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См. также в других словарях:

  • dies non — di·es non / dī ēz nän, dē es nȯn/ also dies non ju·rid·i·cus / ju̇ ri di kəs, yu̇ rē di ku̇s/ n [New Latin dies non juridicus nonjuridical day]: a day when courts do not sit or carry on business Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • Dies non — Di es non [L. dies non juridicus.] (Law) A day on which courts are not held, as Sunday or any legal holiday. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dies non — [dī′ēz΄ nän΄] n. [L dies non (juridicus), not a (court) day] Law a day on which courts are not in session, as a legal holiday …   English World dictionary

  • dies non — (Latin: short for dies non juridicus, a non juridical day) A day on which no legal business can be transacted; a non business day …   Accounting dictionary

  • dies non — Latin: short for dies non juridicus, a non juridical day A day on which no legal business can be transacted; a non business day …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • dies non — /duy eez non , dee ays nohn /, Law. a day on which no courts can be held. [1600 10; short for L dies non juridicus a day not juridical (for legal business)] * * * …   Universalium

  • dies non — [ˌdi:eɪz nɒn] noun (plural same) a day on which no legal business can be done, or which does not count for legal purposes. Origin L., short for dies non juridicus non judicial day …   English new terms dictionary

  • dies non — /dayiyz non/ An abbreviation of dies non juridicus (q.v.) …   Black's law dictionary

  • dies non — /dayiyz non/ An abbreviation of dies non juridicus (q.v.) …   Black's law dictionary

  • dies non — n. Law 1 a day on which no legal business can be done. 2 a day that does not count for legal purposes. Etymology: L, short for dies non juridicus non judicial day …   Useful english dictionary

  • dies non — /ˌdaɪiz ˈnoʊn/ (say .duyeez nohn) noun a day on which no courts can be held or no legal business transacted. {Latin dies nōn (jūridicus) a day not juridical} …  

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