1 dehort
[dihɔ:t]transitive verbpregovoriti, pregovarjati, odvrniti, odvračati, (po)svariti, odsvetovati -
2 dehortation
[dihɔ:téišən]nounsvarilo, opozorilo, odvračanje -
3 dehortative
[dihɔ:tətiv]adjective ( dehortatively adverb)svarilen, odsvetovalen -
4 dehortatory
[dihɔ:tətəri]adjective ( dehortatorily adverb)svarilen, odsvetovalen -
5 breath
[breƟ]1) (the air drawn into, and then sent out from, the lungs: My dog's breath smells terrible.) sapa2) (an act of breathing: Take a deep breath.) vdih•- breathlessly
- breathlessness
- hold one's breath
- out of breath
- under one's breath* * *[brem]noundih, dihanje, sapa; sapica, pihljanje, pihljaj; vonj; figuratively življenje; odmor; figuratively sled; namig; šepet(anje); mrmranjeabove one's breath — polglasno, komaj slišnoto draw breath — dihati, živetito draw the first breath — roditi se, priti na svetto draw one's last breath — izdihniti, umretito knock out s.o.'s breath — presenetiti, osupiti kogaout of breath — brez sape, zasopelcolloquially keep your breath to cool your porridge — prihrani nasvete zasebelow ( —ali under) one's breath — tiho, šepetajethe breath of one's nostrils — najljubši; nujno potrebenin the same breath — v isti sapi, hkratishortness of breath — težko dihanje, sopihanje -
6 breathless
adjective (having difficulty in breathing normally: His asthma makes him breathless; He was breathless after climbing the hill.) zasopel* * *[brémlis]adjective ( breathlessly adverb)( with zaradi) zasopel; soparen; pridržujoč dih; poetically mrtev -
7 catch
[kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) ujeti; pritegniti2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) ujeti3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) presenetiti4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) zboleti za5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) ujeti (se)6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) udariti7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) ujeti8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) vneti se2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) prijem2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) kljuka3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) ulov4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) past•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up* * *I [kæč]1.transitive verbujeti, zgrabiti, uloviti; zasačiti; dohiteti; očarati; (at, in pri) presenetiti; zamrzniti;2.intransitive verbprijemati, zgrabiti; zatakniti se; vneti se (ogenj)to catch s.o. bending — zasačiti kogato catch s.o. a blow — udariti kogato catch a glimpse of s.o. — bežno koga zagledatito catch the idea ( —ali point) — razumeti, doumeti, zapopasti miselto catch hold of s.th. — polastiti se česa, prijeti kajcatch me! — nikakor ne! še na misel mi ne prideto catch s.o. napping — zasačiti koga, ko ne opravlja svojega delaslang you will catch it! — ti bom že pokazal!II [kæč]nounplen, lov, ulov; prijem; ukana, trik, past; ugodna ženitev; zavora, kljuka, zaponka; music skladba za tri ali več glasov, kanon; zastoj; figuratively težavaslang a great catch — dober lov -
8 flatus
[fléitəs]noundih, sapica; medicine veter -
9 hobbadehoy
[hɔbədihɔi]nounsee hobbledehoy -
10 hold
I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) držati2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) držati3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) (za)držati4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) zdržati5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) zadržati6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) držati, vsebovati7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) biti8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) držati se9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) imeti10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) verjeti, imeti (koga za kaj)11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) veljati12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) držati za13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) braniti14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) zadržati nasprotnika15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) pritegniti (pozornost)16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) proslavljati17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) imeti18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) obdržati se19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) počakati pri telefonu20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) držati21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) obdržati22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) prinesti23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)2. noun1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) prijem2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) vpliv3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) prijem•- - holder- hold-all
- get hold of
- hold back
- hold down
- hold forth
- hold good
- hold it
- hold off
- hold on
- hold out
- hold one's own
- hold one's tongue
- hold up
- hold-up
- hold with II [həuld] noun((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) podkrovje* * *I [hóuld]nounnautical podpalubje, ladijsko skladišče; aeronautics prostor za prtljago v letaluII [hóuld]nounprijem, opora; moč, vpliv (on, over, of); American ustavitev, zadrževanje; archaic utrdbato catch ( —ali get, lay, seize, take) hold of s.th. — prijeti kaj, dobitito get hold of s.o. — ujeti koga, zalotiti kogato get hold of o.s. — dobiti se v oblast, obvladati seto get a hold on s.o. — dobiti koga v oblastto have a (firm) hold on s.o. — imeti koga v oblastito keep hold of — čvrsto držati, ne izpustiti iz rokto miss one's hold — zgrešiti, napak prijetiAmerican to put a hold on s.th. — zaustaviti kaj, zadržati kajIII [hóuld]1.transitive verbdržati, obdržati, zadržati; omejiti, zadrževati, ovirati, krotiti; zdržati; sport zadržati nasprotnika; zavezati koga za kaj (to); imeti (npr. sestanek); imeti, posedovati (zemljo, pravice, delnice, službo); imeti koga za kaj (npr. za poštenjaka); proslavljati (praznik); obdržati (smer); prenašati (alkohol); military & figuratively odbraniti, obdržati (položaj); juridically odločiti, odrediti; pritegniti (pozornost); American zadostovati (hrana); American rezervirati, imeti rezervacijo (v hotelu); American prijeti, obdržati v zaporu;2.intransitive verbdržati se, zadržati se, vztrajati (by, to pri, na čem); veljati, obveljati; obstati, prenehati; dogajati se, bitihold! — počakaj, ustavi se!to hold the bag — ostati na cedilu, imeti vso odgovornostto hold a brief for — odobravati, strinjati seto hold in check — imeti koga v šahu, krotitito hold dear — ceniti, čislati, ljubitito hold fast — čvrsto držati, ne izpustitito hold good — veljati, obveljati, izkazati seto hold one's ground ( —ali one's own) — vztrajati, ne popustiti, biti kosto hold s.o. (s.th.) in the hollow of one's hand — imeti koga (kaj) v pestihold hard! — počakaj!, stoj!hold everything! — takoj prenehaj!to hold at nought — omalovaževati, ne cenitito hold one's peace ( —ali tongue) — molčati, držati jezik za zobmito hold a stock — imeti zalogo, imeti na zalogito hold true — veljati, biti resto hold water — prenesti natančen pregled, veljati; biti vodotesenthere is no holding him — ne da se ga zadržati, nezadržen jeneither to hold nor to bind — ki se ga ne da obvladati, neukročen -
11 keep in
1) (not to allow to go or come out or outside: The teacher kept him in till he had finished the work.) zadržati2) (to stay close to the side of a road etc.) držati se (desne) strani* * *1.transitive verbzadržati, obdržati v čem; pridržati (dih); zadržati v šoli (kazen); obvladati, krotiti (čustva);2.intransitive verbostati v čem, ne dati se videtito keep in with s.o. — ostati s kom v dobrih odnosih -
12 puff
1. noun1) (a small blast of air, wind etc; a gust: A puff of wind moved the branches.) pihljaj2) (any of various kinds of soft, round, light or hollow objects: a powder puff; ( also adjective) puff sleeves.) blazinica2. verb1) (to blow in small blasts: Stop puffing cigarette smoke into my face!; He puffed at his pipe.) puhati2) (to breathe quickly, after running etc: He was puffing as he climbed the stairs.) sopihati•- puffed- puffy
- puff pastry
- puff out
- puff up* * *I [pʌf]noundihljaj, dih; pihljaj, sunek vetra; izpuh (dima), puh, izpuhnjen dim; krhko pecivo; pudrana blazinica (tudi powder-ŋ); pretirana reklama, hvalisanje; izbočina, oteklina, naborekII [pʌf]1.intransitive verbpuhati, vleči (at; cigareto); sopihati, zasopsti se; sukati se, kaditi se (dim, para); odsopihati (vlak); napihniti se ( out ali up);2.transitive verbpihati, hukati; napihniti, hvalisati, pretirano hvaliti, kaditi komu; zapreti sapo; pudratito puff and blow — zasoplo dihati, sopihatipuffed sleeve — nabran, širok rokav; -
13 respiration
[respə'reiʃən]noun (breathing.) dihanje* * *[respəréišən]noundihanje, dih; (o rastlinah) sprejemanje kisika in izločanje ogljikovega dvokisa -
14 sniff
[snif] 1. verb1) (to draw in air through the nose with a slight noise.) vdihavati skoz nos2) (to do this in an attempt to smell something: The dog sniffed me all over; He sniffed suddenly, wondering if he could smell smoke.) vohati2. noun(an act of sniffing.) glasno dihanje skoz nos* * *I [snif]noun(po)vohanje, (po)duhanje; hlipanje, smrkanje, jokanje, cmerjenje; glasno vdihavanje zraka (vonjave, dišave itd.) skozi nos, šum (zvok), ki nastaja pri tem; kratek dih; figuratively prezirljivo vihanje nosuII [snif]intransitive verbpovleči zrak, vdihavati skozi nosnice, smrkati; vohati, vohljati; povohati, poduhati (at kaj); figuratively prezirljivo vihati nos (at nad čem), namrdniti se (at ob čem); transitive verb smrkniti (često in, up) kaj; vohati (tudi figuratively), (p)ovohati, izvohatito sniff about — vohljati, vohunitito sniff in — vdihniti zrak (vonj, duh)to sniff up — vdihniti skozi nos (kak vonj, duh) -
15 suspended
[səspéndid]adjectiveobešen, viseč (v zraku); odložen, začasno ustavljen, prekinjen; razveljavljen; neodločen; (dih) zadržan; suspendiransuspended animation medicine navidezna smrtsuspended idler belt conveyer technical American transporter z obešenimi podpornimi valjisuspended sentence juridically pogojna obsodbato be suspendeded — viseti; biti neodločen -
16 waft
[wa:ft], American [wæft]1.nounzamah, prhutanje s perutmi ( of a bird — ptice); dih ( of perfume — parfuma), sapica, pihljaj, puh; figuratively val (veselja, zavisti); nautical v sredini zavozlana zastava kot znamenje v sili;2.transitive verblahko in hitro prenašati, premikati (v zraku, v vodi); obračati ( the eyes — oči); odnesti, odpihati (smells, sounds — vonje ali duhove, zvoke); veti (veter), nositi; poslati ( a kiss — poljub); intransitive verb lebdeti, plavati, viti se, plapolati ( in the wind — v vetru); pihati ( from iz, od) -
17 whiff
[wif](a sudden puff (of air, smoke, smell etc): a whiff of petrol; a whiff of cigar smoke.) vonj; puh* * *I [wif]1.nounpihljaj, pihanje, prepih; dih; sapica; (neprijeten) vonj, duh; figuratively malenkost; poteg dima (iz cigarete, pipe); izdihnjen dim (pri kajenju); cigareta, cigara; pisk; nautical lahek čoln na vesla, skifa whiff of grapeshot military kartečni izstrelek;2.intransitive verbpihati; dimiti, kaditi; transitive verb izvreči dim, kaditi (pipo); vdihniti, vsrkatiII [wif]1.nounzoologyvrsta morskega lista;2.intransitive verbloviti ribe z ročno vrvico -
18 whiffle
[wifl]1.noundih, pihljaj (vetra); pihanje;2.intransitive verbsunkovito pihati (zdaj pa zdaj, z menjavanjem smeri) (o vetru); obračati se ( about); plapolati (plamen); migljati; figuratively biti vihrav, frfrast; transitive verb odpihati, razpršiti, razpihati; premetavati (ladjo) -
19 wind
I 1. [wind] noun1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) veter2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) sapa3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) vetrovi2. verb(to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) ob sapo spraviti3. adjective((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) pihalen- windy- windiness
- windfall
- windmill
- windpipe
- windsurf
- windsurfer
- windsurfing
- windscreen
- windsock
- windsurf
- windsurfer
- windsurfing
- windswept
- get the wind up
- get wind of
- get one's second wind
- in the wind
- like the wind II past tense, past participle - wound; verb1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) naviti2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) naviti3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) viti se4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) naviti•- winder- winding
- wind up
- be/get wound up* * *I [wind]nounveter; vihar, vihra; vetrna tromba; aeronautics smer vetra; zrak; vonj, duh, voh; medicine vetrovi, napenjanje, plini; dih, dihanje; (trebušna) prepona; plural strani neba; (umetni) zračni tlak; music singular construction pihala, figuratively prazne besede, čenčebetween wind and water figuratively na občutljivem mestufrom the four winds — z vseh strani neba, od vsepovsodin(to) the wind's eye, into the teeth of the wind — proti vetruby the wind nautical s spodnjim vetrom (veter z boka proti ladijskemu kljunu)like the wind — kot veter, kot strelica, hitrocapful of wind — vetrič, sapica od časa do časapuffed up with wind figuratively napihnjen, nadut, domišljavslant of wind nautical sunek ugodnega vetrato be in the wind figuratively biti v zrakuthere is s.th. in the wind figuratively nekaj je v zrakuto break wind medicine spuščati vetroveto catch wind of s.th. — zavohati kajto cast ( —ali to fling —ali to throw) to the wind — na vse vetrove vreči, figuratively zapravljati, ne se zmeniti zato find out how the wind blows ( —ali lies) — ugotoviti, kako veter piha (tudi figuratively)to get (the) wind of s.th. — zavohati, zasumiti, priti na sled, zvedeti, slišati kajto get the wind up — prestrašiti se, imeti tremo; pobesnetito hit in the wind figuratively zadati udarec v želodecto put the wind up s.o. — prestrašiti koga, pognati komu strah v kostito raise the wind slang figuratively dobiti potrebni denar; dvigniti prahthe wind rises — veter nastane, se dvigneto go to the winds figuratively propastihe preaches to the winds — govori v veter (zaman, stenam)to sail before the wind — pluti, jadrati z vetrom v hrbtuto sail close to the wind figuratively delati nekaj, kar je komaj še pošteno; mejiti na nezakonitost; figuratively skrajno varčno gospodaritito sail with every shift of wind — jadrati, kakor veter potegne, figuratively obračati svoj plašč po vetruto speak to the winds — govoriti v veter, zaman (stenam) govoritito take the wind out of s.o.'s sails figuratively prehiteti koga s čim, kar je on hotel napraviti, ter ga s tem oškodovati; premagati koga z njegovim lastnim orožjemto be troubled with wind medicine imeti vetroveto whistle down the wind figuratively zaman kaj želetiII [wind]transitive verbizpostaviti vetru, (pre)zračiti; hunting z vohanjem odkriti sled, (za)vohati; zasopiti (konja); izčrpati, ob sapo spraviti; pustiti konju, da se oddahnethey stopped to wind their horses — ustavili so se, da bi konji prišli do sapehe was fairly winded on reaching the top — bil je precéj zasopel, ko je prišel na vrhIII [wáind]nounobrat, vrtljaj, obračanje; zavoj, vijuga, ovinek (ceste itd.); upognjenost (v lesu); navitje (ure); napetje (strune, vzmeti); technical vitelIV [wáind]transitive verb(preterite & past participle wound — ali winded) pihati (v rog, trobento), dajati znake, signale (z rogom, s trobento)V [wáind]1.intransitive verbviti se, ( a road cesta) vijugati se; ovi(ja)ti se, omotavati se; obračati se, vrteti se; splaziti se ( into v); zvi(ja)ti se, skriviti se (les);2.transitive verboviti, zaviti, omotati; sukati, naviti, namota(va)ti ( on a reel na motek, na tuljavo); (za)vrteti (film) (po snemanju); dvigniti (z vitlom)to wind a blanket round o.s. — zaviti se v odejoto wind s.o. in one's arms — objeti kogato wind s.o. round one's littie finger figuratively oviti koga okoli (svojega) mezinca -
20 hold one's breath
(to stop breathing (often because of anxiety or to avoid being heard): He held his breath as he watched the daring acrobat.) zadržati dih
См. также в других словарях:
DIH — may refer to: Defense Intelligence Headquarters, the official signals intelligence agency of the Japanese government DIH (railway station), a Hong Kong MTR railway station See also Dih This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the… … Wikipedia
DIH — Droit international humanitaire Le droit international humanitaire (DIH) est un ensemble de règles qui, pour des raisons humanitaires, cherchent à limiter les effets des conflits armés. Il protège les personnes qui ne participent pas ou plus aux… … Wikipédia en Français
díh — a m (ȋ) 1. enkraten sprejem zraka v pljuča in njegovo iztisnjenje: šteti dihe; to je bil njegov zadnji dih; pogostnost dihov // dihanje: stisnil ga je tako močno, da mu je zastajal dih; pridrževati, zadrževati dih; dolgo je zdržal brez diha 2.… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
DİH — f. Veren, verici mânalarına gelir ve kelimelerle birleşir. Meselâ: Ârâm dih $ : Rahatlık veren … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Dih Salah District — Dih Salah (also spelt Dehe Salah) is a district in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan. It was created in 2005 from part of Andarab District, and is situated northeast from Andarab. v … Wikipedia
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Dih Bala District — Nangarhar districts. Dih Bala (Persian: ده بالا) is a district in the south of Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, bordering on Pakistan. Its population, which is 100% Pashtun, was estimated at 50,595 in 2002, of whom 20,200 were children under 12.… … Wikipedia
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DIH — digoxin induced hyperkalemia; Diploma in Industrial Health … Medical dictionary
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