1 deferred interest
фин. отсроченный процент* (процент, выплата которого отложена до окончания срока займа; характерен, в частности, для займов, подразумевающих внесение низких периодических платежей, недостаточных для покрытия полной суммы начисленных процентов)Some of the arrangements involve the use of discounted and other deferred interest securities, including capital-indexed securities.
See:* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
2 deferred interest
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > deferred interest
3 deferred interest
1) Юридический термин: с отсроченными процентными выплатами2) Экономика: отсроченный процент3) Банковское дело: отложенное вознаграждение, отсроченное вознаграждение, перенесённое вознаграждение ( по кредиту), перенесённый процент4) SAP.фин. разграничение процентов -
4 deferred interest
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > deferred interest
5 deferred interest
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > deferred interest
6 deferred interest
7 deferred interest
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > deferred interest
8 deferred interest bond
фин. облигация с отсроченными процентами [отсроченными процентными выплатами, отсроченным купоном\]* (облигация, выплата процентов по которой отложена до определенной даты, напр., облигация с нулевыми купоном, доход по которой выплачивается одновременно с основной суммой по истечении срока займа)Syn:See:
* * *
облигация с отсроченными процентными выплатами (напр., по облигации с нулевыми купонами проценты и основная сумма выплачиваются одновременно по истечении срока займа); проценты фактически реинвестируются по фиксированной ставке; цены таких облигаций отличаются более высокой неустойчивостью, чем цены облигаций с регулярной выплатой процентов; см. current coupon bond.* * *• облигация, по которой отсрочена выплата процентов* * *. A bond where interest payments are not made currently, but at a later date. Similar to a zero coupon bond which pays 'interest' and principal at maturity. The interest, in effect, is compounded and paid at maturity. Market prices for such bonds are much more volatile than bonds which pay interest currently. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .Англо-русский экономический словарь > deferred interest bond
9 deferred interest bond
фин. облигация с отсроченными процентами [отсроченными процентными выплатами, отсроченным купоном]* (облигация, выплата процентов по которой отложена до определенной даты, напр., облигация с нулевыми купоном, доход по которой выплачивается одновременно с основной суммой по истечении срока займа)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > deferred interest bond
10 deferred interest bond
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > deferred interest bond
11 deferred coupon note; deferred interest note
фр. obligation à coupon différé
исп. bono de interés diferido
облигация с отсроченным купоном; долговое обязательство с отсроченной выплатой процентов
Облигация, по которой не выплачиваются проценты за относительно короткий период ее обращения на рынке (т.е. до наступления определенной даты. Перев.)
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > deferred coupon note; deferred interest note
12 Deferred Interest Margin
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Deferred Interest Margin
13 deferred interest bond
1) Экономика: облигация с отсроченной выплатой процентов2) Деловая лексика: облигация, по которой отсрочена выплата процентовУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > deferred interest bond
14 deferred-interest bond
Биржевой термин: простая отсроченная облигацияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > deferred-interest bond
15 deferred interest bond
Облигация, проценты по которой выплачиваются при погашении.Англо-русский словарь по инвестициям > deferred interest bond
16 interest
сущ.сокр. Int1)а) общ. интерес, заинтересованностьto be of interest to smb. — представлять интерес для кого-л.
to hold interest — поддерживать [удерживать\] интерес
Syn:concern, curiositySee:б) общ. увлечение, интересыcommunity of interest — сообщество [группа\] по интересам, сообщество интересов
2) общ. выгода, польза, преимущество, интересto protect [defend, safeguard, guard\] smb.'s interests — защищать [отстаивать\] чьи-л. интересы
in smb's interests — в чьих-л. интересах
in (the) interest(s) of smb./smth. — в интересах кого-л./чего-л.
We are acting in the best interest of our customers. — Мы действуем в наилучших интересах наших клиентов.
Syn:See:3) общ., мн. круги (лица, объединенные общими деловыми или профессиональными интересами)moneyed interests — денежные [богатые, финансовые\] круги
wealthy interests — состоятельные [богатые\] круги
See:4)а) эк. доля, участие в собственности [прибыли\] (об участии во владении каким-л. имуществом или каким-л. предприятием; права собственности на какое-л. имущество или на часть в чем-л.)to buy [purchase, acquire\] a controlling interest — покупать [приобретать\] контрольный пакет акций [контрольную долю\]
to sell a controlling interest — продавать контрольный пакет акций [контрольную долю\]
to own an interest — иметь долю, владеть долей (напр. в бизнесе)
half interest — половинная доля, половина
She owned a half interest in the home. — Ей принадлежало право собственности на половину дома.
to hold interest — владеть долей (в чем-л.)
30% interest — 30-процентная доля
He holds a 30% interest in the gold mine. — Он владеет 30-процентной долей в золотой шахте.
Syn:See:director's interest 2), directors' interests, controlling interest, minority interest, majority interest, register of interests in shares, carried interest, interest policy 2), certificate of beneficial interest, long interest, open interest, put-to-call open interest, safeguarding interests, short interest, governmental interestб) эк., юр. имущественное право (право лица владеть, пользоваться и распоряжаться каким-л. имуществом в пределах, установленных законом)to disclaim [renounce\] interest — отказаться от права (собственности)
Interest may be a property right to land, but it's not a right to absolute ownership of land. — Имущественное право может быть правом собственности на землю, но оно не является абсолютным правом собственности на землю.
See:1), shifting interest, beneficial interest, certificate of beneficial interest, register of interests in shares, shifting interest, unit of beneficial interest, insurable interest, dual interest insurance, single interest insurance, interest in tail5)а) фин., банк. процент, процентный доход (доход, получаемый с вложенного капитала и измеряемый как доля от его величины)interest on deposits — процент по депозитам [вкладам\]
to bear [to yield, to carry, to produce\] interest — приносить процент [процентный доход\] ( о финансовом активе)
The loan will carry interest of LIBOR plus 3.8 percent. — Заем принесет процент по ставке ЛИБОР плюс 3,8%.
to invest at interest — вкладывать деньги [инвестировать\] под проценты
The interest accrued to our account. — На нашем счету накопились проценты.
This is a flexible account that allows you to accrue interest on your balance with limited check writing. — Это гибкий счет, который позволяет вам получать проценты на остаток средств при ограниченной выписке чеков.
See:after-tax interest, daily interest, and interest, interest coupon, interest in possession trust, interest income, interest period, interest return, interest yield, interest spread, interest warrant, interest-bearing, interest-free, interest-only strip, interest-paying, accreted interest, accrued interest, accumulated interest, added interest, annual interest, any-interest-date call, area of interest fund, bearing interest, bearing no interest, bond interest, broken period interest, carried interest, cash flow interest coverage ratio, cash interest coverage ratio, deferred interest bond, draw interest, earn interest, field of interest fund, foreign interest payment security, income from interest, liquidity preference theory of interest, separate trading of registered interest and principal of securitiesб) фин., банк. (ссудный) процент (стоимость использования заемных денег; выражается в виде процентной доли от величины займа за определенный период)Banks create money and lend it at interest. — Банки создают деньги и ссужают их под процент.
to pay [to pay out\] interests — платить [выплачивать\] проценты
to calculate [to compute\] interest — вычислять [рассчитывать, подсчитывать\] проценты
computation of interest, calculation of interest, interest calculation, interest computation — расчет процентов
date from which interest is computed — дата, с которой начисляются [рассчитываются\] проценты
interest payment, payment of interest — процентный платеж, процентная выплата, выплата процентов
And, until you attain age 59½, sever employment, die or become disabled, the loans will continue to accrue interest. — И, до тех пор, пока вы не достигнете возраста 59,5 лет, прекратите работать, умрете или станете нетрудоспособным, по кредитам будут продолжать начисляться проценты.
Under Late Payment Legislation, for business-to-business debts, you can recover interest at 4% above the base rate. — В соответствии с законодательством о просроченных платежах, для долговых операций между предприятиями вы можете взыскивать процент в размере базовой процентной ставки плюс 4%.
See:interest rate, bank interest, days of interest, deferred interest, interest on interest, interest amount, past due interest bond, interest on interest, interest policy 1), add-on interest, annual interest, balloon interest, Boston interest, compound interest, compound interest bond, compound interest formula, covered interest arbitrage, cum interest, discount interest, exact interest, exact day interest, ex-interest, future value interest factor, gross interest, imputed interest, net interest, net interest cost, New York interest, simple interest, simple interest formula, interest discountв) фин., банк. = interest rateSee:consumer interest 3), interest allowed, interest parity, interest risk, interest sensitive, interest-induced wealth effect, bank interest, base rate of interest, cross-currency interest rate swap, current interest, effective annual rate of interest, effective interest, fixed interest, Fixed Interest Savings Certificates, fixed interest security, illegal interest, loanable funds theory of interest, monetary theory of interest, nominal interestг) общ. избыток, излишек; навар ( о щедрой благодарности)to repay smb. with interest — отплатить кому-л. с лихвой
She returned our favour with interest. — Она щедро отблагодарила нас за оказанную ей любезность.
* * *
interest; Int 1) процент: сумма, уплачиваемая должником кредитору за пользование деньгами последнего; стоимость использования денег; выражается в виде процентной ставки за определенный период, обычно год; 2) участие в капитале; капиталовложение; акция; титул собственности.* * *Проценты/участие (в капитале). Цена, выплачиваемая за получение денежного кредита. Выражается в виде процентной ставки на определенный период времени и отражает курс обмена текущего потребления на будущее потребление. Также: доля в собственности/право собственности . интерес; вещные права; имущественные права; пай Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *выражение главного содержания отношения данного лица к имуществу, которое является объектом страхования, права на него или обязательству к нему-----Банки/Банковские операциипроцент, процентный доходсм. - per cent -
17 interest
сущ. сокр. Int1)а) фин., банк. процент, процентный доход (доход, получаемый с вложенного капитала и измеряемый как доля от его величины)interest on deposits — процент по депозитам [вкладам]
to bear [carry] interest — приносить процент (о финансовом активе)
The loan will carry interest of LIBOR plus 3.8 percent. — Заем принесет процент по ставке ЛИБОР плюс 3,8%.
See:and interest, after-tax interest, interest coupon, interest in possession trust, interest income, interest period, interest return, interest yield, interest spread, interest warrant, interest-bearing, interest-earning assets, interest-free, interest-only strip, interest-paying, accreted interest, accrued interest, accumulated interest, added interest, annual interest, any-interest-date call, area of interest fund, bearing interest, bearing no interest, bond interest, broken period interest, carried interest, cash flow interest coverage ratio, cash interest coverage ratio, deferred interest bond, draw interest, earn interest, field of interest fund, foreign interest payment security, income from interest, liquidity preference theory of interest, semiannual interest, separate trading of registered interest and principal of securitiesб) фин., банк. (ссудный) процент (стоимость использования заемных денег; выражается в виде процентной доли от величины займа за определенный период)interest payment, payment of interest — процентный платеж, выплата процентов
computation of interest, calculation of interest — расчет процентов
date from which interest is computed — дата, с которой начисляются проценты
Banks create money and lend it at interest. — Банки создают деньги и ссужают их под процент.
See:interest rate, bank interest, days of interest, deferred interest, interest on interest, interest amount, interest on interest, interest policy, add-on interest, annual interest, balloon interest, Boston interest, compound interest, compound interest bond, compound interest formula, covered interest arbitrage, cum interest, discount interest, exact interest, exact day interest, ex-interest, future value interest factor, gross interest, imputed interest, net interest, net interest cost, New York interest, simple interest, simple interest formula2) фин., банк. = interest rateSee:interest allowed, interest parity, interest risk, interest sensitive, interest-induced wealth effect, bank interest, base rate of interest, cross-currency interest rate swap, current interest, effective annual rate of interest, effective interest, fixed interest, Fixed Interest Savings Certificates, fixed interest security, illegal interest, loanable funds theory of interest, monetary theory of interest, nominal interestThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest
18 deferred
[dɪ'fɜːd]прил.1) замедленный; задержанный; заторможенный2) отложенный, отсроченныйdeferred payment — отсроченный платёж; рассрочка
deferred pass амер. — условный перевод на следующий курс с обязательством сдачи академической задолженности
19 interest
n1) интерес; заинтересованность2) обыкн. pl практическая заинтересованность, интересы; выгода; польза3) проценты, процентный доход; ссудный процент4) доля, пай, участие в чем-л.5) обыкн. pl группа лиц, объединенных общими интересами
- accrued interest
- accrued interest on customer deposits
- accrued interest on deposits with credit institutions
- accrued interest on loans to customers
- accrued interest payable
- accrued interest receivable
- accruing interest
- accumulated interest
- added interest
- advance interest
- annual interest
- anticipated interest
- apparent interest
- assurable interest
- average interest
- back interest
- baloon interest
- bank interest
- bank deposit interest
- banking interests
- basic interests
- beneficial interest
- bought interest
- business interests
- buyers' interest
- buying interest
- capital interest
- capitalized interest
- carried interest
- colliding interests
- commercial interests
- common interest
- compound interest
- conflicting interests
- considerable interest
- contending interests
- controlling interest
- conventional interest
- corporate interests
- credit interest
- current interest
- daily interest
- debit interest
- default interest
- defaulted interest
- deferred interest
- departmental interests
- direct interest
- due interest
- earned interest
- economic interest
- equity interest
- essential interests
- everyday interests
- exact interest
- excessive interest
- exorbitant interest
- explict interest
- financial interest
- financial interests
- fixed interest
- foreign interests
- fundamental interests
- general interest
- government interests
- gross interest
- high interest
- home mortgage interest
- hot interest
- illegal interest
- implicit interest
- imputed interest
- industrial interests
- insurable interest
- insured interest
- interim interest
- investment interest
- joint interest
- keen interest
- landed interests
- legal interest
- legitimate interest
- life interest
- loan interest
- long interest
- low interest
- main interest
- major interest
- majority interest
- minimum interest
- minority interest
- moneyed interests
- monopoly interests
- mortgage interest
- mutual interests
- national interests
- negative interest
- net interest
- nominal interest
- nontaxable interest
- open interest
- open policy interest
- opposing interests
- ordinary interest
- outstanding interest
- overdue interest
- overnight interest
- ownership interest
- paid interest
- particular interest
- partner's interest
- partnership interest
- past due interest
- pecuniary interest
- personal interest
- plus accrued interest
- potential interest
- prepaid interest
- primary interest
- private interests
- professional interest
- prolongation interest
- property interests
- proprietary interest
- public interest
- pure interest
- royalty interest
- running interest
- selfish interest
- semiannual interest
- senior interest
- short interest
- simple interest
- social interests
- specific interest
- state interests
- stated interest
- statutory interest
- sustained interest
- tax-exempt interest
- tiered interest
- trading interests
- true interest
- unpaid interest
- usurious interest
- vested interests
- vested interests
- vital interests
- interest for the credit granted
- interest for default
- interest in arrears
- interest in a business
- interests of monopolies
- interests of the state
- interest on an amount
- interest on arrears
- interest on bank credit
- interest on bank loans
- interest on bonds
- interest on capital
- interest on credit
- interest on credit balances
- interest on debenture
- interest on debit balances
- interest on debts
- interest on deposits
- interest on equities
- interest on finance leases
- interest on loan capital
- interest on loans
- interest on loans against bonds
- interest on long-term liabilities
- interest on losses
- interest on mortgage
- interest on overdue payment
- interest on principal
- interest on public loans
- interest on a refund claim
- interest on savings
- interest on savings deposits
- interest on securities
- interest on sight deposit
- interest on a sum
- interest on underpayment
- interest per annum
- capital and interest
- principal and interest
- interest due
- interest payable
- interest receivable
- interest to be collected
- as interest
- at interest
- cum interest
- in the interests of
- in common interest
- less interest
- with interest
- without interest
- bearing interest
- bearing no interest
- no charge for interest
- accumulate interest
- act for public interests
- act in the interests of smb
- add the interest to the capital
- affect the interests
- allow interest on deposits
- arouse interest
- assign interest
- be of interest
- bear interest
- borrow at interest
- calculate interest
- capitalize interest
- carry interest
- charge interest
- charge interest on accounts
- collect interest
- compute interest
- conflict with the interests
- damage interests
- debit interest
- declare an interest
- deduct interest
- defend interests
- draw interest
- earn interest
- express interest
- forfeit interest
- give interest
- harness the interests
- have an interest in smth
- hold financial interests in smth
- invest at interest
- lend at interest
- make interest on a loan
- pay interest
- pay interest on an account
- prejudice interests
- protect interests
- provoke interest
- receive interest
- recover interest
- represent the interests
- run counter the interests
- safeguard interests
- serve the interests
- show interest
- spur investor interest
- take an interest in smth
- uphold interests
- yield interest interest accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > interest
20 interest
1) интерес; заинтересованность2) ссудный процент; проценты, доход с капитала3) доля, пай, участие в капитале•Interests diverge. — Интересы расходятся
См. также в других словарях:
deferred interest — UK US noun [U] FINANCE ► interest on a loan, bond, etc. that does not have to be paid until a future date: »The bonds are sold at a discount to reflect the deferred interest payments … Financial and business terms
Deferred Interest — The amount of interest that is added to the principal balance of a loan when the contractual terms of that loan allow for a scheduled payment to be made that is less than the interest due. When a loan s principal balance increases because of… … Investment dictionary
deferred interest security — ➔ security … Financial and business terms
Deferred Interest Bond — A debt instrument that pays no interest until a date specified in the future. Zero coupon bonds are a form of deferred interest bond … Investment dictionary
Deferred Interest Mortgage — A mortgage loan that allows the borrower to make minimum payments that are less than the entire amount of interest owed. The remaining interest is added to the amount of loan to be paid off. This is considered to be a negative amortization. The… … Investment dictionary
deferred interest bond — A bond that pays interest at a later date, usually in one lump sum, effectively reinvesting interest earned over the life of the bond. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: zero coupon bond. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
deferred interest bond — /dɪˌfɜ:d ɪntrəst bɒnd/ noun same as deferred coupon note … Dictionary of banking and finance
deferred interest bonds — Bonds which carry a provision that interest payments are postponed for a certain period of time … Black's law dictionary
deferred interest bonds — Bonds which carry a provision that interest payments are postponed for a certain period of time … Black's law dictionary
deferred — /dəˈfɜd/ (say duh ferd) adjective 1. postponed or delayed, as property rights which do not vest until some future event has occurred. 2. suspended or held back for a period: deferred interest account of shareholders …
Deferred Acquisition Costs — (DAC) is a term commonly used in the insurance business. It describes the practice of deferring the cost of acquiring a new customer over the duration of the insurance contract. Insurance companies face large upfront costs incurred in issuing new … Wikipedia