1 depth water
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > depth water
2 depth water
3 depth water
геогр. -
4 depth
1) глубина
2) высота борта
3) глубинный
4) глубокость
5) углубленность
6) энгранаж
– bed depth
– collapse depth
– cutting depth
– definition in depth
– depth clearance
– depth filter
– depth gauge
– depth indicator
– depth of an element
– depth of cut
– depth of drilling
– depth of fading
– depth of fill
– depth of focus
– depth of foundation
– depth of girder
– depth of letter
– depth of mining
– depth of occurrence
– depth of page
– depth of reed
– depth of seeding
– depth of submergence
– depth of thread
– depth of throat
– depth of tooth
– depth of truss
– depth of vault
– depth on sill
– depth recorder
– depth recording
– depth scale
– depth sensor
– depth water
– frost-proof depth
– harness depth
– hoisting depth
– in depth
– modulation depth
– molded depth
– occur at depth
– operating depth
– piston depth
– planting depth
– ploughing depth
– precipitation depth
– sense of depth
– skin depth
– slag depth
– structural depth
– tonnage depth
– web depth
– well depth
– wetted depth
echo depth sounder — <tech.> эхолот
insertable depth pump — <energ.> насос глубинный вставной
5 depth
глубина; слой -
6 water
1) вода
2) водовозный
3) водоналивный
4) водоперепускный
5) водоподпорный
6) водопонижающий
7) водоприемный
8) водоуказательный
9) водоумягчающий
10) водоумягчительный
11) водяной
12) муарировать
13) споить
14) ватерный
15) водный
16) гидравлический
17) мочить
18) смачивать
– abrasive water
– acidic water
– activated water
– adsorbed water
– adsorption water
– aerated water
– aggressive water
– alkaline water
– ammonia water
– bath water
– bilge water
– boiler water
– bound water
– capillary water
– chemistry of water
– chlorinated water
– circulating water
– clarified water
– clarify water
– condition water
– crystal water
– deaerated water
– demineralized water
– deposit water
– depth water
– desalinate water
– desalinated water
– desalted water
– disinfection of water
– drain water
– drainage water
– edge water
– elevation of water
– entrapped water
– feed water
– film water
– free water
– hardness of water
– head water
– heating-system water
– heavy water
– high water
– hydration water
– impounded water
– industrial water
– infiltration water
– inject water
– interstitial water
– lay a cable in water
– light water
– lime water
– low water
– low water level
– low water line
– make-up water
– meteoric water
– millimeter of water
– mine water
– mineral water
– mineralized water
– natural water
– polluted water
– potable water
– power water
– pressure water
– process water
– pump out the water
– pure water
– purified water
– reclaimed water
– return water
– rinsing water
– running water
– seepage water
– settle water
– settling-vat water
– shield water
– ship by water
– shrinkage water
– soften water
– softened water
– soil water
– stagnant water
– steeping water
– storm water
– stratal water
– sulphate water
– superheated water
– surface water
– sweet water
– tail water
– tap water
– thermal water
– travel by water
– twice-distilled water
– underground water
– upstream water
– void water
– vulcanization in hot water
– waste water
– water absorbing
– water amelioration
– water area
– water balance
– water ballast
– water barge
– water bath
– water blancher
– water cadastre
– water carrier
– water chlorination
– water circulation
– water circulator
– water clarification
– water classifying
– water collection
– water column
– water concentration
– water conduit
– water conservation
– water cooler
– water cooling
– water deluting
– water discharge
– water disharge
– water displacing
– water droplet
– water equivalent
– water flow
– water gas
– water glass
– water hammer
– water hardening
– water heating
– water hose
– water ice
– water injection
– water intake
– water jacket
– water jet
– water landing
– water line
– water main
– water mass
– water of constitution
– water of plasticity
– water paint
– water permeable
– water pipe
– water preparation
– water pump
– water pumping
– water purification
– water receiving
– water regime
– water reservoir-cooler
– water scoop
– water seal
– water shutoff
– water side
– water softener
– water softening
– water sprays
– water suit
– water surface
– water tank
– water treatment
– water turbine
– water use rate
– water wall
– wet water meter
domestic hot water converter — абонентский водоподогреватель
high water level — <geol.> горизонт высоких вод
interstitial bottom water — <energ.> вода пластовая
snow water on ice — <geogr.> лед со снежинцами
water supply well — <energ.> скважина водозаборная
7 water
8 depth
глубина; толщина; высотаcrack depthfuselage depthrut depthwater depth -
9 depth
глубина - burial depth - water depth -
10 depth
- depth
- n1. глубина
2. высота
3. толщина; мощность ( пласта)
4. насыщенность ( цвета)
- depth of arch
- depth of ballast section
- depth of compacted layer
- depth of compacted lift
- depth of concrete cover over the reinforcement
- depth of concrete cover
- depth of corrugations
- depth of cut
- depth of foundation
- depth of frost penetration
- depth of penetration
- depth of round
- depth of room
- depth of runoff
- depth of section
- depth of slot
- depth of soil freezing
- depth of freezing
- depth of trench
- depth of truss
- depth of zero annual amplitude
- ballast depth
- beam depth
- conjugate depths
- construction depth
- controlling depth
- critical depth
- cutoff depth
- cutting depth
- digging depth
- drain depth
- effective depth
- floor depth
- footing depth
- hydraulic mean depth
- mean depth
- mean hydraulic depth
- natural depth
- navigation water depth
- overall depth of section
- precipitation depth
- stripping depth
- structural depth
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
11 depth
depth nтолщинаaileron depthхорда элеронаwater depth measuring deviceустройство для измерения воды -
12 depth
1. глубина2. геол. мощность ( пласта)
* * *
operating w.'ter depth — рабочая глубина воды (для морского бурения)
* * *
* * *
1) глубина2) высота борта ( судна)3) геол. мощность, толщина ( пласта)•from spud-in to total depth — от устья до конечной глубины;
depth in — глубина, на которую было опущено новое долото;
depth out — глубина ствола скважины, до которой проработало долото ( до извлечения);
- depth of caseto determine depth — измерять глубину;
- depth of cement case
- depth of cover
- depth of diamond-bearing layer
- depth of invasion
- depth of investigation
- depth of penetration
- depth of pile setting
- depth of pipeline
- depth of plunger
- actual drilling depth
- actual filling depth
- authorized depth
- average depth
- average well depth
- basement depth
- bottomhole depth
- budgeted depth
- cable depth
- case depth
- casing depth
- casing cemented depth
- casing liner hanger setting depth
- casing setting depth
- contract depth
- corrected depth
- crack depth
- design water depth
- designed depth
- drawworks brake drum flange depth
- drilled-out depth
- drillhole depth
- drilling depth
- drilling total depth
- estimated depth
- filling depth
- filtrate ingress depth
- fishing depth
- foundation depth
- geophone depth
- hole depth
- immersion depth
- insert depth
- invasion depth
- kerf depth
- landing depth
- log total depth
- logging depth
- maximum depth of seismic rays
- maximum drilling depth
- measured depth
- measured drilling depth
- measured total depth
- migrated depth
- new total depth
- occurrence depth
- oil plug-back depth
- old total depth
- operating water depth
- overall depth
- overburden depth
- packer setting depth
- penetration depth
- pipeline laying depth
- pipeline trench depth
- pit depth
- planned drilling depth
- platform depth
- plugged back depth
- plugged back total depth
- pool depth
- predetermined well depth
- predicted depth
- preestablished depth
- producing depth
- project drilling depth
- proposed depth
- pulling depth of drill pipe
- pump running depth
- pump setting depth
- rated depth
- reflection depth
- reflector depth
- refraction depth
- refractor depth
- reservoir depth
- running depth
- sampling depth
- seismic-deducted depth
- seismometer depth
- selected depth
- setting depth
- shot depth
- shothole depth
- shot-point depth
- sidetracked total depth
- source depth
- stratigraphic depth
- streamer depth
- tanker depth
- target well depth
- test depth
- time depth
- tooth depth
- total depth
- true depth
- true vertical well depth
- tubing depth
- tubing running depth
- tubing setting depth
- ultimate pump running depth
- ultimate pump setting depth
- unmigrated depth
- weathering depth
- well depth
- well contract depth
- well total depth
- well total vertical depth
- whipstock depth
- wireline total depth
- working depth* * *• высота -
13 depth
1) глубина; метео горизонт измерения ( в океане)2) высота3) мощность, толщина (пласта; облачности)4) насыщенность ( цвета)•depth of application — гидр. поливная нормаdepth of approach — глубина подводящего руслаdepth of beam — высота( сечения) балкиdepth of bridge floor — строительная высота проезжей части мостаdepth of camber — стрела прогибаdepth of cloud — мощность( толщина) облакаdepth of cut — 1. глубина резания 2. лесн. высота пропилаdepth of drain — глубина осушительного канала; глубина заложения закрытого дренажаdepth of drawbar — сил. глубина погружения лодочкиdepth of guillotine — ширина полосы, отрезаемой на бумагорезальной машинеdepth of impression (of indentation) — глубина отпечатка ( при испытании на твёрдость)depth of modulation — глубина модуляции; коэффициент модуляцииdepth of nitration — глубина азотированного слоя, глубина азотированияdepth of penetration — 1. глубина проникновения 2. глубина заглубления (напр. рыхлителя)depth of runoff — слой стокаdepth of throat — 1. глубина зева ( в станине долбежного станка) 2. полезный вылет ( сварочной машины)-
adjustable recess depth
aileron depth
amidships depth
available depth of reservoir
barking depth
burial depth
case depth
channel depth
coating depth
conjugated depths
constructional depth
controlling depth
convection depth
counterbore depth
crack depth
cutting depth
diffusion depth
digging depth
diver depth
drilling depth
effective depth
etch depth
filling depth
fine-detail modulation depth
fluid bed depth
focal depth
freeboard depth
frost-proof depth
full-supply depth
gap depth
glass metal depth
glass depth
groove depth
hardened case depth
hardening depth
hearth depth
hole depth
hydraulic mean depth
immersion depth
impact depth
junction depth
knockover depth
light penetration depth
lockout depth
melt depth
memory depth
midships depth
mining depth
molded depth
navigation depth
notch depth
Olsen cup depth
operating water depth
overall depth
pattern area depth
pit depth
priming depth
producing depth
recording depth
registered depth
register depth
reservoir depth
scene depth
seam depth
setting depth
skin depth
slag depth
snow depth
standard depths
stockline depth
stripping depth
structural depth
target well depth
thermocline depth
tonnage depth
tread depth
true vertical well depth
truss depth
visual depth
wearing depth
web depth
well contract depth
well total depth
well total vertical depth -
14 depth
1) глубина; высота (напр. балки)2) мощность, толщина (напр. пласта)3) насыщенность ( цвета)•- depth of bridge floor - depth of compacted layer - depth of compacted lift - depth of cup - depth of drainage - depth of fill - depth of foundation - depth of frost penetration - depth of fusion - depth of girder - depth of pavement - depth of penetration - depth of rail - depth of runoff - depth of truss - depth of vault - bed depth - bucket lowering depth - burial depth - constructional depth - critical depth - digging depth - economic depth - effective depth of section - floor depth - frostproof depth - natural depth - reservoir depth - target well depth - truss depthdepth in inches — толщина слоя (напр. воды) в дюймах
* * *1. глубина2. высота3. толщина; мощность ( пласта)4. насыщенность ( цвета)- depth of arch
- depth of ballast section
- depth of compacted layer
- depth of compacted lift
- depth of concrete cover over the reinforcement
- depth of concrete cover
- depth of corrugations
- depth of cut
- depth of foundation
- depth of frost penetration
- depth of penetration
- depth of round
- depth of room
- depth of runoff
- depth of section
- depth of slot
- depth of soil freezing
- depth of freezing
- depth of trench
- depth of truss
- depth of zero annual amplitude
- ballast depth
- beam depth
- conjugate depths
- construction depth
- controlling depth
- critical depth
- cutoff depth
- cutting depth
- digging depth
- drain depth
- effective depth
- floor depth
- footing depth
- hydraulic mean depth
- mean depth
- mean hydraulic depth
- natural depth
- navigation water depth
- overall depth of section
- precipitation depth
- stripping depth
- structural depth -
15 depth
[depθ]сущ.to plumb / fathom the depth — измерять глубину ( лотом)
The arrow penetrated to a considerable depth. — Стрела проникла на значительную глубину.
It is a simple matter, I reflected, for a man to pass another by haughtily and without recognition, when they meet on dry land; but, when the said man, being it should be remembered, an indifferent swimmer is accosted in the water and out of his depth, the feat becomes a hard one. (P. G. Wodehouse, Love Among the Chickens) — Человеку проще простого, рассуждал я, пройти мимо кого-нибудь, высокомерно его не замечая, когда встреча происходит на суше, но когда встреча происходит в воде, и этот человек, который, следует помнить, плохо плавает, не чувствует под ногами дна, проделать такой трюк достаточно сложно.
depth bomb, depth charge — воен. глубинная бомба
depth finder, depth gauge, depth sounder — глубиномер; эхолот, водомерная рейка
depth of formation — воен. глубина эшелонирования
3) значительность, серьёзность, опасностьSyn:4) всесторонность, обширностьto study smth. in depth — изучать что-л. глубоко, тщательно
to lack depth — быть неглубоким, поверхностным
There is a great depth of meaning in the saying. — В этом высказывании заключён глубокий смысл.
Syn:Ant:5) интенсивность, сила (чувства, эмоции)to understand the depth of her love for him — понимать, как глубоко она его любит
Syn:6) интенсивность, сила, полнота (звука, цвета)7) ( the depth) книжн. глубины, толща, пучина••to get / go out of one's depth — потерять почву под ногами
- be out of one's depth- the depths of smth. -
16 water
waters nводыcross international watersпролетать над международными водамиfuel tank water drainageслив конденсата из топливных баковfuselage water lineстроительная горизонталь фюзеляжаinternational watersмеждународные водыlanding water runпробег при посадке на водуland on waterсовершать посадку на водуpilot tube water trapвлагоотстойник приемника полного давленияstability on waterустойчивость на воде(после аварийной посадки воздушного судна) water coolingводяное охлаждениеwater cooling jacketрубашка водяного охлажденияwater depth measuring deviceустройство для измерения водыwater fill hoseшланг заправки водойwater injection systemсистема впрыска воды(на входе в двигатель) water landingпосадка на водуwater loadгидродинамическая нагрузкаwater resistanceводонепроницаемостьwater run lengthдлина разбега по водеwater segregatorводоотделитель(топливозаправщика) water separatorводоотделитель(топливной системы) water servicing cover plateкрышка люка для заправки водойwater supply systemсистема водоснабжения -
17 depth
n -
18 water depth
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > water depth
19 water column
1. водоразборная колонка2. водомерное стекло -
20 water-yielding stratum
водоносный горизонт; водоносный пласт; проводник грунтового потокаEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > water-yielding stratum
См. также в других словарях:
Water well — Village pump redirects here. For information on Wikipedia project related discussions see Wikipedia:Village pump. Water well at the Wald monastery in Germany. A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving,… … Wikipedia
Water Resistant mark — Water Resistant is a common mark stamped on the back of wrist watches to indicate how well a watch is sealed against ingress of water. It is usually accompanied by an indication of the static test pressure that a sample of newly manufactured… … Wikipedia
depth — [ depθ ] noun *** ▸ 1 distance through something ▸ 2 hidden qualities/ideas ▸ 3 information/importance ▸ 4 bright quality of color ▸ 5 not looking flat ▸ 6 when sound is low ▸ 7 deepest parts of ocean ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Water polo — is a team water sport. A team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores more goals. Gameplay involves swimming, players passing the ball while being defended by opponents, and scoring by… … Wikipedia
Depth Charge — is a character in the Beast Wars : Transformers universe. Beast WarsTransformers character name = Depth Charge caption = affiliation =Maximal, later Autobot subgroup = Transmetals function = Aquatic Forces Commander rank = 10 ( Beast Wars ) 8 (… … Wikipedia
Depth sounding — refers to a historical nautical term for measuring depth; it is often referred to simply as sounding. Sounding is finding the depth of a given point in a body of water. Sounding data is used in bathymetry to make maps of the floor of a body of… … Wikipedia
depth — W3S3 [depθ] n [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: deep] 1.) [C usually singular, U] a) the distance from the top surface of something such as a river or hole to the bottom of it →↑deep ▪ a sea with an average depth of 35 metres to/at a depth of sth ▪ The… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Depth conversion — is an important step of the seismic reflection method, which converts the acoustic wave travel time to actual depth, based on the acoustic velocity of subsurface medium (sediments, rocks, water). Depth conversion integrates several sources of… … Wikipedia
depth — [depth] n. [ME depthe < dep: see DEEP & TH1] 1. a) the distance from the top downward, from the surface inward, or from front to back b) perspective, as in a painting 2. the quality or condition of being deep; deepness; specif … English World dictionary
Water supply and sanitation in Iran — has witnessed some important improvements, especially in terms of increased access to urban water supply, while important challenges remain, particularly concerning sanitation and service provision in rural areas.Institutionally, the Ministry of… … Wikipedia
water — [wôt′ər, wät′ər] n. [ME < OE wæter, akin to Ger wasser < IE * wodōr < * wed , to wet (< base * awed , to moisten, flow) > Gr hydōr, water, L unda, a wave, Russ voda, water, Ir uisce, water] 1. the colorless, transparent liquid… … English World dictionary