1 digital encryption algorithm
алгоритм цифрового шифрования
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > digital encryption algorithm
2 digital encryption algorithm
алгоритм цифрового (за) шифрованияАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > digital encryption algorithm
3 Digital Signature Algorithm
= DSAалгоритм [для реализации] цифровой подписи, алгоритм DSAфедеральный стандарт США на шифрование с открытым ключом. Длина ключа варьируется от 512 до 1024 бит. Разработан NIST в 1991 г., используется в стандарте DSS. Версия алгоритма DSA для шифрования в эллиптических кривых (ECC) называется EC-DSAАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Digital Signature Algorithm
4 algorithm
алгоритм (cryptoalgorithm) криптографический алгоритм, криптоалгоритм; алгоритм шифрования (криптографического закрытия)- private cryptographic algorithmАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > algorithm
5 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- adaptive algorithm
- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm - CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm - greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm - iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm - min-cut algorithm - nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- Q-R-algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm - routing algorithm
- Rprop algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm - self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm - shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithm -
6 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm of doubtful convergence
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm
- British Telecom Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- BTLZ algorithm
- CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- graph search algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm
- international data encryption algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm
- message authentication algorithm
- metaheuristic algorithm
- min-cut algorithm
- modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
- nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- Q-R-algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- quick-union algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
- robust algorithm
- routing algorithm
- RProp algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm
- secure hash algorithm
- selective-trace algorithm
- self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- sequential leader clustering algorithm
- serial algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithmThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algorithm
7 encryption
a) прибор шифрования (обозначение в схеме)b) (encryption)1) шифрование; зашифрование; операция (за) шифрования2) криптография; криптографическая защита; криптографическое сокрытие информации3) шифротекст- hardware encryption- hardware assisted encryptionАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > encryption
1) Компьютерная техника: Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis2) Техника: interface and display electronics assembly3) Ветеринария: In The Defense Of Earth And Animals4) Сокращение: International Defence Equipment & Aerospace Exhibition, Институт демократии и поддержки избирательных систем, Identify, Design, Execute, Augment (Process for changing anything.)5) Университет: Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment, Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments, Internet Differential Equations Activities6) Вычислительная техника: Interactive Digital Electronic Appliance, Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF), International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschluesselung)8) Деловая лексика: Institutional Data Easy Access9) Образование: Individual Development And Educational Assessment, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Instant Digital Education Assistant, Interior Distance Education Of Alaska, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Закон об образовании лиц с инвалидностью10) Расширение файла: International Data Encryption Algorithm11) Должность: Innovation Development Employment And Applications -
9 idea
1) Компьютерная техника: Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis2) Техника: interface and display electronics assembly3) Ветеринария: In The Defense Of Earth And Animals4) Сокращение: International Defence Equipment & Aerospace Exhibition, Институт демократии и поддержки избирательных систем, Identify, Design, Execute, Augment (Process for changing anything.)5) Университет: Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment, Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments, Internet Differential Equations Activities6) Вычислительная техника: Interactive Digital Electronic Appliance, Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF), International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschluesselung)8) Деловая лексика: Institutional Data Easy Access9) Образование: Individual Development And Educational Assessment, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Instant Digital Education Assistant, Interior Distance Education Of Alaska, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Закон об образовании лиц с инвалидностью10) Расширение файла: International Data Encryption Algorithm11) Должность: Innovation Development Employment And Applications -
1) International Data Encryption Algorithm - международный алгоритм шифрования данных, алгоритм IDEAблочный шифр, его первоначальное название PES (Proposed Encryption Standard, 1990 г.), в окончательном варианте получил новое название в 1992 г. Разработан Xuejia Lai и James Massey (патент 1991 г.), более надёжен, чем DES( 128-битовый ключ, работает с 64-битовыми блоками открытого текста); используется в PGP и для цифровой подписи2) International Distribution of Electronics Association - Международная ассоциация дистрибуторов электроникиАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > IDEA
11 DEA
1) Военный термин: Doctrine Evaluation Activity, data exchange annex2) Техника: deaerator, deflection error average, diethylaniline, driver evaluation assembly, dynamic electric amplifier3) Шутливое выражение: Don't Expect Anything, Dope Elite Assassins4) Юридический термин: (Drug Enforcement Agency) Администрация по контролю за соблюдением законов о наркотиках (в США), (Drug Enforcement Administration) Управление по борьбе с наркотиками (Федеральное ведомство в составе Министерства юстиции США), (Drug Enforcement Agent) сотрудник управления по борьбе с наркотиками5) Экономика: Data Envelopment Analysis анализ охвата данных6) Оптика: display electronics assemblies7) Сокращение: Data Exchange Agreement, Department of Economic Affairs, Drug Enforcement Administration, Drug Enforcement Agency (USA), Drug Enforcement Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency8) Физиология: Dog Erythrocyte Antigen9) Вычислительная техника: Drug Enforcement Agency (US Government)10) Нефть: unit a treating system using diethanolamine (DEA) for reduction of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulphide and other acid gases from sour process stream11) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Drilling Engineering Association12) Американский английский: (Drug Enforcement Administration, US) абн13) Сетевые технологии: data encryption algorithm, алгоритм шифрования данных14) Полимеры: diethanolamine, diethylamine, differential enthalpic analysis15) Автоматика: Digital Electronic Automation16) Нефть и газ: di ethanol amine, diethanol amine, диэтаноламин (diethanol amine), ДЭА, ди-этанол-амин, диэтанол амин, диэтанол-амин17) Должность: Data Entry Assistant18) Чат: Don't Even Answer19) Аэропорты: Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
См. также в других словарях:
Digital Signature Algorithm — The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a United States Federal Government standard or FIPS for digital signatures. It was proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in August 1991 for use in their Digital Signature… … Wikipedia
GGH encryption algorithm — The Goldreich Goldwasser Halevi (GGH) signature scheme is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm proposed in 1995 and published in 1997, based on solving the close vector problem (CVP) in a lattice. The encrypter uses the public key, a bad… … Wikipedia
Encryption software — is software whose main task is encryption and decryption of data, usually in the form of files on (or sectors of) hard drives and removable media, email messages, or in the form of packets sent over computer networks. Contents 1 Security 2… … Wikipedia
Digital rights management — (DRM) is a term for access control technologies that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to limit the use of digital content and devices. The term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses … Wikipedia
Digital signature — This article is about secure cryptographic signatures. For simple signatures in digital form, see Electronic signature. A digital signature or digital signature scheme is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital… … Wikipedia
Digital AMPS — IS 54 and IS 136 are second generation (2G) mobile phone systems, known as Digital AMPS (D AMPS). It was once prevalent throughout the Americas, particularly in the United States and Canada. D AMPS is considered end of life, and existing networks … Wikipedia
Digital Signature Standard — DSS, Digital Signature Standard Создатель: NIST Создан: август 1991 Опубликован: 19 мая 1994 Размер ключа: 512 1024 бит Размер подписи: два числа по 160 бит DSS (Digital Signature Standard) американский стандарт, описывающий Digital Si … Википедия
Digital Fortress — … Wikipedia
Encryption — Encrypt redirects here. For the film, see Encrypt (film). This article is about algorithms for encryption and decryption. For an overview of cryptographic technology in general, see Cryptography. In cryptography, encryption is the process of… … Wikipedia
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications — The base unit and handset of a British Telecom DECT cordless telephone Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (Digital European Cordless Telecommunications), usually known by the acronym DECT, is a digital communication standard, which is… … Wikipedia
Digital Video Broadcasting — Official DVB logo, found on compliant devices List of digital television broadcast standards … Wikipedia