1 digital keyboard
Техника: цифровая клавиатура -
2 digital keyboard
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > digital keyboard
3 keyboard
1) клавиатура2) (коммутационная) панель набора (ввода) ключейАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > keyboard
4 keyboard computer
цифровой компьютер ( digital computer), у которого устройством ввода (input device) является клавиатура (обычная или калькуляторного типа)см. тж. keyboardАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > keyboard computer
5 digital tablet input
direct keyboard input — ввод с клавиатуры, клавиатурный ввод
input subprogram — подпрограмма ввода; входная подпрограмма
input station — станция ввода; терминал ввода; входной блок
6 digital printer
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > digital printer
7 digital input
direct keyboard input — ввод с клавиатуры, клавиатурный ввод
input subprogram — подпрограмма ввода; входная подпрограмма
input station — станция ввода; терминал ввода; входной блок
8 integrated-keyboard phototypesetter
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > integrated-keyboard phototypesetter
9 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
10 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт контроллер10) pl вчт методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl вчт позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- access controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- ActiveX control - airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio-fidelity control
- audio volume control
- automatic control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control - automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control - automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume -control
- automatic volume expansion control - balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control - computerized numerical control
- concurrency control
- concurrency control and recovery
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data-link control
- data recording control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- directional control
- direct manual control - distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control - feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field-effect conductivity control
- field linearity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control - focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control - framing control
- frequency control - front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control - global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control - high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal-linearity control
- horizontal parabola control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control - intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control - keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control - loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control - master brightness control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control - microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control - radar traffic control - random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control - servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control - surge control
- swept gain control - tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control - touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control - volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width control
- μP control -
11 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl. средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl. средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl. методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт. контроллер10) pl.; вчт. методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl.; вчт. позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- acceptance controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- access control
- ActiveX control
- adaptive control
- aids-to-navigation radio control
- airport ground traffic control
- airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio volume control
- audio-fidelity control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control
- automatic gain control
- automatic knee control
- automatic level control
- automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control
- automatic overload control
- automatic peak search control
- automatic pedestal control
- automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume expansion control
- automatic volume level control
- automatic volume-control
- background control
- balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer-aided quality control
- computerized numerical control
- concurrency control and recovery
- concurrency control
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data recording control
- data-link control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- direct manual control
- direct numerical control
- directional control
- distributed control
- distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control
- fast automatic gain control
- feedback control
- feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field linearity control
- field-effect conductivity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control
- flight control
- flow control
- focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control
- forward error control
- frame control
- framing control
- frequency control
- frequency monitoring and interference control
- frequency-response control
- front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control
- gate mobile communications control
- generator field control
- global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control
- higher-level intelligent control
- high-level data link control
- high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal parabola control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal-linearity control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control
- instantaneous automatic gain control
- integral control
- intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control
- ISDN data link control
- ISDN media access control
- keyboard control
- keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control
- logical link control
- long-range control
- loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control
- manual gain control
- mass storage volume control
- master brightness control
- master control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control
- message data link control
- microcomputer control
- microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control
- quiet automatic volume control
- radar control
- radar traffic control
- radio control
- radio-frequency interference control
- random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control
- sequential control
- servo control
- servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control
- statistical process control
- statistical quality control
- stored-program control
- supervisory control
- surge control
- swept gain control
- synchronous data link control
- system-wide control
- tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control
- total distributed control
- total quality control
- touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control
- visit mobile communications control
- voice control
- volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width controlThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > control
12 processor
1) вчт процессорг) обработчик программ на языке программирования; компилятор, транслятор; интерпретаторд) (любое) устройство обработки данных (напр. арифмометр)е) (любая) программа для управления процессами передачи, обмена и обработки данных2) исполнитель или участник (определённого) процесса4) производящий обработку субъект; орудие или средство обработки•- acoustic processor
- airborne processor
- algorithm processor
- AMD processor
- analog processor
- analog signal processor
- ancillary control processor
- application processor
- arithmetical processor
- ARM processor
- array processor
- associative processor
- attached processor
- auxiliary processor
- back-end processor
- baseband processor
- binary-image processor
- bit-slice processor - cellular logic image processor
- central processor
- CFAR processor
- channel processor
- chirp-transform processor
- CISC processor
- clone processor
- co-processor
- coherent optical processor
- command processor
- communicating word processors
- communications processor
- complex instruction set computing processor
- computer processor
- constant false-alarm-rate processor
- content-addressable processor
- control processor
- cryogenic associative processor
- data processor
- database processor
- data communications processor
- data-flow processor
- data parallel processor
- data transfer processor
- DEC-Alpha processor
- decentralized redundant processor
- decision processor
- dedicated processor
- dedicated word processor
- diagnostic processor
- digital processor
- digital image processor
- digital signal processor
- digital video processor
- display processor
- distributed processor
- Doppler processor
- down-line processor
- dual processor
- dual-issue processor
- dwell-time processor
- dyadic processor
- EIO processor
- embedded processor
- error input/output processor
- farmer processor
- fast digital processor
- fast-Fourier-transform processor
- film processor
- fixed-point processor
- flexible processor
- floating-point processor
- Fourier processor
- Fourier transform processor - gateway processor
- generalized linear processor
- general-purpose processor - hardwired processor
- heterodyne processor - homomorphic processor
- horizontal processor
- host processor
- IBM processor
- idea processor
- image processor
- incoherent optical processor
- industrial universal digital processor
- information processor
- input/output processor
- instruction processor
- instruction-set processor
- integral multiprotocol processor
- integrated graphics processor
- Intel processor
- interactive processor
- interface processor
- interface message processor
- internetwork processor
- interruption queue processor
- keyboard processor
- knowledge information processor
- language processor
- later processor
- L-cell processor
- linguistic processor
- link input processor
- list processor
- low-power processor
- LSI processor - mailing list processor
- main processor
- maintenance processor
- massively parallel processor
- master processor
- mathematical processor
- matrix processor
- maximum-entropy processor
- media and communication processor
- message processor
- microcoded processor
- microprogrammable processor
- microprogrammed processor
- modular acoustic processor
- MOS processor
- motherboard processor
- Motorola processor
- multichip processor
- multi-issue processor
- multiprotocol communications processor
- N-bit processor
- network processor
- node processor
- office processor
- off-line processor
- on-line processor
- operator external interrupt processor
- optical signal processor
- outline processor - Pentium processor
- peripheral processor
- photomask processor
- picture processor
- pipelined processor
- pixel processor
- post-processor
- PowerPC processor
- pre-processor
- problem-oriented processor
- queue processor
- raster processor
- raster image processor
- reduced instruction set computing processor
- request queue processor
- RISC processor
- scalar processor
- scan-time processor
- scientific processor
- second processor
- semantic processor
- sequential processor
- service processor
- single-chip processor
- single-issue processor
- slave processor
- SNA processor
- space-time processor
- stack-based processor
- stand-alone processor
- superpipelined processor
- superscalar processor
- symbolic processor
- symmetrical multiple processor
- synthesis processor
- system platform processor
- systolic processor
- target processor
- terminal processor
- terminal interface processor
- text processor
- transaction processor
- up-line processor
- user core allocation queue processor
- vector processor
- vertical processor
- very long instruction word processor
- video processor
- video-to-digital processor
- virtual processor
- visual image processor
- VLIW processor
- voice processor
- waveform matrix processor
- wavefront processor
- word processor
- word-oriented processor
- worker processor -
13 processor
1) вчт. процессорг) обработчик программ на языке программирования; компилятор, транслятор; интерпретаторд) (любое) устройство обработки данных (напр. арифмометр)е) (любая) программа для управления процессами передачи, обмена и обработки данных4) производящий обработку субъект; орудие или средство обработки•- acoustic processor
- airborne processor
- algorithm processor
- AMD processor
- analog processor
- analog signal processor
- ancillary control processor
- application processor
- arithmetical processor
- ARM processor
- array processor
- associative processor
- attached processor
- auxiliary processor
- back-end processor
- baseband processor
- binary-image processor
- bit-slice processor
- bootstrap processor
- Celeron processor
- cellular logic image processor
- central processor
- CFAR processor
- channel processor
- chirp-transform processor
- CISC processor
- clone processor
- coherent optical processor
- command processor
- communicating word processors
- communications processor
- complex instruction set computing processor
- computer processor
- constant false-alarm-rate processor
- content-addressable processor
- control processor
- co-processor
- cryogenic associative processor
- data communications processor
- data parallel processor
- data processor
- data transfer processor
- database processor
- data-flow processor
- DEC Alpha processor
- decentralized redundant processor
- decision processor
- dedicated processor
- dedicated word processor
- diagnostic processor
- digital image processor
- digital processor
- digital signal processor
- digital video processor
- display processor
- distributed processor
- Doppler processor
- down-line processor
- dual processor
- dual-issue processor
- dwell-time processor
- dyadic processor
- EIO processor
- embedded processor
- error input/output processor
- farmer processor
- fast digital processor
- fast-Fourier-transform processor
- film processor
- fixed-point processor
- flexible processor
- floating-point processor
- Fourier processor
- Fourier transform processor
- frequency-domain array processor
- front-end processor
- games processor
- gateway processor
- generalized linear processor
- general-purpose processor
- Golay logic processor
- Golay transform processor
- graphic processor
- hardwired processor
- heterodyne processor
- heterogeneous element processor
- high definition video processor
- higher processor
- homomorphic processor
- horizontal processor
- host processor
- IBM processor
- idea processor
- image processor
- incoherent optical processor
- industrial universal digital processor
- information processor
- input/output processor
- instruction processor
- instruction-set processor
- integral multiprotocol processor
- integrated graphics processor
- Intel processor
- interactive processor
- interface message processor
- interface processor
- internetwork processor
- interruption queue processor
- keyboard processor
- knowledge information processor
- language processor
- later processor
- L-cell processor
- linguistic processor
- link input processor
- list processor
- low-power processor
- LSI processor
- machine-instruction processor
- macro processor
- mailing list processor
- main processor
- maintenance processor
- massively parallel processor
- master processor
- mathematical processor
- matrix processor
- maximum-entropy processor
- media and communication processor
- message processor
- microcoded processor
- microprogrammable processor
- microprogrammed processor
- modular acoustic processor
- MOS processor
- motherboard processor
- Motorola processor
- multichip processor
- multi-issue processor
- multiprotocol communications processor
- N-bit processor
- network processor
- node processor
- office processor
- off-line processor
- on-line processor
- operator external interrupt processor
- optical signal processor
- outline processor
- OverDrive processor
- parallel processor
- Pentium processor
- peripheral processor
- photomask processor
- picture processor
- pipelined processor
- pixel processor
- post-processor
- PowerPC processor
- pre-processor
- problem-oriented processor
- queue processor
- raster image processor
- raster processor
- reduced instruction set computing processor
- request queue processor
- RISC processor
- scalar processor
- scan-time processor
- scientific processor
- second processor
- semantic processor
- sequential processor
- service processor
- single-chip processor
- single-issue processor
- slave processor
- SNA processor
- space-time processor
- stack-based processor
- stand-alone processor
- superpipelined processor
- superscalar processor
- symbolic processor
- symmetrical multiple processor
- synthesis processor
- system platform processor
- systolic processor
- target processor
- terminal interface processor
- terminal processor
- text processor
- transaction processor
- up-line processor
- user core allocation queue processor
- vector processor
- vertical processor
- very long instruction word processor
- video processor
- video-to-digital processor
- virtual processor
- visual image processor
- VLIW processor
- voice processor
- waveform matrix processor
- wavefront processor
- word processor
- word-oriented processor
- worker processorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > processor
14 computer
= cmpr1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer - asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer - dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computer -
15 computer
1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- Apple Macintosh computer
- arbitrary course computer
- asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer
- data analog computer
- database computer
- dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- guidance computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > computer
16 input
1. вход; ввод; входной, на входе; вводимыйinput language — входной, исходный язык
2. входное устройство; устройство вводаinput subprogram — подпрограмма ввода; входная подпрограмма
input station — станция ввода; терминал ввода; входной блок
input circuit — входная схема; входная цепь; входной контур
countdown input — вычитающий вход; входной сигнал вычитания
3. входные данные4. вводить5. подводимая мощностьcomputer input — ввод из ЭВМ, компьютерный ввод
direct keyboard input — ввод с клавиатуры, клавиатурный ввод
graphics input — ввод графического материала, графический ввод; ввод иллюстраций
keyboard input — ввод с клавиатуры, клавиатурный ввод
multiple-keyboard input — ввод с нескольких клавиатур, многоклавиатурный ввод
on-line input — устройство ввода, установленное в линию с основным оборудованием
6. ввод с перфоленты7. ввод с магнитной лентыtext input — ввод текста, текстовой ввод
8. видеотерминальное устройство для ввода данных9. видеотерминальное устройство для ввода информации по коррекции цветного изображенияmanual input — ручной ввод; данные вводимые вручную
input device — входное устройство; устройство ввода
17 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
18 display
1) визуальное воспроизведение, визуальное представление; отображение ( информации); индикация || воспроизводить; отображать2) изображение || изображать3) воспроизводящее устройство; видеотерминал; устройство отображения ( информации), дисплей; индикатор, индикаторное устройство; транспарант; табло4) показ, демонстрация || выставлять, показывать5) витрина; рекламная стойка6) выделение особым шрифтом || выделять особым шрифтом7) полигр. акцидентная продукция•control and display — 1. управление и индикация 2. пульт управления и индикации;to manipulate displays in real-time — манипулировать изображением в реальном (масштабе) времени-
active display
addressable display
airborne display
all-digital display
alphanumeric display
alphameric display
animated display
axis position display
beam-addressed display
bimodal display
bit-mapped display
bit-map display
black-and-white display
boxed display
call display
calligraphic display
cathode-luminescent display
cathode-ray tube display
channel display
character display
cockpit display
color display
command and control display
compensatory tracking display
composite display
computed display
computer display
control code display
CRT display
dark trance display
data display
deflection-modulated display
density altitude display
dial display
digital data display
digital display
direct display
direct driven display
directed-beam display
Doppler-range display
dot/bar display
dot-matrix display
dynamic display
electrochromic display
electroluminescent display
electronic display
electronic typewriter display
electrooptic display
electrophoretic image display
electrophoretic display
eye display
faceplate display
fault display
ferroelectric ceramic display
ferroelectric display
flat panel display
flicker-free display
flight information display
flight progress display
fluorescent display
full page display
gas discharge display
gas panel display
gas plasma display
graphical display
graphic display
great display
group display
half-page display
hard copy display
head-up projection display
head-up display
helmet-mounted display
helmet display
high-density display
holographic display
horizontal scroll display
image display
incremental display
index display
in-line display
in-picture display
integrated display
intelligent display
intensity-modulated display
interactive display
keyboard display
kinesthetic-tactual display
lamp display
landscape display
laser-beam display
laser display
legible display
light display
light valve display
light-emitting diode display
linearly deformed display
line-drawing display
liquid-crystal display
magnetic particles display
makeup display
matrix display
matrix-addressed display
mechanically refrigerated display
memory-mapped display
message display
meter display
mirror display
mixed display
monitor display
monochrome display
multicolor display
multipage display
navigation display
n-bit display
n-character display
nonflickering display
numeric display
on-screen display
oscilloscope display
overlay display
panel display
panoramic display
passive display
pictorial display
piezoelectric display
pip-matching display
plasma-discharge display
plasma display
plotting projection display
portrait display
process status display
projected display
projection display
radar display
radially deformed display
random-point display
random display
range-altitude display
range-azimuth display
range-height display
raster display
raster scan display
rectangular coordinate display
reflective-mode display
reflective display
refrigerated display
remote display
remote viewing display
scan-converted radar display
scanned display
scroll display
sector display
segment display
self-contained refrigerated display
self-cycling display
self-shift plasma display
side destination display
signal display
specular display
state display
stereo display
storage display
superimposed panoramic radar display
tabular display
television display
textual display
text display
thin window display
three-dimensional display
three-dimension display
time-height display
touch-sensitive display
touch display
two-dimensional display
two-dimension display
undeformed display
vacuum fluorescent display
variable-area display
variable-density display
vector display
velocity-azimuth display
vertical scroll display
video display
visible display
visual display
wall-board display
wall display
wiggle-line display
wiggle display
windshield display
X-Y matrix display -
19 computer
1) компьютер
2) вычислитель
3) машиносчетный
4) ЭВМ
5) компьютерный
– analog computer
– analog-digital computer
– asynchronous computer
– BD computer
– bearing-distance computer
– binary computer
– central computer
– computer automation
– computer code
– computer debugging
– computer element
– computer facilities
– computer hardware
– computer instruction
– computer literacy
– computer mail
– computer operation
– computer science
– computer zero
– control computer
– cryotron computer
– debug computer
– decimal computer
– desk computer
– desk-top computer
– desktop computer
– development computer
– deviation computer
– digital computer
– direct-current computer
– drift computer
– drum computer
– electronic computer
– elevation computer
– entry-level computer
– file computer
– flight-path computer
– flutter computer
– general computer
– general-purpose computer
– guidance computer
– host computer
– hybrid computer
– keyboard computer
– modular computer
– multiadress computer
– navigation computer
– no-address computer
– node computer
– personal computer
– point-to-point computer
– polynomial computer
– program computer
– relay computer
– run computer
– single-address computer
– solve on computer
– synchronous computer
– two-address computer
computer simulation of decisions — <comput.> имитация решений машинная
fire control computer — счетно-решающее устройство для управления артиллерийским огнем
plugged program computer — вычислительная машина с наборной программой
single board computer — одноплатный компьютер, одноплатная ЭВМ
20 controller
1) регулятор2) контроллер4) оператор•- access controller
- active controller
- adaptive controller - aircraft controller
- air-traffic controller
- amplifier controller
- attribute controller
- automatic controller
- base station controller
- broadband interface controller
- bubble memory controller
- built-in controller
- bus controller
- cache controller
- cam-type controller
- cathode-ray tube controller
- circuit controller
- cluster controller
- communications controller
- continuous controller
- CRT controller
- database controller - digital AC'97 controller - display controller
- DMA controller
- drum controller
- dual channel controller
- dual-channel port controller - editing controller
- electric controller
- electronic controller
- embedded controller
- feedback controller
- fiber-polarization controller
- floppy disk controller
- floppy disk drive controller
- fuzzy controller
- game controller
- general peripheral controller
- general-purpose controller
- graphics controller
- ground controller
- hard disk controller
- hard disk drive controller - hub controller
- IDE controller
- input/output controller
- interrupt controller
- I/O controller
- keyboard controller - line-at-a-time printer controller
- magnetic controller
- manual controller
- mass storage controller
- master controller
- memory access controller
- message-queuing controller
- microcomputer controller
- microprocessor controller
- microprocessor-based controller
- microprogrammed controller
- MIDI controller
- multiline controller
- musical instrument digital interface controller
- network controller
- network termination controller - on-board controller
- on-off controller - peripheral controller
- photoelectric lighting controller
- potentiometric controller
- programmable controller - radar controller
- radio network controller
- RAID controller - resistance-bridge controller
- rotation controller
- serial bus controller
- serial communication controller
- serial data controller
- single-chip controller
- slave controller
- smart access controller
- sound, video and game controllers
- stand-alone controller
- state-variable feedback controller
- stereo controller
- stored-program controller
- switch controller
- TAP controller
- terminal access controller
- test access port controller
- token bus controller
- translation controller
- video controller
- Winchester controller
См. также в других словарях:
Keyboard matrix (music) — Most electronic keyboards used in synthesizers, electronic organs, and digital pianos use a keyboard matrix circuit to connect the switches for each key. In this matrix circuit, the rows and columns are made up of wiring. Depressing a key… … Wikipedia
Digital Ash in a Digital Urn — Studioalbum von Bright Eyes Veröffentlichung Januar 2005 Label Saddle Creek … Deutsch Wikipedia
Digital waveguide synthesis — is the synthesis of audio using a digital waveguide. Digital waveguides are efficient computational models for physical media through which acoustic waves propagate. For this reason, digital waveguides constitute a major part of most modern… … Wikipedia
Digital ist besser — Studioalbum von Tocotronic Veröffentlichung 6. März 1995 Label L age d or … Deutsch Wikipedia
Keyboard — may refer to:In typing: * Alphanumeric keyboard * Keyboard (computing), a set of alphanumeric and command keys used to input information to a computer:* IBM PC keyboard:* Apple Keyboard:* Chorded keyboard, on which several keys are pressed… … Wikipedia
Digital Performer — Developer(s) MOTU Stable release 7.12 / 2010 04 30 Operating system Mac OS X Type MIDI sequencer + Digital Audio Workstation … Wikipedia
Digital puppetry — is the manipulation and performance of digitally animated 2D or 3D figures and objects in a virtual environment that are rendered in real time by computers. It is most commonly used in filmmaking and television production, but has also been… … Wikipedia
Digital hardcore — Stylistic origins Hardcore punk, techno, anarcho punk, industrial rock, jungle, thrash metal Cultural origins Early 1990s, Germany Typical instruments Electric guitar Bass guitar … Wikipedia
Digital Sound Factory — is a sound design company that creates sound libraries, known as SoundFont libraries, for playback on synthesizers and computers compatible with Steinberg Cubase, Cakewalk Sonar, Propellerheads Reason, Steinberg Halion, Native Instruments Kontakt … Wikipedia
Keyboard Magazine — is a music related magazine that covers the electronic keyboard instruments. *Keyboard offers reviews of the features, pricings, and artist endorsements for gear used during the production of both analog and digital production of music. *Over the … Wikipedia
Digital newspaper technology — is the technology used to create or distribute a digital newspaper. Contents 1 Hardware 1.1 PC s 1.1.1 PC 1.1.2 Netbook … Wikipedia