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  • 1 dependency culture

    dependency culture SOC Sozialhilfekultur f

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > dependency culture

  • 2 culture

    1) Kultur, die
    2) (Agric., of bacteria) Kultur, die; (tillage of the soil) Landbau, der; (rearing, production) Zucht, die
    * * *
    1) (a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation: the Jewish culture.) die Kultur
    2) (improvement of the mind etc by education etc: He was an enthusiastic seeker of culture.) die Bildung
    3) (educated taste in art, literature, music etc: He thinks that anyone who dislikes Bach is lacking in culture.) die Bildung
    4) ((a) cultivated growth of bacteria etc.) die Kultur
    5) (the commercial rearing of fish, certain plants etc.) die Zucht
    - academic.ru/17754/cultural">cultural
    - cultured
    * * *
    [ˈkʌltʃəʳ, AM -tʃɚ]
    I. n
    1. SOCIOL Kultur f
    2. no pl ART, LIT, MUS Kultur f, Bildung f
    person of \culture kultivierter Mann/kultivierte Frau
    3. BIOL Zucht f, Züchtung f; (of microorganisms) Kultur f
    silkworm \culture Seidenraupenzucht f
    to grow a \culture eine [Bakterien]kultur anlegen
    II. vt BIOL
    to \culture cells/microorganisms Zellen/Mikroorganismen züchten
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Kultur f

    a man of culture/of no culture — ein kultivierter/unkultivierter Mann, ein Mann mit/ohne Kultur

    to study German culture —

    a culture of dependency, a dependency culture — eine Kultur der Abhängigkeit

    2) (AGR, BIOL, MED) Kultur f; (of animals) Zucht f
    2. vt (BIOL, MED)
    eine Kultur anlegen von
    * * *
    culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]
    A s
    1. cultivation 1, 2
    2. Anbau m, (Pflanzen) Zucht f:
    fruit culture Obstbau m
    3. Züchtung f, (Tier) Zucht f:
    culture of bees Bienenzucht
    4. Kultur f (angebaute Pflanzen)
    5. BIOL
    a) Züchtung f (von Bakterien, Gewebe etc)
    b) Kultur f:
    6. cultivation 4
    7. (geistige) Kultur:
    a) (Geistes)Bildung f
    b) Kultiviertheit f, verfeinerte Lebensweise:
    he is a man of culture er hat Kultur, er ist kultiviert
    8. Kultur f:
    a) Kulturkreis m
    b) Kulturform f, -stufe f
    B v/t BIOL
    a) Bakterien etc züchten
    b) eine Kultur züchten in (dat)
    * * *
    1) Kultur, die
    2) (Agric., of bacteria) Kultur, die; (tillage of the soil) Landbau, der; (rearing, production) Zucht, die
    * * *
    Kultur -en f.

    English-german dictionary > culture

  • 3 dependency

    1) (country) Territorium, das
    2) Abhängigkeit, die (on von)

    dependency culture(Sociol.) Kultur der Abhängigkeit [vom Staat]

    * * *
    1. no pl Abhängigkeit f
    2. (dependent state) Territorium nt
    Puerto Rico is a US \dependency Puerto Rico gehört zum Territorium der USA
    * * *
    1) (= country) Schutzgebiet nt, Kolonie f
    = academic.ru/19656/dependence">dependence
    * * *
    1. dependence 1, 2
    2. (etwas) Untergeordnetes
    3. POL abhängiges Gebiet, Schutzgebiet n, Kolonie f
    4. ARCH Nebengebäude n, Dependance f
    * * *
    1) (country) Territorium, das
    2) Abhängigkeit, die (on von)

    dependency culture(Sociol.) Kultur der Abhängigkeit [vom Staat]

    English-german dictionary > dependency

См. также в других словарях:

  • dependency culture — noun A type of society that relies upon, and (in a derogatory sense) expects, state benefits and support to maintain it • • • Main Entry: ↑depend …   Useful english dictionary

  • dependency culture — noun a way of life characterized by a dependency on state benefits …   Wiktionary

  • dependency — dependence, dependency Dependence is ‘a state of depending’; dependency can also mean this but is more usually ‘something, especially a country or province, that is dependent on another’. The distinction was somewhat blurred by the emergence in… …   Modern English usage

  • Dependency theory — International relations theory  • Idealism  Liberalism   …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of poverty — The culture of poverty is a social theory that expands on the cycle of poverty. Proponents of this theory argue that the poor are not simply lacking resources, but also have a unique value system. According to Oscar Lewis, The subculture [of the… …   Wikipedia

  • culture — [[t]kʌ̱ltʃə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ cultures, culturing, cultured 1) N UNCOUNT Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people s minds. There is just not… …   English dictionary

  • Culture of the Indian Ocean Islands — The culture of the Indian Ocean islands reflects the ethnic diversity, history, politics, music, dance, food, drink, arts, sports and international influences in that region. The area includes Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba Island), Madagascar,… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of Sweden — Life in Sweden • Architecture • Art • Culture • Demographics • Economy • Education • Geography • Geology • …   Wikipedia

  • Media systems dependency theory — (MSD) was first proposed by Sandra Ball Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur in 1976, and consists of a complex system in which the media, individuals, their interpersonal environment, and the social environment have dependency relationships with each… …   Wikipedia

  • Media-system dependency — Media System Dependency, first introduced by Ball Rokeach and DeFleur (1976), is defined as “a relationship in which the capacity of individuals to attain their goals is contingent upon the information resources of the media system.” Those… …   Wikipedia

  • Ross Dependency — Flag Mot …   Wikipedia

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