1 default
1) відсутність ( чогось); неявка; бездіяльність; нестача; невиконання (обов'язків, зобов'язань тощо); провинність; неплатіж; невиправність боржника; неподання; невиконання процесуальних дій у призначений термін2) не виконати обов'язок; не з'являтися на виклик до суду; реєструвати неявку до суду; не виконати у призначений термін процесуальну дію; виносити заочне рішення ( на користь позивача), вирішувати справу заочно ( на користь позивача)•- default actiondefault on debt-servicing obligations — 1) невиконання зобов'язань з обслуговування боргу 2) не виконувати зобов'язання з обслуговування боргу
- default at trial
- default in acceptance
- default in appearance
- default in delivery
- default in payment
- default interest
- default judgement
- default judgment
- default of descendants
- default of defence
- default of defense
- default of heirs
- default of issue
- default of male heirs
- default of payment
- default of pleading
- default of public opinion
- default of sons
- default on
- default on debt
- default on interest
- default on loan
- default on obligation
- default on payment
- default risk
- default summons
См. также в других словарях:
Debt service coverage ratio — The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), also known as debt coverage ratio, is the ratio of cash available for debt servicing to interest, principal and lease payments. It is a popular benchmark used in the measurement of an entity s (person or… … Wikipedia
Debt — For other uses, see Debt (disambiguation). Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract … Wikipedia
United States public debt — Part of a series of articles on Unit … Wikipedia
Venezuela — Venezuelan, adj., n. /ven euh zway leuh, zwee /; Sp. /be ne swe lah/, n. a republic in N South America. 22,396,407; 352,143 sq. mi. (912,050 sq. km). Cap.: Caracas. * * * Venezuela Introduction Venezuela Background: Venezuela was one of the three … Universalium
Paraguay — Paraguayan, adj., n. /par euh gwuy , gway /; Sp. /pah rddah gwuy /, n. 1. a republic in central South America between Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina. 5,651,634; 157,047 sq. mi. (406,750 sq. km). Cap.: Asunción. 2. a river in central South America … Universalium
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
government budget — Forecast of governmental expenditures and revenues for the ensuing fiscal year. In modern industrial economies, the budget is the key instrument for the execution of government economic policies. Because government budgets may promote or retard… … Universalium
Subprime crisis impact timeline — The subprime crisis impact timeline includes government laws, regulations and entities and their effect on private institutions; information and statistics about governmental and private activities and trends; and details of important incidents,… … Wikipedia
Pakistan — /pak euh stan , pah keuh stahn /, n. 1. Islamic Republic of, a republic in S Asia, between India and Afghanistan: formerly part of British India; known as West Pakistan from 1947 71 to distinguish it from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).… … Universalium
Tanzania — Tanzanian, n., adj. /tan zeuh nee euh/; Swahili. /tahn zah nee ah/, n. a republic in E Africa formed in 1964 by the merger of the republic of Tanganyika and the former island sultanate of Zanzibar (including Pemba and adjacent small islands).… … Universalium