1 design tolerance
конструкторский допуск; проектный допускEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > design tolerance
2 design tolerance
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > design tolerance
3 design tolerance
1) расчётный [проектный\] допускАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > design tolerance
4 design tolerance
5 design tolerance
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > design tolerance
6 design tolerance
проектный допуск; конструктивный допуск -
7 design tolerance
8 design tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > design tolerance
9 design tolerance
1. допуск на элементы конструкции2. расчётный допускThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > design tolerance
10 tolerance
tolerance nдопускaircraft dimension toleranceдопуск на размеры воздушного суднаaircraft weight toleranceдопуск на массу воздушного суднаdesign toleranceрасчетный допускinstallation toleranceдопуск на установкуproduction toleranceтехнологический допускrepair toleranceремонтный допускrigging toleranceнивелировочный допускtable of toleranceтаблица допусков -
11 design
design nконструкцияaerodynamic designаэродинамическая схемаaircraft designконструкция воздушного суднаaircraft design loadрасчетный предел нагрузки воздушного суднаapproved designутвержденный проектbasic designосновная конструкцияcritical design parameterкритический расчетный параметрdesign airspeedрасчетная воздушная скоростьdesign altitudeрасчетная высотаdesign ceilingрасчетный потолокdesign characteristicрасчетная характеристикаdesign conditionsрасчетные условияdesign dataрасчетные данныеdesigned stress limitпредел допустимых расчетных перегрузокdesign factorрасчетный коэффициентdesign faultконструктивный отказdesign flight weightрасчетная полетная массаdesign flying rangeрасчетная дальность полетаdesign landing massрасчетная посадочная массаdesign landing weightрасчетная посадочная массаdesign lifeрасчетный срок службыdesign loadрасчетная нагрузкаdesign noise levelрасчетный уровень шумаdesign pressureрасчетное давлениеdesign speedрасчетная скоростьdesign takeoff massрасчетная взлетная массаdesign takeoff weightрасчетная взлетная массаdesign taxiing massрасчетная масса при руленииdesign thrustрасчетная тягаdesign toleranceрасчетный допускdesign wing areaрасчетная площадь крылаexit design speedрасчетная скорость схода(с ВПП) modular engine designмодульная конструкция двигателя -
12 tolerance
2) допустимая доза (напр. облучения)3) выносливость; стойкость, устойчивость (к какому-л. воздействию); толерантность•tolerance in dam — допуск размеров плотины;tolerance on height — допуск высоты;tolerance on length — допуск длины;tolerance on thickness — допуск толщины;-
acceptance tolerance
accumulated tolerance
adjustment tolerance
aircraft dimension tolerance
aircraft production tolerance
aircraft rigging tolerance
aircraft weight tolerance
alignment tolerance
alpha tolerance
basic tolerance
beta tolerance
breathing tolerance
chemical tolerance
close size tolerance
close tolerance
concentricity tolerance
cut angle tolerance
design tolerance
dimensional tolerance
discharge tolerance
distortion tolerance
dredging tolerance
drinking tolerance
environmental tolerance
fine tolerance
fit tolerance
form tolerance
frequency tolerance
gamma tolerance
gear-spacing tolerance
geometric tolerance
gum tolerance
harmonic tolerance
humidity tolerance
immunological tolerance
in-line tolerance
in-service tolerance
lead tolerance
lower tolerance
machining tolerance
maintenance tolerance
man-impact tolerance
manufacturing tolerance
navigation tolerance
negative tolerance
overall tolerance
parameter tolerance
pitch tolerance
positioning tolerance
position tolerance
positive tolerance
process tolerance
radiation tolerance
rated tolerance
registration tolerance
repair tolerance
rolling tolerance
rough tolerance
shrinkage tolerance
size tolerance
specific tolerance
targeted tolerance
target tolerance
temperature tolerance
tube ID tolerance
tube OD tolerance
tube wall tolerance
upper tolerance
voltage tolerance
wave tolerance
wear tolerance
weight tolerance
Z-axis tolerance -
13 tolerance
1) допуск2) допустимая доза ( облучения)3) предельно допустимые или предельно достижимые параметры ( устройства)4) устойчивость; стойкость ( по отношению к каким-либо воздействиям или явлениям)5) вчт толерантность•- adjustment tolerance
- alignment tolerance
- closed tolerance
- component tolerance
- design tolerance
- display tolerance
- distortion tolerance
- environmental tolerance
- fabrication tolerance
- fault tolerance
- fine tolerance
- frequency tolerance
- G-tolerance
- geometric tolerance
- harmonic tolerance
- human tolerance
- lower tolerance
- manufacturing tolerance
- masking tolerance
- parameter tolerance
- positioning tolerance
- production tolerance
- quantization tolerance
- radiation tolerance
- registration tolerance
- RF tolerance
- sample tolerance
- sampling tolerance
- software-implemented fault tolerance
- statistical tolerance
- transmitter frequency tolerance
- upper tolerance
- voltage tolerance -
14 tolerance
15 tolerance
- angularity tolerance
- axial runout tolerance
- balance tolerance
- basic tolerance
- bilateral tolerance
- blade angle tolerance
- blueprint tolerance
- bottom tolerance
- camming action tolerance
- capacitance tolerance
- circular runout tolerance
- circularity tolerance
- close tolerance
- coaxiality tolerance
- composite tolerance
- concentricity tolerance
- cone angle tolerance
- cone diameter tolerance
- cone section diameter tolerance
- contamination tolerance
- cumulative tolerance
- cylindricity tolerance
- design tolerances
- diameter tolerance
- diametric tolerance
- dimensional tolerance
- established tolerance
- exacting tolerance
- fault tolerances
- fine tolerance
- fit tolerance
- flatness tolerance
- form tolerance
- functional tolerances
- gear-mounting tolerance
- gear-spacing tolerance
- geometric tolerance
- high tolerance
- holding tolerances
- inclusive tolerance
- index tolerance
- in-line tolerance
- international tolerance
- intersection tolerance
- lead tolerance
- limit tolerance
- line profile tolerance
- location tolerance
- lower tolerance
- machining tolerance
- manufacturing tolerance
- maximum-material-condition tolerance
- micron tolerance
- MMC tolerance
- nonqualified tolerance
- parallelity tolerance
- part-to-part tolerances
- perpendicularity tolerance
- pitch tolerance
- positional tolerance
- positioning tolerance
- precision tolerance
- press-fit tolerance
- print tolerance
- process tolerance
- production tolerance
- profile tolerance of any line
- profile tolerance of any surface
- profile tolerances
- qualified tolerance
- radial runout tolerance
- regardless-of-feature-size tolerance
- repeatability tolerance
- repetitive tolerance
- rough tolerance
- roundness tolerance
- run tolerance
- runout tolerance
- setup tolerances
- size tolerance
- specified tolerance
- straightness tolerance
- surface profile tolerance
- symmetry tolerance
- target tolerance
- targeted tolerance
- thread tolerance
- tight tolerance
- tolerance of position
- tolerance of positioning
- tolerance of runout
- top tolerance
- total composite tolerance
- total radial runout tolerance
- total runout tolerance
- true-position tolerance
- two-line tolerance
- unbalance tolerance
- unilateral tolerance
- upper tolerance
- wide tolerance
- Z-axis tolerance
- zero toleranceEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tolerance
16 tolerance quality
17 design registration tolerance
Микроэлектроника: проектный допуск на совмещение, проектный допуск на расположениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > design registration tolerance
18 design registration tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of microelectronics > design registration tolerance
19 baste tolerance
design tolerance — конструкторский допуск; проектный допуск
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > baste tolerance
20 maintenance tolerance
допуск на ремонт; эксплуатационный допускdesign tolerance — конструкторский допуск; проектный допуск
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > maintenance tolerance
См. также в других словарях:
Tolerance stacks — Tolerance Analysis is the general term for all activities related to the study of accumulated variation in mechanical parts and assemblies, and may be used on other types of systems subject to accumulated variation, such as mechanical electrical… … Wikipedia
Design for manufacturability for CNC machining — Design for manufacturability (DFM) describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the… … Wikipedia
Tolerance aux pannes — Tolérance aux pannes Le concept de tolérance aux pannes se réfère à une méthode de conception d un système de telle façon qu il puisse continuer à fonctionner, potentiellement de manière réduite, au lieu de tomber complètement en panne dès que l… … Wikipédia en Français
Tolérance aux fautes — Tolérance aux pannes Le concept de tolérance aux pannes se réfère à une méthode de conception d un système de telle façon qu il puisse continuer à fonctionner, potentiellement de manière réduite, au lieu de tomber complètement en panne dès que l… … Wikipédia en Français
Design for Six Sigma — (DFSS) is a separate and emerging business process management methodology related to traditional Six Sigma. While the tools and order used in Six Sigma require a process to be in place and functioning, DFSS has the objective of determining the… … Wikipedia
Tolérance aux pannes — Le concept de tolérance aux pannes se réfère à une méthode de conception d un système de telle façon qu il puisse continuer à fonctionner, potentiellement de manière réduite (en mode dégradé), au lieu de tomber complètement en panne lorsque l un… … Wikipédia en Français
Fault tolerance — Tolérance aux pannes Le concept de tolérance aux pannes se réfère à une méthode de conception d un système de telle façon qu il puisse continuer à fonctionner, potentiellement de manière réduite, au lieu de tomber complètement en panne dès que l… … Wikipédia en Français
Fault-tolerant design — In engineering, Fault tolerant design, also known as fail safe design, is a design that enables a system to continue operation, possibly at a reduced level (also known as graceful degradation), rather than failing completely, when some part of… … Wikipedia
Engineering tolerance — is the permissible limit or limits of variation in a physical dimension, a measured value or physical property of a material, manufactured object, system, or service, other measured values (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). in engineering and … Wikipedia
Damage tolerance — is a property of a structure relating to its ability to sustain defects safely until repair can be effected. The approach to engineering design to account for damage tolerance is based on the assumption that flaws can exist in any structure and… … Wikipedia
Circuit design — The process of circuit design can cover systems ranging from complex electronic systems all the way down to the individual transistors within an integrated circuit. For simple circuits the design process can often be done by one person without… … Wikipedia