1 DIP switch
2 dip switch
переключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > dip switch
3 dip switch
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > dip switch
4 DIP-switch
DIP-переключатель; двухпозиционный переключатель -
5 DIP switch
1) Техника: микропереключатель в корпусе DIP, микропереключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов, переключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов2) Сокращение: dual inline plug switch3) Вычислительная техника: переключатель в корпусе типа DIP4) Автоматика: двухрядный переключатель -
6 dip switch
1) Техника: микропереключатель в корпусе DIP, микропереключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов, переключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов2) Сокращение: dual inline plug switch3) Вычислительная техника: переключатель в корпусе типа DIP4) Автоматика: двухрядный переключатель -
7 DIP switch
(Dual-in-Line Package switch) DIP-переключательпереключатель или блок переключателей в прямоугольном корпусе, используемый для конфигурирования системной платы, задания установок монитора или принтера по умолчанию и др. целей. Бывают двух типов: со скользящими контактами (sliding) и кулисные (rocker)Ant:см. тж. switchАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > DIP switch
8 DIP switch
микропереключатель в корпусе с двухрядным расположением выводов, микропереключатель в корпусе DIP -
9 DIP-switch
Вычислительная техника: DIP-переключатель, двухпозиционный переключатель -
10 DIP switch
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > DIP switch
11 dip switch
12 DIP switch
13 DIP switch
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > DIP switch
14 DIP switch
[Dual Inline Package switch] впаиваемый в печатную плату пакет миниатюрных переключателейEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > DIP switch
15 dip switch
[auto] переключатель ближнего света фар -
16 DIP switch
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > DIP switch
17 foot-operated dip switch
Военный термин: ножной переключатель ближнего света фарУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > foot-operated dip switch
18 hand-operated dip switch
Военный термин: ручной переключатель ближнего света фарУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > hand-operated dip switch
19 switch
1) переключатель; коммутационное устройство; коммутатор || переключать; коммутировать2) выключатель; прерыватель; разъединитель; рубильник || выключать; прерывать; разъединять5) вчт. оператор выбора, переключатель6) ж.-д. стрелка; стрелочный перевод || переводить стрелку7) ж.-д. маневрировать•to close the switch — замыкать переключатель;to switch off — выключать;to switch on — включать;to open the switch — размыкать переключатель;to switch out — выключать;-
access switch
accumulator switch
acoustic switch
air-blast switch
air-break switch
air-pressure switch
air-to-electric switch
alignment switch
all-insulated switch
allotter switch
analog switch
analog-to-digital switch
antenna switch
antibuckle switch
antidazzle switch
automatic reclosing switch
automatic switch
automatic transfer switch
baby knife switch
backbone switch
band switch
bandwidth switch
bank-and-wiper switch
bank-and-wipe switch
barrel switch
bat-handle switch
battery-regulating switch
battery switch
beam deflector switch
bellows-actuated pressure switch
biased switch
bilateral switch
billet switch
bladed switch
blocking switch
brake switch
branch switch
break switch
breakdown switch
bus isolating switch
bus-bar sectionalizing switch
bus-tie switch
button switch
bypass switch
call switch
cam-operated switch
cam switch
cam-operated group switch
capacitive switch
catch switch
ceiling switch
cell switch
centrifugal switch
chain billet switch
change tune switch
changeover switch
channel switch
charge switch
chopper switch
circuit-changing switch
closed switch
closing switch
cluster switch
coaxial switch
combination switch
commutation switch
complete switch
contactor switch
control switch
converging switch
cord switch
cross switch
crossbar switch
current switch
cutoff switch
cut-out switch
danger switch
dean-front switch
decade switch
decimal switch
deicer switch
delay switch
derailing switch
diaphragm-actuated pressure switch
differential-type pressure switch
differential pressure switch
dimmer switch
diode switch
DIP switch
direction switch
directional switch
discharge switch
disconnecting switch
disconnect switch
door switch
double switch
double-break switch
double-pole double-throw switch
double-pole single-throw switch
double-pole switch
double-throw switch
down-lock limit switch
drum switch
drum-type billet switch
dry reed switch
dual-in-line package switch
dual-in-line switch
dual-stage pressure switch
earthed switch
earthing switch
electric switch
electrolytic switch
electromagnetic switch
electronic switch
emergency brake switch
emergency switch
enabling switch
enclosed low-voltage switch
end switch
end-cell switch
entrance switch
equilateral switch
exit switch
face point switch
feed switch
ferrite core switch
ferrite switch
field breaking switch
field breakup switch
field switch
field-dividing switch
film buckle switch
fixed distance retract switch
fixed-function switch
flag switch
flexible switch
float switch
floor switch
flow switch
fluidic switch
flush switch
foot-operated switch
foot switch
forward/reverse switch
four-line billet switch
front-connected switch
function switch
fuse disconnecting switch
fuse switch
fusible switch
gang switch
gas-filled reed switch
gate switch
gate-activated switch
gate-controlled switch
gate-turnoff switch
grounding switch
ground switch
group switch
half-open switch
Hall-effect switch
Hall switch
hand-operated switch
hand switch
high-pressure switch
high-speed switch
high-voltage switch
hitless switch
hook switch
horn-break switch
horn-gap switch
hospital switch
hump switch
ignition switch
independent switch
indicating switch
indoor earthing switch
indoor isolating switch
inertia switch
insulated switch
integral pressure switch
interchanging switch
interlock switch
interlocked switch
interrupter switch
isolating switch
key switch
kickdown switch
knife-blade switch
knife switch
knife-break switch
laser Q switch
lead switch
level switch
lever switch
lightning switch
limit switch
line switch
liquid-level switch
load switch
load-break switch
load-interrupt switch
locked switch
lockout switch
logical switch
logic switch
low-duty-cycle switch
low-pressure switch
low-voltage switch
magnetic switch
magnetically operated sealed switch
main light switch
main switch
mains switch
mast switch
master switch
mechanical switch
membrane touch switch
membrane switch
mercury switch
mercury wetted reed switch
micro switch
microwave switch
mode select switch
momentary switch
motor-actuated switch
motor-operated switch
motor-starting switch
multiple-way switch
multiplexer switch
multiplex switch
multiposition switch
multithrow switch
multiwafer switch
neutral-start switch
night alarm switch
no-load switch
nonbiased switch
noninsulated switch
noninterlocked switch
nonlocking switch
nontrailable switch
normally closed switch
normally open switch
oil-break switch
oil switch
on-and-off switch
on-off switch
optical switch
outdoor earthing switch
outdoor isolating switch
packet switch
packet-type switch
PAL switch
panel switch
paralleling switch
passing track switch
pendant switch
piano-key switch
pilot switch
piston-actuated pressure switch
plug switch
pneumatic limit switch
pneumatically operated switch
p-n-p-n switch
point control switch
polarity switch
pole-changer switch
pole-changing switch
pole-top switch
poll switch
power switch
preselection switch
press-button switch
pressure switch
provisional switch
proximity switch
pull-cord switch
pull switch
pull-on switch
push-back-push switch
push-button switch
push-to-talk switch
Q switch
quick-break switch
quick-make switch
rail current switch
range switch
recessed switch
redundancy switch
reed switch
remotely controlled switch
remote switch
retract switch
reversing switch
ribbon switch
rocker switch
rod pair differential switch
roll erection torque switch
rotary stepping switch
rotary switch
rotary wafer switch
route switch
run-through switch
safety switch
sampling switch
sectionalizing switch
section switch
selector switch
self-locking switch
self-restoring switch
semiconductor switch
sense switch
SF6 load-break switch
sharp-angled switch
short-circuiting switch
shunting switch
shutdown switch
side-break disconnecting switch
silent switch
silicon bilateral switch
silicon symmetrical switch
silicon unilateral switch
silicon-controlled switch
single switch
single-pole double-throw switch
single-pole switch
single-slip switch
single-throw switch
single-way switch
slide switch
snap-action switch
snap switch
socket switch
software-defined switch
software switch
solenoid starter switch
solenoid switch
spark gap switch
split switch
spring switch
star-delta switch
starting switch
step-by-step switch
stepping switch
stud switch
suspension switch
tandem switch
tank-type oil switch
tapping switch
tap switch
terminal switch
thermal switch
thermo-time switch
three-pole switch
three-position switch
three-way switch
throw-over switch
thumbwheel switch
time switch
time-delay switch
toggle switch
touch-sensitive switch
touch switch
touch-to-talk switch
trailing point switch
transponder destruct switch
tree-type switch
tree switch
trip switch
triple-pole switch
tumbler switch
turn switch
turnout switch
two-pole switch
two-way switch
underload switch
unlocked switch
up-lock limit switch
vacuum sealed magnetically operated switch
vacuum sealed switch
vacuum-operated switch
vacuum switch
video switch
voice-activated switch
voice-operated switch
wafer-type switch
wafer switch
wall-board switch
wave-band switch
waveguide switch -
20 switch
1) переключение; коммутация || переключать; коммутироватьа) устройство для установления или (и) разрыва соединений между электрическими цепями, линиями передачи, каналами связи и др.; коммутатор; коммутационное устройствоб) вчт оператор выборав) массив адресов точек прерывания (программы); массив адресов контрольных точек3) выключение; включение; разъединение; соединение; прерывание || выключать; включать; разъединять; соединять; прерывать4) выключатель; разъединитель; соединитель; прерыватель5) ключ || использовать ключ6) тлф искатель7) вчт ключ (команды); управляющий параметр (команды) (напр. в MS DOS)8) изменение направления || изменять направление9) перемагничивание || перемагничивать•- access switch - alarm switch
- allotter switch
- antenna switch
- antenna disconnect switch
- anticapacitance switch
- antitransmit-receive switch
- assignment switch
- ATR switch
- automatic lock-on switch
- automatic time switch
- automatic time-delay switch
- baby knife switch
- backbone switch
- band switch
- bank-and-wiper switch
- barrel switch
- bat-handle switch
- biased switch
- big red switch
- binary switch
- birefringent switch
- bistable switch
- bladed switch
- bladed-type switch
- breakpoint switch
- bubble retarding switch
- button switch
- bypass switch
- call switch
- cam switch
- cam-type switch
- chalcogenide-glass switch
- changeover switch
- channel switch
- chopper switch
- clocked switch
- close switch
- closed switch
- cluster switch
- coaxial switch
- code-operated switch
- command switch
- communication switch
- commutation switch
- configurator switch
- control switch
- controlled switch
- cord-operated wall switch
- cradle switch
- crossbar switch
- cryogenic switch
- cryotron switch
- cutoff switch
- cutout switch
- data switch
- decimal switch
- deck switch
- delay switch
- digital tandem switch
- diode switch
- DIP switch
- disconnect switch
- disconnecting switch
- discriminating switch
- display switch
- double-break switch
- double-pole switch
- double-pole double-throw switch
- double-pole single-throw switch
- double-throw switch
- double-way switch
- drum switch
- dry-reed switch
- dual-in-line package switch
- earth switch
- earthing switch
- electric switch
- electrolytic switch
- electron-beam activated switch
- electronic switch
- emergency switch
- emitter-follower current switch
- environment-proof switch
- explosion-proof switch
- explosively-actuated opening switch
- Faraday-rotation switch
- fax switch
- feed switch
- ferrite switch
- float switch
- fluidic switch
- flush-mounted switch
- foot switch
- four-layer semiconductor switch
- four-pole switch
- four-pole double-throw switch
- four-pole single-throw switch
- four-region switch
- four-throw switch
- four-way switch
- front-and-back connected switch
- function switch
- fuse-disconnecting switch
- fusible switch
- gang switch
- gas-filled reed switch
- gate-activated switch
- gate-controlled switch
- gate-turnoff switch
- glow switch
- gross-motion switch
- ground switch
- grounding switch
- Hall switch
- Hall-effect switch
- hat switch
- high-speed switch
- homing-type switch
- hunting switch
- inertia switch
- instrument switch
- interlock switch
- isolated-gate p-n-p-n switch
- Josephson-junction switch
- Kerr-cell switch
- key switch
- knife switch - lever switch
- lever pileup switch
- light-activated switch
- light-activated silicon controlled switch
- liquid-crystal light valve switch
- limit switch
- line switch
- load switch
- local switch
- logic switch
- loudness switch
- magnetically controlled switch
- magnetic reed switch
- main switch
- maintained contact switch
- make-before-break switch
- many-one function switch
- maser saturation protection switch
- master switch
- membrane switch
- memory rewind switch
- MEMS switch
- MEMS-based switch
- mercury switch
- mercury-wetted reed switch
- metal-plasma arc opening switch
- microelectromechanical system switch
- microelectromechanical system-based switch
- microenergy switch
- microwave switch
- minor switch
- mode select switch
- momentary switch
- monitor switch
- monostable switch
- multigang switch
- multilayer semiconductor switch
- multipath switch
- multiple-break switch
- multiple-contact switch
- multiplex switch
- multiposition switch
- multithrow switch
- multiwafer switch
- muting switch
- non-biased switch
- non-shorting switch
- non-shorting-contact switch
- normally closed switch
- normally open switch
- n-terminal switch
- oil switch
- one-many function switch
- on-off switch
- open switch
- opening switch
- optical bypass switch
- optical-fiber switch
- optical-waveguide switch
- optoelectronic switch
- optoelectronic multiplex switch
- ovonic memory switch
- ovonic threshold switch
- packet switch
- paddle switch
- page switch - pedal switch
- pendant switch
- phase-reversal switch
- photon-activated switch
- p-n-p-n switch
- polarization switch
- portamento switch
- power switch
- preselection switch
- press-button switch
- press-to-talk switch
- pressure switch
- printed-circuit switch
- program switch
- programmer switch
- protein switch
- proximity switch
- pull-switch
- push-back-push button switch
- push-button switch
- push-to-talk switch
- Q-switch
- quick-break switch
- quick-make switch
- radio-phono selector switch
- radio-tape selector switch
- range switch
- reciprocal ferrite switch
- redundancy switch
- reed switch
- regenerative switch
- regime switch
- remote switch
- removable-drum programming switch
- resonator-chamber switch
- reversing switch
- rocker switch
- rotary switch
- rotary out-trunk switch
- rotary-stepping switch
- rotaxane switch
- scan direction switch
- search direction switch
- selector switch
- self-restoring switch
- semiconductor switch
- sense switch
- sensitivity switch
- sequence switch
- series-parallel switch
- setup switchs
- sharing-selector switch
- shorting switch
- shorting-contact switch
- short-recovery-time high-voltage switch
- shuttle switch
- shuttle-type switch
- silicon-controlled switch
- silicon-gate-controlled ac switch
- silicon symmetrical switch
- silicon-window switch
- single-pole switch
- single-pole double-throw switch
- single-pole single-throw switch
- single-throw switch
- single-way switch
- sinusoidal polarization switch
- slide switch
- snap switch
- snooze switch
- solid-state switch
- solid-state molecular switch
- spark gap switch
- speaker-reversal switch
- spring-return switch
- SQ switch
- static switch
- step-by-step switch
- stepping switch
- stereo/mono switch
- stereo/quadraphonic switch
- Strowger switch
- stud switch
- stud-type switch
- suspension switch
- sweep switch
- synchro switch
- T-switch
- talk-listen switch
- tandem switch
- tap switch
- tape switch
- tape-selection switch
- tapping switch
- thermostatic switch
- three-pole switch
- three-port switch
- three-way tape-selection switch
- thumbwheel switch
- time-delay switch
- toggle switch
- toll offering switch
- touch switch
- touch-to-talk switch
- TR switch
- transfer switch
- transistor switch
- transmit-receive switch
- triode alternating current semiconductor switch
- tumbler switch
- Turbo switch
- turbo switch
- turn switch
- two-motion step-by-step switch
- two-or-four-mode switch
- two-pole switch
- two-pole double-throw switch
- two-pole single-throw switch
- two-throw switch
- two-way switch
- ultrasonic switch
- vacuum switch
- vacuum arc opening switch
- vacuum reed switch
- video switch
- voice-actuated switch
- wafer lever switch
- wave-band switch
- waveguide switch
- waveguide resonant-iris switch
- W/G switch
- write-protect switch
См. также в других словарях:
Dip switch — may refer to: DIP switch, dual in line package switch Dip switch, part of an automotive headlamp This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you ma … Wikipedia
DIP switch — DIP stands for Dual In line Package. DIP switches are a group of small switches placed together, usually on electronic equipment. Many modems have these. The switches can be changed to alter various settings. For example, one DIP switch on a… … Dictionary of telecommunications
DIP Switch — [engl.], DIP Schalter … Universal-Lexikon
dip-switch — dip′ switch n. aum brit. chiefly brit. a switch for dimming headlights … From formal English to slang
dip|switch — «DIHP SWIHCH», noun. British. a switch for dimming the headlights of an automobile: »Switches for the screenwasher and wipers…come immediately to hand, and there is a floor button dipswitch (London Times) … Useful english dictionary
dip switch — dip ,switch noun count BRITISH a DIMMER on a car … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
DIP switch — Slide style dip switch Rocker style dip switch DI … Wikipedia
dip switch — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms dip switch : singular dip switch plural dip switches British a switch for making the headlights at the front of a car point downwards … English dictionary
DIP-Switch — DIP Schalter (8 fach) DIP Schalter (scherzweise auch „Mäuseklavier“ genannt), sind kleine Schalter, die beispielsweise auf der Hauptplatine oder anderen Leiterplatten verwendet werden, um bestimmte Grundeinstellungen vorzunehmen. Die Abkürzung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dip switch — /ˈdɪp swɪtʃ/ (say dip swich) noun a switch that lowers the beams of a vehicle s headlights. Also, dipper switch …
DIP switch — A small switch used to select the operating mode of a device, mounted as a dual in line package. DIP switches can be either sliding or rocker switches, and they are often grouped for convenience. They are used in printed circuit boards, dot… … Dictionary of networking