1 depth of camber
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > depth of camber
2 depth of camber
3 depth of camber
1) Геология: высота подъёма2) Автомобильный термин: стрела прогиба3) Горное дело: стрела подъёма4) Макаров: величина кривизны, высота вздутия, высота свода -
4 depth of camber
5 depth of camber
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > depth of camber
6 depth of camber
7 depth of camber
стрела прогиба; величина кривизны -
8 depth of camber
9 depth of camber
10 camber
наклон средней плоскости вращения колеса к продольной вертикальной плоскости (рис. 43,1)(рис. 46,а) ; развал переднего колеса (или колёс); угол развала колеса (рис. 107) ; боковой уход шин; изгиб; прогиб; изогнутость; выступ; кривизна; выпуклость; утолщение; вздутие; стрела прогиба; бомбировка валов; выпуклость поперечного профиля (дороги); поперечный уклон (дороги); строительный подъём; II выгибать; гнуть - camber and caster gauge- positive- camber correction tool set - camber force - camber of arch - camber of paving - camber of road - camber of spring - camber piece - camber road - camber roll - camber thrust - camber variation - camber wear - convex camber - depth of camber - negative camber - positive camber - spring camber - static camber setting - wheel camber -
11 camber
изгиб; стрела прогиба; коробление; выпуклость -
12 depth
1) глубина; метео горизонт измерения ( в океане)2) высота3) мощность, толщина (пласта; облачности)4) насыщенность ( цвета)•depth of application — гидр. поливная нормаdepth of approach — глубина подводящего руслаdepth of beam — высота( сечения) балкиdepth of bridge floor — строительная высота проезжей части мостаdepth of camber — стрела прогибаdepth of cloud — мощность( толщина) облакаdepth of cut — 1. глубина резания 2. лесн. высота пропилаdepth of drain — глубина осушительного канала; глубина заложения закрытого дренажаdepth of drawbar — сил. глубина погружения лодочкиdepth of guillotine — ширина полосы, отрезаемой на бумагорезальной машинеdepth of impression (of indentation) — глубина отпечатка ( при испытании на твёрдость)depth of modulation — глубина модуляции; коэффициент модуляцииdepth of nitration — глубина азотированного слоя, глубина азотированияdepth of penetration — 1. глубина проникновения 2. глубина заглубления (напр. рыхлителя)depth of runoff — слой стокаdepth of throat — 1. глубина зева ( в станине долбежного станка) 2. полезный вылет ( сварочной машины)-
adjustable recess depth
aileron depth
amidships depth
available depth of reservoir
barking depth
burial depth
case depth
channel depth
coating depth
conjugated depths
constructional depth
controlling depth
convection depth
counterbore depth
crack depth
cutting depth
diffusion depth
digging depth
diver depth
drilling depth
effective depth
etch depth
filling depth
fine-detail modulation depth
fluid bed depth
focal depth
freeboard depth
frost-proof depth
full-supply depth
gap depth
glass metal depth
glass depth
groove depth
hardened case depth
hardening depth
hearth depth
hole depth
hydraulic mean depth
immersion depth
impact depth
junction depth
knockover depth
light penetration depth
lockout depth
melt depth
memory depth
midships depth
mining depth
molded depth
navigation depth
notch depth
Olsen cup depth
operating water depth
overall depth
pattern area depth
pit depth
priming depth
producing depth
recording depth
registered depth
register depth
reservoir depth
scene depth
seam depth
setting depth
skin depth
slag depth
snow depth
standard depths
stockline depth
stripping depth
structural depth
target well depth
thermocline depth
tonnage depth
tread depth
true vertical well depth
truss depth
visual depth
wearing depth
web depth
well contract depth
well total depth
well total vertical depth -
13 depth
1. глубина 2. мощность (пласта); толщина
depth of breaking глубина разрушения (волн)
depth of camber высота подъёма; высота свода, высота вздутия
depth of compensation 1. глубина уровня компенсации 2. см. calcium carbonate compensation depth
depth of cover толщина покровного слоя
depth of exploration глубина исследования
depth of focus глубина фокуса, глубина очага (землетрясения)
depth of folding глубина складчатости
depth of freezing глубина промерзания
depth of frictional influence глубина влияния трения
depth of frictional resistance глубина влияния трения
depth of immersion глубина погружения
depth of origin см. depth of focus
depth of penetration глубина проникновения
depth of runoff глубина стока вод
depth of stratum мощность пласта
abyssal depth абиссальная глубина
average depth средняя глубина
breaker depth высота прибоя
calcium carbonate compensation depth уровень кар бонатной компенсации, критическая глубина карбонатонакопления
casing depth глубина, которой достигают обсадные трубы (при бурении скважин)
crater depth глубина кратера
critical depth критическая глубина (потока)
digging depth глубина копания, глубина выемки, глубина разработки (месторождения), глубина шахты
effective shot depth глубина взрыва
fictitious depth фиктивная глубина
focal depth глубина фокуса, глубина очага (землетрясения)
geothermic depth геотермическая глубина
hydraulic mean depth гидравлический радиус
inmost depth наибольшая глубина
layer depth глубина слоя
maximum depth of seismic rays максимальная глубина проникновения сейсмических лучей
mean sea depth средняя глубина моря
neutral depth нейтральная глубина
predicted depth предсказанная глубина
reference depth опорная глубина
shallow depth of soil небольшая глубина залегания почвенного слоя; небольшая мощность почвенного слоя
shot depth глубина взрыва
snow depth мощность снежного покрова
sonic layer depth наибольшая глубина порога, разделяющего бассейны
standard depth стандартная глубина (взятия проб морской воды)
thermometric depth термометрическая глубина
threshold depth наибольшая глубина порога, разделяющего бассейны
true depth истинная глубина
tubing depth глубина, на которую спущены обсадные трубы
vertical depth вертикальная глубина
* * *• густота• мощность -
14 depth
глубина; высота; толщина; ширина; зубчатое зацепление; час. энгранаж; углубление- depth gauge - depth hardness curve - depth indicator - depth of a root - depth of chill - depth of cut - depth of drilling - depth of engagement - depth of fill - depth of girder - depth of hardening - depth of immersion - depth of impression - depth of indentation - depth of pavement - depth of penetration - depth of planting - depth of seeding - depth of the hardening zone - depth of thread - depth of tooth - depth recorder - average depth - digging depth of an excavator - dredge cuts to a depth of - ...metres - dredging depth - floor depth - non-skid depth - operating depth - piston depth - planting depth - ploughing depth - shallow depth - structural depth - tread depth - wearing depth - working depth of a tooth -
15 wheel
колесо; проф. скат; скатка; проф. "баранка"; руль; маховик; ручной маховичок; зубчатое колесо; шестерня; штурвал; шлифовальный круг; II катить; поворачивать; шлифовать- wheel alignment - wheel-and-disk integrator - wheel arch - wheel axis - wheel balance - wheel balancing fixture - wheel blank - wheel bouncing - wheel cap - wheel carrier - wheel caster - wheel felloe - wheel fight - wheel fork - wheel free-type lift - wheel front support - wheel front support arm - wheel hop - wheel-hub drive - wheel lean gear housing - wheel loader - wheel lock ring - wheel lock-up - wheel locking - wheel lug - wheel-mounted - wheel-mounted shovel - wheel mounting - wheel nut wrench - wheel offset - wheel-out tank - wheel payloader - wheel peener - wheel plane - wheel plate - wheel pressure - wheel puller - wheel pump - wheel reduction gear - wheel rolling along the plane - wheel scotch - wheel shaft - wheel side ring - wheel sideway - wheel size - wheel skidder - wheel skids - wheel slide protection - wheel slip - wheel slip angle - wheel slip brake control system - wheel slipper - wheel spacer ring - wheel spacing - wheel speed sensor - wheel spider - wheel spin - wheel splash guard - wheel spoke - wheel springing - wheel stand - wheel suspention - wheel swarf - wheel tip compactor - wheel toe - wheel track eliminator - wheel tractor - wheel tractor scraper - wheel tramp - wheel tread pressure - wheel tread thickness - wheel-type tractor - wheel washer - wheel wearing - wheel web - wheel with drop center rim - wheel wobble - bull wheel - castor wheel - swivelling wheel - castoring wheel - centre wheel - correcting wheel - coupled wheel - depth-control wheel - dirigible wheel - dished steering wheel - escapement wheel - fine-grain grinding wheel - great wheel - great setting wheel - herringbone wheel - hind wheel - hypoidal wheel - idle wheel - impulse wheel - interchangeable gear wheels - intermedial wheel - intermediate wheel - internal gear-wheel - keyless wheel - knife wheel - laminated grinding wheel - land wheel - landing wheel - leading wheel - lever escape wheel - lifter wheel - little main wheel - little setting wheel - locking wheel - maintaining wheel - mangle wheel - Mansell wheel - metering wheel - middle wheel - minute wheel - mitre wheel - mortice wheel - multiplying wheel - one-side grinding wheel - pick-up wheel - spiked wheel - lantern wheel - pitch wheel - plate wheel - plough trail wheel - pricking wheel - rear furrow wheel - regulating wheel - skew bevel wheel - spinner wheel - spinning wheel - resilient steering wheel - star-feed wheel - third wheel - traveling wheel - worm wheel -
16 beam
- beam
- n1) балка; прогон; ригель
2) луч
3) брус; поперечина, траверса
4) коромысло (весов)
5) стрела или рукоять стрелы (крана)
- beam and column
- beam carrying transverse loads
- beam fixed at both ends
- beam loaded unsymmetrically
- beam made of precast hollow blocks
- beam on elastic foundation
- beams placed monolithically with slabs
- beam precast on site
- beam subjected to transverse and axial loads
- beam supported on a girder
- beam with overhangs
- beam with rectangular section
- beam with symmetrical section
- beam with unsymmetrical section
- beam of constant depth
- beam of one span
- beam of uniform strength
- anchor beam
- angle beam
- annular beam
- arch beam
- baffle beam
- balance beam
- bamboo-reinforced concrete beam
- basement beam
- bedplate beam
- bending test beam
- Benkelman beam
- bind beam
- bisymmetrical beam
- block beam
- bond beam
- boundary beam
- box beam
- braced beam
- bracing beam
- brake beam
- breast beam
- brick beam
- bridge beam
- bridging beam
- broad-flange beam
- buffer beam
- built-in beam
- built-up beam
- camber beam
- candle beam
- cantilever beam
- capping beam
- cased beam
- castellated beam
- castella Z beam
- ceiling beam
- channel beam
- chief beam
- circular beam
- collar beam
- composite beam
- compound beam
- conjugate beam
- constant-section beam
- continuous beam
- crane lifting beam
- crane runway beam
- cross beam
- curved beam
- deck beam
- deep beam
- double-T beam
- doubly symmetrical beam
- dragging beam
- drop-in beam
- eaves beam
- edge beam
- elastically restrained beam
- encastre beam
- externally reinforced concrete beam
- false beam
- fish beam
- fixed beam
- flitch beam
- floor beam
- footing beam
- foundation beam
- framework beam
- free beam
- gantry beam
- Gerber beam
- glue laminated beam
- grade beam
- grillage beams
- ground beam
- H beam
- hammer beam
- haunched beam
- high strength concrete beam
- hinged beam
- hollow beam
- hollow prestressed concrete beam
- horizontally curved beam
- hung-span beam
- hybrid beam
- I beam
- inverted T beam
- jack beam
- jesting beam
- joggle beam
- jointed beam
- keyed beam
- L beam
- laminated beam
- laterally-unsupported beam
- lattice beam
- leveling beam
- lifting beam
- link beam
- longitudinal beam
- main beam
- modified I beam
- multispan beam
- nailed beam
- needle beam
- outrigger beam
- overhead runway beam
- parallel flanges beam
- partition beam
- precast beam
- precast toe beam
- prestressed concrete beam
- prestressed precast concrete beam
- prismatic beam
- propped cantilever beam
- rectangular beam
- reinforced concrete beam
- reinforced floor beam
- restrained beam
- ridge beam
- ring beam
- rolled beam with cover plates
- rolled I beam
- rolled steel beam
- roof beam
- runway beam
- sandwich beam
- secondary beam
- simple beam
- simple-span beam
- simply supported beam
- single web beam
- slender beam
- soldier beam
- spandrel beam
- spreader beam
- statically determinate beam
- statically indeterminate beam
- steel beam
- steel binding beam
- stiff beam
- stiffening beam
- straight beam
- strengthened beam
- strut-framed beam
- supporting beam
- suspended-span beam
- T beam
- tail beam
- tee beam
- tertiary beam
- test beam
- through beam
- tie beam
- top beam
- top-running crane beam
- transverse beam
- trolley I beam
- trussed beam
- uniformly loaded beam
- unjointed beam
- upstand beam
- valley beam
- vibrating beam
- vibrating leveling beam
- vibratory beam
- wall beam
- welded I beam
- wide-flanged beam
- wind beam
- wood I beam
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
17 height
1. n высота, вышина2. n ростwhat is her height? — какого она роста?; какой у неё рост?
3. n высота над уровнем моря4. n тех. высотная отметка5. n астр. высота над горизонтом6. n вершина, верх, верхушка7. n часто холм, возвышенность, высота8. n верх, высшая степень; апогей; разгар9. n библ. небеса10. n арх. знатность11. n арх. возвышенность натуры12. n арх. тех. подъём стрелыСинонимический ряд:1. elevation (noun) altitude; elevation; eminence; highness; loftiness; size; stature; tallness2. extreme (noun) extreme; limit; utmost3. peak (noun) acme; apex; apogee; climax; crest; crown; culmination; meridian; peak; pinnacle; summit; top; vertex; zenith4. rise (noun) alp; hill; mountain; prominence; rise; slopeАнтонимический ряд:depth; nadir -
18 mold
1. отливная форма2. матрица3. лекало, шаблон4. отливка; отливать, придавать определённую форму
См. также в других словарях:
Saint Camber — Infobox Book | name = Saint Camber image caption = Paperback Edition author = Katherine Kurtz cover artist = Darrell K. Sweet country = United States language = English series = The Legends of Camber of Culdi genre = Fantasy publisher =… … Wikipedia
Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… … Wikipedia
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harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled harbor any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… … Universalium
Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… … Wikipedia
Wright brothers — Orville Wright Photo: 1903 Born August 19 … Wikipedia
NMR tube — An NMR tube filled with a colorless sample, sealed with a green polyethylene cap and Parafilm An NMR tube is a thin glass walled tube used to contain samples in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Typically NMR tubes come in 5 mm… … Wikipedia
bridge — bridge1 bridgeable, adj. bridgeless, adj. bridgelike, adj. /brij/, n., v., bridged, bridging, adj. n. 1. a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like. 2. a connecting, transitional, or intermediate route or… … Universalium
Tire — This article is about tires used on road vehicles, including pneumatic tires and solid tires. For railroad tires, see railway tires. For other uses, see tire (disambiguation) or tyre.Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively) … Wikipedia
St. Nazaire Raid — Infobox Military Conflict conflict= St. Nazaire Raid Operation Chariot partof= World War II caption= HMS Campbeltown in 1936 when she was USS Buchanan date= 28 March 1942 place= Saint Nazaire, France result= All British objectives were completed … Wikipedia
Road — This article is about a route, thoroughfare or way that supports travel by a means of conveyance. For a place outside a harbor where a ship can lie at anchor, see Roadstead. For public roads, see Highway. For other routes, see thoroughfare. For… … Wikipedia