1 dielectric secondary action
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dielectric secondary action
2 dielectric secondary action
Англо русский политехнический словарь > dielectric secondary action
3 dielectric secondary action
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > dielectric secondary action
4 dielectric secondary action
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > dielectric secondary action
5 dielectric
6 action
действие; влияние; воздействие; поведение (системы); принцип действия; механизм работы; ход; ударный механизм; поступок; мероприятие; воен. бой- action of rust - action radius - bring into action - come in action - put out of action - to develop composite action - to throw into action - to throw out of action - antihunt action - arch action - average-position action - back action - balancing action - brake action - braking action - buffer action - capillary action - chemical action - chipping action - clutching action - column action - combined action - compensating action - contact action - continuous action - control action - cooling action - corrective action - corrosive action - crushing action - cushioning action - cutting action - damping action - delayed action - detecting action - dielectric secondary action - drift action - electrical action - electrochemical action - electrochemical sacrificial action - energizing action - evasive action - external action - fatigue action - flywheel action - getter action - gouging action - gun action - gyroscopic action - gyrostatic action - homing action - input action - internal action - inverse-derivative action - jet action - loading action - local action - locking action - lubricating action - magnetic action - mechanical action - mudding action - on-off action - osmotic action - output action - percussion action - plowing action - pumping action - quick action - retarded action - sandblasting action - shattering action - shattle action - skiving action - snap action - spring action - surface action - synchronizing action - time-lag action - valve action - vibration action -
7 ulterior action
8 current
1) течение; поток4) вчт. текущая запись•-
absorption current
- ac anode current -
action current
active current
actuating current
admissible continuous current
air current
alongshore current
alternate current
anode current
arbitrary noise current
arc current
arc-back current
arcing ground fault current
armature current
ascending current
audio-frequency current
avalanche current
back current
back short circuit current
backward current
barogradient current
base current
beam current
bearing currents
beating current
beat current
biasing current
bias current
biphase current
bleeder current
blind current
blowing current
body current
bottom current
boundary current
braking current
branch current
break induced current
breakaway starting current
breakdown current
breaking current
bucking current
bulk current
bypass current
capacitance current
capacitive current
capacity current
carrier current
cathode current
channel current
charging current
circulating current
circumpolar current
collector current
complex sinusoidal current
complex current
conduction current
conjugate complex sinusoidal current
conjugate complex current
constant current
consumption current
continuous current
continuous traction current
control current
convection current
core-loss current
creeping current
critical current
cross current
crystal current
current of realm
current of run-unit
current of set
cutoff current
damped alternating current
damped current
dark current
deep-water current
deep current
delta currents
density current
descending current
design current
dielectric absorption current
dielectric current
diffusion current
direct current
direct-axis current
discharge current
discontinuous current
displacement current
downward current
drift current
drive current
drop-away current
earth current
earth fault current
eddy currents
effective current
electric current
electrode current
electrolysis current
electron current
electron-beam induced current
emission current
emitter current
equalizing current
equivalent input noise current
excess current
exchange current
excitation current
external current
extra current
extraction current
extraneous current
feedback current
field current
filament current
firing current
flood current
fluctuating current
focusing-coil current
focus current
fold back current
follow current
forced alternating current
forced current
foreign currents
forward current
Foucault currents
free alternating current
free current
full-load current
fusing current
galvanic current
gas current
gate current
gate nontrigger current
gate trigger current
gate turnoff current
generation-recombination current
gradient current
grib current
ground current
ground-return current
harmonic current
heat current
heater current
high-frequency current
high-level input current
high-level output current
holding current
hold current
hold-on current
hole current
idle current
image current
impressed current
incident current
induced current
initial current
injection current
inphase current
input current
input leakage current
input offset current
inrush current
inshore current
instantaneous carrying current
instantaneous current
insulation current
interference current
intermittent current
inverse current
ion production current
ionic current
ion current
ionization current
irradiation-saturation current
lagging current
latching current
leading current
leakage current
let-go current
light current
lightning current
line charging current
linear current
load current
locked-rotor current
loop current
loss current
low-level input current
low-level output current
magnetization current
majority-carrier current
majority current
make induced current
make-and-brake current
making current
maximum power current
minority-carrier current
minority current
motor inrush current
nearshore current
near-surface current
net current
neutral current
neutron current
neutron diffusion current
noise current
no-load current
nonsinusoidal current
nontrigger current
offset current
offshore current
off-state current
on-state current
open-circuit current
operating current
output current
overload current
parasitic current
peak arc current
peak current
peak switching current
peak withstand current
peak-point current
peak-to-peak current
perception current
periodic current
persistent current
phase current
phase-fault current
phasor current
photo-electric current
photo current
photo-generated current
photo-induced current
pickup current
piezoelectric current
pinch current
plasma current
polarization current
polyphase current
postarc current
power current
power follow current
prebreakdown current
preconduction current
primary current
principal current
probe current
pull-in current
pulsating current
pulse current
pyroelectric current
quadrature-axis current
quiescent current
rated current
rated temperature-rise current
reactive current
read current
recombination current
rectified current
reflected current
regulated current
relative short-circuit current
release current
residual current
rest current
return current
reverse current
reverse-biased current
reverse-induced current
RF current
ringing current
rip current
ripple current
root-mean-square current
running current
rupturing current
saturated drain current
saturation current
saw-tooth current
secondary current
secondary-electron emission current
shaft currents
sheath current
shelf current
shield current
shock current
short-circuit current
short-noise current
short-time thermal current
short-time withstand current
sine-wave current
single-phase current
sinusoidal current
slope current
sneak current
spindle-motor current
split current
stalled-motor current
standby current
standing current
star currents
starter current
steady leakage current
steady surface current
steady volume current
steady-state current
stray current
stroke current
subsurface current
subsynchronous frequency current
subsynchronous current
subtransient armature current
superconduction current
superimposed current
supply current
surface current
surface-leakage current
surge current
suspension current
sustained current
sustaining current
switched current
switching current
symmetrical alternate current
synchronizing current
telluric current
test current
thermal current
thermal noise current
thermionic current
thermostimulated current
three-phase current
threshold current
through current
tidal current
tolerance current
traction current
traffic current
transfer current
transient current
transient-decay current
transmission-line current
trigger current
turbidity current
turnoff current
turn-on current
two-phase current
undulating current
unidirectional current
unsymmetrical currents
upward current
valley point current
variable current
vector current
virtual current
voice-frequency current
voltaic current
wattful current
wattless current
welding current
whirling currents
wind current
withdrawal current
working current
work current
Zener current
zero-sequence current -
9 current
1) (электрический) ток || токовый2) поток; течение || текущий; протекающий3) скорость потока; скорость течения4) течение; ход событий || текущий; относящийся к рассматриваемому моменту времени; современный6) общая тенденция; курс || общепринятый; общераспространённый•- acoustoelectric current
- action current
- active current
- alternating current
- anode current
- antenna current
- arc current
- armature current
- avalanche current
- average current
- back current
- balanced currents
- band-to-band current
- base current
- beam current
- bias current
- biasing current
- bidirectional current
- biphase current
- bleeder current
- blowing current
- branch current
- breakaway current
- breakaway starting current
- breakdown current
- breaking current
- breakover current
- bulk current
- carrier current
- catcher current
- cathode current
- cathode covering current
- cathode-ray current
- channel current
- charging current
- collector current
- collector cutoff current
- collector-junction current
- collector leakage current
- collector-saturation current
- complex current
- complex sinusoidal current
- conduction current
- conjugate complex current
- conjugate complex sinusoidal current
- constant current
- continuous current
- control current
- convection current
- conventional fusing current
- conventional nonfusing current
- critical current
- critical controlling current
- critical grid current
- crystal current
- cutoff current
- cyclic current
- damped current
- dark current
- decaying current
- demarcation current
- diacritical current
- dielectric current
- diffusion current
- digit current
- direct current
- discharge current
- displacement current
- double-injection current
- drain current
- drift current
- drop-away current
- drop-out current
- earth current
- echo current
- eddy currents
- edge leakage current
- effective current
- electric current
- electric induction current
- electrode current
- electrode dark current
- electrode inverse current
- electron current
- emission current
- emitter current
- equivalent input offset current
- equivalent noise current
- erasing current
- excess current
- excitation current
- exciting current
- exponential excess current
- external current
- extra current
- extraction current
- extraneous current
- faradic current
- fault current
- fault electrode current
- feedback current
- field-free emission current
- filament starting current
- filament surge current
- firing current
- flash current
- flection-point emission current
- fluctuating current
- focus current
- focusing current
- follow current
- forward current
- forward-bias current
- Foucault currents
- Frenkel-Poole current
- full-select current
- fusing current
- galvanic current
- gap current
- gas current
- gas ionization current
- gate current
- gate-body leakage current
- gate holding current
- gate nontrigger current
- gate trigger current
- gate turn-off current
- generation-recombination current
- grid current
- ground current
- gun current
- half-select current
- Hall current
- harmonic current
- heater current
- heater-cathode current
- heater-cathode insulation current
- heater starting current
- heater surge current
- heavy current
- high-frequency current
- high-tension current
- high-voltage direct current
- hold current
- holding current
- hole current
- hot-electron current
- hump current
- idle current
- idling current
- image current
- impurity diffusion current
- incident current
- induced current
- inflection-point emission current
- initial symmetrical short-circuit current
- initial-velocity current
- injection current
- input offset current
- interbase current
- intermittent current
- inverse current
- ion current
- ionic current
- ionization current
- irradiation saturation current
- Josephson tunnel current
- lagging current
- latching current
- leading current
- leakage current
- leakage tube current
- Leduc current
- light current
- limiting slider current
- load current
- local current
- locked-rotor current
- longitudinal current
- loop current
- magnetization current
- magnetizing current
- majority current
- majority-carrier current
- make-and-break current
- making current
- marker current
- marking current
- mesh current
- minority current
- minority-carrier current
- Morton wave current
- nerve-action current
- net current
- noise current
- no-load current
- offset current
- off-state current
- one-carrier current
- one-particle current
- open-circuit current
- operating current
- oscillating current
- oscillatory current
- over current
- paired-electron current
- particle current
- peak inverse anode current
- peak plate current
- peak-point current
- peak-switching current
- peak-withstand current
- pedestal current
- periodic current
- persistent current
- phasor current
- photoelectric current
- photon-induced current
- pick-up current
- piezoelectric current
- pinch current
- pinch-off current
- plate current
- poloidal current
- post-arc current
- prebreakdown current
- preconduction current
- preionization current
- preoscillation current
- primary current
- probability current
- probe current
- prospective current
- pull-in current
- pulsating current
- push-pull currents
- push-push currents
- pyroelectric current
- quiescent current
- radiation-induced current
- radiation-induced thermally activated current
- rated current
- rated ac discharge current
- rated coil current
- rated contact current
- rated follow current
- reactive current
- read current
- read-out current
- recombination-generation current
- recording audio-frequency current
- recovery current
- rectified current
- reflected current
- regeneration current
- release current
- residual current
- residual stored current
- resistor-substrate leakage current
- return current
- reverse current
- reverse-bias current
- reverse blocking current
- reverse leakage current
- reverse recovery current
- reverse saturation current
- reversible absorption current
- RF current
- ringing current
- ripple current
- saturation current
- sawtooth current
- SCL current
- secondary current
- selection current
- short-circuit current
- short-circuit current per unit wavelength
- short-time withstand current
- signal output current
- simple harmonic current
- single-electron current
- single-injection current
- sinusoidal current
- skinned current
- sneak current
- source current
- space current
- space-charge-limited current
- spacing current
- spin-polarized current
- split-phase current
- sputtering current
- standing current
- starter transfer current
- starting current
- steady current
- steady short-circuit current
- steady-state current
- stray current
- subthreshold current
- surface current
- surge current
- surge electrode current
- sustaining current
- sweeping-out current
- switching current
- synaptic current
- take-off current
- target current
- telephone current
- telephone carrier current
- telluric current
- thermal current
- thermal-convection current
- thermally activated current
- thermionic current
- three-phase current
- threshold current
- toroidal current
- total current
- transfer current
- transient current
- transient-decay current
- tree-branch current
- tunnel current
- tunneling current
- turn-on base current
- turnover current
- two-carrier current
- undulating current
- undulatory current
- unidirectional current
- unit-step current
- vacancy current
- valley current
- valley-point current
- vector current
- video current
- video record current
- voltage saturation current
- voltaic current
- write current
- Zener current
- zero-field emission current
- zero-voltage current -
10 current
1) (электрический) ток || токовый2) поток; течение || текущий; протекающий3) скорость потока; скорость течения4) течение; ход событий || текущий; относящийся к рассматриваемому моменту времени; современный5) вчт. рабочий (напр. о файле); текущий (напр. о записи)6) общая тенденция; курс || общепринятый; общераспространённый•- acoustoelectric current
- action current
- active current
- alternating current
- anode current
- antenna current
- arc current
- armature current
- avalanche current
- average current
- back current
- balanced currents
- band-to-band current
- base current
- beam current
- bias current
- biasing current
- bidirectional current
- biphase current
- bleeder current
- blowing current
- branch current
- breakaway current
- breakaway starting current
- breakdown current
- breaking current
- breakover current
- bulk current
- carrier current
- catcher current
- cathode covering current
- cathode current
- cathode-ray current
- channel current
- charging current
- collector current
- collector cutoff current
- collector leakage current
- collector-junction current
- collector-saturation current
- complex current
- complex sinusoidal current
- conduction current
- conjugate complex current
- conjugate complex sinusoidal current
- constant current
- continuous current
- control current
- convection current
- conventional fusing current
- conventional nonfusing current
- critical controlling current
- critical current
- critical grid current
- crystal current
- cutoff current
- cyclic current
- damped current
- dark current
- decaying current
- demarcation current
- diacritical current
- dielectric current
- diffusion current
- digit current
- direct current
- discharge current
- displacement current
- double-injection current
- drain current
- drift current
- drop-away current
- drop-out current
- earth current
- echo current
- eddy currents
- edge leakage current
- effective current
- electric current
- electric induction current
- electrode current
- electrode dark current
- electrode inverse current
- electron current
- emission current
- emitter current
- equivalent input offset current
- equivalent noise current
- erasing current
- excess current
- excitation current
- exciting current
- exponential excess current
- external current
- extra current
- extraction current
- extraneous current
- faradic current
- fault current
- fault electrode current
- feedback current
- field-free emission current
- filament starting current
- filament surge current
- firing current
- flash current
- flection-point emission current
- fluctuating current
- focus current
- focusing current
- follow current
- forward current
- forward-bias current
- Foucault currents
- Frenkel-Poole current
- full-select current
- fusing current
- galvanic current
- gap current
- gas current
- gas ionization current
- gate current
- gate holding current
- gate nontrigger current
- gate trigger current
- gate turn-off current
- gate-body leakage current
- generation-recombination current
- grid current
- ground current
- gun current
- half-select current
- Hall current
- harmonic current
- heater current
- heater starting current
- heater surge current
- heater-cathode current
- heater-cathode insulation current
- heavy current
- high-frequency current
- high-tension current
- high-voltage direct current
- hold current
- holding current
- hole current
- hot-electron current
- hump current
- idle current
- idling current
- image current
- impurity diffusion current
- incident current
- induced current
- inflection-point emission current
- initial symmetrical short-circuit current
- initial-velocity current
- injection current
- input offset current
- interbase current
- intermittent current
- inverse current
- ion current
- ionic current
- ionization current
- irradiation saturation current
- Josephson tunnel current
- lagging current
- latching current
- leading current
- leakage current
- leakage tube current
- Leduc current
- light current
- limiting slider current
- load current
- local current
- locked-rotor current
- longitudinal current
- loop current
- magnetization current
- magnetizing current
- majority current
- majority-carrier current
- make-and-break current
- making current
- marker current
- marking current
- mesh current
- minority current
- minority-carrier current
- Morton wave current
- nerve-action current
- net current
- noise current
- no-load current
- offset current
- off-state current
- one-carrier current
- one-particle current
- open-circuit current
- operating current
- oscillating current
- oscillatory current
- over current
- paired-electron current
- particle current
- peak inverse anode current
- peak plate current
- peak-point current
- peak-switching current
- peak-withstand current
- pedestal current
- periodic current
- persistent current
- phasor current
- photoelectric current
- photon-induced current
- pick-up current
- piezoelectric current
- pinch current
- pinch-off current
- plate current
- poloidal current
- post-arc current
- prebreakdown current
- preconduction current
- preionization current
- preoscillation current
- primary current
- probability current
- probe current
- prospective current
- pull-in current
- pulsating current
- push-pull currents
- push-push currents
- pyroelectric current
- quiescent current
- radiation-induced current
- radiation-induced thermally activated current
- rated ac discharge current
- rated coil current
- rated contact current
- rated current
- rated follow current
- reactive current
- read current
- read-out current
- recombination-generation current
- recording audio-frequency current
- recovery current
- rectified current
- reflected current
- regeneration current
- release current
- residual current
- residual stored current
- resistor-substrate leakage current
- return current
- reverse blocking current
- reverse current
- reverse leakage current
- reverse recovery current
- reverse saturation current
- reverse-bias current
- reversible absorption current
- RF current
- ringing current
- ripple current
- saturation current
- sawtooth current
- SCL current
- secondary current
- selection current
- short-circuit current per unit wavelength
- short-circuit current
- short-time withstand current
- signal output current
- simple harmonic current
- single-electron current
- single-injection current
- sinusoidal current
- skinned current
- sneak current
- source current
- space current
- space-charge-limited current
- spacing current
- spin-polarized current
- split-phase current
- sputtering current
- standing current
- starter transfer current
- starting current
- steady current
- steady short-circuit current
- steady-state current
- stray current
- subthreshold current
- surface current
- surge current
- surge electrode current
- sustaining current
- sweeping-out current
- switching current
- synaptic current
- take-off current
- target current
- telephone carrier current
- telephone current
- telluric current
- thermal current
- thermal-convection current
- thermally activated current
- thermionic current
- three-phase current
- threshold current
- toroidal current
- total current
- transfer current
- transient current
- transient-decay current
- tree-branch current
- tunnel current
- tunneling current
- turn-on base current
- turnover current
- two-carrier current
- undulating current
- undulatory current
- unidirectional current
- unit-step current
- vacancy current
- valley current
- valley-point current
- vector current
- video current
- video record current
- voltage saturation current
- voltaic current
- write current
- Zener current
- zero-field emission current
- zero-voltage currentThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > current
См. также в других словарях:
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
acid–base reaction — ▪ chemistry Introduction a type of chemical process typified by the exchange of one or more hydrogen ions, H+, between species that may be neutral (molecules, such as water, H2O; or acetic acid, CH3CO2H) or electrically charged (ions, such… … Universalium
List of Tesla patents — Below is a list of Tesla patents. Dr. Nikola Tesla was an inventor who obtained around 300 patents [Snezana Sarbo, [http://www.tesla symp06.org/papers/Tesla Symp06 Sarboh.pdfNikola Tesla s Patents] , Sixth International Symposium Nikola Tesla,… … Wikipedia
History of electromagnetism — The history of electromagnetism, that is the human understanding and recorded use of electromagnetic forces, dates back over two thousand years ago, see Timeline of electromagnetism. The ancients must have been acquainted with the effects of… … Wikipedia
Wireless energy transfer — or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without artificial interconnecting conductors. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous,… … Wikipedia
wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… … Universalium
Wood — /wood/, n. 1. Grant, 1892 1942, U.S. painter. 2. Leonard, 1860 1927, U.S. military doctor and political administrator. * * * I Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. It is the… … Universalium
electron tube — an electronic device that consists, typically, of a sealed glass bulb containing two or more electrodes: used to generate, amplify, and rectify electric oscillations and alternating currents. Also called electronic tube. Cf. gas tube, vacuum tube … Universalium
Corona discharge — The corona discharge around a high voltage coil … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Ozone — For other uses, see Ozone (disambiguation). Ozone … Wikipedia