Перевод: с русского на все языки

со всех языков на русский


  • 1 Destined For Christ

    Religion: DFC

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Destined For Christ

  • 2 Superior Evolutionary Element Destined

    Religion: SEED

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Superior Evolutionary Element Destined

  • 3 Supreme Elemental Evolution Destined

    Religion: SEED

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Supreme Elemental Evolution Destined

  • 4 hum. сокр. Superior Evident Evolutionary Destined

    General subject: SEED

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > hum. сокр. Superior Evident Evolutionary Destined

  • 5 книга, которой суждено стать бестселлером

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > книга, которой суждено стать бестселлером

  • 6 направляться

    1) General subject: be bound for, destine, direct one's steps, go, go by, gravitate, head, leave, make, make for, rake, repair, repair to a place (куда-л.), sashay, south, strike, strike into, strike off, tend, to be bound for some place (куда-л.), to be destined for some place (куда-л.), to he destined for some place (куда-л.), turn footsteps, turn steps, wend one's way, head for, head off, make the land, strike out, head towards (= to head into; обозначает направление движения), head out, head into (= to head towards; обозначает направление движения), wing its way
    2) Naval: make sail, steer, take
    3) Poetical language: ply, wend
    4) Military: proceed
    5) Bookish: repairer
    6) Rare: west
    7) Chemistry: trend
    9) Psychology: intend
    10) Jargon: hit for (куда-то), (куда-либо) boogie down (to somewhere)
    11) Makarov: be bound for some place (куда-л.), bear, fall, direct steps

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > направляться

  • 7 Д-248

    НА ДОЛЮ чью, кого or кому выпасть, прийтись, достаться PrepP Invar the resulting PrepP is subj-compl with выпасть etc subj: usu. abstr or infin, occas. concr)) (to become) s.o. 's destiny, responsibility, share of sth. etc: X выпал на долю Y-a - Y was fated (it was Yb fate) to experience (to have etc) X Y was destined to experience (to have etc) X fate bestowed X upon Y X befell Y X fell to Y's lot X was Y's lot (in life) Y was fated to live through X Y got X Y ended up with (getting, having to do etc) X as for Y, he got X.
    (Нина:)...Другим же, как, например, вам, - вы один из миллиона, - выпала на долю жизнь интересная, светлая, полная значения... (Чехов 6). (N.:) But others, you, for instance, you - one in a million—are fated to have such interesting, bright, happy lives, lives worthwhile, full of significance (6b).
    ...(Мать) шептала (Андрею) о блестящем призвании то воина, то писателя, мечтала с ним о высокой роли, какая выпадает иным на долю... (Гончаров 1)....(Andrey's mother) whispered to him about the brilliant calling of a soldier or a writer, and dreamed with him of the exalted part some men are destined to play (1a).
    .Мы говорили, что Пастернак прожил очень счастливую жизнь, остался верен себе и равен себе, не часто такой жребий выпадает на долю русского поэта (Орлова 1). We said that Pasternak had lived a very fortunate life: in spite of all the difficulties he had remained true to himself and equal to himself. It isn't often that such a destiny befalls a Russian poet (1a).
    «Увы, жив», - воскликнули мы, - ибо как не предпочесть казнь смертную, содрогания висельника в своём ужасном коконе, тем похоронам, которые спустя двадцать пять бессмысленных лет выпали на долю Чернышевского (Набоков 1). "Alas, alive," we exclaimed, for how could one not prefer the death penalty, the convulsions of the hanged man in his hideous cocoon, to that funeral which twenty-five insipid years later fell to Chernyshevski's lot (1a).
    На экзамене по физике на мою долю достался, как всегда, самый трудный вопрос. At my physics exam I ended up, as usual, with the hardest question.
    Королевские обойщики (их было несколько человек) службу при короле несли в очередь, причём на долю Поклена-отца приходились весенние месяцы: апрель, май и июнь (Булгаков 5). ( context transl) The Royal Upholsterers (there were several of them) served the King in turn. Poquelin the elder's period of service was during the spring months of April, May, and June (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-248

  • 8 С-662

    HE СУДЬБА (кому-чему) NP subj-compl with бытыз ( subj: infin, often omitted) usu. pres) fortune decrees that sth. is not to happen or be accomplished: не судьба X-y делать Y ' it is not destined that X do Y itis not X's destiny (fate) to do Y X is not destined (fated) to do Y it is not (meant) to be it is not in the cards (when used without an infin, as an indep. remark) fate willed (ordained) otherwise.
    (Телегин:) Значит, Марина Тимофеевна, не судьба им жить тут. Не судьба... (Чехов 3). (T.:J It means, Marina Timofeevna, that it's not their fate to live here. Not their fate... (3d).
    «Всё кончено!» - отвечал я и отдал ей батюшкино письмо... Про- читав, она возвратила мне письмо дрожащею рукою и сказала дрожащим голосом: «Видно, мне не судьба... Родные ваши не хотят меня в свою семью» (Пушкин 2). "Its all over!" I answered, handing her my father's letter....Having read the letter, she returned it to me with a trembling hand and said in a faltering voice: "Evidently, fate has ordained otherwise... Your parents do not wish to receive me into their family" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-662

  • 9 на долю

    НА ДОЛЮ чью, кого or кому выпасть, прийтись, достаться
    [PrepP; Invar; the resulting PrepP is subj-compl with выпасть etc (subj: usu. abstr or infin, occas. concr)]
    (to become) s.o.'s destiny, responsibility, share of sth. etc:
    - X выпал на долю Y-a на долю Y was fated < it was Y's fate> to experience <to have etc> X;
    - Y was destined to experience <to have etc> X;
    - Y ended up with (getting, having to do etc) X;
    - as for Y, he got X.
         ♦ [Нина:]...Другим же, как, например, вам, - вы один из миллиона, - выпала на долю жизнь интересная, светлая, полная значения... (Чехов 6). [N.:] But others, you, for instance, you - one in a million - are fated to have such interesting, bright, happy lives, lives worthwhile, full of significance (6b).
         ♦...[ Мать] шептала [Андрею] о блестящем призвании то воина, то писателя, мечтала с ним о высокой роли, какая выпадает иным на долю... (Гончаров 1)....[Andrey's mother] whispered to him about the brilliant calling of a soldier or a writer, and dreamed with him of the exalted part some men are destined to play (1a).
         ♦...Мы говорили, что Пастернак прожил очень счастливую жизнь, остался верен себе и равен себе, не часто такой жребий выпадает на долю русского поэта (Орлова 1). We said that Pasternak had lived a very fortunate life: in spite of all the difficulties he had remained true to himself and equal to himself. It isn't often that such a destiny befalls a Russian poet (1a).
         ♦ "Увы, жив", - воскликнули мы, - ибо как не предпочесть казнь смертную, содрогания висельника в своём ужасном коконе, тем похоронам, которые спустя двадцать пять бессмысленных лет выпали на долю Чернышевского (Набоков 1). "Alas, alive," we exclaimed, for how could one not prefer the death penalty, the convulsions of the hanged man in his hideous cocoon, to that funeral which twenty-five insipid years later fell to Chemyshevski's lot (1a).
         ♦ На экзамене по физике на мою долю достался, как всегда, самый трудный вопрос. At my physics exam I ended up, as usual, with the hardest question.
         ♦ Королевские обойщики (их было несколько человек) службу при короле несли в очередь, причём на долю Поклена-отца приходились весенние месяцы: апрель, май и июнь (Булгаков 5). [context transl] The Royal Upholsterers (there were several of them) served the King in turn. Poquelin the elder's period of service was during the spring months of April, May, and June (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на долю

  • 10 не судьба

    [NP; subj-compl with быть (subj: infin, often omitted); usu. pres]
    fortune decrees that sth. is not to happen or be accomplished:
    - не судьба X-у делать Y - it is not destined that X do Y;
    - [when used without an infin, as an indep. remark] fate willed (ordained) otherwise.
         ♦ [Телегин:] Значит, Марина Тимофеевна, не судьба им жить тут. Не судьба... (Чехов 3). [T.:] It means, Marina Timofeevna, that it's not their fate to live here. Not their fate... (3d).
         ♦ "Всё кончено!" - отвечал я и отдал ей батюшкино письмо... Прочитав, она возвратила мне письмо дрожащею рукою и сказала дрожащим голосом: "Видно, мне не судьба... Родные ваши не хотят меня в свою семью" (Пушкин 2). "It's all over!" I answered, handing her my father's letter....Having read the letter, she returned it to me with a trembling hand and said in a faltering voice: "Evidently, fate has ordained otherwise... Your parents do not wish to receive me into their family" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не судьба

  • 11 предназначенный

    * * *
    assigned, asgd, designed, destined
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > предназначенный

  • 12 обречен

    to be destined, to be bound to
    нельзя переводить как to be condemned/doomed to

    Наши страны обречены на сотрудничество. — Our countries are destined to cooperate.

    На фоне проблемы противостояния международному терроризму мы просто обречены на тесное сотрудничество (из интервью президента Кыргызстана А.Акаева «Независимой газете»). — In light of the problem of international terrorism we simply must cooperate closely/The problem of international terrorism compels us to cooperate closely.

    Русско-английский словарь общей лексики > обречен

  • 13 на роду написано

    (кому, у кого)
    one is born (fated, destined, predestined, ordained, preordained) to be or to do smth.; it is ordained (preordained) that he (she) should be or do smth.

    Остапу, казалось, был на роду написан битвенный путь и трудное знанье вершить ратные дела. (Н. Гоголь, Тарас Бульба) — It seemed as though Ostap were destined from birth for the career of arms and the hard discipline of warlike deeds.

    - Наделал он мне хлопот, не тем будь помянут! Ведь есть, право, этакие люди, у которых на роду написано, что с ними должны случаться разные необыкновенные вещи! (М. Лермонтов, Герой нашего времени) — 'He caused me plenty of trouble, God forgive him! But after all, there are people who are predestined to have all sorts of odd things happen to them!'

    - Тут что мне, верно, на роду было назначено не с милым, а с постылым, - той судьбы я и не минула. (Н. Лесков, Тупейный художник) — 'It seems that I was fated to belong to the man I hated and not to the one I loved and I did not escape my fate.'

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на роду написано

  • 14 суженого конём не объедешь

    суженого <и> конём (на коне) не объедешь
    lit. a woman cannot escape her destined husband even on horseback; cf. no flying from fate

    Наконец, единогласно все решили, что, видно, такова была судьба Марьи Гавриловны, что суженого конём не объедешь, что бедность не порок, что жить не с богатством, а с человеком, и тому подобное. Нравственные поговорки бывают удивительно полезны в тех случаях, когда мы от себя мало что можем выдумать себе в оправдание. (А. Пушкин, Метель) — At last it was unanimously decided that such was evidently Marya Gavrilovna's fate, that a woman cannot escape her destined husband even on horseback, that poverty is not a crime, that one does not marry wealth, but a man, etc., etc. Moral maxims are wonderfully useful in those cases where we can invent little in our own justification.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > суженого конём не объедешь

  • 15 предназначать

    предназначить v. intend (for), mean (for), be destined (for)

    Русско-английский словарь математических терминов > предназначать

  • 16 предназначенный

    adj. intended, meant, destined

    Русско-английский словарь математических терминов > предназначенный

  • 17 предназначенный

    Русско-английский технический словарь > предназначенный

  • 18 которому предстоит стать

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > которому предстоит стать

  • 19 предназначаться для

    The instrument is designed to operate with a minimum input.

    Such units are ( intended) for use on grounded circuits.

    These methods are intended (or meant) for performance evaluation of spectrometers.

    Motor over-current protection is intended to protect motor windings and branch conductors from overheating.

    The centre aisle is reserved for the movement of personnel only.

    The tray is destined for the far end of the first operation line.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > предназначаться для

  • 20 предназначен для

    Each cell is dedicated to the production of...

    This water is destined (or meant) for irrigation.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > предназначен для

См. также в других словарях:

  • Destined to Be — Studio album by McGruff Released June 16, 1998 Recorded 1997–1998 …   Wikipedia

  • destined — [adj1] bound for, fated in near future at hand, brewing*, certain, closed, coming, compelled, compulsory, condemned, designed, directed, doomed, foreordained, forthcoming, hanging over*, impending, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable …   New thesaurus

  • destined — index bound, forthcoming, future, imminent, inevitable, necessary (inescapable), prospective Burt …   Law dictionary

  • destined — adj. (cannot stand alone) 1) destined for (the shipment is destined for New York) 2) destined to + inf. (she was destined from birth to become president) * * * [ destɪnd] destined to + inf. (she was destined from birth to become president)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • destined — des|tined [ˈdestınd] adj 1.) [not before noun] seeming certain to happen at some time in the future destined for ▪ She seemed destined for a successful career. destined to do sth ▪ We were destined never to meet again. 2.) destined for sth to be… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • destined — des|tined [ destınd ] adjective never before noun 1. ) certain to do something or certain to happen in the future: destined for: That boy is destined for greatness. destined to do something: We both felt that we were destined to meet. 2. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • destined — [[t]de̱stɪnd[/t]] 1) ADJ: v link ADJ, ADJ to inf, ADJ for n If something is destined to happen or if someone is destined to behave in a particular way, that thing seems certain to happen or be done. He feels that he was destined to become a… …   English dictionary

  • destined — UK [ˈdestɪnd] / US adjective [never before noun] 1) certain to do something, or certain to happen in the future destined for: That boy is destined for greatness. destined to do something: We both felt that we were destined to meet. 2) intended… …   English dictionary

  • destined — adjective 1 (not before noun) certain to have something or do something at some time in the future (+ for): She seemed destined for a long and successful career. | destined to do sth: We were destined never to meet again. 2 be destined for to be… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Destined — Destine Des tine, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Destined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Destining}.] [F. destiner, L. destinare; de + the root of stare to stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Obstinate}.] To determine the future condition or application of; to set apart by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • destined — adjective 1. (usually followed by to ) governed by fate bound to happen an old house destined to be demolished he is destined to be famous • Syn: ↑bound • Similar to: ↑certain, ↑sure …   Useful english dictionary

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