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См. также в других словарях:

  • Cavalla — is a vernacular name used for several fish species in the families Carangidae and Scombridae:* Crevalle jack Caranx hippos (cavalla) * Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus (cavalla) * Chub mackerel Scomber japonicus (cavalla vera) * Bar jack… …   Wikipedia

  • Cavalla (Begriffsklärung) — Cavalla steht für Cavalla, Fisch Cavalla ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Carlo Cavalla (1919–1999), italienischer Bischof Mario Cavalla (* 1901), italienischer Skispringer Siehe auch USS Cavalla …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cavalla — (Caranx hippos) Systematik Barschverwandte (Percomorpha) Ordnung: Barschartige (Perciformes) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cavalla (disambiguation) — Cavalla is the name of several fish species. It may also refer to:*USS Cavalla, the name of two U.S. Navy submarines *Cavalla River, in West Africaee also*Kavala, a Greek seaport town …   Wikipedia

  • cavalla — [kə val′ə] n. pl. cavalla or cavallas [Port < cavallo, horse < L caballa, fem. of caballus, horse: sometimes called horse mackerel in England] 1. CERO 2. CREVALLE …   English World dictionary

  • Cavalla — (La C., Kawala), Stadt im Sandschakat Salonichi des europäisch türkischen Ejalets Rum Ili, an der Nordküste des Golfs von C; in der Umgegend wird viel Tabak gebaut; stark besuchter Hafen, Handel mit Tabak, Öl, Baumwolle u. anderen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Cavalla — Cavalla, Stadt, s. Kawala …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • cavalla — s.f. [lat. caballa ]. 1. [femmina del cavallo] ▶◀ giumenta. 2. (marin.) [vela bassa di strallo, disposta fra gli alberi di maestra e di trinchetto] ▶◀ carbonera …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Cavalla River — Youbou redirects here. For the small town in western Canada, see Youbou, British Columbia. The Cavalla River (also known as Cavally, Youbou or Diougou river) is a river in West Africa running from north of Mount Nimba in Guinea, through Côte d… …   Wikipedia

  • cavalla — /keuh val euh, vuy euh/, n., pl. cavallas, (esp. collectively) cavalla. See king mackerel. [ < Sp caballa, fem. deriv. of caballo horse < L caballus (see CAPERCAILLIE); for a parallel E use of horse for a fish, see REDHORSE] * * * …   Universalium

  • Cavalla River — ▪ river, Africa also called  Cavally, Youbou, or Diougou,         river in western Africa, rising north of the Nimba Range in Guinea and flowing south to form more than half of the Liberia–Côte d Ivoire border. It enters the Gulf of Guinea 13… …   Universalium

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