1 dirty pool
n AmE slWhen they start playing dirty pool, it's time to get mean — Когда они начнут вести грязную игру, нам тоже не надо церемониться
The incident triggered ugly accusations of dirty pool — Этот случай послужил поводом для того, чтобы обвинить нас в подлости
2 dirty pool
амер.; жарг.подлое поведение, жульничество, надувательствоThey charged that officials of Harrison... had resorted to "dirty pool" by secretly presenting the bill in Albany and getting it passed by means of an exchange of favors among state legislators. (‘The New York Times’, DNE) — Они обвиняли официальных лиц города Гаррисона... в жульничестве, которое выразилось в том, что они тайно представили законопроект в Олбани и провели его, оказав ряд услуг законодателям штата.
3 dirty pool
(американизм) нечестная игра на биллиарде (американизм) нечестная игра, игра без правил;
удар ниже поясаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dirty pool
4 dirty pool
[͵dɜ:tıʹpu:l] амер.1) нечестная игра на биллиарде2) нечестная игра, игра без правил; удар ниже пояса -
5 dirty pool
[ˌdɜːtɪ'puːl]1) Общая лексика: игра без правил, нечестная игра, нечестная игра на биллиарде, удар ниже пояса2) Австралийский сленг: недобросовестная работа, неправильная работа -
6 dirty pool
нечестная игра; недобросовестная или неправильная работа, действия и т.п. -
7 dirty pool
8 dirty pool
нечестная игра; недобросовестная или неправильная работа, действия и т.п. -
9 dirty pool
1. амер. нечестная игра на биллиарде2. амер. нечестная игра, игра без правил; удар ниже пояса -
10 con game, dipsy-doodle, dirty pool
мухлеж, жульничество, грязная играConversation vocabulary and slang. English-Russian dictionary > con game, dipsy-doodle, dirty pool
11 pool
12 dirty
1. a грязный, нечистый; испачканный, замаранныйdirty work — грязное дело; низкий поступок
dirty money — грязные деньги; незаконные доходы
2. a загрязнённый; заражённый3. a низкий, подлый, грязный, нечестный4. a непристойный, неприличный5. a ненастный, бурный; пасмурный6. a тёмный7. a спец. дающий радиоактивные осадки; приводящий к радиоактивному заражению местностиdirty bomb — «грязная» бомба
8. a спец. радиоактивный9. a спец. сл. употребляющий наркотики; наркоманский10. v разг. загрязнять; пачкать, марать11. v разг. пачкатьсяСинонимический ряд:1. base (adj.) base; contemptible; despicable; groveling; grovelling; low; mean; ribald; scurvy2. black (adj.) black; grimy; grubby; impure; mucky; murky; soily; squalid; unchaste; uncleanly3. contaminated (adj.) contaminated; radioactive4. dingy (adj.) clouded; dark; dark colored; dingy; dull; sullied5. lewd (adj.) amoral; immoral; indecent; lascivious; lewd; lubricious; lubricous; pornographic; smutty; sordid6. messy (adj.) messy; slovenly; untidy7. obscene (adj.) barnyard; coarse; crude; crusty; fescennine; gross; obscene; paw; profane; rank; raunchy; rocky; scatological; scurrilous; vulgar8. rainy (adj.) disagreeable; foul; nasty; rainy; sloppy; squally; stormy9. soiled (adj.) defiled; dungy; dusty; filthy; infected; polluted; soiled; unclean; unhygienic; unsanitary10. soiling (adj.) befouling; besmirching; dirtying; soiling11. wild (adj.) blustering; blustery; furious; raging; rough; stormful; tempestuous; turbulent; wild12. soil (verb) besoil; contaminate; corrupt; foul; grime; muck; muddy; murk; pollute; smirch; smooch; smutch; soil13. stain (verb) befoul; begrime; besmear; besmirch; bespatter; blacken; blur; cloud; defile; denigrate; discolor; smear; smudge; smut; stain; sully; taint; tar; tarnishАнтонимический ряд:clean; clear; decent; elevated; exalted; fair; moral; purge; sanitary; tidy -
13 DMP
1) Компьютерная техника: Declarative Meta Programming, Dot Matrix Printer2) Авиация: Display Management Processor3) Американизм: Data Management Plan4) Латинский язык: Deontic Modus Ponens5) Военный термин: Defense Manpower Policy, Director of Manpower Planning, Director of Military Personnel, disarmed military personnel6) Техника: Digital Music Products, dedicated microprocessor, dimethyl phthalate, dip moveout processing, display maintenance program, display masking parameters7) Бухгалтерия: Debt Management Plan8) Грубое выражение: Dirty Mo Posse9) Оптика: digital map processor, digital micromirror device10) Сокращение: Daily Maintenance Pack, Digital Media Player11) Вычислительная техника: desktop multimedia publishing, dynamic memory pool, динамический пул памяти12) Стоматология: dentine matrix protein13) Транспорт: Driver's Master Panel14) Фирменный знак: Dark Music Productions, Dutch Music Partners15) Сейсмология: эллиптическая развёртка отражений (dip moveout processing)16) Сетевые технологии: Dynamic Multipathing17) Полимеры: dimethyl phenol, dimethylol phenol18) Автоматика: document material processed19) Телефония: Device Management Protocol20) Расширение файла: Dump File21) Энергосистемы: Demand Management Program, ПУС22) Фантастика Demon Making Plant, Demon Manufacturing Plant -
14 DSP
1) Общая лексика: Диаретическое отравление моллюсками2) Спорт: Direct Sponsorship Program3) Латинский язык: Decessit Sine Prole4) Военный термин: Defense Satellite Program, Defense Science Program, Defense Standardization Program, Defense Support Program, Director of Secret Police, Director of Selection of Personnel, data standardization project, designated stock point, direct support party, dispersed strong point, distributing point, программа обеспечения обороны (спутники системы ДСП для фиксирования запусков)5) Техника: Doppler spectrum processor, deployable solar panel, digital strip printer, direct solar pumping, display simulation program, double silver plate, dynamic support program6) Математика: план двухступенчатого выборочного контроля (double sampling plan)7) Биржевой термин: Direct Stock Purchase, Doubling Stock Price8) Грубое выражение: Dip Shit Phil, Dirty Sick Pig, Dumb Stupid Product9) Телекоммуникации: Digital Signal Processing, Domain Specific Part, Directory System Protocol (X. 500), Display System Protocol (packet switching)10) Сокращение: Decessit Sine Prole ( died without issue), Defense Support Program (USA), Digital Signal Processor, Digital Signal/Speech Processor, Direct Signal Processing, Dynamic Storage region-Pool, двойной суперфосфат (double superphosphate)11) Физиология: Decreased sensory perception12) Электроника: Differential signal processing, Digital Sound Processing13) Вычислительная техника: Directory System Protocol, digital sound program, discretionary security protection, Digital Signal Processing / Processor (Audio, Video, RL, DSP), Direct Socket Protocol (Infini-Band), DOMAIN Specific Part (NSAP, IDL), Directory System Protocol (X. 500, DS), Document Services for Printing (Xerox), Decessit Sine Prole (died without issue), процессор цифровой обработки аудиосигнала (сокр. от digital signal processor), цифровой процессор сигналов14) Нефть: deliverability standard pressure15) Транспорт: Departure Sequencing Program16) Деловая лексика: Delivery Service Partner17) Сетевые технологии: device stop, distributed system program, останов устройства, отключение устройства, программа распределённой системы, процессор цифровых сигналов, цифровая обработка сигналов18) Сахалин Р: Decision Support Package19) Молочное производство: Dextran Sulphate Precipitable20) Расширение файла: Digital Signal Processing/Processor, Dr.Halo Graphics DISplay driver, Dynamic Studio Professional Module (Dynamic Studio), Directory Synchronization Protocol (Lotus), Project (MS Developer Studio), Display parameters (Signature), Dynamic Studio21) Строительные материалы: densified system with ultrafine particles22) Электротехника: double silver-plated23) Высокочастотная электроника: digital signal processor/processing24) Hi-Fi. Digital Sound Procesing, цифровая обработка сигнала (обработка аудио- и видеосигналов посредством выполнения математических преобразований цифрового сигнала, полученного в результате кодирования звука или изображения; ЦОС)25) Должность: Direct Support Professional -
15 Dsp
1) Общая лексика: Диаретическое отравление моллюсками2) Спорт: Direct Sponsorship Program3) Латинский язык: Decessit Sine Prole4) Военный термин: Defense Satellite Program, Defense Science Program, Defense Standardization Program, Defense Support Program, Director of Secret Police, Director of Selection of Personnel, data standardization project, designated stock point, direct support party, dispersed strong point, distributing point, программа обеспечения обороны (спутники системы ДСП для фиксирования запусков)5) Техника: Doppler spectrum processor, deployable solar panel, digital strip printer, direct solar pumping, display simulation program, double silver plate, dynamic support program6) Математика: план двухступенчатого выборочного контроля (double sampling plan)7) Биржевой термин: Direct Stock Purchase, Doubling Stock Price8) Грубое выражение: Dip Shit Phil, Dirty Sick Pig, Dumb Stupid Product9) Телекоммуникации: Digital Signal Processing, Domain Specific Part, Directory System Protocol (X. 500), Display System Protocol (packet switching)10) Сокращение: Decessit Sine Prole ( died without issue), Defense Support Program (USA), Digital Signal Processor, Digital Signal/Speech Processor, Direct Signal Processing, Dynamic Storage region-Pool, двойной суперфосфат (double superphosphate)11) Физиология: Decreased sensory perception12) Электроника: Differential signal processing, Digital Sound Processing13) Вычислительная техника: Directory System Protocol, digital sound program, discretionary security protection, Digital Signal Processing / Processor (Audio, Video, RL, DSP), Direct Socket Protocol (Infini-Band), DOMAIN Specific Part (NSAP, IDL), Directory System Protocol (X. 500, DS), Document Services for Printing (Xerox), Decessit Sine Prole (died without issue), процессор цифровой обработки аудиосигнала (сокр. от digital signal processor), цифровой процессор сигналов14) Нефть: deliverability standard pressure15) Транспорт: Departure Sequencing Program16) Деловая лексика: Delivery Service Partner17) Сетевые технологии: device stop, distributed system program, останов устройства, отключение устройства, программа распределённой системы, процессор цифровых сигналов, цифровая обработка сигналов18) Сахалин Р: Decision Support Package19) Молочное производство: Dextran Sulphate Precipitable20) Расширение файла: Digital Signal Processing/Processor, Dr.Halo Graphics DISplay driver, Dynamic Studio Professional Module (Dynamic Studio), Directory Synchronization Protocol (Lotus), Project (MS Developer Studio), Display parameters (Signature), Dynamic Studio21) Строительные материалы: densified system with ultrafine particles22) Электротехника: double silver-plated23) Высокочастотная электроника: digital signal processor/processing24) Hi-Fi. Digital Sound Procesing, цифровая обработка сигнала (обработка аудио- и видеосигналов посредством выполнения математических преобразований цифрового сигнала, полученного в результате кодирования звука или изображения; ЦОС)25) Должность: Direct Support Professional -
16 dsp
1) Общая лексика: Диаретическое отравление моллюсками2) Спорт: Direct Sponsorship Program3) Латинский язык: Decessit Sine Prole4) Военный термин: Defense Satellite Program, Defense Science Program, Defense Standardization Program, Defense Support Program, Director of Secret Police, Director of Selection of Personnel, data standardization project, designated stock point, direct support party, dispersed strong point, distributing point, программа обеспечения обороны (спутники системы ДСП для фиксирования запусков)5) Техника: Doppler spectrum processor, deployable solar panel, digital strip printer, direct solar pumping, display simulation program, double silver plate, dynamic support program6) Математика: план двухступенчатого выборочного контроля (double sampling plan)7) Биржевой термин: Direct Stock Purchase, Doubling Stock Price8) Грубое выражение: Dip Shit Phil, Dirty Sick Pig, Dumb Stupid Product9) Телекоммуникации: Digital Signal Processing, Domain Specific Part, Directory System Protocol (X. 500), Display System Protocol (packet switching)10) Сокращение: Decessit Sine Prole ( died without issue), Defense Support Program (USA), Digital Signal Processor, Digital Signal/Speech Processor, Direct Signal Processing, Dynamic Storage region-Pool, двойной суперфосфат (double superphosphate)11) Физиология: Decreased sensory perception12) Электроника: Differential signal processing, Digital Sound Processing13) Вычислительная техника: Directory System Protocol, digital sound program, discretionary security protection, Digital Signal Processing / Processor (Audio, Video, RL, DSP), Direct Socket Protocol (Infini-Band), DOMAIN Specific Part (NSAP, IDL), Directory System Protocol (X. 500, DS), Document Services for Printing (Xerox), Decessit Sine Prole (died without issue), процессор цифровой обработки аудиосигнала (сокр. от digital signal processor), цифровой процессор сигналов14) Нефть: deliverability standard pressure15) Транспорт: Departure Sequencing Program16) Деловая лексика: Delivery Service Partner17) Сетевые технологии: device stop, distributed system program, останов устройства, отключение устройства, программа распределённой системы, процессор цифровых сигналов, цифровая обработка сигналов18) Сахалин Р: Decision Support Package19) Молочное производство: Dextran Sulphate Precipitable20) Расширение файла: Digital Signal Processing/Processor, Dr.Halo Graphics DISplay driver, Dynamic Studio Professional Module (Dynamic Studio), Directory Synchronization Protocol (Lotus), Project (MS Developer Studio), Display parameters (Signature), Dynamic Studio21) Строительные материалы: densified system with ultrafine particles22) Электротехника: double silver-plated23) Высокочастотная электроника: digital signal processor/processing24) Hi-Fi. Digital Sound Procesing, цифровая обработка сигнала (обработка аудио- и видеосигналов посредством выполнения математических преобразований цифрового сигнала, полученного в результате кодирования звука или изображения; ЦОС)25) Должность: Direct Support Professional -
17 money
n1) деньги, платежное средство2) (pl moneys) монетная система валюты
- accounting money
- accumulated money
- active money
- adulterated money
- advance money
- allotment money
- application money
- bad money
- bank money
- bargain money
- barren money
- black money
- bogus money
- bookkeeping money
- borrowed money
- bottle return money
- call money
- caution money
- central bank money
- charter money
- cheap money
- check book money
- checking account money
- coined money
- commodity money
- conduct money
- conscience money
- convertible money
- counterfeit money
- credit money
- current money
- current account money
- danger money
- day-to-day money
- dead money
- dear money
- demand money
- deposit money
- depreciated money
- dirty money
- dispatch money
- drug money
- earnest money
- easy money
- effective money
- elastic money
- electronic money
- end money
- even money
- excess money
- extra money
- fall money
- false money
- fiat money
- fiduciary money
- floating money
- forfeit money
- forged money
- fractional money
- fresh money
- funk money
- gate money
- genuine money
- good faith money
- hand money
- hard money
- hat money
- hot money
- housekeeping money
- hush money
- idle money
- incentive money
- inconvertible paper money
- insurance money
- irredeemable paper money
- key money
- lawful money
- legal tender money
- loanable money
- local money
- long-term mons
- loose money
- lot money
- managed money
- medium-term mons
- metal money
- mortgage money
- near money
- neutral money
- new money
- nonphysical money
- odd money
- old money
- option money
- overnight money
- overtime money
- paper money
- paperless money
- passage money
- pension money
- period money
- pin money
- pocket money
- portfolio money
- prize money
- promotion money
- public money
- purchase money
- push money
- quasi money
- quick money
- rag money
- ready money
- real money
- redemption money
- redundancy money
- rent money
- representation and mission money
- representative money
- retention money
- returned earnest money
- salvage money
- seed money
- short money
- short-term money
- slush money
- smart money
- soft money
- spare money
- spending money
- stable money
- standard money
- substitute money
- tax money
- tight money
- till money
- time money
- token money
- trust money
- uncovered paper money
- universal money
- up-front money
- vault money
- world money
- money at call
- money at long
- money at medium term
- money at short
- money down
- money due
- money in cash
- money in circulation
- money in hand
- money of account
- money on account
- money on call
- money on checking account
- money on current account
- money on deposit
- money on loan
- money only
- money graduated from taxation
- money held in trust
- money lying idle
- mons received
- money tied up in nonproductive assets
- at the money
- short of money
- accommodate with money
- advance money
- advance money on securities
- allocate money
- appropriate money
- be pressed for money
- borrow money
- borrow money flat
- borrow money at interest
- borrow money on pledge
- borrow money on a policy
- call money
- call in money
- change money
- channel money offshore
- claim money
- coin money
- collect money
- convert into money
- debase on one's own monies
- deposit money
- deposit money at a bank
- deposit money with a bank
- draw money from an account
- draw money from a bank
- draw money out
- expend money
- extract excess money from circulation
- find money for smth
- forfeit the earnest money
- furnish money
- generate money through normal economic activity
- get money
- get one's money back
- grant money
- handle money
- have money at a bank
- have money in a bank
- have money with a bank
- hoard money
- invest money
- invest money at a bank
- invest money with a bank
- invest money at interest
- issue money
- keep money at a bank
- keep money in a bank
- keep money with a bank
- lend money
- lend money at interest
- lend money on interest
- lend money free of interest
- lend money on goods
- lend money on an insurance policy
- lend money on mortgage
- lend money on security
- lend money on stock
- lodge money
- lose money
- make money
- misappropriate money
- obtain money
- obtain money by a trick
- pay money into an account
- pay money into a bank
- pay back money
- pay out money
- place money in escrow
- place money on deposit
- pool money
- push up money
- put money into a bank
- put money into life insurance companies
- put money into a savings account
- put money on term deposit
- put money to reserve
- put aside money
- put out money
- raise money
- recall money from circulation
- receive money for smth
- receive money on a bill
- recover money
- redeem money from circulation
- redistribute money
- refund money
- relend money
- remit money
- repatriate offshore money
- repay money
- replace borrowed money
- reserve money
- return earnest money
- run into money
- save money
- send money
- set aside money
- shelter money abroad
- sink money
- spend money
- squander money
- take money on account
- take up money
- tie up money in land
- tie up liquid mons
- transfer money
- turn into money
- waste money
- withdraw money from an account
- withdraw money from a bank
- withdraw money from a business
- withdraw money from circulation -
18 money
1) деньги, платежное средствоpl moneys, monies2) денежные суммы, средства• -
19 puddle
См. также в других словарях:
dirty pool — ☆ dirty pool n. Slang the use of unfair or dishonest tactics … English World dictionary
dirty pool — n. activities conducted using unfair or sneaky tactics. □ They’re playing dirty pool now. This calls for a new plan. □ When they start playing dirty pool, it’s time to get mean … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
dirty pool — noun Foul play, misconduct. The thieves, in their turn, have developed a self pity syndrome about the FBI, considering government surveillance to be dirty pool unjustifiable interference with free enterprise … Wiktionary
dirty pool — Dishonest or underhanded practices (referring to the game of billiards). ► “Market share obsession easily leads to price wars, product proliferation, and dirty tricks.” (Management Today, Dec. 1994, p. 29) … American business jargon
dirty pool — noun Date: 1918 underhanded or unsportsmanlike conduct … New Collegiate Dictionary
dirty pool — Informal. unethical, unfair, or unsportsmanlike conduct. * * * … Universalium
dirty pool — noun conduct that is unfair or unethical or unsportsmanlike • Hypernyms: ↑behavior, ↑behaviour, ↑conduct, ↑doings … Useful english dictionary
dirty tricks — [n] dishonest practices dirty pool*, funny business*, malicious tactics, monkey business*, shady business, skullduggery, unethical behavior; concepts 59,633,657 … New thesaurus
dirty — 1 adjective dirtier, dirtiest 1 NOT CLEAN covered in dirt or marked with dirt: Just stack the dirty dishes in the sink. | Look how dirty your hands are! Go wash them right now! 2 IMMORAL connected with sex in a way that is considered immoral or… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pool — I. /pul / (say poohl) noun 1. a small body of standing water; pond. 2. a puddle. 3. any small collection of liquid on a surface: a pool of blood. 4. a still, deep place in a stream. 5. a swimming pool. {Middle English and Old English pōl} II.… …
pool — 1. Pond. Ki o, ki o wai. Also: loko, hāloko, hālokoloko, luawai, huinawai, wai ahu, hāpuna, kīpoho, lahalaha wai, lau wai, huawaimaka, hakuone, ko ana wai, kuki o, pōnaha wai. ♦ Sea pool, kāheka; kāhekaheka (small). ♦ Dirty pool, ki o… … English-Hawaiian dictionary