Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский


  • 1 malfacilaĵo

    difficulty, trouble

    Esperanto-English dictionary > malfacilaĵo

  • 2 estu

    1. Med. congestion; bular \estu tightness in the chest | difficulty in breathing; sudur(retako) \estu nasal congestion
    2. tight spot, difficulty, predicament; \estuan aurkitu ziren they found themselves in a tight spot
    3. Lagunart. urge; kaka \estu da he's feels like crapping
    4. \estuak fully-fashioned stockings io.
    1. ( ez zabala) narrow; onera bidea \estu izaten da the road to righteousness is usually narrow
    a. ( ez lasaia) uneasy, apprehensive, distressed; \estu eta larri dago she's all bothered and nervous | she's a nervous wreck; \estu dago he's in a {tight spot || jam || bind}
    b. ( arnasa) difficult; arnasa \estua dauka aitonak grandpa's having difficulty breathing
    a. dense, compact, solid
    b. ( idazkera) cramped
    c. ( programa) tight
    d. ( bete-bete) full, packed, crammed
    e. ( ehuna, sarea) tightly-woven
    4. ( bizimodua) impoverished, indigent, poverty-stricken
    a. ( soinekoa, arropa, jantzia, e.a.) tight; gerri \estua a tight belt
    b. ( korapiloa) tight
    6. ( egoera) tense
    7. ( larria) urgent
    a. ( eginbeharrei d.) strict, stern; irakasle hori \estuegia dela uste dut I think that teacher is too strict
    b. ( araua) rigorous, harsh, strict
    c. ( neurri) strict; \estu estuak hartu behar dira strict measures must be taken
    d. ( debeku) strict, absolute
    a. ( adiskidetasuna, e.a.) strong, close; elkarrekin dituzten harreman \estuak the close relationship they have
    c. ( besarkada) big adb.
    1. tight, tightly; \estu {eho || bilbatu} to weave tightly; ezpatari \estu heldu to hold on tightly to one's sword
    2. ( seriotasunez) harshly, seriously; \estu agindu nien horrelakorik ez egiteko I ordered them in no uncertain terms not to do such a thing
    a. ( bizi izan) in distress, in anguish, apprehensively; nora zoaz, gizona, horren \estu? where are you going, my good fellow, in such distress
    b. ( kezkaturik) uptight; \estu egongo gara haien berriak jakin arte we'll be uptight until we hear from them
    c. hard up; \estu nabil familiari behar duena emateko I'm hard put to give my family what they need; \estu eta larri ari ziren haren haserrea lasaitzeko they were hard put to calm her temper down
    4. e-r \estu hartu to take sth to heart
    5. \estu erabili to hound, persue relentlessly du/ad.
    1. to tighten
    2. ( lotu) to tie ( -z: with) da/ad. to grow anguished, become uptight

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estu

  • 3 neke

    [from Lat. "necem" or extraction from "nekatu"] iz.
    a. toil, hard work; \neke askoren seme izan da hiztegi hau this dictionary is the product of a lot of hard work; \neke eta izerdiak sweat and toil; geure \nekez eta izerdiaz irabazitakoa galtzeko zorian gauden we are on the verge of losing what we have toiled and sweated for; \neke gogor toilsome work | backbreaking work; \nekearen \nekez from sheer {toil || hard work}; \neke hutsez for nothing
    b. ( ahultasuna eta indargabetasuna) weariness, fatigue, exhaustion; bideko \nekeak ahuldurik weakened by the exhausting journey; \nekez lehertu zen he collapsed from exhaustion; \nekez beterik wearily
    2. ( jasatea) suffering, sorrow, adversity, affliction; \neke larri {intense || excruciating} suffering; maitasunak dakarzkigun \neke eta atseginak the joys and sorrows that come with love; \nekeetan lagundu to help with one's sorrow | to console; \nekean egon to be bad off | to be in a bad way
    a. ( zailtasuna) trouble, difficulty, hardship; \neke gabe lortu zuten they achieved it without any {difficulty || problem} ; \neke handiz hartzen zuen arnasa he had great trouble in breathing; maisu euskaldun berri batzuentzat \neke handia da dena euskaraz ematea for some teachers who learnt Basque as adults it is difficult to teach everything through Basque; \nekea hartu to take the trouble | to go through the trouble ; batzuek ez bezala, euskara ikasteko \nekea hartu nuen unlike others, I went to the trouble of learning Basque ; ingelesez ongi ez dakitenek ere erabil dezakete hiztegi hau, \neke gehixeago hartzen badute those who don't know English very well can also use this dictionary if they go to a little more trouble; \nekearen \nekez atera zen lokatzetik he strained to pull himself out of the mud; \nekeari ihes egin to get around the problem; euskaldun gehienek \nekerik gabe irakur zezaketeen egunkaria behar zuten most Basques needed a newspaper that they could read without much difficulty
    b. ( larrialdia) predicament, crisis, distress
    c. ( koska, kontua) hor dago \nekea that's the hard part
    4. \nekeak [ izen plurala ] fee, compensation, charge; zenbat da zure \nekea? how much is it for your trouble? io. ( neketsua)
    1. ( lana) hard, strenuous, exhausting
    2. bizimodu \neke hard life
    3. ( zaila) hard, difficult; hori \neke zait that's hard for me; \neke da egitea it's hard to do

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > neke

  • 4 okerraldi

    iz. adversity, difficulty, hardship; edozein \okerraldi eta zailtasun aurpegi emateko indarra the strength to face any hardship and difficulty

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > okerraldi

  • 5 alderdi

    a. side; arazo horretan bi \alderdi berezi behar dira in that matter two sides should be differentiated; eztabaidaren \alderdi guztiak kontuan hartuaz taking all sides of the argument into account
    b. aspect; \alderdi txar difficulty, obstacle, inconvenience; \alderdi onak eta txarrak the pros and the cons
    a. ( eskualdea) area, expanse; Europa deritzan \alderdian in the {expanse || area} called Europe
    b. ( lurraldeko, hiriko, herriko parte ezaguna) area, part; Donostiako A\alderdi Zaharrean in the old part of Donostia
    3. Anat.
    a. side
    b. ( gorputz-atala) limb; goiko \alderdiak iharturik zituen his upper limbs were shriveled up
    4. (Pol.)
    a. party; Euzko A\alderdi Jeltzalea The Basque Nationalist Party; A\alderdi Komunistaren Manifestua the Manifesto of the Communist Party; \alderdi abertzale \\ demokratiko \\ monarkiko \\ sozialista bat a nationalist \\ democratic \\ monarchical \\ socialist party; \alderdi eskuindarrak \\ ezkertiarrak right-wing \\ left-wing parties; 1933an \alderdian sartu zen he joined the party in 1933
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] party; A\alderdi Eguna Party Day
    5. ( gorputzaren zati lotsagarriak) private part; bere \alderdiak estalirik covering her private parts
    6. Zah. ( ezkontide) spouse

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alderdi

  • 6 estura

    1. distress, anguish, misery, anxiety
    2. ( larrialdia) predicament, difficulty, tight spot, jam Lagunart., fix Lagunart., squeeze Lagunart. ; ikusten duzu nolako \esturan nagoen you can see what kind of a fix I'm in
    3. astiro, astiro zihoan, inolako \esturarik gabe it went ever so slowly without the slightest hurry

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estura

  • 7 ezin

    a. impossible nature, impossibility; hainbeste \ezinen eta eragozgarriren kontra against so many impossible situations and obstacles; \ezina egin \\ eskatu to do \\ ask the impossible ; \ezina egina the impossible made possible ; \ezin bezainbat da it's as good as impossible ; \ezina ekinaz egina (atsot.) have at it and have it (atsot.) ; ez dago \ezinik nothing is impossible ; \ezinik ezer ez dago nothing is impossible | there's no such thing as impossible; \ezinak ez du legerik there are no limits to the realms of possibilty
    b. \ezina denean when it's impossible
    a. ( gaitasunik eza) inability, incapacity; jan \ezina inability to eat; jan \ezina dauka he's unable to eat; handia da ene mina, esan nahi eta esan \ezina great is my pain when I want to express it and am unable to do so ;haiei lagundu \ezinak jota utzi ninduen my inability to help them depressed me
    b. (+ -(e)an) inability, incapacity; bere \ezinean isilik gelditu zen being powerless, he shut up; oso \ezinean nago I'm in a bind; nahiz eta \ezinean ibili, lortu du iristea he managed to reach it although with great difficulty; \ezinean ibili da lasterketan she's been lumbering along in the race
    3. ( osasunari d.) disability, handicap part.
    a. cannot, can't; \ezin jan dut || \ezin dut jan I can't eat; \ezin jan dezaket I can't eat; \ezin jan izan dut I haven't been able to eat; \ezin jan izango dut || \ezingo dut jan I won't be able to eat; \ezin jan izaten dut I'm usually unable to eat; \ezin etorri naiz I can't come | I'm unable to come; \ezin dizut esan I can't tell you; \ezin ibil naiteke I cannot walk; \ezin lorik egin dut I can't sleep, \ezin sinets litezkeen gauzak unbelievable things | things which are impossible to believe
    b. ( aditz + bukatua) arnasa \ezin harturik dago she's unable to {breathe || take a breath}; ogia \ezin {irabaziz || irabazirik} dabil he's unable to make a living ; lana \ezin {bukatuz || bukaturik} ibiltzen da he's usually unable to finish his work; lana bukatu \ezinik gabiltza we've been unable to finish ; \ezin egonaz dago he can't keep still ; kotxea \ezin piztuz ari da the car can't get started
    c. ( aditz + bukatua + -a) damu dut zugana \ezin etorria I regret being unable to come to you; haien arteko \ezin eramana the inability of their being able to get along
    d. \ezin\\\ezinkonta ahala countless; \ezin esan ahala innumerable
    e. plaza \ezin gehiagoan jendez betea the square is jammed pack full of people
    2. ( + io., zenb.)
    a. ( + - ago) \ezin gorriago as red as can be; \ezin aberatsagoa da she's as rich as rich can be ; \ezin gehiagoraino aberatsa da she's as rich as rich can be; \ezin hobeto egin dute they've done a splendid job
    b. (+ aditz era bukatua + - zko) \ezin ulertuzkoa da it is incomprehensible; \ezin ahantzizko hitzaldia an unforgettable speech

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezin

  • 8 ezinbeste

    1. predicament, dire difficulty; \ezinbeste handiz kanpo, etorriko naiz I'll come barring any difficulties; \ezinbesteak duenak gurasoengana jo behar luke he who is in dire straits should turn to his parents
    2. ( premia) need; ez naiz holako lekuetan sartzen \ezinbestez ez bada I usually don't enter such a place unless I have to; \ezinbesteak bultzaturik driven by need

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezinbeste

  • 9 gaiztasun

    iz. difficulty, bother, burden; mintasuna goxatzen eta \gaiztasuna errazten ditu he alleviates the pain and lightens the burden

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gaiztasun

  • 10 itobehar

    1. suffocation
    2. (irud.) difficulty, jam

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itobehar

  • 11 koska

    a. nick, dent; e-i \koska egin to nick at sth
    b. ( ebakitxoa) notch, cut, incision
    c. ( hozka) groove, notch
    d. moulding (GB), molding (USA) ; \koskaz apaindu to trim with moulding
    e. (irud.) \koska badu Lagunart. he's gone Argot. | he's got a screw loose Lagunart. ; bere \koskara itzuli zen he came to
    2. ( hor nonbaiteko kopurutxo bat) bit; berrehun eta \koska liburu a bit over two hundred books; \koskarik ez daukat I haven't got a brass farthing (GB) |I haven't got a red cent (USA)
    3. ( korapiloa, zailtasuna, oztopoa) snag, catch, drawback, difficulty; hor dago \koska that's the {catch || problem}; askatasuna lortzea, hor dago \koska! gaining freedom, that's the question!; horrek ere badu, ordea, bere \koska that still has its difficult side; \koskari alde egin to get around a problem; \koskak aztertu to look into the problems; \koskak kendu to overcome {obstacles || problems}
    4. ( ileari d.) shingle; \koskak egin to cut in shingles
    a. Arkit. ledge
    b. ( eskailerari d., e.a.) step
    c. (irud.) rank, class
    6. (NG) Med. bump, lump, contusion
    7. ( gutxitasun) decrease, reduction, drop, lessening
    8. Mus. ( gitarrari d.) fret
    9. Tek. tooth; \koskan sartu to fit in the teeth; \koskak berdindu to strip the gears
    iz. ( talka) knock, collision, bump
    2. ( burukada) butt

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > koska

  • 12 kostata

    adb. with difficulty

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kostata

  • 13 nekezia

    iz. (Z)
    1. misery
    2. ( oztopoa) obstacle, difficulty

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nekezia

  • 14 ozta-ozta

    1. with great difficulty, barely ; Maltako berriak \ozta-ozta iristen dira geureganaino news from Malta barely reaches us ; agureak \ozta-ozta zeraman egur sorta the old man could barely manage with the bundle of fire wood ; barbarotasunetik \ozta-ozta ilkiak gara we've hardly emerged from barbarism; hain ikaraturik nengoen, paperak dardar egiten baitzidan eskuetan, eta \ozta-ozta eusten nion hari I was so frightened that the paper trembled in my hand, and I could hardly hold it; argi-itzaletan lanean dihardutenek ozta-ozta sinestarazten digute XXI. mendearen atarian bizi garela with people working in such dim light, it is hard for us to believe that we are poised to enter the 21st century
    2. balancing, doing a balancing act

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ozta-ozta

  • 15 oztopo

    1. obstacle, hindrance, impediment, barrier, bump; e-i \oztopo eman to {impede || hinder} sth; \oztopoa baztertu to sweep away obstacles ; badaki \oztopo horren gainetik jauzi egiten he knows how to get over that obstacle; pixka bat saiatzen bazara ez duzu gero \oztoporik izango if you try a little bit you won't have anything to hinder you; laster ohartuko dira errazago gainditzen direla \oztopo guztiak, eta lehenago aurkitzen dela norbere benetako nortasuna, baldin eta berezko umore ona lantzen bada they will soon realize that it is easier to ride over the bumps and come quickly to their own identity if they cultivate the good humor that comes naturally
    a. stumble, slip
    a. ( zailtasuna) snag, hitch, difficulty; non dago \oztoporik handiena aberats izateko? where's the biggest obstacle to being rich?
    b. ( atzerpausua) setback, reverse, check

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > oztopo

  • 16 problema

    1. problem
    2. ( zailtasuna) snag, difficulty

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > problema

  • 17 zailtasun

    1. difficulty
    2. ( iraupena) tenacity, persistance

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zailtasun

  • 18 estu aurkitu

    find himself in difficulty

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > estu aurkitu

  • 19 malfacile

    hardly, not easily, with difficulty

    Esperanto-English dictionary > malfacile

См. также в других словарях:

  • difficulty — difficulty, hardship, rigor, vicissitude are synonyms only when they mean something which demands effort and endurance if it is to be overcome or one s end achieved. Difficulty, the most widely applicable of these terms, applies to any condition …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Difficulty — Dif fi*cul*ty, n.; pl. {Difficulties}. [L. difficultas, fr. difficilis difficult; dif = dis + facilis easy: cf. F. difficult[ e]. See {Facile}.] 1. The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness; arduousness; opposed to {easiness} or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • difficulty — [dif′i kul΄tē, dif′ikəl΄tē] n. pl. difficulties [ME & OFr difficulte < L difficultas < difficilis, difficult < dis , not + facilis, easy: see FACILE] 1. the condition or fact of being difficult 2. something that is difficult, as a hard… …   English World dictionary

  • difficulty — [n1] problem; situation requiring great effort adversity, arduousness, awkwardness, barricade, check, complication, crisis, crux, dead end, deadlock, deep water*, dilemma, distress, emergency, exigency, fix*, frustration, hardship, hazard,… …   New thesaurus

  • difficulty — late 14c., from O.Fr. difficulté, from L. difficultatem (nom. difficultas) difficulty, distress, poverty, from difficilis hard, from dis not, away from (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + facilis easy (see FACILE (Cf. facile)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • difficulty — index adversity, aggravation (annoyance), bar (obstruction), burden, complex (entanglement) …   Law dictionary

  • difficulty — ► NOUN (pl. difficulties) 1) the state or condition of being difficult. 2) a difficult or dangerous situation or circumstance. ORIGIN Latin difficultas, from facultas ability, opportunity …   English terms dictionary

  • difficulty — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, extreme, grave, great, major, real, serious, severe ▪ We had enormous difficulty …   Collocations dictionary

  • difficulty */*/*/ — UK [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)ltɪ] / US [ˈdɪfɪkəltɪ] noun Word forms difficulty : singular difficulty plural difficulties Metaphor: A difficult idea or situation is like a knot or something that is tied up, tangled, or twisted. When you deal with it successfully …   English dictionary

  • difficulty — dif|fi|cul|ty [ dıfıkəlti ] noun *** 1. ) uncount how difficult something is: The courses vary in content and difficulty. 2. ) uncount if you have difficulty with something, you are not able to do it easily: difficulty (in) doing something: Six… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • difficulty — n. 1) to cause, create, make, present difficulties for 2) to come across, encounter, experience, face, meet, run into difficulties 3) to clear up, overcome, resolve, surmount a difficulty 4) (a) grave, great, insurmountable, serious, severe… …   Combinatory dictionary

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