1 density discontinuity
Нефть: плотностная граница -
2 density discontinuity
Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > density discontinuity
3 density discontinuity
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > density discontinuity
4 density discontinuity
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > density discontinuity
5 discontinuity
разрыв, разрывность, нарушение сплошности,непрерывность -
6 discontinuity of density
Общая лексика: разрыв плотностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > discontinuity of density
7 surface of discontinuity of density
Общая лексика: поверхность разрыва плотностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > surface of discontinuity of density
8 point
1) точка2) балл, очко3) деление (шкалы); румб; лимб4) заострение, остриё, острый конец || заострять, затачивать5) полигр. пункт ( единица измерения в типографской системе мер)6) пост, пункт, место7) мыс8) наконечник9) предмет11) указывать•about a point — мат. в окрестности точки
point at infinity — мат. несобственный элемент, бесконечно удалённая точка
point covers a line — т. граф. вершина покрывает ребро
point in infinity — мат. точка в бесконечности
winding number of curve with respect to point — мат. порядок кривой относительно точки (число оборотов вектора, соединяющего данную точку с точкой кривой при обходе кривой)
right two points — мор. на два румба вправо
with a point as a center — мат. с центром в точке…
- bisecting point of a segment - conditionally stable point - division point - essentially singular point - general point - generic point - horizontal control point - infinitely remote point point - material point - minimal fixed point - negatively stable point - nonessential singular point - optimum point - piercing point of a line - point of greatest concentration - positively normal point - positively stable point - right singular point - single mass point - strongly recurrent point - strongly singular point - triply rational point - uniplanar double point - unstable nodal point - upper significance pointwith respect to point — мат. относительно точки
9 surface
1) надпочвенный2) наземный3) поверхность || поверхностный; приповерхностный4) горн. дневная поверхность5) площадь; покрытие•- assembly datum surface - bivariate normal surface - completely ramified surface - double curved surface - double ruled surface - heat exchange surface - heat transfer surface - locally polyhedral surface - semilocally one-connected surface - surface of constant width - surface of negative curvature - surface of nonnegative curvature - surface of parabolic type - surface of positive total curvature - surface of zeroth kind -
10 CD
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
11 Cd
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
12 cd
1) Общая лексика: Commercial Directorate (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Change Directories, Change Directory3) Авиация: container dolly, control display, control drag4) Медицина: certified doula (DONA association), Crohn’s disease5) Американизм: Corps Diplomatic6) Военный термин: Cable Driver, Canadian Decoration, Canadian Forces decoration, Cavalry Division, Combat Developments, Command Director, Command Ship, Committee on Disarmament, Communications Deception, Community/Service-Developed, Comptroller Division, Conference on Disarmament, Control Data, Controlled Dissemination, Coordinating Draft, Council Deputies, Counter Drug, camouflage detection, career development, center distance, central department, central district, certificate of destruction, certificate of discharge, chaff dispenser, change directive, check digit, chemical defense, chief of division, circular dispersion, civil defense, classification of defects, clothing depot, coastal defense, collateral damage, combat development, command decoder, command destruct, common digitizer, comparable data, competitive design, concept definition, concept development, contract definition, contract design, coordination document, countdown, critical defect, КР, Конференция по разоружению7) Техника: Coherent Detector, cable duct, capacitance divider, capacitive discharge, chain data, charge displacement, chip density, clamping diode, clock delay mechanism, coastal defense radar, communications device, component development, condensate demineralizer, configuration-dependent, console display, controls and displays computer, copper dish, crystal diode8) Сельское хозяйство: contagious disease9) Юридический термин: Composite Document, Computational Dynamics, condemned, confidential document10) Экономика: ДС11) Бухгалтерия: Cash Disbursement12) Страхование: Commission du Danube13) Автомобильный термин: коэффициент сопротивления купе (Coefficient of Drag)14) Грубое выражение: Crap Detector, Crap Digger15) Металлургия: Ceiling Diffuser16) Музыка: компакт-диск17) Политика: Chad18) Телекоммуникации: Channel Delay, Connect Direct, campus distributor, Collision Detection (LAN), Call Disconnect (SS7)19) Сокращение: Canadian Dollar, Cavalry Division (USA), Civil Defence, Coast Defence, Cold Drawn, Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Compact Disc, Consular Declaration, Corps Diplomatique, Current Density, Customs Declaration, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory, chart datum, concealment device, controls and displays, Carrier Detect (EIA RS-232-C; properly DCD (q.v.)), Capacitor Diode, Contact Depth, Corrected Depth20) Университет: Class Demo21) Физиология: Cardiovascular Disease, Cause of Death22) Электроника: Cage Dipole, Circuit Design, Contact Discontinuity23) Вычислительная техника: clock driver, committee draft, компакт-диск (Одна из технологий оптических дисков, весьма успешно внедрённая в мир персональных компьютеров), Compact Disk (CD), Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2), Committee Draft (ISO), Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232), Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.)), Carrier Detect (properly DCD (q.v.), EIA RS-232-C), (compact disk) лазерный диск24) Нефть: compensated density log, complementary distribution, contract depth, глубина скважины по контракту (contract depth), классификация дефектов (classification of defects), классификация неисправностей (classification of defects), уточнённая глубина (скважины)25) Иммунология: Controlled Delivery, cluster of differentiation26) Биохимия: Circular Dichroic27) Связь: Collision Detection28) Банковское дело: вкладной сертификат (certificate of deposit), депозитный сертификат (certificate of deposit), отражаемое в цене акции право покупателя на получение дивидендов (cum dividend)29) Транспорт: Compact Design, Compression Dampening30) Воздухоплавание: I Control Direction Indicator31) СМИ: Celebrity Disguise32) Деловая лексика: Can't Deliver, Certificates of Deposit33) Бурение: исправленная глубина скважины (corrected depth), бурение на обсадных трубах (сокр. от Casing Drilling)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Conceptual Design, compressor drive, Начальная дата (Commencement Date), Commercial Director35) Нефтегазовая техника контрактная глубина бурения36) Образование: Continuing Development37) Инвестиции: certificate of deposit, cum dividend38) Сетевые технологии: calling device, compact-disk, вызывное устройство, сигнал обнаружения несущей39) Полимеры: calendar day, circular dichroism, cold-drawn, cross direction, отслаивание при катодной поляризации40) Программирование: Cursor Down41) Автоматика: case depth42) Ядерная физика: Displaced Central Trajectory43) Сахалин Р: Commencement Date44) Медицинская техника: Color Doppler45) Химическое оружие: calibration device46) Расширение файла: C D description, Carrier Detect, Color Display, Compact Disk47) Нефть и газ: compressor department48) Собаководство: Companion Dog, canine distemper49) Каспий: расчётный каспийский уровень (Caspian Datum; согласно глоссарию KDPC - 'каспийский репер', 'уровень Каспийского моря')50) Чат: Cross Dresser51) НАСА: Critical Dimension -
13 surface
1) поверхность
2) надпочвенный
3) склоновый
4) химико-термический
5) наземный
6) поверхностный
7) приповерхностный
8) тонкослойный
– abrasive surface
– active surface
– base surface
– bench surface
– boundary surface
– canal surface
– cap of a surface
– catenary surface
– caustic surface
– cleavage surface
– closed surface
– combustion surface
– contact surface
– contoured surface
– control surface
– cooling surface
– covering surface
– cropping out to surface
– crystallization surface
– curved surface
– daturence surface
– day surface
– developable surface
– developed surface
– discontinuity surface
– disrupt surface
– dull surface
– equiphase surface
– equipotential surface
– evaporation surface
– Fermi surface
– finned surface
– free surface
– friction surface
– frontal surface
– helical surface
– indifference surface
– intersecting surface
– ion-exchange surface
– level surface
– lifting surface
– load-bearing surface
– location surface
– mated surface
– median surface
– mirror surface
– modular surface
– mounting surface
– nodal surface
– one-sided surface
– pertaining to surface
– planation surface
– plane surface
– platen surface
– potential surface
– pseudospherical surface
– quintic surface
– rectifiable surface
– reducible surface
– reflecting surface
– regression surface
– response surface
– Riemann surface
– rippled surface
– roll surface
– rolled surface
– rough surface
– ruled surface
– rumpled surface
– running surface
– sea surface clutter
– separation surface
– sliding surface
– smooth surface
– squarable surface
– strain surface
– stress surface
– surface activity
– surface area
– surface attemperator
– surface cleaning
– surface color
– surface combustion
– surface condenser
– surface contact
– surface contour
– surface cooling
– surface discharge
– surface displacement
– surface effect
– surface element
– surface emittance
– surface energy
– surface film
– surface finish
– surface finishing
– surface generation
– surface gravimeter
– surface hardening
– surface impregnation
– surface integral
– surface ionization
– surface irrigation
– surface leak
– surface lumber
– surface mat
– surface mounting
– surface of fracture
– surface of revolution
– surface reaction
– surface resistance
– surface resistivity
– surface run-off
– surface strength
– surface stress
– surface switch
– surface temperature
– surface tension
– surface vessel
– surface water
– surface wave
– surface worker
– tooth surface
– true surface
– upslide surface
– water surface
– water-cooled surface
– wetted surface
absolute property of a surface — <geom.> свойство поверхности внутреннее
aerodynamic control surface — руль управления аэродинамический
coefficient of surface expansion — коэффициент поверхностного расширения
high-speed surface transportation — < railways> транспорт наземный высокоскоростной
nappe of a conical surface — <geom.> полость конической поверхности
non-developable ruled surface — поверхность линейчатая косая, косая линейчатая поверхность
rate of evaporation per surface — интенсивность парообразования
sectorial surface harmonic — секториальная сферическая функция
spline surface technique — метод аппроксимации отображаемых поверхностей сплайнами
surface contact rectifier — вентиль с поверхностным контактом
surface plastic deformation — деформирование пластическое поверхностное
surface wave line — < radio> линия поверхностной волны
tesseral surface harmonic — тессеральная сферическая функция
universal covering surface — универсальная поверхность наложения
14 urban sprawl
разрастание городов
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
urban sprawl
The physical pattern of low-density expansion of large urban areas under market conditions into the surrounding agricultural areas. Sprawl lies in advance of the principal lines of urban growth and implies little planning control of land subdivision. Development is patchy, scattered and strung out, with a tendency to discontinuity because it leap-frogs over some areas, leaving agricultural enclaves. (Source: GOOD)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > urban sprawl
См. также в других словарях:
Regression discontinuity design — In statistics, econometrics, epidemiology and related disciplines, a regression discontinuity design (RDD) is a design that elicits the causal effects of interventions by exploiting a given exogenous threshold determining assignment to treatment … Wikipedia
zones of discontinuity — zones of varying optic density, seen with the slit lamp, in the lens of the eye; these zones are formed at particular periods in the prenatal development of the lens … Medical dictionary
Structure of the Earth — Earth cutaway from core to exosphere. Left picture is not to scale. The interior structure of the Earth, similar to the outer, is layered. These layers can be defined by either their chemical or their rheological properties. The Earth has an… … Wikipedia
chemical element — Introduction also called element, any substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical processes. Elements are the fundamental materials of which all matter is composed. This article considers the… … Universalium
Shocks and discontinuities (magnetohydrodynamics) — Shocks and discontinuities are transition layers where the plasma properties change from one equilibrium state to another. The relation between the plasma properties on both sides of a shock or a discontinuity can be obtained from the… … Wikipedia
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
Fractional vortices — In a standard superconductor, described by a complex field |Psi|e^{iphi} (condensates wave function), vortices carry quantized magnetic field: a consequence of 2pi invariance of the phase phi of the condensate wave function |Psi|e^{iphi}. There a … Wikipedia
Mantle (geology) — For other uses, see Mantle (disambiguation). Earth cutaway from core to exosphere. The mantle is a part of a terrestrial planet or other rocky body large enough to have differentiation by density. The interior of the Earth, similar to the other… … Wikipedia
sound reception — Introduction response of an organism s aural mechanism, the ear, to a specific form of energy change, or sound waves. Sound waves can be transmitted through gases, liquids, or solids, but the hearing function of each species is particularly … Universalium
Phase transition — This diagram shows the nomenclature for the different phase transitions. A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase or state of matter to another. A phase of a thermodynamic system and the states of matter… … Wikipedia
Polar wind — is the permanent outflow of ionization from the polar regions of the magnetosphere. [http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse?s=p p=43 AMS Glossary] ] Ionospheric Plasma SourceThe ‘ground state’ of the ionosphere consists of the baseline … Wikipedia