1 disengaging movement
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > disengaging movement
2 disengaging movement
1) Военный термин: отрыв, отрыв от противника, отход2) Автоматика: движение при растормаживании -
3 disengaging movement
Англо русский политехнический словарь > disengaging movement
4 disengaging movement
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > disengaging movement
5 disengaging movement
6 disengaging movement
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > disengaging movement
7 disengaging movement
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > disengaging movement
8 movement
1) движение; перемещение (см. тж motion)•in one movement — одним движением (напр. подачи)
- amplitude movementmovement through 90° — поворот на 90°
- angular movement
- bidirectional movement
- clearing movement
- command movement
- commanded movement
- compound movement
- constrained movement
- continuous path X and Z movement
- controlled rate movement
- cooperative movements
- coordinate movement
- creeping movement
- cross traverse movement
- cross-feed movement
- crosswise movement
- cutting movement
- demanded movement
- disengaging movement
- down movement
- endlong movement
- engaging movement
- fall movement
- feed movement
- feeding movement
- fine movements
- finishing movement
- floating movement
- floor-level material movement
- free movement
- free ranging movement
- gross transfer movements
- incremental movement
- indexing movement
- infeed movement
- instrument movement
- intermittent feeding movement
- intermittent rotary movement
- interrupted movement
- inward movement
- jaw movement
- jog movement
- jogging movement
- lateral movement
- lengthwise movement
- lifting movement
- machine thermal movement
- maximum programmable movement
- minimum programmable movement
- movement of displacement
- multiaxis movement
- one-way movement
- operator's manual movement
- orthogonally related movements
- oscillating movement
- out-of-sequence movement
- outward movement
- parts movement from machine to machine
- pick-up movement
- pivotal movement
- pivoting movement
- play movement
- point-to-point movement
- position movement
- positive movement
- power movement
- powered movement
- rack movement
- radial movement
- rapid approach movement
- rapid movement
- rapid return movement
- reciprocating movement
- regulating unit movement
- relative movement between workpiece and tool
- relative movement
- resilient flexing movement
- retraction movement
- return movement
- returning movement
- reverse movement
- rolling movement
- rotary movement
- rotational movement
- shear movement
- shifting movement
- shortest path movement
- shuttling movement
- side movement
- simultaneous movement
- single-lever movement
- sliding movement
- sluggish movement
- spindle-axis movement
- spurious movement
- stage movement
- swinging movement
- swivel movement
- thermal movement
- tracking movement
- translation movement
- translational movement
- transport movements
- traverse movement
- trial-and-error movements
- turning movement
- unclamping movement
- vertical longitudinal movement
- wheelhead movement
- wrist movementEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > movement
9 movement
движение; передвижение; перевозки ( воинские) ; переброска; марш; маневр; ( строевой) прием; см. тж. marchair passenger movement (service-sponsored personnel) — воздушные перевозки военнослужащих и их семей
change of ga(u)ge rail movement — железнодорожные перевозки с перестановкой вагонов на колею другой ширины
rest movement (while marching) — свободное движение в строю [нестроевым шагом]
— logistical movement— tactical movements -
10 movement
1. n движение; перемещение, передвижение2. n воен. передвижение; переброска; маршmovement away from the enemy — отход назад, отступление
3. n ход механизма4. n жест, телодвижение5. n осанка; выправка; манера держаться6. n воен. приём, манёвр7. n переезд, переселение8. n действия; поведение9. n движение, деятельностьpeace movement — движение за мир, движение сторонников мира
10. n течение, направление11. n лит. развитие действия, сюжета; динамикаthe novel lacks movement — в этом романе мало действия, этот роман статичен
12. n иск. динамика, динамичность13. n муз. темп; ритм14. n стих. ритм; ритмичность15. n часть16. n ком. оживление17. n ком. изменение в ценах18. n ком. редк. побуждение, внутренний импульсСинонимический ряд:1. action (noun) action; activity; change; eventfulness; gesture; progress; transit2. crusade (noun) crusade; drive; effort; program3. inclination (noun) bent; drift; inclination; tendency4. maneuver (noun) maneuver; operation5. motion (noun) motion; move; stir; stirring6. rhythm (noun) division; part; rhythm; section; tempo; time7. turn (noun) adjustment; manoeuvre; turnАнтонимический ряд:cessation; idleness; inactivity; indolence; inertia; insensibility; laziness; pause; quiescence; resignation; rest; sleep; slumber -
11 movement
движение; передвижение; перемещение; ход; ход механизма; механизм- movement pickup - movement-preventive bracket - disengaging movement - rack movement - sinuous movement - turning movement - vibratory movement - upward movement -
12 harmonic cam movement
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > harmonic cam movement
13 device
приспособление; механизм; устройство; установка; прибор; аппарат (см. также apparatus, instrument, mechanism); элемент; компонент; метод; методика; процедура; способ; план; проект; схема; эмблема; амер. значок- device capacity - device class - device complexity - device control character - device control register - device control unit - device coordinates - device cycle - device directory - device docking - device driver - device error message - device executive - device for all-range centrifugal regulator correction - device ID - device independent - device integration - device operating failures - device queue - device resolution - device stability - device status condition - device under test - activation device - alarm device - anticrash device - AND device - anti-dazzling device - anticollision device - anticreep device - antidive device - antijamming device - antijoy ride device - antipumping device - antiroll device - antirotation device - assembly feed device - automatic arm locking device - automatic tracking device - bit rotation device - breakaway device - breakaway safety device - breakout device - bridge device - bridging device - built-in diagnostic device - bucket-tipping device - casing-rotating device - catch device - catching device - center-locating device - central control device - chain-stretching device - chain-type leveling device - levelling device - changeover device - character display device - charging device - checking device - chip control device - chip flushing device - choice device - chuck jaw-changing device - chuck jaw-forming device - chuck location device - chucking device - circular milling device - clearance device - clearing device - clever device - clutch antirotation device - clutch-operating device - code device - coded automatic reader device - cold-start device - compensating device - complete device - compliance device - compliant device - computer access device - conditioning device - constant hydrostatic head device - constant tension device - constant torque device - contact device - contact sealing device - continuously variable adjustment device - control device - control-monitor device - control device controlling device - controlled device - controlled handling device - controlling device - conveying-loading device - coolant transfer device - copying device - correcting device - crane device - cross rail clamping device - current-collecting device - custom's device - cutoff device - cut-out device - cutter angle testing device - cutter-checking device - cutter-trueing device - damping device - data storage device - data-setting device - deburring device - deep hole tapping device - defective device - delta-connected device - density device - depth-measuring device - differential device - differential speed reduction device - digital measuring device - dimension monitoring device - directed beam display device - discrete output device - disengaging device - disk-type leveling device - display device - distance-measuring device - diverting device - dividing device - dragging device - dressing device - drilling device - drive device - driven device - driving roller device - duplicating device - edging device - educational device - electric control device - electromechanical locking device in case of rope failure - electronic storage device - emergency cutoff device - emergency-knockoff device - emergency release device - emergency stop device - emission control device - emptying device - end device device - end-finishing device - end-machining device - end-of-arm tooling safety device - energy storage device - error-detection device - error-sensing device - escapement device - estimation device - etching device - executive device - expandable holding device - external diagnostic device - external read-in device - fail-active device - fail-passive device - fail-safe device - failure-detection device - failure-indicating device - failure-sensing device - fastening device - fault-isolation device - fault-locating device - feed control device - feeding device - fifth-wheel device - finger-type leveling device - finger-type levelling device - fixed length stroke device - fixing device - fixturing device - flaw-detecting device - flotation device - flow control device - flow-diverting device - fluid logic device - four-arm device - fuel-metering device - fuel run-out warning device - functional switching device - galvanic device - gas discharge device - gas-partitioning device - go-no-go device - grabbing device - graphic input device - gravitational separating device - gravity device - gripping device - guard device - guide device - Hall device - Hall-effect device - handling device - hard-wired command-and-control device - hauling device - height-measuring device - height setting-and-measuring device - helical milling device - high-pressure cleaning device - hoisting device - hold-down device - hold-off device - holding device - holding down device - hole-locating device - homing device - honing device - hooking device - hopper-type loading device - hydraulic releasing device - hydraulic retaining device - hydraulically actuated retaining device - ignition device - in-line device - in-process gaging device - in-process storage device - indexing device - indicating device - indicator device - inertial energy-storage device - information-processing device - input device - input-output device - inspection device - insulation monitoring device - interference detection device - interlock device - interlocking device - isolating device - jarring device - jaw shift device - jet device - joint device - knock-off device - labour-saving device - latching device - laying device - lift device - lift device with insulating arm - lifting device - limiting device - linear measuring device - load-handling device - load safety device - load-unload device - loading device - loading-unloading device - locating device - locking device - long lateral device - long normal device - low-frequency galvanic device - lubricating device - M-code device - machine retaining device - machine-dedicated device - machining device - magnetic holding device - magnetic medium input device - magnetic release device - magnetic testing device - magnetizing device - make-and-break device - manual input device - marking device - master device - master locating device - matching device - material-handling device - materials-handling device - measuring device - mechanical switching device - mechanical system diagnostic device - mending device - metering device - metrology room device - microautomatic device - microfocused device - micrometric displacement device - microspacing device - minimum-current release device - miter-cutting device - mixing device - monitoring device - monostable device - motion translation device - movement position device - muffling device - multichannel analyzer device - multidigit display device - multipallet automatic pallet-changing device - multipart clamping device - multiple switching device - multipoint measuring device - night viewing device - noise-attenuating device - noise-eliminating device - nondeteriorating device - nonsynchronous loading device - normal device - normal logging device - numerical control device - nut-locking device - off-line device - offloading device - offtake device - oiling device - oleodynamic device - on-line device - operating device - operation-performing device - optical reading device - optical scanning device - optoelectronic device - OR device - orienting device - origin-shift device - output device - oval turning device - overcurrent release device - overload-detecting device - overload device - overload prevention device - overload-protection device - overload release device - overload safety device - override-idle economy device - pallet load-unload device - pallet locating-and-clamping device - pallet shuttle device - pallet transfer device - pallet transport device - part handling-and-storage device - part-marking device - part present device - part presentation device - part probing device - partitioning device - pen-equipped device - peripheral recording device - permanent insulation monitoring device - personal protective device - photoelectric device - photoelectric semiconductor device - photosensitive device - pick device - pick-and-place device - pickup device - pipe collapsing device - pipe-cutting device - pipe hoisting device - pipe makeup and breakout automatic device - pipe-shearing device - pipe stabber device - pit level device - plotting device - plug-in device - plugging device - pointer device - pointer-type device - pointing device - poligon-cutting device - polyphase device - polyphase electrical device - porosity-estimating device - porosity-sensitive device - position control device - positioning device - power-assisted clamping device - power chucking device - preselector device - presence sensing device - pressure abnormal fall detecting device - pressure-difference device - pressure fall preventing device - pressure-sensing device - primary device - printing device - probe control device - probe-changing device - probing device - process-monitoring device - profiling device - program transfer device - programmable device - programmable wheel trueing device - projection optical device - propulsion device - propulsive device - protecting device - protective device - puller device - pulling device - pushing device - radial stretching device - radius planing device - radius trueing device - rail-clamping device - rail-setting device - ratchet device - ratcheting device - reading device - readout device - ready-not-ready device - reclosing device - recognition device - recording device - redundancy device - redundant device - regulating device - regulator device - relay device - releasing device - relief device - relieving device - remote maintenance device - repairable device - resetting device - resistivity measuring device - resolver position measuring device - rest device - restraint device - retaining device - retrieval device - return spring device - reverse-current release device - reverse-thrust device - reversing device - right-angle orientating device - robot device - robot-like device - robot load-unload device - robot part-handling device - robotic device - robotic inspection device - robotic loading device - rocking device - roll feed device - rotary machining device - rotary power-torque device - rotating device - sand-spraying device - safety device - safety alarm device - safety control device - safety interlock device - safety locking device - safety slipping device - sampling device - scanning device - scraping device - screening device - screw copying device - screw locking device - sealing device - search device - searching device - securing device - seed-feeding device - sowing device - seed-sowing device - self-balancing device - self-diagnosis device - self-gripping device - self-healing device - self-leveling device - self-levelling device - self-reacting device - self-repair device - semiautomatic device - semiconductor device - semiconductor display device - semiconductor power device - semiconductor switching device - sending device - sensing device - sensing-switching device - sensor device - separation device - serial device - setting device - shaker device - shearing device - short normal device - short-time memory device - shut-down device - shut-off device - shuting-off device - sighting device - signal device - signaling device - single-lever locking device - single-phase device - single-phase electrical device - single-pole switching device - sizing device - skew-compensating device - slitter device - slowing-down device - smart device - smart power device - snap-action switching device - sonic device - sound emitting device - special machine retaining device - speed reduction device - speed-limit device - speed-limiting device - speed-sensing device - spindle-keylock device - spindle-keylocking device - spinning device - spiral milling device - split clamping device - spooling device - spraying device - spreading device - spring balancing device - squelch device - stall warning device - star-connected device - starting device - static switching device - steadying device - steering device - stirring device - stocking device - stop device - stopper-rod device - stopping device - storage device - stretching device - strip-off device - stroke device - surface-mounted device - swing arm device - swirling device - switch device - switching device - switch-type sensing device - switching-off device - table-tilting device - tactile sensing device - take-up device - taper-turning device - tapping device - tea-leaf harvesting device - picking device - telechiric device - telemetering device - tensioner device - tensioning device - testing device - thermal release device - thermoelectric device - three-axis sensing device - three-dimensional sensing device - three-linear axis device - thrust-vectoring device - tightening device - tilting device - time-cycling device - time-delay device - tipping device - tool-changing device - tool-checking device - tool feed control device - tool-guiding device - tool life control device - tool-loading device - tool-pregaging device - tool-presetting device - tool-setting device - tool storage device - toolholder-changing device - toolholding device - torque release device - tracing device - transfer device - trip-free mechanical switching device - tripping device - trouble-location device - trouble-shooting device - trueing device - trunnion device - tube end finishing device - tube-cutting device - tube-trimming device - turnaround device - turnover device - twin-pallet rotating device - two-axis sensing device - ultrasonic proximity device - universal machine retaining device - upsetting device - unwinding device - variable gain device - variable speed device - vector-measuring device - visible light emission device - warning device - washing device - water suction device - waveguide protection device - wear-sensing device - weighting device - wheel-trueing device - withdrawing device - work recognition device - work rest device - work-staging device - work transfer device - workhandling device - workholding device - workpiece holddown device - workpiece-sensing device - workpiece support device - worm-type leveling device - zero-resetting device - zero-setting device
См. также в других словарях:
Tea Party movement — This article is about the movement. For the protest events themselves, see Tea Party protests. For the U.S. Congressional caucus, see Tea Party Caucus … Wikipedia
disengage — [ˌdɪsɪn geɪdʒ, ˌdɪsɛn ] verb 1》 separate, release, or detach. ↘[as adjective disengaged] emotionally detached; uninvolved. 2》 remove (troops) from an area of conflict. 3》 Fencing pass the point of one s sword over or under the opponent s… … English new terms dictionary
disengage — v. & n. v. 1 tr. detach, free, loosen, or separate (parts etc.) (disengaged the clutch). 2 tr. Mil. remove (troops) from a battle or a battle area. 3 intr. become detached. 4 intr. Fencing pass the point of one s sword to the other side of one s… … Useful english dictionary
Clutch — For other uses, see Clutch (disambiguation). Rear side of a Ford V6 engine, looking at the clutch housing on the flywheel … Wikipedia
Opposition to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War — The movement against US involvment in the in Vietnam War began in the United States with demonstrations in 1964 and grew in strength in later years. The US became polarized between those who advocated continued involvement in Vietnam, and those… … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Reconstructionist Judaism — is a modern American based Jewish movement based on the ideas of the late Mordecai Kaplan (1881 – 1983). The movement views Judaism as a progressively evolving civilization. [ [http://www.jrf.org/showres rid=143 What Are The Institutions Of The… … Wikipedia
1914 (game) — 1914 was a board wargame published by the Avalon Hill game company in 1968 and designed by James F. Dunnigan. It was a corps level simulation of the first few weeks of World War I on the western front. The game came in an 11 times; 14 cardboard… … Wikipedia
Lithuania — Lithuanic /lith ooh an ik/, adj., n. /lith ooh ay nee euh/, n. a republic in N Europe, on the Baltic: an independent state 1918 40; annexed by the Soviet Union 1940; regained independence 1991. 3,635,932; 25,174 sq. mi. (65,200 sq. km). Cap.:… … Universalium
Opposition to the Vietnam War — Articleissues cleanup = July 2008 essay = March 2008 globalize = July 2008 refimprove = June 2008Opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War is significant because domestic protest in the U.S.A. eventually forced The United States… … Wikipedia
Land mine — For other uses, see Land mine (disambiguation). Minefield redirects here. For other uses, see Minefield (disambiguation). Examples of anti personnel mines. From left to right: an M14, Valmara 69 (a bounding mine), and VS 50 … Wikipedia