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die of starvation

См. также в других словарях:

  • starvation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ prolonged, slow ▪ mass, widespread ▪ oxygen ▪ The pilot had lost consciousness because of oxygen starvation …   Collocations dictionary

  • Starvation — This article is about extreme malnutrition. For other uses, see Starvation (disambiguation). Starvation Classification and external resources A girl during the Nigerian Biafran war of the late 1960s, shown suffering the effects of severe hunger… …   Wikipedia

  • starvation — starve ► VERB 1) suffer or die from hunger. 2) cause to starve. 3) (be starving or starved) informal feel very hungry. 4) (be starved of or US for) be deprived of. DERIVA …   English terms dictionary

  • die — die1 W1S1 [daı] v past tense and past participle died present participle dying third person singular dies ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(become dead)¦ 2¦(disappear)¦ 3¦(machines)¦ 4 be dying for something/to do something 5 be dying of hunger/thirst/boredom …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • die — 1 /daI/ verb past tense and past participle diedpresent participle dying (I) 1 BECOME DEAD to stop living and become dead: He was very sick and we knew he might die. | of/from: The animals died of starvation in the snow. | My grandfather died… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • starvation — 1. noun a condition of severe suffering due to a lack of nutrition. We havent one chance for life in a hundred thousand if we dont find food and water upon Caprona. This water coming out of the cliff is not salt; but neither is it fit to drink,… …   Wiktionary

  • starvation — star|va|tion [ star veıʃn ] noun uncount a situation in which people and animals suffer or die because they do not have enough to eat: Millions are threatened by starvation and disease each year …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • starvation — Lengthy and continuous deprivation of food. * * * star·va·tion stär vā shən n 1) the act or an instance of starving 2) the state of being starved * * * n. see malnutrition * * * star·va·tion (stahr vaґshən) [A.S. sterven to die] long cont …   Medical dictionary

  • starvation — [stɑːˈveɪʃ(ə)n] noun [U] a situation in which people and animals suffer or die because they do not have enough to eat …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • DHCP Starvation Attack — Als DHCP Starvation Attack wird ein Angriff auf ein Computernetzwerk bezeichnet, bei dem der gesamte Bereich verfügbarer und durch DHCP vergebener IP Adressen auf einen einzigen Client registriert werden. Die automatische Zuweisung von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rabbit starvation — Rabbit starvation, also referred to as protein poisoning or mal de caribou, is a form of acute malnutrition caused by excess consumption of any lean meat (e.g., rabbit) coupled with a lack of other sources of nutrients usually in combination with …   Wikipedia

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