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  • 1 devout

    fromm; sehnlich [Wunsch]; inständig [Hoffnung]
    * * *
    1) (earnest or sincere: Please accept my devout thanks.) herzlich
    2) (religious: a devout Christian.) fromm
    * * *
    1. Catholic, person fromm, gläubig; ( fig: committed) eifrig; environmentalist, pacifist [sehr] engagiert, erklärt
    to be a \devout believer in sth fest von etw dat überzeugt sein
    2. (sincere) prayers inbrünstig, andächtig; hope, wish innig, sehnlich
    * * *
    1. adj
    person, Christian, Muslim fromm; Christianity, Catholicism, Marxist, environmentalist, follower überzeugt; supporter treu; opponent eingeschworen

    it was my father's devout wish/hope that... — es war der inständige Wunsch/die sehnliche Hoffnung meines Vaters, dass..., mein Vater wünschte sich inständig/hoffte sehnlich, dass...

    2. n

    the devoutdie Frommen

    * * *
    devout [dıˈvaʊt] adj (adv devoutly)
    1. fromm
    2. andächtig
    3. innig, inbrünstig
    4. herzlich
    5. eifrig
    * * *
    fromm; sehnlich [Wunsch]; inständig [Hoffnung]
    * * *
    andächtig adj.

    English-german dictionary > devout

  • 2 devout

    de·vout [dɪʼvaʊt] adj
    1) Catholic, person fromm, gläubig;
    (fig: committed) eifrig; environmentalist, pacifist [sehr] engagiert, erklärt;
    to be a \devout believer in sth fest von etw dat überzeugt sein
    2) ( sincere) prayers inbrünstig, andächtig; hope, wish innig, sehnlich

    English-German students dictionary > devout

  • 3 pious

    1) (devout) fromm
    2) (hypocritically virtuous) heuchlerisch; scheinheilig
    * * *
    (having or showing strong religious feelings, reverence for or devotion to God etc: a pious woman/attitude.) fromm
    - academic.ru/90116/piously">piously
    - piety
    * * *
    1. REL (devout) fromm, [streng]gläubig
    2. ( iron: well-intentioned) gut gemeint
    \pious hope BRIT frommer Wunsch
    \pious intentions gute Vorsätze
    \pious promises wohl klingende Versprechungen
    3. ( pej: hypocritical) scheinheilig, heuchlerisch
    * * *
    1) (= devout) fromm; (pej also) frömmlerisch
    2) (pej: hypocritical) person, words unaufrichtig, falsch
    * * *
    pious [ˈpaıəs] adj (adv piously)
    1. fromm:
    pious fraud fig frommer Betrug;
    pious hope fig frommer Wunsch
    2. andächtig (auch fig Schweigen etc)
    3. heuchlerisch, scheinheilig
    4. obs fromm, brav (Kind)
    * * *
    1) (devout) fromm
    2) (hypocritically virtuous) heuchlerisch; scheinheilig
    * * *
    fromm adj.

    English-german dictionary > pious

См. также в других словарях:

  • devout — [[t]dɪva͟ʊt[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A devout person has deep religious beliefs. She was a devout Christian... His devout Catholicism appeals to ordinary people. N PLURAL: the N The devout are people who are devout. ...priests instructing the devout.… …   English dictionary

  • devout — devout, pious, religious, pietistic, sanctimonious apply mainly to persons, their acts, and their words and mean showing fervor and reverence in the practice of religion. Devout stresses an attitude of mind or a feeling that leads one to such… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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  • Prayer-Books — • A collection of forms of prayer intended for private devotion, and in so far distinct from the service books which contain the liturgical formularies used in public worship. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Prayer Books      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • worship — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Reverence Nouns 1. worship, adoration, devotion, homage, service; religious rites or observance; respect, reverence, veneration; cult; deification, idolization. See idolatry, gratitude, religion, rite. 2 …   English dictionary for students

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  • father —    This would seem to be the natural term for a speaker to use to his or her father, but whether it is used or not depends on individual family practice, which may in turn be influenced by the social and educational level of the family concerned …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

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  • Neeta Sen — Contents 1 Career 2 Personal life 3 Final illness and death 4 References 5 References …   Wikipedia

  • worshiper — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. churchgoer, communicant, congregant, pilgrim, supplicant, devotee, devotionalist, adorer, pietist, pious person, devout person, celebrant, saint, priest, priestess. Ant. skeptic*, atheist, agnostic …   English dictionary for students

  • religionist — re li·gion·ist || rɪ lɪdÊ’É™nɪst n. devout person, pious person, one who is deeply religious …   English contemporary dictionary

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