1 design output
2 design output
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > design output
3 design output
2) Экономика: расчётная производительность, требуемая производительность3) Химическое оружие: проектная документация -
4 design output
расчетная производительность; требуемая производительностьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > design output
5 bring up to design output
Макаров: доводить до проектной мощностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > bring up to design output
6 output
1) продукция
2) объем производства
3) сменный
4) <comput.> выводить
5) <energ.> дебит
6) выход
7) выходной сигнал
8) итог
9) результат
10) отдача
11) отдаваемая мощность
12) выпуск
13) выпускаемый
14) добыча
15) производительность
16) производство
17) выработка
18) кпд
– actual output
– average output
– binary output
– carrier output
– carry output
– coaxial-line output
– daily output
– data output
– functional output
– gross output
– hydraulic output
– increase in output
– machine output
– mass output
– output action
– output admittance
– output alphabet
– output capacitance
– output characteristic
– output circuit
– output coordinate
– output current
– output data
– output device
– output element
– output filter
– output goods
– output immittance
– output impedance
– output level
– output line
– output load
– output matrix
– output medium
– output meter
– output monitor
– output parameter
– output per hour
– output per shift
– output power
– output pulse
– output punch
– output quantity
– output register
– output resistance
– output shaft
– output signal
– output slit
– output stage
– output switchgear
– output transformer
– output unit
– output variable
– output voltage
– output window
– parallel output
– proportional output
– rail-to-rail output
– receiver output
– saleable output
– series output
– unit of output
– voice output
– waveguide output
output rest voltage — выходное остаточное напряжение оптопары
output reverse voltage — обратное выходное напряжение оптопары
overall output regulation — суммарная нестабильность выходного напряжения или тока
preparation plant output — < mining> выход продуктов обогащения
the output of the program is — <comput.> программа выводит
7 output
1. n1) производительность; выработка; мощность2) выпуск продукции; объем производства
- actual output
- agricultural output
- annual output
- average output
- commercial output
- continuous output
- current output
- daily output
- desired output
- design output
- effective output
- factory output
- farm output
- final output
- full output
- full employment output
- gross output
- guaranteed output
- high output
- hourly output
- incidental output
- industrial output
- large output
- man-hour output
- manufacturing output
- maximum output
- minimum output
- net output
- nominal output
- normal output
- oil output
- peak output
- per capita output
- permanent output
- physical output
- potential output
- production output
- profit-maximizing output
- rated output
- real output
- recorded output
- reduced output
- standard output
- total output
- yearly output
- output of by-products
- output of products
- output per day
- output per hour
- output per man-hour
- output per man-week
- output per shift
- output per worker
- boost output
- decrease the output
- expand output
- guarantee the output
- increase output
- limit output
- raise output
- reduce the output
- trim output2. vвыпускать (продукцию)English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > output
8 output
1. выход2. выходной сигнал3. мощность4. выводить5. выходной -
9 design
1) проект
2) дизайн
3) конструировать
4) конструкторский
5) конструкция
6) оптимальный
7) оформление
8) проектирование
9) проектировать
10) решение конструктивное
11) составлять план
12) планировка
13) рисовать
14) рисунок
15) синтез
16) расчетный
17) исполнение
18) конструирование
19) проектный
20) чертеж
21) конструктивный
– associate design
– automated design
– breadboard design
– circuit design
– civil-engineering design
– computer-aided design
– conceptual design
– contractor design
– cut-and-try design
– design an experiment
– design approach
– design arrangement
– design condition
– design draught
– design elevation
– design features
– design formula
– design load
– design longevity
– design moment
– design of an experiment
– design of experiment
– design of experiments
– design office
– design optimization
– design philosophy
– design pitch
– design power
– design pressure
– design procedure
– design quantity
– design reliability
– design schedule
– design stress
– design team
– design waterline
– design work
– detail design
– develop a design
– double-buttion design
– engineering design
– experimental design
– logical design
– modular design
– physical design
– preliminary design
– process design
– refine a design
– ruggedize the design
– simple in design
– structural design
– system design
– typographic design
– unconventional design
– unit-type design
completely randomized design — полностью рандомизированный план
conception phase of IC design — проработка логической структуры ИС
experimental design office — <engin.> бюро конструкторское опытное
principle of module design — <aeron.> принцип агрегатный
special design office — <engin.> бюро конструкторское особое
10 output
1. выход; вывод/ выходной, на выходе4. выходные данные; результат <напр. вычислений>acceleration outputaccelerometer outputcommand outputcontroller outputdemand outputdesign outputsdisplacement outputfilter outputforce outputgraphical outputmeasurement outputspitch channel outputplant outputpressure outputresponse outputsensed outputsensor outputsimulation outputstep outputstick outputsurface command outputsystem outputtabular outputthrust outputtorque outputvelocity outputvisual outputwings-level outputwork output -
11 design voltage
номинальное напряжение
Напряжение, установленное изготовителем для прибора
[ ГОСТ Р 52161. 1-2004 ( МЭК 60335-1: 2001)]
номинальное напряжение Uном, кВ
Номинальное междуфазное напряжение электрической сети, для работы в которой предназначены коммутационные аппараты.
[ ГОСТ Р 52726-2007]
номинальное напряжение
Напряжение, применяемое для обозначения или идентификации системы электроснабжения.
[ ГОСТ Р 51317.4.30-2008 (МЭК 61000-4-30:2008)]EN
rated voltage
voltage assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer
[IEC 60335-1, ed. 4.0 (2001-05)]
rated voltage
quantity value assigned, generally by the manufacturer, for a specified operating condition of a machine
[IEC 60034-18-41, ed. 1.0 (2006-10)]
rated voltage
input or output supply voltage for which equipment is designed or specified
[IEC 88528-11, ed. 1.0 (2004-03)]
rated voltage
specified value of the voltage at the terminals of the machine when operating at a rating. If unidirectional, the voltage is the arithmetic mean of the recurring waveform and if alternating it is the root mean square value of the fundamental frequency component of the recurring waveform
NOTE - In the case of a machine with a protective resistor permanently in series, the resistor is considered as an integral part of the machine
[IEC 60349-1, ed. 1.0 (1999-11)]
rated voltage
the value of voltage assigned by the manufacturer to a component, device or equipment and to which operation and performance characteristics are referred
NOTE - Equipment may have more than one rated voltage value or may have a rated voltage range.
[IEC 62497-1, ed. 1.0 (2010-02)]
rated voltage
reference voltage for which the cable is designed, and which serves to define the electrical tests
NOTE 1 - The rated voltage is expressed by the combination of two values: Uo/U expressed in volts (V):
Uo being the r.m.s. value between any insulated conductor and "earth" (metal covering of the cable or the surrounding medium);
U being the r.m.s. value between any two phase conductors of a multicore cable or of a system of single-core cables.
In an alternating-current system, the rated voltage of a cable is at least equal to the nominal voltage of the system for which it is intended.
This condition applies both to the value Uo and to the value U.
In a direct current system, the nominal voltage of the system is not higher than 1,5 times the rated voltage of the cable.
NOTE 2 - The operating voltage of a system may permanently exceed the nominal voltage of such a system by 10 %. A cable can be used at a 10 % higher operating voltage than its rated voltage if the latter is at least equal to the nominal voltage of the system
[IEC 60245-1, ed. 4.0 (2003-12)]
rated voltage
highest allowable voltage between the conductors in a twin and multi conductor cable, or between one conductor and an electrical conductive screen, or between the two ends of a single core cable, or earth in unscreened cables
[IEC 60800, ed. 3.0 (2009-07)]
rated voltage
the r.m.s. line-to-line voltage under rated conditions
Primary side of input transformer: ULN
Converter input: UVN
Converter output: UaN
Motor voltage: UAN
[IEC 61800-4, ed. 1.0 (2002-09)]
rated voltage
input or output voltage (for three-phase supply, the phase-to-phase voltage) as declared by the manufacturer
[IEC 62040-1, ed. 1.0 (2008-06)]
nominal voltage, Un
voltage by which a system is designated or identified
[IEC 61000-4-30, ed. 2.0 (2008-10)]FR
tension assignée
tension attribuée à l'appareil par le fabricant
[IEC 60335-1, ed. 4.0 (2001-05)]
tension nominale
tension assignée, généraleme<>value of voltage assigned by the manufacturer, to a componentnt par le constructeur pour des conditions spécifiées de fonctionnement de la machine
[IEC 60034-18-41, ed. 1.0 (2006-10)]
tension assignée
tension spécifiée aux bornes de la machine quand celle-ci fonctionne au régime assigné. Dans le cas d'une tension redressée, sa valeur est égale à la valeur moyenne de l'onde périodique. Dans le cas d'une tension alternative, sa valeur est égale à la valeur efficace de la composante fondamentale de l'onde périodique
NOTE - Dans le cas d'une machine équipée d'une résistance de protection connectée en permanence en série, la résistance est considérée comme faisant partie intégrante de la machine
[IEC 60349-1, ed. 1.0 (1999-11)]
tension assignée
valeur de la tension, assignée par le constructeur à un composant, à un dispositif ou à un matériel, et à laquelle on se réfère pour le fonctionnement et pour les caractéristiques fonctionnelles
NOTE - Les matériels peuvent avoir plusieurs valeurs ou une plage de tensions assignées.
[IEC 62497-1, ed. 1.0 (2010-02)]
tension assignée
tension de référence pour laquelle le conducteur ou le câble est prévu et qui sert à définir les essais électriques
NOTE 1 - La tension assignée est exprimée par la combinaison de deux valeurs Uo /U, exprimées en volts (V):
Uo étant la valeur efficace entre l'âme d'un conducteur isolé quelconque et la «terre» (revêtement métallique du câble au milieu environnant);
U étant la valeur efficace entre les âmes conductrices de deux conducteurs de phase quelconques d'un câble multiconducteur ou d'un système de câbles monoconducteurs ou de conducteurs.
Dans un système à courant alternatif, la tension assignée d'un conducteur ou d’un câble est au moins égale à la tension nominale du système pour lequel il est prévu.
Cette condition s'applique à la fois à la valeur Uo et à la valeur U.
Dans un système à courant continu, la tension nominale admise du système n’est pas supérieure à 1,5 fois la tension assignée du conducteur ou du câble.
NOTE 2 - La tension de service d'un système peut en permanence dépasser la tension nominale dudit système de 10 %. Un conducteur ou un câble peut être utilisé à une tension de service supérieure de 10 % à sa tension assignée si cette dernière est au moins égale à la tension nominale du système
[IEC 60245-1, ed. 4.0 (2003-12)]
tension assignée
tension maximale admissible entre les âmes dans un câble ayant une paire ou multi conducteur ou entre une âme et un écran conducteur électrique ou avec la terre pour un câble non écranté ou encore entre les deux extrémités d’un câble à âme unique
[IEC 60800, ed. 3.0 (2009-07)]
tension assignée
valeur efficace de la tension de ligne (entre phases) dans les conditions assignées
Primaire du transformateur d’entrée: ULN
Entrée du convertisseur: UVN
Sortie du convertisseur: UaN
Moteur: UAN
[IEC 61800-4, ed. 1.0 (2002-09)]
tension assignée
tension d’alimentation d’entrée ou de sortie (dans le cas d’une alimentation triphasée, tension entre phases) déclarée par le constructeur
[IEC 62040-1, ed. 1.0 (2008-06)]
tension nominale, Un
tension par laquelle un réseau est désigné ou identifié
[IEC 61000-4-30, ed. 2.0 (2008-10)]Тематики
- аппарат, изделие, устройство...
- высоковольтный аппарат, оборудование...
- прибор электрический
- электроснабжение в целом
- Un
3.7 номинальное напряжение (design voltage): Объявленное изготовителем напряжение, к которому относятся все характеристики устройства управления лампами и которое должно быть не менее 85 % наибольшего значения диапазона нормируемого напряжения.
Источник: ГОСТ Р МЭК 61347-1-2011: Устройства управления лампами. Часть 1. Общие требования и требования безопасности оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > design voltage
12 design
1. проект; конструкция; схема <ЛА>/ проектный2. проектирование; разработка; конструирование; синтез/ проектировать; разрабатывать; конструировать; синтезировать3. расчет/ рассчитывать/ расчетныйсм. тж. design"clean-sheet-of-paper" designdesign for low vibrationdesign for supportabilitydesign to constraintsdesign to costaerodynamic designaerodynamically unstable designaircraft designairfoil designall-altitude designall-wing designamphibious designanalytical designarrow-wing designattached-flow designaugmentation designautopilot designavionics designbalanced designbaseline designbearingless designcanard designcockpit designcompensator designcomputerized designconceptual designconfiguration designconstrained designcontrol designcontrol augmentation designcontrol law designcontroller designcrew station designCTOL designdamage tolerant designdecoupled designdelta-wing designdelta-winged designdetail designdetailed designdisplay designdouble-scoop designdurability designelastic designfail-safe designfallback designfatigue designfeedback designfeedback loop designfighter designfilter designfinal production designfixed gain designfixed-sweep designflutter designflying knife designflying-wing designfracture mechanics designfrequency domain designfull-state designfull-scale designfully-stressed designhandling-qualities designhigh-tail designhigh-wing designhydrodynamic designin-house designinelastic designinlet designinput designiterative designjoined-wing designlaminate designland based designlanding gear designlayout designleast-mass designLyapunov designlift-plus-cruise designlinear regulator designlogic designlogistics designlong-nosed designlongitudinal designlow-boom designlow-cost designlow-wing designLQG/LTR designLQR designmacro-structural designmicro-structural designminimum weight designmultiple-input-multiple-output designnonrobust designoblique-wing designobserver designobserver-based designoptimum designoutboard-pivot designpitch designpodded designpoint designpowered-lift designpreliminary designpropeller designRALS designreduced order designreliability-conscious designrobust designroll-yaw designrotorcraft designsensitivity-reduction designshape optimal designsingle-finned designsingle-seat designstealth designSTOVL designstrengthened designstructural designsupport-conscious designswing-wing designsystem designT-tail designtail-aft designtail-first designtandem-wing designthermoelastic designthree-shaft designthree-surface designto design intorsional designtwin-boom designtwin-pod designtwo-shaft designtwo-spool designunconstrained designundercarriage designvortex-flow designVTOL designwashin designwashout designwheel designwide-body designWiener-Hopf designwing-winglet design -
13 design capacity
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > design capacity
14 actual output
1. эффективная мощность2. полезная мощность -
15 rated output
1.номинальная мощность2.номинальная отдаваемая мощность -
16 apparent output
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > apparent output
17 available output
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > available output
18 effective output
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > effective output
19 engine output
20 indicated output
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > indicated output
См. также в других словарях:
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Output — is the term denoting either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate/modify a process. It is an abstract concept, used in the modeling, system(s) design and system(s) exploitation. Contents 1 Types of output 1.1 In control theory … Wikipedia
Design closure — is the process by which a VLSI design is modified from its initial description to meet a growing list of design constraints and objectives. Every step in the IC design (such as static timing analysis, placement, routing, and so on) is already… … Wikipedia
Design by committee — is a term referring to a style of design and its resultant output when a group of entities comes together to produce something (often the design of technological systems or standards), particularly in the presence of poor leadership. The defining … Wikipedia
Output coupler — Principal components of a laser: 1. Active laser medium 2. Laser pumping energy 3. High reflector 4. Output coupler 5. Laser beam An output coupler (OC) is a partially reflective mirror used in lasers to extract a portion of the laser beam from… … Wikipedia