1 demand analysis
анализ спроса
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > demand analysis
2 demand analysis
3 demand analysis
эк. анализ [изучение\] спроса (выявление факторов, влияющих на величину спроса, а также оценка реакции потребителей на изменение уровня цен и величины доходов)See:* * * -
4 demand analysis
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > demand analysis
5 demand analysis
анализ спроса ; -
6 demand analysis
7 demand analysis
1) Бухгалтерия: изучение спроса2) Реклама: анализ спроса3) Деловая лексика: анализ размеров спроса4) Авиационная медицина: анализ потребностей5) Макаров: анализ потребления -
8 demand analysis
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > demand analysis
9 demand analysis
анализ спросаEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > demand analysis
10 demand analysis
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > demand analysis
11 demand analysis
12 demand analysis
13 supply/demand analysis
анализ баланса электроэнергии
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
- supply/demand analysis
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > supply/demand analysis
14 supply and demand analysis
анализ спроса и предложения
Область исследований, основным объектом которых являются взаимоотношения предложения и спроса на рынке товаров и услуг. В частности, выводятся закономерности формирования цен и установления рыночного равновесия в экономической системе. С этой целью анализируются кривые спроса и кривые предложения, влияние сдвигов (изменений) в предложении и спросе на уровень цен, изучается механизм образования избытка и дефицита товаров и услуг. Последнее видно из рис. А.4, на котором кривые d-d, s-s, соответственно, — кривые спроса и предложения, C — точка равновесия, p- цены производителей, q — спрос потребителей. На схеме отображены взаимоотношения агрегатного (совокупного) спроса и агрегатного (совокупного) предложения товаров в экономике: чем выше цены, запрашиваемые производителями, тем меньше спрос на товары у потребителей, и наоборот, чем больше спрос, тем более высокую цену могут запрашивать производители за свои товары. Если при этом баланса не получается, то создается либо излишек, либо дефицит. На индивидуальные решения в области спроса и предложения влияет ситуация на рынках товаров, денег, капиталов и труда, действие таких рыночных механизмов как конкуренция между производителями и между потребителями, ситуации монополии и монопсонии, олигополии и олигопсонии и т.д. Аналогичные кривые можно построить и для отдельных товаров, форма их может быть различна. Перекрещивающиеся кривые рис. А.4 получили название Маршаллианский крест — по имени А.Маршалла. См. также: Паутинообразная модель, Рынок, Функция спроса.
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > supply and demand analysis
15 consumer demand analysis
Политика: анализ потребительского спросаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > consumer demand analysis
16 supply-and-demand analysis
Техника: анализ баланса электроэнергииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > supply-and-demand analysis
17 supply/demand analysis
Электротехника: анализ баланса электроэнергииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > supply/demand analysis
18 consumer demand analysis
Politics english-russian dictionary > consumer demand analysis
19 analysis
n1) (pl analyses)2) анализ, изучение, исследование3) статистическая таблица (цифровой материал)
- accuracy analysis
- activity analysis
- aggregate analysis
- approximate analysis
- balance-sheet analysis
- batch analysis
- benefit-risk analysis
- break-even analysis
- budget analysis
- business analysis
- business cycle analysis
- careful analysis
- cash flow analysis
- check analysis
- commodity analysis
- comparative analysis
- competitiveness analysis
- complete analysis
- complex analysis
- comprehensive analysis
- computer-aided analysis
- consumer analysis
- continuous analysis
- contrastive analysis
- cost analysis
- correlation analysis
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- cost-performance analysis
- cost-sensitivity analysis
- country collectibility analysis
- critical path analysis
- cross-impact analysis
- cyclical analysis
- data analysis
- decision analysis
- decision-flow analysis
- demand analysis
- demand-consumption analysis
- demand-supply analysis
- design analysis
- detailed analysis
- diagnostic analysis
- discriminant analysis
- discriminatory analysis
- downward analysis
- ecological analysis
- economic analysis
- economical analysis
- empirical analysis
- end-point analysis
- engineering analysis
- engineering-economic analysis
- environmental analysis
- equipment quality analysis
- error analysis
- ex ante analysis
- expenses analysis
- ex post analysis
- express analysis
- factor analysis
- failure analysis
- feasibility analysis
- field analysis
- field complaint analysis
- field return analysis
- financial analysis
- financial ratio analysis
- financial statement analysis
- fiscal analysis
- flow-of-funds analysis
- formal analysis
- functional-cost analysis
- fundamental analysis
- funds analysis
- game-theoretic analysis
- gap analysis
- global analysis
- graphical analysis
- gross profit analysis
- horizontal analysis
- income analysis
- income-expenditure analysis
- in-depth analysis
- indicator analysis
- input-output analysis
- interaction analysis
- interindustry analysis
- inventory analysis
- investment analysis
- job analysis
- laboratory analysis
- least-square
- liquidity preference analysis
- long-run analysis
- loss analysis
- lot analysis
- macroeconomic analysis
- maintainability analysis
- maintenance analysis
- marginal analysis
- market analysis
- marketing cost analysis
- marketing plan analysis
- market opportunity analysis
- market situation analysis
- market structure analysis
- market trend analysis
- mechanical analysis
- media analysis
- money-flow analysis
- motion analysis
- motivation research analysis
- needs analysis
- network analysis
- normative analysis
- numerical analysis
- observational analysis
- on-line analysis
- operating analysis
- operating cost analysis
- operation analysis
- opportunity analysis
- order analysis
- organizational structure analysis
- overhead analysis
- partial analysis
- performance analysis
- performance degradation analysis
- periodic analysis
- pilot analysis
- population analysis
- portfolio analysis
- preinvestment analysis
- preliminary analysis
- price analysis
- primary analysis
- priority analysis
- process analysis
- product analysis
- product quality analysis
- profit analysis
- profitability analysis
- qualitative analysis
- quality analysis
- quality cost analysis
- quantitative analysis
- queueing analysis
- quick analysis
- ranging analysis
- rapid analysis
- ratio analysis
- real-time analysis
- relevance analysis
- reliability analysis
- reliability variation analysis
- risk analysis
- safety analysis
- sales analysis
- sales mix analysis
- sample analysis
- sampling analysis
- savings-investment analysis
- scrap-cost analysis
- sensitivity analysis
- sequential analysis
- short-cut analysis
- short-run analysis
- short-term analysis
- simulation analysis
- solvency analysis
- statement analysis
- statistical analysis
- stock analysis
- structural analysis
- subjective analysis
- supply analysis
- system's analysis
- tabular analysis
- team analysis
- thorough analysis
- time analysis
- time-series analysis
- total time analysis
- trade-off analysis
- trend analysis
- transaction cost analysis
- upward trend analysis
- value analysis
- value engineering analysis
- variance analysis
- vector analysis
- weather analysis
- worst-case analysis
- workload analysis
- X-ray analysis
- analysis by economic sector
- analysis of accounts
- analysis of assets and liabilities by maturities
- analysis of business activity
- analysis of corporate cash flows
- analysis of economic activity
- analysis of the economic performance of an enterprise
- analysis of feasibility
- analysis of foreign currency position
- analysis of the future development
- analysis of indices dynamics
- analysis of the market situation
- analysis of prediction
- analysis of profitability
- analysis of results
- carry out analysis
- make analysisEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > analysis
20 analysis
См. также в других словарях:
Demand sensing — is a next generation forecasting method that leverages new mathematical techniques and near real time information to create an accurate forecast of demand, based on the current realities of the supply chain. The typical performance of demand… … Wikipedia
Demand articulation — is a concept developed within the scientific field of innovation studies which serves to explain learning processes about needs for new and emerging technologies.[1] Emerging technologies are technologies in their early phase of development,… … Wikipedia
analysis — a‧nal‧y‧sis [əˈnælss] noun analyses PLURALFORM [ siːz] [countable, uncountable] 1. a careful examination of something in order to understand it better: • The researchers carried out a detailed analysis of recent trends in share prices. •… … Financial and business terms
Demand (economics) — Demand redirects here. For other uses, see Demand (disambiguation). In economics, demand is the desire to own anything, the ability to pay for it, and the willingness to pay[1] (see also supply and demand). The term demand signifies the ability… … Wikipedia
Demand forecasting — is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumers will purchase. Demand forecasting involves techniques including both informal methods, such as educated guesses, and quantitative methods, such as the use of… … Wikipedia
Demand leveling — is the deliberate influencing of demand itself or the demand processes to deliver a more predictable pattern of customer demand. Some of this influencing is by manipulating the product offering, some by influencing the ordering process and some… … Wikipedia
Demand responsive transport — or Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) or Demand Responsive Service[1] or Dial a ride or Flexible Transport Services[2] is an advanced, user oriented form of public transport characterised by flexible routing and scheduling of small/medium vehicles… … Wikipedia
DEMAND Campaign — DEMAND is an East Midlands based campaign, [ [http://www.demand.uk.net/ DEMAND: demand east midlands airport is designated now ] ] founded in 2004, seeking to improve the noise controls at East Midlands Airport. A specific concern is the rising… … Wikipedia
Demand generation — is the focus of targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company s products and/or services. Commonly used in business to business, business to government, or longer sales cycle business to consumer sales cycles, demand… … Wikipedia
Analysis — (from Greek ἀνάλυσις , a breaking up ) is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle,… … Wikipedia
Demand Chain Management — (DCM) ist das Management der Beziehungen zwischen Lieferanten und Kunden um die Nachfrage der Kunden durch die Supply Chain bestmöglich und zu den geringstmöglichen Kosten zu erfüllen. Der Begriff Demand Chain Management bedeutet insoweit… … Deutsch Wikipedia