1 direct subtraction
2 direct subtraction
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > direct subtraction
3 direct subtraction
Вычислительная техника: прямое вычитание -
4 direct subtraction
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > direct subtraction
5 direct subtraction
мат. -
6 subtraction
7 subtraction
8 subtraction
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > subtraction
9 subtraction
1. n мат. вычитание2. n изъятие; отчуждение; лишениеСинонимический ряд:deduction (noun) abatement; abstraction; cutback; deducting; deduction; diminishing; diminution; discount; lessening; loss; rebate; reduction; removal; taking away; withdrawal -
10 subtraction by addition
вычитание сложением; вычитание путем сложения -
11 addition by subtraction
сложение вычитанием; сложение путем вычитания -
12 binary subtraction
двоичное вычитание; вычитание в двоичной системе -
13 binary subtraction
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > binary subtraction
14 addition by subtraction
binary subtraction — двоичное вычитание; вычитание в двоичной системе
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > addition by subtraction
15 below zero subtraction
16 image subtraction
17 trace subtraction
18 прямое вычитание
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > прямое вычитание
19 DAS
1) Общая лексика: грузовое судно двойного действия (грузовое судно, которое двигается вперед по воде как обычное судно, а кормой может разламывать лед)2) Компьютерная техника: Direct Access Scheme, Dual Attachment Station, directory assistance system3) Морской термин: доставленный к борту судна (delivered alongside ship), судно двойного действия, технология «судно двойного действия», double acting ship, double action ship4) Медицина: индекс активности [заболевания] по шкале DAS28 (disease activity score), dead arm syndrome5) Американизм: Department Of Administrative Services6) Военный термин: Data Acquisition Segment, Data Acquisition Subsystem, Days At Sea, Defense Attache System, Director of Administrative Services, Director of Armament Supply, Director of the Army Staff, Directorate of Armament Supply, data acquisition station, data analysis station, data analysis system, date arrived station, deep air support, deputy assistant secretary, direct access subscriber, direct air support, direct automotive support, discrete address system7) Техника: data application server, data assembly system, data automation subsystem, data automation system, dial assistance switchboard, differential absorption and scattering, digital address system, digital altimeter scanner, digital attenuator system, digital avionics system, digital-analog simulation, digital-analog simulator, dipole antenna system, direct attached storage, display analysis system, disturbance analysis system, diverse actuation system, dual access stack8) Химия: Delft Active Suspension9) Религия: Dark Angels Of Sin11) Телекоммуникации: Dual Attachment Station (FDDI)12) Сокращение: Defense Aids Suite (U.K.), Defense Attache System (USA), Defensive Aids Suite / System, Defensive Aids System, Defensive Avionics System, Density Analysis System, Director Aiming Sight / System, direct acting steam, Directory Assistance Service, Direct-Attached Storage13) Физиология: Developmental Apraxia Of Speech14) Электроника: Digital Audio System, Dimer- Adatom Stacking, Direct Absorption Spectroscopy, Discrete Amplifier Stage15) Вычислительная техника: Document Agent Service, data acquisition software, database application simulation, Dual Attached Station (FDDI), Dual Attachment Station (FDDI, Schneider & Koch), Disk Array Subsystem (Unix, HP-UX), Dynamic Allocation Scheme (protocol), Directory Assistance Service (protocol, RFC 1202)16) Нефть: deconvolution after stack, directional attitude sensor, датчик азимутального направления (ствола скважины)18) Транспорт: Defense Avionics Systems19) СМИ: Dial A Song20) Деловая лексика: с доставкой к борту судна (delivered alongside ship)21) Нефтегазовая техника датчик азимутального направления скважины (directional attitude sensor)22) Образование: Dual Access Station23) Сетевые технологии: Distributed Annotation System, Distributed Application Support, data acquisition system, distributed application services, программное обеспечение для сбора данных, сервисные средства поддержки распределённых приложений, система сбора данных, станция с двойным подключением к сети24) Полимеры: dialkyl sulphate25) Программирование: Decimal Adjust after Subtraction26) Расширение файла: Decimal Adjust for Subtraction, Dual-Attached Station27) Электротехника: distribution automation system28) Единицы измерений: Days After Sowing29) Оргтехника: Distributed Acoustic Sensing -
20 das
1) Общая лексика: грузовое судно двойного действия (грузовое судно, которое двигается вперед по воде как обычное судно, а кормой может разламывать лед)2) Компьютерная техника: Direct Access Scheme, Dual Attachment Station, directory assistance system3) Морской термин: доставленный к борту судна (delivered alongside ship), судно двойного действия, технология «судно двойного действия», double acting ship, double action ship4) Медицина: индекс активности [заболевания] по шкале DAS28 (disease activity score), dead arm syndrome5) Американизм: Department Of Administrative Services6) Военный термин: Data Acquisition Segment, Data Acquisition Subsystem, Days At Sea, Defense Attache System, Director of Administrative Services, Director of Armament Supply, Director of the Army Staff, Directorate of Armament Supply, data acquisition station, data analysis station, data analysis system, date arrived station, deep air support, deputy assistant secretary, direct access subscriber, direct air support, direct automotive support, discrete address system7) Техника: data application server, data assembly system, data automation subsystem, data automation system, dial assistance switchboard, differential absorption and scattering, digital address system, digital altimeter scanner, digital attenuator system, digital avionics system, digital-analog simulation, digital-analog simulator, dipole antenna system, direct attached storage, display analysis system, disturbance analysis system, diverse actuation system, dual access stack8) Химия: Delft Active Suspension9) Религия: Dark Angels Of Sin11) Телекоммуникации: Dual Attachment Station (FDDI)12) Сокращение: Defense Aids Suite (U.K.), Defense Attache System (USA), Defensive Aids Suite / System, Defensive Aids System, Defensive Avionics System, Density Analysis System, Director Aiming Sight / System, direct acting steam, Directory Assistance Service, Direct-Attached Storage13) Физиология: Developmental Apraxia Of Speech14) Электроника: Digital Audio System, Dimer- Adatom Stacking, Direct Absorption Spectroscopy, Discrete Amplifier Stage15) Вычислительная техника: Document Agent Service, data acquisition software, database application simulation, Dual Attached Station (FDDI), Dual Attachment Station (FDDI, Schneider & Koch), Disk Array Subsystem (Unix, HP-UX), Dynamic Allocation Scheme (protocol), Directory Assistance Service (protocol, RFC 1202)16) Нефть: deconvolution after stack, directional attitude sensor, датчик азимутального направления (ствола скважины)18) Транспорт: Defense Avionics Systems19) СМИ: Dial A Song20) Деловая лексика: с доставкой к борту судна (delivered alongside ship)21) Нефтегазовая техника датчик азимутального направления скважины (directional attitude sensor)22) Образование: Dual Access Station23) Сетевые технологии: Distributed Annotation System, Distributed Application Support, data acquisition system, distributed application services, программное обеспечение для сбора данных, сервисные средства поддержки распределённых приложений, система сбора данных, станция с двойным подключением к сети24) Полимеры: dialkyl sulphate25) Программирование: Decimal Adjust after Subtraction26) Расширение файла: Decimal Adjust for Subtraction, Dual-Attached Station27) Электротехника: distribution automation system28) Единицы измерений: Days After Sowing29) Оргтехника: Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Direct sum of modules — For the broader use of the term in mathematics, see Direct sum. In abstract algebra, the direct sum is a construction which combines several modules into a new, larger module. The result of the direct summation of modules is the smallest general… … Wikipedia
Two's complement — The two s complement of a binary number is defined as the value obtained by subtracting the number from a large power of two (specifically, from 2 N for an N bit two s complement).A two s complement system or two s complement arithmetic is a… … Wikipedia
Tabulating machine — The tabulating machine was a machine designed to assist in tabulations. Invented by Herman Hollerith, the machine was developed to help process data for the 1890 U.S. Census.The term Super Computing was first used by the New York World newspaper… … Wikipedia
Illegal immigrant population of the United States — The actual size and the origin of the illegal immigrant population in the United States is uncertain and hard to ascertain because of difficulty in accurately counting individuals in this population. National surveys, administrative data and… … Wikipedia
Mechanical calculator — An old Russian mechanical calculator. A mechanical calculator is a device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. Mechanical calculators are comparable in size to small desktop computers and have been rendered obsolete by the advent… … Wikipedia
computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… … Universalium
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
X86 assembly language — is the assembly language for the x86 class of processors, which includes Intel s Pentium series and AMD s Athlon series. Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnemonics to represent the fundamental operations that the CPU in a computer can… … Wikipedia
Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Dates and numbers — Shortcuts: WP:MOSNUM WP:DATE MOS:NUM This page is part of the Ma … Wikipedia
Educational psychology — Psychology … Wikipedia
Addition — is the mathematical process of putting things together. The plus sign + means that two numbers are added together. For example, in the picture on the right, there are 3 + 2 apples meaning three apples and two other apples which is the same as… … Wikipedia