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die-forging press

См. также в других словарях:

  • Forging — This article is about the metalworking process. For specific hot forging hearth, see forge. For the act of counterfeiting, see forgery. Hot metal ingot being loaded into a hammer forge Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of… …   Wikipedia

  • forging — /fawr jing, fohr /, n. 1. an act or instance of forging. 2. something forged; a piece of forged work in metal. [1350 1400; ME; see FORGE1, ING1] * * * In metallurgy, the process of shaping metal and increasing its strength by hammering or… …   Universalium

  • Die (manufacturing) — For the thread cutting tool, see Tap and die. A die is a specialized tool used in manufacturing industries to cut or shape material using a press. Like molds, dies are generally customized to the item they are used to create. Products made with… …   Wikipedia

  • die — die1 /duy/, v.i., died, dying. 1. to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead. 2. (of something inanimate) to cease to exist: The laughter died on his lips. 3. to lose force, strength, or… …   Universalium

  • die — I. /daɪ / (say duy) verb (i) (died, dying) 1. to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions. 2. (of something inanimate) to cease to exist: the secret died with him. 3. to lose force, strength, or active… …  

  • die — I [[t]daɪ[/t]] v. i. died, dy•ing. 1) to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of vital functions; become dead 2) to cease to exist; vanish: The happy look died on her face[/ex] 3) to lose force, strength, or active… …   From formal English to slang

  • die — the term die is most commonly used in tooling, i.e. press tools punch and die but there are many other types of die, e.g., thread cutting dies, forming dies, forging dies, die casting dies, etc. The term when applied to steel often refers to… …   Mechanics glossary

  • Machine press — Manual goldsmith press Power press with a fixed barr …   Wikipedia

  • Tool and die maker — Not to be confused with tap and die. Tool and die makers are workers in the manufacturing industry who make jigs, fixtures, dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools (such as milling cutters and form tools), gauges, and other tools used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Induction forging — refers to the use of induction heating to pre heat metals prior to deformation using a press or hammer. Typically metals are heated to between 1100˚C and 1200˚C to increase their malleability and aid flow in the forging die.Induction Forging… …   Wikipedia

  • Drop forging — Drop Drop (dr[o^]p), n. [OE. drope, AS. dropa; akin to OS. dropo, D. drop, OHG. tropo, G. tropfen, Icel. dropi, Sw. droppe; and Fr. AS. dre[ o]pan to drip, drop; akin to OS. driopan, D. druipen, OHG. triofan, G. triefen, Icel. drj[=u]pa. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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