1 deflection shooting
Военный термин: стрельба по движущейся цели -
2 deflection shooting
3 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
4 method
1) метод
2) способ
3) процедура
– ADI method
– adjoint method
– aero-projection method
– anaglyphic method
– approximate method
– area method
– averaging method
– axiomatic method
– backing-space method
– balancing method
– ball-and-ring method
– block-diagram method
– bordering method
– Borrmann method
– bottle method
– branch-and-bound method
– brittel-varnish method
– building-block method
– caisson method
– chain method
– chopped-beam method
– Clegg method
– coincidence method
– colorimetric method
– complexometric method
– conductance-measuring method
– cone method
– conjugate-gradient method
– constant-fraction method
– correlation method
– curing method
– cut-and-try method
– deductive method
– deflection method
– delta method
– Deschamps method
– diagram method
– difference method
– dilution method
– dimensional method
– direct method
– dot alloying method
– dry combustion method
– dry method
– Dumas method
– dye-penetrant method
– efflux method
– elastic method
– electrophoretic method
– empirical method
– energy method
– equal-altitude method
– equal-deflection method
– equal-strain method
– escalator method
– estimate by the method
– evaporation method
– exact method
– fall-of-charge method
– finitary method
– floatation method
– floating-zone method
– fusion method
– gradient method
– graph method
– graphical method
– gravimetric method
– gray-wedge method
– grid method
– Griess-Ilovai method
– half-deflection method
– horn-and-lens method
– immersion method
– incremental method
– indirect method
– inexact method
– interfermetric method
– inverse-scattering method
– inversion method
– isolation method
– iteration method
– kick-sorting method
– laboratory method
– load-factor method
– lobe-switching method
– lost wax method
– lumped-parameter method
– machining method
– manufacturing method
– Markowitz method
– mesh-current method
– method of angles
– method of bearings
– method of directions
– method of exhaustion
– method of gisements
– method of image
– method of images
– method of joints
– method of revolution
– method of sections
– method of superposition
– midsquare method
– mirror-image method
– momentum-transfer method
– moving-average method
– nephelometric method
– net method
– net-point method
– neutral-points method
– nodal-pair method
– node-voltage method
– non-destructive method
– non-recursive method
– null method
– numerical method
– objective method
– offset method
– offset-signal method
– operational method
– opposition method
– orthogonalized-plane-wave method
– paramagnetic-resonance method
– particle method
– particle-in-cell method
– perturbation method
– plunge-cut method
– point-by-point method
– polar method
– postulational method
– powder method
– predictor-corrector method
– processing method
– pseudoviscosity method
– pulse method
– pulse-counting method
– pulse-echo method
– pumping method
– qualitative method
– quantitative method
– radiation method
– radiometric method
– raster-scan method
– ray-trace method
– refletion method
– relaxation method
– reliability method
– resonance method
– retardation method
– root-locus method
– rotating-crystal method
– Runge-Kutta method
– saddle-point method
– sampling method
– secant method
– sedimentaion method
– semigraphical method
– separation method
– shadow method
– shake method
– shock-capturing method
– shooting method
– short-cut method
– sieve method
– similitude method
– slope-deflection method
– spectroscopic method
– spiral-scan method
– step-back method
– step-by-step method
– stroboscopic method
– stylus method
– subjective method
– substitution method
– sweep method
– test-line method
– three-base method
– time-of-flight method
– topological method
– total-strain method
– tracer method
– trial-and-error method
– triangulation method
– trilateration method
– Tukey-Cooley method
– Tukey-Sand method
– variable-phase method
– variational method
– visual method
– volumetric method
– Whitham's method
– wobbulator method
– work method
– worst-case method
– zero-beat method
alternating direction method — <math.> метод перемежающийся, метод переменных направлений, метод чередущихся направлений
alternating-variable descent method — <math.> метод покоординатного спуска
balance-chart method of planning — <econ.> метод планирования балансовый
Barrelet method of zeroes — <phys.> метод нулей Барле
baseband recording method — способ раздельной записи видеоинформации с временным уплотнением
branch and bound method — метод ветвей и границ, метод ветвления и ограничения
composite value method — <comput.> метод передачи совместных значений, метод совместных значений
differential control method — дифференцированный метод контроля
divide by differential method — делить дифференциальным методом
equal deflection method — <tech.> метод равных отклонений
false position method — <math.> метод пристрелки
Feynman diagram method — <phys.> техника диаграммная
finite element method — <math.> метод конечных элементов
Hopkinson split-bar method — метод составного стержня Гопкинсона
method of complex gradients — <math.> метод сопряженных градиентов
method of false position — <math.> метод ложного положения
method of feasible directions — <math.> метод возможных направлений
method of fraction levelling — метод нивелирования по частям
method of incremental rates — <engin.> метод относительных приростов
method of penultimate remainder — <math.> метод предпоследнего остатка
method of separation of variable — метод разделения переменных
method of steepest descent — <math.> метод наискорейшего спуска, метод скорейшего спуска
method of symmetrical components — метод симметричных составляющих
method of variation of parameters — метод вариации постоянных
moment distribution method — метод перераспределения моментов
moving average method — <math.> метод скользящих средних
reflected wave method — < radio> метод отраженных волн
regula falsa method — <math.> метод пристрелки
relative method of measurement — относительный метод измерения
spot-scan photomultiplier method — метод сканирования пятном
successive exclusion method — метод последовательных исключений
zero deflection method — <tech.> метод нулевого отклонения
5 angle
1) угол2) уголок ( металлический профиль)3) угол, фаза ( колебаний)•angle at a circumference — вписанный угол;at right angles — под прямым углом;angle is subtended by arc — угол стягивается дугой;angle is subtended by chord — угол опирается на хорду;to be at a proper phase angle — быть в фазе, совпадать по фазе;to bisect angle — делить угол пополам:to lay off angle — откладывать угол;angle to left — геод. круг лево;to make an angle — составлять угол;angle to right — геод. круг право-
acceptance angle
acute angle
addendum angle
adjacent angles
aircraft impact angle
airflow angle
alternate angles
angle of action
angle of advance
angle of approach
angle of arrival
angle of attack
angle of azimuth
angle of backing-off
angle of bell
angle of bevel
angle of boom
angle of climb
angle of convergency
angle of crossing
angle of cut
angle of deflection
angle of departure
angle of descent
angle of deviation
angle of dig
angle of dip
angle of divergence
angle of draw
angle of effective rotation
angle of elevation
angle of exaggeration
angle of exit
angle of extinction
angle of flare
angle of floor
angle of flow
angle of flute helix
angle of friction
angle of glide
angle of heel
angle of helm
angle of hip
angle of ignition
angle of incidence
angle of internal friction
angle of internal reflection
angle of lag
angle of lead
angle of list
angle of loading
angle of loll
angle of main stream
angle of pitch
angle of plane
angle of preparation
angle of prism
angle of propagation
angle of radiation
angle of reflection
angle of refraction
angle of repose
angle of rest
angle of retard
angle of roll
angle of rotation
angle of rupture
angle of scan
angle of shear
angle of shearing resistance
angle of shock
angle of sight
angle of site
angle of slide
angle of slope
angle of stall
angle of torsion
angle of transit
angle of trim
angle of twist
angle of vanishing
angle of vel
angle of view
angle of wall friction
angle of yaw
angle or flange
aperture angle
apparent visual angle
approach noise angle
aspect angle
attack angle
automatic advance angle
axes angle
azimuthal angle
azimuth angle
back angle
back relief angle
back-to-back angles
base angle
base helix angle
beam angle of scattering
beam angle
beam deflection angle
beam spread angle
bearing angle
best climb angle
bistatic angle
blade angle
blade-entrance angle
blade-exit angle
bond angle
borehole drift angle
boresight angle
bosh angle
Bragg angle
Brewster angle
brush shift angle
bucket diggings
bunching angle
burble angle
cam angle
camber angle
camera angle
canting angle
capsizing angle
carrier angle
caster angle
caving angle
central angle
clearance angle
cockpit cutoff angle
combined angle
commutating angle
commutation delay angle
complementary angles
complete angle
conduction angle
cone angle
constant climb angle
convergence angle
cord angle
corresponding angles
course angle
crab angle
crack angle
crank angle
crater angle
creascrecovery angle
critical angle
crown angle
current transformer phase angle
cut angle
cutoff angle
cutting angle
cutting edge angle
dead angle of shutter
dead angle
deadrise angle
decay angle
decrement angle
deflection angle
delay angle
depression angle
deviation angle
dielectric loss angle
dielectric phase angle
diffraction angle
diffusion angle
dip angle
direct angle
direction angle
discharge angle
displacement angle
divergence angle
dozer blade angle
draft lug angle
drift angle
dumping angle
dwell angle
effective angle of rotation
electrical angle
electric angle
electrode angle
elevation angle
elevation scan angle
emergent beam angle
end cutting edge angle
end relief angle
end-clearance angle
entering angle of driving pin
entering angle
entrance angle
epoch angle
Euler angle
exit angle
exterior angle
exterior opposite angles
face angle
fiber orientation angle
field angle
firing delay angle
fixer advance angle
flange angle
flap angle
flare angle
flat angle
flex angle
flow angle
frame toe-in angle
frame toe-out angle
front angle
front clearance angle
full angle
glancing angle
gradient angle
grain-boundary angle
grazing angle
Greenwich hour angle
groove angle
half-intensity beam angle
Hall angle
head-wrap angle
helix angle
hock angle
hole angle
horizontal angle
hose orientation angle
hour angle
hysteretic angle
idler tilt angle
ignition dwell angle
image angle
impedance angle
impinging angle
included die angle
inherent delay angle
input phase angle
inscribed angle
interfacial angle
interference angle
interhollow angle
interior angle
interior opposite angles
intersection angle
interslot angle
jet angle
lag angle
large bell angle
launch angle
lead angle
left deflection angle
light angle
limiting wetting angle
lip angle
list angle
listening angle
lock angle
locking angle
look angle
lose angle
magnetic hysteresis angle
magnetic loss angle
major cutting edge angle
making angle
margin angle
minor cutting edge angle
minor-lobe angle
miter angle
n-edged angle
nip angle
nominal angle of rotation
nozzle convergence angle
nozzle divergence angle
nutation angle
oblique angle
obtuse angle
off-axis angle
off-boresight angle
offset angle
opening angle
operating angle
opposite angle
optimum angle
orbital plane angle
out angle of claw mechanism
overlap angle
overlapping angle of maltese mechanism
perigon angle
phase angle
pickup angle
pitch angle
pivot angle
pivot stud angle
plan approach angle
plane angle
pointing angle
polar angle
polarization angle
polyhedral angle
position angle
potential transformer phase angle
power angle
power flow angle
precession angle
preset diggings
pressure angle
projection angle
pull-down angle
radiation angle
rake angle
ray angle
reciprocal angle
reclining seat angle
reentering angle
reentrant angle
reference angle
reflex angle
regular polyhedral angle
relief angle
retard angle
right angle
right deflection angle
ripper tilt angle
rise-of-floor angle
rocking angle
roll angle
rotation angle
rotor coning angle
round angle
rudder angle
running pitch angle
safety guard angle
salient angle
scanning angle
scan angle
scattering angle
screen angle
screening angle
search angle
seat angle
shadow angle
shearing angle
shooting angle
shutter aperture angle
shutter angle
side clearance angle
side cutting edge angle
side rake angle
side sill angle
sideslip angle
sieve angle
sine-wave angle
slant angle
slewing angle
slip angle
solid angle of the sun
solid angle
space angle
spanning angle
spatial angle
spherical angle
spray angle
staff angle
steering angle
step angle
stiffening angle
straight angle
subtended angle
supplementary angles
swirl angle
switch angle
swivel angle
takeoff angle
takeoff noise angle
taking angle
taper angle
tape-wrap angle
tilt angle of-polarization ellipse
tilt angle
timing angle
toe-in angle
tool angle
tool cutting edge angle
tool included angle
torque angle
torsion angle
total angle of rotation
total internal reflection angle
track angle
track cant angle
track tilt angle
tracking error angle
transit angle
triangulation angle
truck swivel angle
up angle
valve face angle
vectorial angle
vertex angle
vertical angles
video record track angle
viewing angle
vision angle
wall angle
wave angle
wave-front angle
wheel alignment angle
wheel leaning angle
winding angle
wing setting angle
wing sweep angle
wiping angle
work angle
working angle
working lead angle
zenith angle
zero-lift angle -
6 line
1. линия ( в разных значениях)2. черта, штрих3. кривая ( на диаграмме)4. очертания, контур5. граница, предел6. талевый канат, струна талевой оснастки; трос7. путь; линия; дорога8. магистраль; трубопровод9. обкладка; облицовка; футеровка || обкладывать; облицовывать; футеровать10. устанавливать точно; устанавливать соосно; устанавливать в одну линиюcoil type kill and choke flexible steel lines — спиральные стальные трубы линий штуцерной и для глушения скважины (предназначенные для компенсации поворотов морского стояка)
dash and dot line — пунктирная линия, состоящая из чёрточек и точек
integral choke and kill lines — линии штуцерная и глушения скважины (изготовленные заодно с секциями водоотделяющей колонны)
riser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линий глушения скважины и штуцерной, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— in line— line in— line up— mud return line— oil line— on line— pod line— red line— rig line— rod line— rotary drill line— sea line
* * *
1. трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопроводаriser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линии глушения скважины и штуцерной линии, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— oil line— pod line— rig line— sea line
* * *
1. талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки2. линия, профиль3. ряд, отрасль4. трубопровод5. проводить линию, устанавливать в линию
* * *
1. линия; профиль2. канал ( аппаратуры)3. провод
* * *
1) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода3) талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки4) линия, кривая5) ряд6) отрасль•on line — 1) выровненный, соосный () 2) прямолинейный ();
to blank off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to blind off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to block a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to feed off a line from drum — сматывать талевый канат с барабана;
to flush a line through — промывать трубопровод;
to line in — выверять положение ();
to reeve a line — натягивать канат перед подъёмом; пропускать талевый канат через кронблочный шкив (/i]);
to spool the drilling line on drum — наматывать талевый канат на барабан;
to line the hole — крепить скважину обсадной колонной;
to turn into the line — начинать перекачивание из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to line up — 1) выравнивать 2) устанавливать на одной прямой;
to valve off a line — перекрывать трубопровод задвижкой;
- line of correlationto line with casing — крепить скважину обсадными трубами;
- line of deflection
- line of dip
- line of etch
- line of geophone
- line of least resistance
- line of pumps
- line of shooting
- line of tackle system
- line of welding
- admission line
- air line
- anchor line
- anchoring line
- back-pressure line
- backup line
- backwash line
- bailer line
- bailing line
- bare line
- base line of sands
- bed contour line
- big-inch line
- bleed line
- bleeder line
- bleed-off line
- blooie line
- blowing line
- booster line
- borehole line
- bozo line
- branch line
- branch main line
- branched line
- buried pipe line
- bypass line
- cable line
- calf line
- casing line
- catalyst transfer line
- cathead line
- cementing line
- choke line
- circular main line
- circulation booster line
- coated pipe line
- coil choke flexible steel line
- coil kill flexible steel line
- condensate line
- condensate-water line
- conductor line
- connecting line
- contact line
- coseismal line
- cracker line
- cracking case vapor line
- crest line
- crossover line
- crude oil line
- dead line
- delivery line
- derrick line
- discharge line
- discharge line of compressor
- disposal line
- distributing main line
- district heating line
- diverter line
- double line
- downstream line
- drain line
- drawworks line of tackle system
- drill line
- drilling line
- drilling mud line
- drilling mud flow line
- drilling rope fast line
- drill-water line
- drop-out line
- edge water line
- emergency drain line
- encroachment line
- etch line
- exhaust line
- expansion line
- fast line
- feed line
- fill line
- filling line
- fillup line
- firing line
- first-break line
- flare line
- flexible production line
- floor line
- flow line
- forked line
- fuel line
- gage line
- gas line
- gas blowoff line
- gas equalizing line
- gas gathering line
- gas inlet line
- gas main line
- gas outlet line
- gas pipe line
- gasoline line
- gathering line
- geophone line
- grade line
- gravity line
- guy lines
- Hallburton line
- heating-gas line
- high-pressure line
- hoisting line
- homoseismal line
- incoming gas line
- injection line
- inlet line
- insulated pipe line
- integral choke and kill line
- isoseismal line
- jerk line
- jetting line
- jug line
- kill line
- lang-lay line
- lateral gas line
- lead line
- life line
- lift line
- live line
- loading line
- long-distance pipe line
- long-lay line
- low-pressure pipe line
- main line
- main trunk line
- mandrel line
- manifold line
- marine conductor line
- marine riser choke line
- marine riser kill line
- mast line
- master guide line
- mazout line
- mooring line
- mud line
- mud-return line
- multiple lines
- off-stream pipe line
- oil line
- oil-drainage line
- oil-gathering line
- oil-pipe line
- operation line
- original water line
- outgoing gas line
- outlet transfer line
- overflow line
- overhead line
- pilot line
- pilot igniting line
- pipe line
- pod line
- pod lock line
- pressure line
- priming line
- production flow line
- products pipe line
- pull line
- pump suction line
- pump warm-up line
- pumping-out line
- rag line
- reflux line
- refraction line
- release line
- reserve flow line
- retrieving line
- reverse circulation line
- rig line
- ring main line
- riser choke line
- riser joint integral kill and choke line
- riser kill line
- riser tensioning line
- rod line
- rotary-drill line
- rotary-wire line
- run-down line
- safety line
- sand wire line
- sea line
- seagoing pipe line
- seismic line
- shale base line
- shale deflection line
- shore pipe line
- shot line
- shot-moment line
- shot-point line
- single line
- sling line
- snake line
- soft line
- source line
- split line
- spontaneous potential base line
- spur line
- stabilizing guy line
- steam line
- steam return line
- sucker-rod line
- suction line
- supply line
- surface line of circulation system
- suspension line
- swing line
- swinging core line
- tag line
- takeoff line
- tank flow line
- tank heating line
- tank shipping line
- tapered drilling line
- tie line
- time-distance line
- tool injection line
- tow line
- tracer line
- transmission line
- triple line
- triple gas pipe line
- trough line
- trunk line
- tubing line
- TV guide line
- twin pipe line
- uncovered line
- unloading line
- uphill line
- upstream line
- vapor line
- vent line
- vibrator line
- water line
- water-disposal line
- water-encroachment line
- water-flood line
- water-supply line
- well flow line
- wirerope measuring line* * *• дорога• канат• нитка• обкладка• струна• трос -
7 method
1) метод; способ; средство2) система; порядок3) технология4) методика•- method of applying liquid lubrication - method of calculation - method of column analogy - method of comparison - method of connecting - method of determining bending moments by fixed points - method of directions - method of elastic arch - method of elastic weights - method of electric needles - method of exchange of members - method of firing - method of fixed points - method of images - method of initial parameters - method of joints - method of least squares - method of least work - method of limit equilibrium - method of minimum strain energy - method of moments - method of movement - method of operation - method of payment - method of planning - method of production - method of redundant reactions - method of rotations - method of sections - method of separate joint displacement - method of slopes - method of stowage - method of strain measurement method - method of substitute redundant members - method of successive approximations - method of successive corrections - method of training - method of transportation - method of working - method of zero moment points - methods of network planning and control - ad hoc method - advertising method - aero-projection method - air-permeability method - airslide method - approximation method - arbitrary proportions method - area moment method - artificial islands method - ball method of testing - bench method - bidding methods - brush method of treatment timber - building methods - caisson method - cantilever method of design - cassette method of production of thin-slab structures - central mixing method - centre drift method - centrifuge method - centroidal method of design - change-in-stress method - chemical injection method - closed building method - column analogy method of design - compressed-air method of tunnelling - concrete testing method - cone method - construction works quality control method - core-drill method - correlation method - cut-and-cover method - cut-and-try method - cylinder method - deflection method - design methods - development method - dip method - dipping method of treatment timber - effective method - electrolytic method - emulsified-asphalt penetration method - energy method - equal load increments method - equal strain method - error method - fabrication method - fixing method - float and chains method - flow-line conveyer method - force method - graphical method - heading method of tunnelling - hot-air heating standpipe method - hot penetration method - hydraulic fill method - impact method - kinematic method - lacquer film method - land-assembly methods - lift-slab method - limit equilibrium method - limit stage design method - line production method - loading method - magnaflux method - mechanical method by pumps - membrane method of waterproofing - mixed-in-place method - mock-up methods of design - modular ratio method - moire fringe method - moment area method - moment-distribution method - moment-of-inertia method of designing - mud-jack method - mulch method - near end moment distribution method - neutral-points method - non-destructive testing methods - normal method - packing methods - patented method of construction - penetration method - percussive pneumatic method of riveting - photo-elastic method of stress-determination - photo-elasticity method - pilot method - pilot tunnel method - pin-and-string method - pipe-bridge method - plastic method of design - plastic theory method - polarized light method - portal method of design - pounding method of curing concrete - production line method of construction - qualitative methods - quantitative methods - relaxation method - ring-and-ball method - rolled-on method - safe method of heat insulation - safety methods - sampling method - sand-bearing method of testing clay pipes - sand-island method - scheduling method - seismic method of prospecting - simultaneous construction method - slope deflection method - spatial self-fixation erection method - statistical analysis method - stovepipe pipe-laying method - strain-energy method - successive construction method - surface-coating method of waterproofing - synthetic method of restoration - thixotropic liquid method - tilt-up method - top-heading method - transfiguration method - trial-load method - turnover method - ultimate-strength method - ultrasonic pulse velocity method - void method of proportioning - volume method of concrete mix design - volumetric method - water-jet method of pile-driving - weight method - well-point method of excavation - work method - working stress method of design* * *метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология- method of analysis
- method of application
- method of attack
- method of bearing and distances
- method of bipolar coordinates
- method of calculation
- method of design
- method of detail survey
- method of elastic weights
- method of electric needles
- method of expansion into series
- method of fixed points
- method of intersection
- method of joint isolation
- method of least work
- methods of manufacture
- method of minimum strain energy
- method of moment distribution
- method of radiation
- method of redistribution of pressure
- method of sections
- method of steam jet
- methods of structural analysis
- method of successive approximations
- methods of testing
- method of water needles
- accepted method of building
- accepted method of house construction
- accurate method of analysis
- adhesive nail-on method
- admittance method
- advanced methods of concreting
- advance slope method
- aggregate exposure method
- air permeability method
- alternate methods
- American method
- analytical method of determining reactions
- API method of pile design
- approximate method
- approximation method
- area method
- area-moment method
- assembly methods
- Austrian method
- autogenous curing method
- balanced cantilever method
- Belgian method
- Benoto method
- bentonite method
- Billner method
- "bin" method
- boiling water method
- boom placement concreting method
- bricklaying methods
- building method
- building block module method
- cable method of rock stressing
- calculation method
- cantilever method
- Chicago method
- circular-arc method
- Coast-Survey method
- collapse method of structural design
- combined finite strip-finite element method
- compaction methods of clays
- conjugate beam method
- consistency measurement method
- construction methods
- construction and erection methods
- contiguous pile method
- continuous-flight augers method
- continuous-sample method of advance
- convergence method
- critical method
- critical path method
- Cross moment distribution method
- Cross method
- cross-section method
- current design methods
- cut-and-cover method
- dampproofing methods
- displacement method
- displacement method of advance
- dual-rail method
- dummy unit-load method
- dust-spot method
- Dutch cone method
- earth pressure balanced tunneling method
- elastic center method
- elastic weights method
- electric analogy method
- electric resisting method
- energy method
- equal friction method of duct sizing
- equal friction method
- equivalent load method
- erection method
- fast track construction methods
- fatigue test method
- finite difference method
- finite element method
- finite strip method
- flight auger method
- flotation caisson method
- flue loss method
- folded plate method of analysis
- force method
- free cantilever method of construction
- general method of analysis
- Glotzl hydraulic cell method
- Gow method
- Hardy Cross method
- housing appraisal method
- in-duct method
- industrialized methods of construction
- iterative method
- jack method
- jacking method
- lacquer curtain coating method
- laser beam method
- leap-frog method
- limit equilibrium method
- limit state method
- listening methods
- load factor design method
- mandrel method
- mathematical method of design
- matrix method of structural analysis
- maturity method
- measuring method
- mixed-mode method
- mix-in-place method
- modern building methods
- modular ratio method
- moiré fringe method
- moment-balance method
- nondestructive methods of tests
- normal method of quality control
- null method
- numerical method
- one-rail method
- optical square method
- permissible stress method
- phototheodolite method
- plastic methods of structural analysis
- plate count method
- precast concrete manufacturing methods
- pressuremeter method
- proven construction methods
- p-y method of pile design
- rapid test method
- ratio method of balancing
- rebound hammer method
- reference point method
- relaxation method
- reproducible methods
- resistivity method
- resonant-frequency method
- reverberant field method
- Rockwell method of hardness testing
- safe method
- safe working methods
- secant interlocking pile method
- secant pile method
- seismic method of surveying
- seismic reflection method
- seismic refraction method
- semiprobabilistic design method
- shear transfer method
- shock response method of pile testing
- sliding-wedge method
- slope deflection method
- solar radiation method
- sonic method
- special method of quality control
- standard test method
- static regain method of duct sizing
- static regain method
- statistical design method
- step-by-step method
- strength design method
- strength evaluation method
- successive approximations method
- suspended cantilever method
- swamp shooting method
- Tagg method
- tangent modulus method
- test methods
- Theis method
- thixotropic liquid method
- three-point method
- tilt-up method
- time-saving method of construction
- TNO method of analysis
- TNO method of pile testing
- transit and stadia method
- tremie method
- truss analogy method
- turn-of-nut method
- ultrasonic pulse velocity method
- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction
- valveless pulse-jet method
- vane shear method
- velocity reduction method of duct sizing
- velocity reduction method
- vibratory method
- Vickers method of hardness testing
- volume method of measuring aggregates
- warm water method
- water fog spray method
- western bricklaying method
- western method
- working-stress design method -
8 direction
1. направление2. инструкция; указание3. руководство; управление
* * *
* * *
направление, управление, указание, инструкция
* * *
- direction of chain travel
- direction of deflection
- direction of drilling
- direction of strata
- direction of strike
- base direction
- common-depth-point direction
- common-geophone direction
- common-offset direction
- common-shot direction
- drift direction
- formation direction
- fracture direction
- initial direction
- offset direction
- ray path direction
- reference direction
- reflector dip direction
- reversed direction of shooting
- rift direction
- seismic ray direction
- shooting direction
- shot direction
- transverse direction
- traverse direction* * *• документ• указаниеАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > direction
9 method
- method
- nметод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология
- method of analysis
- method of application
- method of attack
- method of bearing and distances
- method of bipolar coordinates
- method of calculation
- method of design
- method of detail survey
- method of elastic weights
- method of electric needles
- method of expansion into series
- method of fixed points
- method of intersection
- method of joint isolation
- method of least work
- methods of manufacture
- method of minimum strain energy
- method of moment distribution
- method of radiation
- method of redistribution of pressure
- method of sections
- method of steam jet
- methods of structural analysis
- method of successive approximations
- methods of testing
- method of water needles
- accepted method of building
- accepted method of house construction
- accurate method of analysis
- adhesive nail-on method
- admittance method
- advanced methods of concreting
- advance slope method
- aggregate exposure method
- air permeability method
- alternate methods
- American method
- analytical method of determining reactions
- API method of pile design
- approximate method
- approximation method
- area method
- area-moment method
- assembly methods
- Austrian method
- autogenous curing method
- balanced cantilever method
- Belgian method
- Benoto method
- bentonite method
- Billner method
- "bin" method
- boiling water method
- boom placement concreting method
- bricklaying methods
- building method
- building block module method
- cable method of rock stressing
- calculation method
- cantilever method
- Chicago method
- circular-arc method
- Coast-Survey method
- collapse method of structural design
- combined finite strip-finite element method
- compaction methods of clays
- conjugate beam method
- consistency measurement method
- construction methods
- construction and erection methods
- contiguous pile method
- continuous-flight augers method
- continuous-sample method of advance
- convergence method
- critical method
- critical path method
- Cross moment distribution method
- Cross method
- cross-section method
- current design methods
- cut-and-cover method
- dampproofing methods
- displacement method
- displacement method of advance
- dual-rail method
- dummy unit-load method
- dust-spot method
- Dutch cone method
- earth pressure balanced tunneling method
- elastic center method
- elastic weights method
- electric analogy method
- electric resisting method
- energy method
- equal friction method of duct sizing
- equal friction method
- equivalent load method
- erection method
- fast track construction methods
- fatigue test method
- finite difference method
- finite element method
- finite strip method
- flight auger method
- flotation caisson method
- flue loss method
- folded plate method of analysis
- force method
- free cantilever method of construction
- general method of analysis
- Glotzl hydraulic cell method
- Gow method
- Hardy Cross method
- housing appraisal method
- in-duct method
- industrialized methods of construction
- iterative method
- jack method
- jacking method
- lacquer curtain coating method
- laser beam method
- leap-frog method
- limit equilibrium method
- limit state method
- listening methods
- load factor design method
- mandrel method
- mathematical method of design
- matrix method of structural analysis
- maturity method
- measuring method
- mixed-mode method
- mix-in-place method
- modern building methods
- modular ratio method
- moiré fringe method
- moment-balance method
- nondestructive methods of tests
- normal method of quality control
- null method
- numerical method
- one-rail method
- optical square method
- permissible stress method
- phototheodolite method
- plastic methods of structural analysis
- plate count method
- precast concrete manufacturing methods
- pressuremeter method
- proven construction methods
- p-y method of pile design
- rapid test method
- ratio method of balancing
- rebound hammer method
- reference point method
- relaxation method
- reproducible methods
- resistivity method
- resonant-frequency method
- reverberant field method
- Rockwell method of hardness testing
- safe method
- safe working methods
- secant interlocking pile method
- secant pile method
- seismic method of surveying
- seismic reflection method
- seismic refraction method
- semiprobabilistic design method
- shear transfer method
- shock response method of pile testing
- sliding-wedge method
- slope deflection method
- solar radiation method
- sonic method
- special method of quality control
- standard test method
- static regain method of duct sizing
- static regain method
- statistical design method
- step-by-step method
- strength design method
- strength evaluation method
- successive approximations method
- suspended cantilever method
- swamp shooting method
- Tagg method
- tangent modulus method
- test methods
- Theis method
- thixotropic liquid method
- three-point method
- tilt-up method
- time-saving method of construction
- TNO method of analysis
- TNO method of pile testing
- transit and stadia method
- tremie method
- truss analogy method
- turn-of-nut method
- ultrasonic pulse velocity method
- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction
- valveless pulse-jet method
- vane shear method
- velocity reduction method of duct sizing
- velocity reduction method
- vibratory method
- Vickers method of hardness testing
- volume method of measuring aggregates
- warm water method
- water fog spray method
- western bricklaying method
- western method
- working-stress design method
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
См. также в других словарях:
deflection shooting — noun : the aiming of one s fire in aerial gunnery beyond a moving airplane to compensate for its movement … Useful english dictionary
Deflection — or deflexion may refer to: Deflection (engineering), the displacement of a structural element under load Deflection (military), a technique of shooting ahead of a moving target so that the target and projectile will collide Deflection (physics),… … Wikipedia
Deflection (military) — Deflection is a technique used for effectively firing a ranged weapon at a moving target, that describes leading the target ; that is, shooting ahead of a moving target so that the target and projectile will collide. This technique is only… … Wikipedia
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Edward O'Hare — Infobox Military Person name= Edward Henry O Hare born= birth date|1914|3|13 died= death date and age|1943|11|26|1914|3|13 placeofbirth= St. Louis, Missouri placeofdeath= Near the Gilbert Islands placeofburial= caption= LT Edward Butch O Hare in… … Wikipedia
George Beurling — Infobox Military Person name=George Frederick Beurling caption= Buzz Beurling 2 March 1943 born= birth date|1921|12|6|df=y died= death date and age|1948|5|20|1921|12|6|df=y placeofbirth= Verdun, Quebec, Canada placeofdeath= Rome, Italy nickname=… … Wikipedia
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Aviation in World War I — One of the many innovations of World War I, aircraft were first used for reconnaissance purposes and later as fighters and bombers. Consequently, this was the first war which involved a struggle for control of the air, which turned it into… … Wikipedia
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Manuel J. Fernandez — Manuel John Fernandez, Jr. Capt. Manuel J. Fernandez, Jr. of the 334th Fighter Intercepter Squadron, 4th F … Wikipedia
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