1 disk plough-harrow
[ʹdısk͵plaʋʹhærəʋ] с.-х. -
2 disk plough-harrow
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > disk plough-harrow
3 disk plough-harrow
Сельское хозяйство: дисковый лущильник -
4 disk plough-harrow
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > disk plough-harrow
5 disk plough harrow
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > disk plough harrow
6 disk plough-harrow
с.х. дисковый лущильникАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > disk plough-harrow
7 disk plough-harrow
с.-х. -
8 disk plough-harrow
с.-х. дисковый лущильник -
9 disk tiller
[ʹdısk͵tılə] = disk plough-harrow -
10 disk ploughharrow
disk plough-harrow
1> _с-х. дисковый лущильник -
11 plough
с.х.; дор.плуг; соха; сошник; снегоочиститель; пашущее орудие; струг (для земляных работ); пашня; токосниматель; пазник; шпунтгебель; II пахать; разрыхлять; бороздить; вспахивать; англ. запахивать- plough in - plough-pan - plough-point - plough up - plough with forecarriage - plough-wright - coal plough-machine - curved plough beam - cylinder plough beam - deep plough - digger plough - disk plough - disk plough-harrow - double-mouldboard plough - fall-plough - frame plough - hoeing plough - lifting plough - loading plough - many-bottom plough - rigid plough beam - safety-trip plough beam - screw plough - shovel plough - steam-engine plough - subsoil plough - swing-plough - trench plough - trenching plough - walking plough -
12 harrow
с.х.борона; процесс боронения; II бороновать; боронить- harrow tooth - articulated harrow - bog harrow - brush harrow - chisel-type harrow - circular harrow - coulter harrow - cutout-disk harrow - diamond harrow - double-gang disk harrow - flexible harrow - grassland harrow - jointed harrow - knife harrow - lever harrow - mounted harrow - nail harrow - offset harrow - orchard harrow - ox-harrow - pasture harrow - road harrow - section harrow - seed harrow - single harrow - single-section harrow - smoothing harrow - spike harrow - spike-tooth harrow - spring harrow tooth - spring-tooth harrow - sweeper harrow - tandem disk harrow - tractor harrow - trailing harrow - universal harrow - weeding harrow - wide-level harrow - zigzag harrow -
13 disk
1) диск
2) дисковый
3) кружок
4) тарельчатый
5) топологический образ круга
6) пластина
7) пластинка
8) тарелка
9) шайба
– Airy disk
– apertured disk
– brake disk
– buffer disk
– chipper disk
– closed disk
– concave disk
– covering disk
– cut-out disk
– diffraction by disk
– disk antenna
– disk area
– disk armature
– disk brake
– disk calculator
– disk center
– disk clutch
– disk coil
– disk conveyor
– disk crusher
– disk face
– disk filter
– disk format
– disk gang
– disk harrow
– disk insulator
– disk lister
– disk magazine
– disk marker
– disk pack
– disk piston
– disk pump
– disk roller
– disk ruling
– disk scraper
– disk shutter
– disk spring
– distributor disk
– drag disk
– eccentric disk
– explure disk
– feeding disk
– floppy disk
– friction disk
– hulling disk
– indexing disk
– initialized disk
– interrupter disk
– knotter disk
– Nipkow disk
– piercer disk
– planting disk
– plough disk
– printing disk
– pulling disk
– punctured disk
– retarding disk
– ripper disk
– scanning disk
– seed disk
– spreading disk
– squeeze disk
– stroboscope disk
– turbine disk
– wheel disk
disk operating system — <comput.> система операционная дисковая
14 disk
1) = disc coupling дисковая муфта; многодисковая муфта; муфта с промежуточным диском; дисковое соединение2) диск; шайба; круглая шайба; кружок; тарелка (дисковой бороны); круг; шлиф; гильзовая заготовка; II дисковать; обрабатывать почву дисковым культиватором- disk covering - disk cutterhead - disk gang - disk grinder - disk harrow - disk harrowing - disk marker - disk mill - disk oil filter - disk piston - disk piston blower - disk saw - disk-shaped - disk spring - disk valve - disk wheel - balanced disk - base disk - bearing disk - cam disk - covering disk - cut-out disk - drop disk - eccentric disk - emery disk - falling disk - feed disk - feeding disk - fluted disk - friction disk - grip disk - guide disk - hulling disk - impeller disk - index disk - indexing disk - interlocking disk - interrupter disk - knotter cam disk - knotter disk - nozzle orifice disk - nozzle spray disk - pelletizing disk - picker head disk - piston disk - planting disk - plough disk - plow disk - pressure disk - pulling disk - raking disk - ratchet disk - ripper disk - saw disk - scanning disk - sector disk - seed disk - signal disk - single-row turbine disk - shaft disk - slotted disk - spraying disk - spreading disk - squeeze disk - timing disk - toothed disk - turbine disk - valve disk - wheel disk -
15 disk
1. диск2. дисковый -
16 Harrow
1. n геогр. Харроу2. n боронаweeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
3. n расположение или построение по диагонали4. v боронить, бороновать5. v поддаваться боронованию6. v процарапывать7. v мучить, терзать8. v арх. грабить; разорять, опустошатьСинонимический ряд:1. farm implement (noun) cultivator; farm implement; plough; plow; rake; scourer; shovel; tiller; tilling disks; tractor accessory2. afflict (verb) afflict; agonize; crucify; excruciate; martyr; martyrize; rack; smite; strike; torment; torture; try; wring3. cultivate (verb) break clods; cultivate; drag; grade; plough; plow; rake; scour; smooth; till4. sack (verb) depredate; loot; pillage; plunder; rape; ravage; sack -
17 duplexed disk
18 font disk
19 font disk
20 type disk
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Harrow (tool) — In agriculture, a set of harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. In this way it is distinct in its effect from the plough, which is used for deeper cultivation. They are commonly called harrows (plural) as they are used… … Wikipedia
Plough — Plow redirects here. For the Canadian soldier, see Edward Chester Plow. Plowman redirects here. For the surname, see Plowman (surname). Furrow redirects here. For other uses, see Furrow (disambiguation). For other uses, see Plough… … Wikipedia
disc plough — disc harrow or disc plough noun A harrow or plough in which the soil is cut by inclined discs • • • Main Entry: ↑disc * * * disc plough, Especially British. = disk plow. (Cf. ↑disk plow) … Useful english dictionary
disc harrow — noun a harrow with a series of disks set on edge at an angle • Syn: ↑disk harrow • Hypernyms: ↑harrow * * * noun : a harrow that breaks up plowed or rough land by means of discs arranged at an angle with the line of draft * * * disc harrow or… … Useful english dictionary
Spike harrow — The spike harrow or drag is a tillage implement for agriculture. It breaks up clods of soil that result from other tillage equipment such as the disk harrow or plough. This leaves the field in a suitable condition for planting. The implement has… … Wikipedia
disc plough — /ˈdɪsk plaʊ/ (say disk plaw) noun a plough which turns the earth by means of a set of rotating curved discs which cut through the soil and scoop it up as they rotate. Also, disc harrow …
disc harrow — /ˈdɪsk hæroʊ/ (say disk haroh) noun → disc plough …
plow — plowable, adj. plowability, n. plower, n. /plow/, n. 1. an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil. 2. any of various implements resembling or suggesting this, as a kind of plane for cutting… … Universalium
Subsoiler — Howse brand modular Subsoiler mounted to a tractor Modular subsoiler unit, unmounted with access … Wikipedia
List of agricultural machinery — Agricultural machinery is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. The best known example of this kind is the tractor.Traction and power*Tractor *Crawler tractor / Caterpillar tractoroil cultivation*Cultivator *Chisel plow… … Wikipedia
Tractor — This article is about a vehicle used in agriculture or construction. For the power unit of a semi trailer truck (articulated lorry), see tractor unit. For other uses, see Tractor (disambiguation) … Wikipedia