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  • 41 erran

    1. saying, adage; ohizko \errana da it's a common saying; \erran zahar bat da it's an old saying
    2. ( hitza, berba) word, expression; guzien \erranetik as people say
    3. ( aburua, e.a.) opinion, say ni ere zure \erran berekoa naiz I'm of the same opinion as you are
    4. (irud.) \erranaren \erranez by harping; guztien \erranetik from what everyone has said; aspaldiko \erran higatua da it's old news du/ad. ( esan)
    a. to say; aitak \erranez gero, zaude ba isilik! because your father told you so, be quiet!; errak egia, urka aite (atsot.) tell the truth and run (atsot.)
    b. to tell, say to; egia \erran nion I told him the truth
    c. (esa.) joanen zela \erran zidan. \erran eta egin she said she'd go and that she did; \erran orduko egina no sooner said than done; dakien guzia ez derrala, ahala oro jan ez dezala (atsot.) don't say all you know, don't eat all you can
    2. zer \erran nahi honek? what does this mean?; \erran nahi baita that is to say
    3. to call; nola erraiten zaio honi? what do you call this?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erran

  • 42 sein

    1. sein <bin, bist, ist, sind, seid, war, gewesen> [zain]
    vi sein
    1) ( existieren) to be;
    nicht mehr \sein ( fam) to be no more, to no longer be with us;
    wenn du nicht gewesen wärest, wäre ich jetzt tot if it hadn't been for you I'd be dead now;
    es ist schon immer so gewesen it's always been this way;
    was nicht ist, kann noch werden there's still hope;
    es kann nicht \sein, was nicht \sein darf some things just aren't meant to be
    [irgendwo] \sein to be [somewhere];
    ich bin wieder da I'm back again;
    ist da jemand? is somebody there?
    3) (stimmen, zutreffen)
    irgendwie \sein to be somehow;
    dem ist so that's right;
    dem ist nicht so it isn't so, that's not the case;
    es ist so, wie ich sage it's like I say
    4) (sich [so] verhalten, Eigenschaft haben)
    böse/ lieb/ dumm/klug etc. \sein to be angry/nice/stupid/clever etc.;
    sie ist kleiner als er she is smaller than him;
    es ist bitterkalt it's bitter cold;
    freundlich/ gemein/lieb zu jdm \sein to be friendly/mean/kind to sb;
    jdm zu dumm/ gewöhnlich/primitiv \sein to be too stupid/common/primitive for sb [to bear];
    was ist mit jdm? what is the matter with sb?, what's up with sb? ( fam)
    er war so freundlich und hat das überprüft he was kind enough to check it out;
    sei so lieb und störe mich bitte nicht I would be grateful if you didn't disturb me
    etw \sein to be sth;
    wer immer sie auch \sein möge whoever she might be;
    und der/ die/ das wäre/wären? namely?;
    es ist nicht mehr das, was es einmal war it isn't what it used to be;
    ich will ja nicht so \sein I won't be a spoil-sport
    jd \sein to be sb;
    sie ist Geschäftsführerin she is a company director;
    etw [beruflich] \sein to do sth [for a living];
    ein Kind \sein to be a child;
    der Schuldige \sein to be guilty [or the guilty party];
    wer \sein ( fam) to be somebody;
    wir sind wieder wer aren't we important? ( iron)
    nichts \sein to be nothing [or a nobody];
    ohne Geld bist du nichts without money you are nothing;
    Deutscher/ Däne/Franzose \sein to be German/Danish/French;
    aus gutem Hause \sein to come from a good family;
    sie ist aus Rumänien she is [or comes] from Romania
    7) ( gehören)
    das Buch ist meins the book is mine;
    er ist mein Cousin he is my cousin
    8) ( zum Resultat haben) to be sth;
    zwei mal zwei ist [o sind] vier two times two is four
    9) ( sich ereignen) to be, to take place;
    die Party war gestern the party was [or took place] yesterday;
    ist etwas? what's up?, what's the matter?;
    was ist [denn schon wieder]? what is it [now]?;
    ist was [mit mir]? ( fam) is there something the matter [with me]?, have I done something?;
    was war? what was that about?;
    ist was? what is it?;
    war was? ( fam) did anything [or something] happen?
    wir waren schwimmen we were swimming
    11) (hergestellt \sein)
    aus etw \sein to be [made of] sth;
    das Hemd ist aus reiner Seide the shirt is [made of] pure silk
    12) + comp ( gefallen)
    etw wäre jdm lieber/angenehmer [gewesen] sb would prefer [or have preferred] sth;
    ein Eis wäre mir lieber gewesen als Schokolade I would have preferred an ice cream to chocolate
    jdm ist heiß/ kalt sb is hot/cold;
    jdm ist komisch zumute/ übel sb feels funny/sick
    mir ist jetzt nicht danach I don't feel like it right now;
    mir ist jetzt nach einem Eis I feel like having an ice cream
    mir ist, als habe ich Stimmen gehört I thought I heard voices;
    ihm ist, als träume er he thinks he must be dreaming
    etw kann/ darf/muss \sein sth can/might/must be;
    sei's drum ( fam) so be it;
    das darf doch nicht wahr \sein! that can't be true!;
    kann es \sein, dass...? could it be that...?, is it possible that...?;
    etw \sein lassen ( fam) to stop [doing sth];
    lass das \sein! stop it!;
    ich lasse es besser \sein perhaps I'd better stop that;
    muss das \sein? do you have to?;
    es braucht nicht sofort zu \sein it needn't be done straight away;
    das kann doch nicht \sein, dass er das getan hat! he can't possibly have done that!;
    es hat nicht \sein sollen it wasn't [meant] to be;
    was \sein muss, muss \sein ( fam) what will be will be, that's the way the cookie crumbles ( fig)
    17) mit infin + zu ( werden können) to be;
    sie ist nicht zu sehen she cannot be seen;
    mit bloßem Auge ist er nicht auszumachen you cannot see him with the naked eye;
    sie ist nicht ausfindig zu machen she cannot be found;
    etw ist zu schaffen sth can be done;
    die Schmerzen sind kaum zu ertragen the pain is almost unbearable
    18) mit infin + zu ( werden müssen)
    es ist zu bestrafen/ zu belohnen/ zu überprüfen it should be punished/rewarded/checked out;
    etw ist zu erledigen/ auszuführen/ zu befolgen sth must [or is to] be done/carried out/followed; s. a. mehr, nicht, wie, wie, wollen
    es ist Januar/ Frühling/ hell/ Nacht it is January/spring/daylight/night;
    es ist jetzt 9 Uhr the time is now 9 o'clock, it is now 9 o'clock
    mit etw ist es nichts ( fam) sth comes to nothing;
    war wohl nichts mit eurer Ehe your marriage didn't come to anything, did it
    jdm ist es zu kalt/ feucht sb is too cold/wet
    jdm ist es peinlich/ heiß/ kalt sb is embarrassed/hot/cold;
    jdm ist es übel sb feels sick
    es ist an jdm, etw zu tun it is for [or up to] sb to do sth;
    es ist an dir, zu entscheiden it is up to [or for] you to decide
    6) (der Betreffende \sein)
    jd ist es, der etw tut it is sb who does sth;
    immer bist du es, der Streit anfängt it's always you who starts a fight, you are always the one to start a fight
    7) ( vorziehen)
    es wäre klüger gewesen, die Wahrheit zu sagen it would have been wiser to tell the truth
    8) (der Fall \sein)
    sei es, wie es wolle be that as it may;
    sei es, dass..., sei es, dass... whether... or whether...;
    sei es, dass sie log, oder sei es, dass sie es nicht besser wusste whether she lied or whether she didn't know [any] better;
    es sei denn, dass... unless...;
    wie wäre es mit jdm/etw? how about sb/sth?;
    heute ist es wohl nichts mit Schwimmbad ( fam) looks like the pool is out today ( fam)
    es war einmal... once upon a time...;
    wie dem auch sei be that as it may, in any case;
    es ist so, [dass]... it's just that..., you see,..., it's like this:...;
    die Geschäfte machen hier um 6 zu; das ist so the shops here close at 6 - that's just the way it is vb aux
    1) + pp
    etw gewesen/geworden \sein to have been/become sth;
    sie ist lange krank gewesen she was [or has been] ill for a long time;
    er ist so misstrauisch geworden he has become so suspicious;
    das Auto ist früher rot gewesen the car used to be red
    2) + pp, passive
    jd ist gebissen/ vergiftet/ erschossen/ verurteilt worden sb has been bitten/poisoned/shot dead/convicted
    jd ist gefahren/ gegangen/ gehüpft sb drove/left/hopped
    2. sein [zain] pron
    (zu einer Stadt, einem Land gehörend) its
    jeder bekam \sein eigenes Zimmer everyone got his own room
    \seine definitely;
    er trinkt \seine 5 Tassen Kaffee am Tag he regularly drinks 5 cups of coffee a day
    3. Sein <-s> [zain] nt
    kein pl philos existence;
    \sein und Schein appearance and reality

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > sein

  • 43 appreciate

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > appreciate

  • 44 attain

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > attain

  • 45 catch up

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > catch up

  • 46 catch, (caught)

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > catch, (caught)

  • 47 comprehend

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > comprehend

  • 48 find, (found)

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > find, (found)

  • 49 make out

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > make out

  • 50 overtake

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > overtake

  • 51 perceive

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > perceive

  • 52 realize

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > realize

  • 53 see

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > see

  • 54 understand

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > understand

  • 55 Д-1

    ДА И. coord Conj)
    1. (connective) used to connect two successive words, phrases, or clauses
    (when connecting negated units) and did not (was not etc)...either
    nor... (Атуева:) А вот вам Нелькин дался! Вы бы его в свете посмотрели, так, думаю, другое бы сказали. Ведь это просто срамота! Вот вчера выхлопотала ему приглашение у княгини - стащила на бал. Приехал. Что ж вы думаете? Залез в угол, да и торчит там... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). (A.:) You and your Nelkin! You'd change your mind about him if you saw him in society. He is positively a disgrace! Why, only yesterday I got him an invitation from the countess. I dragged him to the ball-and what do you think? He slunk into a corner and crouched there... (2a).
    ...(Юра) даже не смотрел в сторону мясного, да и выпивкой не очень интересовался, а только рубал свои апельсинчики так, что за ушами трещало (Аксенов 1). Yura...hadn't even looked at the meat dish and wasn't even interested in the drinks, either, but was only digging into his oranges, wolfing them down (1a).
    2. (connective) used to indicate the unexpected nature of the action that follows
    and (then)
    and end up (doing sth.) (in limited contexts) and in the end.
    «Купит вот тот каналья повар... кота, обдерет его да и подает на стол вместо зайца» (Гоголь 3). That scoundrel of а cook they have...he'd buy a cat, skin it and then serve it up in place of а hare" (3d).
    Олег готовился, готовился к экзаменам, да и провалился. Oleg studied intensely for his exams and ended up failing them.
    (Когда) понадобилось написать бумагу в полицию, он взял лист бумаги, перо, думал, думал, да и послал за писарем (Гончаров 1)....(When) he had to write to the police, he took a sheet of paper and pen, spent a long time thinking over it, and in the end sent for a clerk (1a).
    3. (connective) (used to introduce a clause, phrase etc whose information adds to, and is usu. more important than, the information in the preceding statement) and furthermore: (and) besides
    (and) anyway (and) after all moreover and indeed and what's more.
    Близился полдень, и пахарь уже настораживал слух в сторону дома, что вот-вот жена его должна позвать обедать, да и быкам пора передохнуть (Искандер 4). It was getting near noon, and the plowman had an ear cocked toward the house: any minute now his wife would be calling him to dinner, and besides it was time to rest the oxen (4a).
    Обыватели не только ценили такую ровность характера, но даже усматривали в ней признаки доблести да и нельзя было не ценить... (Салтыков-Щедрин 2). The citizens of our town not only appreciated such a steadfastness of disposition, but even seemed to discern in it unmistakable signs of heroism. Besides, it was quite impossible not to appreciate it... (2a).
    Что сталось с старухой и с бедным слепым - не знаю. Да и какое дело мне до радостей и бедствий человеческих... (Лермонтов 1). I've no idea what became of the old woman and the poor blind boy. And anyway, the joys and tribulations of mankind are of no concern to me... (lc).
    ...Он решил, что детям будет полезно послушать рассказы о его подвигах, да и не каждый день к ним заворачивает такой гость, как Сандро из Чегема (Искандер 3)....He decided that the children would profit by hearing tales of his feats, after all, it wasn't every day that they had a guest like Sandro of Chegem (3a).
    4. (contrastive) used to connect contrasting clauses or parts of a sentence
    and (but, yet) even.
    «Один там только есть порядочный человек: прокурор да и тот, если сказать правду, свинья» (Гоголь 3). There's only one decent man among them, the public prosecutor, and even he, to tell the truth, is a dirty swine" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-1

  • 56 да и

    ДА И...
    [coord conj]
    1. [connective]
    used to connect two successive words, phrases, or clauses:
    - and;
    - [when connecting negated units] and did not <was not etc>...either;
    - nor...
         ♦ [Атуева:] А вот вам Нелькин дался! Вы бы его в свете посмотрели, так, думаю, другое бы сказали. Ведь это просто срамота! Вот вчера выхлопотала ему приглашение у княгини - стащила на бал. Приехал. Что ж вы думаете? Залез в угол, да и торчит там... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [A.:] You and your Nelkin! You'd change your mind about him if you saw him in society. He is positively a disgrace! Why, only yesterday I got him an invitation from the countess. I dragged him to the ball-and what do you think? He slunk into a comer and crouched there... (2a).
         ♦...[Юра] даже не смотрел в сторону мясного, да и выпивкой не очень интересовался, а только рубал свои апельсинчики так, что за ушами трещало (Аксенов 1). Yura...hadn't even looked at the meat dish and wasn't even interested in the drinks, either, but was only digging into his oranges, wolfing them down (1a).
    2. [connective]
    used to indicate the unexpected nature of the action that follows:
    - and end up (doing sth.);
    - [in limited contexts] and in the end.
         ♦ "Купит вот тот каналья повар... кота, обдерёт его да и подаёт на стол вместо зайца" (Гоголь 3). "That scoundrel of a cook they have...he'd buy a cat, skin it and then serve it up in place of a hare" (3d)
         ♦ Олег готовился, готовился к экзаменам, да и провалился. Oleg studied intensely for his exams and ended up failing them.
         ♦...[ Когда] понадобилось написать бумагу в полицию, он взял лист бумаги, перо, думал, думал, да и послал за писарем (Гончаров 1)....[When] he had to write to the police, he took a sheet of paper and pen, spent a long time thinking over it, and in the end sent for a clerk (1a).
    3. [connective]
    (used to introduce a clause, phrase etc whose information adds to, and is usu. more important than, the information in the preceding statement) and furthermore:
    - and whatfe more.
         ♦ Близился полдень, и пахарь уже настораживал слух в сторону дома, что вот-вот жена его должна позвать обедать, да и быкам пора передохнуть (Искандер 4). It was getting near noon, and the plowman had an ear cocked toward the house: any minute now his wife would be calling him to dinner, and besides it was time to rest the oxen (4a).
         ♦ Обыватели не только ценили такую ровность характера, но даже усматривали в ней признаки доблести; да и нельзя было не ценить... (Салтыков-Щедрин 2). The citizens of our town not only appreciated such a steadfastness of disposition, but even seemed to discern in it unmistakable signs of heroism. Besides, it was quite impossible not to appreciate it... (2a).
         ♦ Что сталось с старухой и с бедным слепым - не знаю. Да и какое дело мне до радостей и бедствий человеческих... (Лермонтов 1). I've no idea what became of the old woman and the poor blind boy. And anyway, the joys and tribulations of mankind are of no concern to me... (lc).
         ♦...Он решил, что детям будет полезно послушать рассказы о его подвигах, да и не каждый день к ним заворачивает такой гость, как Сандро из Чегема (Искандер 3)....He decided that the children would profit by hearing tales of his feats; after all, it wasn't every day that they had a guest like Sandro of Chegem (3a).
    4. [contrastive]
    used to connect contrasting clauses or parts of a sentence:
    - and <but, yet> even.
         ♦ "Один там только есть порядочный человек: прокурор; да и тот, если сказать правду, свинья" (Гоголь 3). "There's only one decent man among them, the public prosecutor, and even he, to tell the truth, is a dirty swine" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > да и

  • 57 chociaż

    conj. although, (even) though
    - chociaż był głodny, prawie nic nie zjadł though he was hungry, he hardly touched his food
    - są hojni, chociaż biedni though poor, they’re generous
    - sytuacja, chociaż napięta… though a. while tense, the situation…
    - chociaż może to się wydać dziwne… strange though a. as it may seem…
    - chociaż bardzo bym chciał zobaczyć ten film, to nie mam czasu much as I’d like to see the film, I don’t have (the) time
    - chociaż bardzo były mu potrzebne te pieniądze, nie chciał o nie prosić much as he needed the money, he wouldn’t ask for it
    part. at least
    - chociaż w niedzielę pośpię sobie dłużej at least on Sunday I can sleep longer
    - mogli chociaż zadzwonić do mnie they might at least have phoned me, they could have phoned me at least
    - chociaż tyle mogłem dla niej zrobić it was the least I could do for her
    * * *
    1. chociaż; conj
    though, although
    2. part
    ( przynajmniej) at least
    * * *
    although, (even) though; while; został dłużej w pracy, chociaż nie musiał he stayed longer at work, although he didn't have to; chociaż wycieczka była udana, była także bardzo męcząca while the trip was a success, it was also very tiring.
    at least; just, but; chociaż raz jesteś zadowolony at least for once you're satisfied; czy ty chociaż próbowałeś mówić prawdę? did you at least try to tell the truth?; zostań chociaż na chwilę stay just for a moment.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > chociaż

  • 58 Н-209

    ВОДИТЬ ЗА HOC кого coll, disapprov VP subj: human to deceive, delude s.o. intentionally, often by promising sth. and then not keeping one's promise
    X водил Y-a за нос = X was leading Y on
    X was leading Y up X was stringing Y along X was taking Y for a ride X was giving Y the runaround X was misleading Y.
    (Ипполит:) Сегодня, Надя, в последний час старого года, я намерен поставить вопрос ребром. Хватить водить меня за нос! (Надя:) Чем ты недоволен? (Ипполит:) Своим холостым положением. И я предлагаю... (Надя (перебивает):) Сядь! (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). (I.:) Today, Nadya, in the last hour of the old year, I intend to put the question squarely. No more leading me on like this! (N.:) What's wrong? (I.:) My bachelor status. And I propose... (N. (interrupting):) Please, sit down (1a).
    О разведке у нас знают из кинофильмов. Служит под боком у Гитлера наш смельчак, одет с иголочки, побрит, надушен, водит за нос и Гиммлера, и Бормана, и Кальтенбруннера... (Рыбаков 1). People only know about intelligence from what they've seen in the movies. Our daring agent is operating right under Hitler's nose, dressed immaculately, clean-shaven and perfumed, leading Himmler, Bormann and Kaltenbrunner up the garden path... (1a).
    Если он скажет правду... тогда спросят: почему раньше увиливал? Чему верить? Зачем водите суд и следствие за нос? (Тендряков 1). If he were to tell the truth...then they would ask: Why did you deny this earlier? What are we to believe? Why are you trying to mislead the court? (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-209

  • 59 водить за нос

    ВОДИТЬ ЗА НОС кого coll, disapprov
    [VP; subj: human]
    to deceive, delude s.o. intentionally, often by promising sth. and then not keeping one's promise:
    - X was leading Y up < down> the garden path;
    - X was misleading Y.
         ♦ [Ипполит:] Сегодня, Надя, в последний час старого года, я намерен поставить вопрос ребром. Хватить водить меня за нос! [Надя:] Чем ты недоволен? [Ипполит:] Своим холостым положением. И я предлагаю... [Надя (перебивает):] Сядь! (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). [I.:] Today, Nadya, in the last hour of the old year, I intend to put the question squarely No more leading me on like this! [N.:] What's wrong? [I.:] My bachelor status. And I propose... [N. (interrupting):] Please, sit down (1a).
         ♦ О разведке у нас знают из кинофильмов. Служит под боком у Гитлера наш смельчак, одет с иголочки, побрит, надушен, водит за нос и Гиммлера, и Бормана, и Кальтеноруннера... (Рыбаков 1). People only know about intelligence from what they've seen in the movies. Our daring agent is operating right under Hitler's nose, dressed immaculately, clean-shaven and perfumed, leading Himmler, Bormann and Kaltenbrunner up the garden path... (1a).
         ♦ Если он скажет правду... тогда спросят: почему раньше увиливал? Чему верить? Зачем водите суд и следствие за нос? (Тендряков 1). If he were to tell the truth...then they would ask: Why did you deny this earlier? What are we to believe? Why are you trying to mislead the court? (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > водить за нос

  • 60 ti

    riflessivo yourself
    * * *
    ti s.m. o f. letter T.
    ti pron.pers.m. e f. 2a pers.sing.
    1 (compl. agg. di tu) you: (ant., poet.) thee: ti amo, I love you; voglio vederti domani, I want to see you tomorrow; ti considero un amico, I consider you a friend; ti posso accompagnare all'aeroporto?, can I take you to the airport?; non ti avevo visto, I hadn't seen you; ti chiamerò domani sera, I'll call you tomorrow evening; Ti veneriamo, o Dio, we worship Thee, o God
    2 (compl. termine) (to, for) you; (ant., poet.) (to, for) thee: ti presento mia moglie, I'd like to introduce my wife to you; ho deciso di dirti la verità, I've decided to tell you the truth; Ti affido il mio spirito, to Thee I commend my spirit
    pron.rifl 2a pers.sing.
    1 yourself ( spesso sottinteso); (ant., poet.) thyself: non ti stancare troppo, don't let yourself get too tired (o don't get too tired); pensavo che ti saresti trovato bene con noi, I thought you'd have enjoyed being with us; ti sei divertito?, did you enjoy yourself?; ti ricordi di me?, do you remember me? // mettiti gli occhiali, put your glasses on; vuoi lavarti le mani?, would you like to wash your hands?
    2 ( con uso pleonastico o enfatico): ti sei preso un bel raffreddore!, you've caught a nasty cold!; ti mangeresti un bel gelato?, would you like a nice ice-cream?
    * * *
    I II
    sostantivo maschile e sostantivo femminile invariabile t, T
    * * *
    v. la nota della voce  io.
     1 (complemento oggetto) you; ti odio I hate you; ti sta guardando he's looking at you; verrà a prenderti lei she'll come and fetch you
     2 (complemento di termine) you; che cosa ti ha detto? what did he tell you? devo parlarti I must speak to you
     3 (con verbi pronominali) yourself; ti sei fatto male? did you hurt yourself? non ti preoccupare don't worry; curati look after yourself; va' a lavarti le mani go and wash your hands
     4 (pleonastico) chi ti credi di essere? who do you think you are? ti stai inventando tutto! you're making it up!
    m. e f.inv.
    t, T.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > ti

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