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defaulting party

См. также в других словарях:

  • party litigant — A person named as a party to an action or suit. For some purposes, a party who will really litigate the controversy, as distinguished from one defaulting in the action or consenting to judgment. National Bank v McCrillis, 15 Wash 2d 345, 130 P2d… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • guarantee — gua·ran·tee /ˌgar ən tē, ˌgär / n [probably alteration of guaranty] 1: guarantor 2: guaranty (1) 3: an assurance that a condition will be fulfilled: as …   Law dictionary

  • cross-default — A clause which operates by automatically defaulting a party under Agreement A where it has defaulted under Agreement B. A cross default provision effectively gives the non defaulting party under Agreement A the benefit of the default provisions… …   Law dictionary

  • event of default — Certain specified events specified in loan and other documentation which might jeopardise a lender s or investor s position. If they occur the lender or investor is allowed to withdraw and claim earlier repayment of indebtedness. Easyform… …   Law dictionary

  • English contract law — is an influential system regulating the law of contract that operates in England and Wales. Its doctrines form the basis of contract law across the Commonwealth, including Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and South Africa and more generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitral tribunal — An arbitral tribunal (or arbitration tribunal) is a panel of one or more adjudicators which is convened and sits to resolve a dispute by way of arbitration. The tribunal may consist of a sole arbitrator, or there may be two or more arbitrators,… …   Wikipedia

  • Force majeure — (French for superior force ) is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as war, strike, riot, crime, act of …   Wikipedia

  • default — de·fault /di fȯlt, dē ˌfȯlt/ n [Anglo French defalte defaute lack, fault, failure to answer a summons, from defaillir to be lacking, fail, from de , intensive prefix + faillir to fail] 1: failure to do something required by duty (as under a… …   Law dictionary

  • tender — An offer of money. The act by which one produces and offers to a person holding a claim or demand against him the amount of money which he considers and admits to be due, in satisfaction of such claim or demand, without any stipulation or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • liquidated damages — see damage 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. liquidated damages …   Law dictionary

  • force majeure — force ma·jeure / fȯrs ma zhər, mȧ zhœ̅r/ n [French, superior force] 1: superior or insuperable force 2: an event (as war, labor strike, or extreme weather) or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled: fortuitous event compare …   Law dictionary

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