipedia
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography — (MEKC), is a chromatography technique, used in analytical chemistry. It is a modification of capillary electrophoresis (CE), where the samples are separated by differential partitioning between micelles (pseudo stationary phase) and a surrounding … Wikipedia
Monolithic HPLC column — A monolithic HPLC column is a special type of column used in HPLC with porous channels rather than beads. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the third most widely used laboratory instrument, surpassed only by analytical balances and … Wikipedia