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  • 1 strain

    I 1. [strein] verb
    1) (to exert oneself or a part of the body to the greatest possible extent: They strained at the door, trying to pull it open; He strained to reach the rope.) iš(si)tempti, stengtis iš visų jėgų
    2) (to injure (a muscle etc) through too much use, exertion etc: He has strained a muscle in his leg; You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light.) pertempti
    3) (to force or stretch (too far): The constant interruptions were straining his patience.) išsekinti
    4) (to put (eg a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid: She strained the coffee.) iškošti
    2. noun
    1) (force exerted; Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope?) įtempimas
    2) ((something, eg too much work etc, that causes) a state of anxiety and fatigue: The strain of nursing her dying husband was too much for her; to suffer from strain.) įtampa, krūvis
    3) ((an) injury especially to a muscle caused by too much exertion: muscular strain.) pertempimas
    4) (too great a demand: These constant delays are a strain on our patience.) piktnaudžiavimas, per didelis krūvis
    - strainer
    - strain off
    II [strein] noun
    1) (a kind or breed (of animals, plants etc): a new strain of cattle.) veislė
    2) (a tendency in a person's character: I'm sure there's a strain of madness in her.) polinkis (į)
    3) ((often in plural) (the sound of) a tune: I heard the strains of a hymn coming from the church.) garsai, melodija

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > strain

См. также в других словарях:

  • demand-pull — [di mand′ pool′] adj. designating or having to do with a form of inflation in which prices are driven up by an excess demand for goods and services, relative to their supply * * * de·mand pull (dĭ măndʹpo͝ol ) n. Increased demand for a limited… …   Universalium

  • demand-pull — [di mand′ pool′] adj. designating or having to do with a form of inflation in which prices are driven up by an excess demand for goods and services, relative to their supply …   English World dictionary

  • demand pull — noun (economics) The availability of money regarded as a cause of inflation • • • Main Entry: ↑demand …   Useful english dictionary

  • demand-pull —  ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: demand (I) + pull (II) : an increase or upward trend in spendable money that tends to result in increased competition for available goods and services and a corresponding increase in consumer prices compare cost… …   Useful english dictionary

  • demand-pull — noun Date: 1952 an increase or upward trend in spendable money that tends to result in increased competition for available goods and services and a corresponding increase in consumer prices compare cost push • demand pull adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • demand-pull inflation — demand′ pull infla′tion n. ecn bus inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices Compare cost push inflation • Etymology: 1955–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • Demand-pull theory — For demand pull inflation, see demand pull inflation. In economics, the demand pull theory is the theory that inflation occurs when demand for goods and services exceeds existing supplies.[1] According to the demand pull theory, there is a range… …   Wikipedia

  • demand-pull inflation — A theory of inflation or price increases resulting from so called excess demand. Related: cost push inflation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * demand pull inflation demand pull inflation ➔ inflation * * * demand pull inflation UK US noun [U] …   Financial and business terms

  • Demand-pull inflation — Aggregate Demand increasing faster than production. Demand pull inflation is asserted to arise when aggregate demand in an economy outpaces aggregate supply. It involves inflation rising as real gross domestic product rises and unemployment falls …   Wikipedia

  • Demand-Pull Inflation — A term used in Keynesian economics to describe the scenario that occurs when price levels rise because of an imbalance in the aggregate supply and demand. When the aggregate demand in an economy strongly outweighs the aggregate supply, prices… …   Investment dictionary

  • demand-pull inflation — paklausos sukelta infliacija statusas Aprobuotas sritis Ekonomika apibrėžtis Infliacija, lemiama visuminės paklausos didėjimo. atitikmenys: angl. demand pull inflation šaltinis Lietuvos banko Ekonomikos departamentas …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

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