1 default of defense
2 default of defence
= default of defense неподання пояснень на свій захист ( відповідачем) -
3 default
1) відсутність ( чогось); неявка; бездіяльність; нестача; невиконання (обов'язків, зобов'язань тощо); провинність; неплатіж; невиправність боржника; неподання; невиконання процесуальних дій у призначений термін2) не виконати обов'язок; не з'являтися на виклик до суду; реєструвати неявку до суду; не виконати у призначений термін процесуальну дію; виносити заочне рішення ( на користь позивача), вирішувати справу заочно ( на користь позивача)•- default actiondefault on debt-servicing obligations — 1) невиконання зобов'язань з обслуговування боргу 2) не виконувати зобов'язання з обслуговування боргу
- default at trial
- default in acceptance
- default in appearance
- default in delivery
- default in payment
- default interest
- default judgement
- default judgment
- default of descendants
- default of defence
- default of defense
- default of heirs
- default of issue
- default of male heirs
- default of payment
- default of pleading
- default of public opinion
- default of sons
- default on
- default on debt
- default on interest
- default on loan
- default on obligation
- default on payment
- default risk
- default summons -
4 judgement
думка; судження; судове рішення, вирок; розгляд, слухання ( справи у суді); висновок суду стосовно правильності процедури; покаранняjudgement of nil capiat per breve — рішення на користь відповідача; рішення про відмову у позові, рішення про відхилення позову
judgement of quod respondeat ouster — рішення про надання (подання) відповідачем пояснень по суті справи
- judgement awarding damagesjudgement rendered against a party — судове рішення, винесене проти сторони
- judgement book
- judgement by actionem
- judgement by consent
- judgement by court
- judgement by default
- judgement by cognovit
- judgement by confession
- judgement by default
- judgement creditor
- judgement debt
- judgement debtor
- judgement docket
- judgement entered of record
- judgement for liquidated claim
- judgement for the defence
- judgement for the defense
- judgement for the defendant
- judgement for the plaintiff
- judgement for the prosecution
- judgement for tort
- judgement for want of plea
- judgement in Admiralty
- judgement in default
- judgement in equity
- judgement in error
- judgement in equity
- judgement in personam
- judgement in rem
- judgement in the merits
- judgement inter partes
- judgement lien
- judgement-making power
- judgement nihil dicit
- judgement nisi
- judgement of acquittal
- judgement of cassetur breve
- judgement of common-law court
- judgement of Congress
- judgement of conviction
- judgement of court
- judgement of death
- judgement of dismissal
- judgement of nolle prosequi
- judgement of nolle prosequitur
- judgement of nonsuit
- judgement of quod computet
- judgement of quod recuperet
- judgement of repleader
- judgement of retraxit
- judgement of revocation
- judgement of separation
- judgement of the majority
- judgement on demurrer
- judgement on formal grounds
- judgement on the merits
- judgement-passing power
- judgement pro retorno habendo
- judgement proceedings
- judgement-proof
- judgement
- judgement rationale
- judgement register
- judgement rendered
- judgement rendered for a party
- judgement reserved
- judgement respited
- judgement roll
- judgement sample
- judgement seat
- judgement sentence
- judgement summons
- judgement under attack
- judgement upon verdict -
5 be
be a threat to a country's economic independence — становити (собою) загрозу економічній незалежності країни, загрожувати економічній незалежності держави
be a threat to a country's sovereignty — становити (собою) загрозу національному суверенітету, загрожувати національному суверенітету
be abdicant of responsibilities — знімати з себе відповідальність; нехтувати своїми обов'язками
be appointed with the advice and consent — (of Parliament, etc.) призначатися за рекомендацією і згодою ( парламенту тощо)
be arrested while in attendance — бути заарештованим за порушення парламентського імунітету під час присутності ( на засіданні законодавчого органу), підлягати арешту на засіданні законодавчого органу
be brought to punishment for crime — = be brought to punishment for one's crime понести покарання за злочин
be brought to punishment for one's crime — = be brought to punishment for crime
be called as a witness for the defence — = be called as a witness for the defense викликатися в якості свідка захисту
be called as a witness for the defense — = be called as a witness for the defence
be disqualified from membership — ( of parliament) лишитися місця ( у парламенті) (про особу), не мати права бути членом ( парламенту)
be elected on the second ballot — = be elected on the second balloting бути обраним у другому турі виборів
be elected on the second balloting — = be elected on the second ballot
be engaged in activities that may endanger national security — займатися діяльність, що становить небезпеку для національної безпеки
be engaged in criminal activity — = be engaged in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be engaged in criminal activities — = be engaged in criminal activity
be exempt from the jurisdiction of the receiving state — не підпадати під юрисдикцію держави-господаря
be involved in criminal activity — = be involved in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be involved in criminal activities — = be involved in criminal activity
be of a recommendatory character — = be of a recommendatory nature мати рекомендаційний характер
be put in double jeopardy for the same offence — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
be put in double jeopardy for the same offense — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offence
be released on an undertaking not to leave — ( a city) звільнятися під підписку про невиїзд ( з міста)
be subject to arbitrary judgement — = be subject to arbitrary judgment піддаватися довільному засудженню
be subject to arbitrary judgment — = be subject to arbitrary judgement
be subject to close control by legislation — = be subject to close control by legislation the courts підлягати суворому контролю з боку законодавчого органу (судів)
be subject to close control by legislation the courts — = be subject to close control by legislation
be subject to mandatory retirement at a fixed age — підлягати обов'язковому виходу у відставку (на пенсію) після досягнення визначеного віку
be subject to the discretion of the court — вирішуватися судом; віддаватися на розсуд суду
be tried twice for the same offence — = be tried twice for the same offence offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
- be brought before a courtbe tried twice for the same offence offense — = be tried twice for the same offence
- be brought before a magistrate
- be effective as law
- be punished on an indictment
- be shaken on cross-examination
- be a fugitive from justice
- be a judge
- be a lawyer
- be a party to a crime
- be a representative
- be a violation
- be about to commit an offence
- be about to commit an offense
- be above the law
- be absent
- be absent from court
- be absent from duty
- be absent from work
- be accountable
- be accused
- be accused of bribe-taking
- be accused of high treason
- be actionable
- be actionable on proof
- be admitted to bail
- be admitted to citizenship
- be admitted to the bar
- be affixed
- be allowed as evidence
- be allowed in evidence
- be ambushed
- be answerable
- be appointed by the president
- be appointed a judge
- be approved by the legislature
- be armed
- be arrested en masse
- be at fault
- be at law
- be at quarrel
- be at the Bar
- be at the crime scene
- be at war
- be authorized by the situation
- be aware
- be aware of a risk
- be aware of one's rights
- be aware of the crime
- be based
- be behind bars
- be beneath one's dignity
- be biased
- be booked for speeding
- be born in lawful wedlock
- be brought to court for trial
- be brought up
- be brought up to one's trial
- be called to the Bar
- be called upon to testify
- be cast in lawsuit
- be censored
- be chairman
- be chairwoman
- be charged
- be charged on the article
- be charged with high treason
- be confirmed
- be considered an authority
- be constitutionally based
- be convicted of murder
- be criminally liable
- be debated
- be deemed harmful to health
- be defeated in elections
- be defined by law
- be deprived
- be deprived of legal validity
- be deprived of privileges
- be detained in one's home
- be discussed
- be dislocated
- be dispossessed
- be divorced
- be down for a speech
- be educated
- be educated in law
- be elected
- be elected by direct ballot
- be elected for a second term
- be elected President
- be eligible
- be eligible for an amnesty
- be eligible for consideration
- be engaged
- be engaged in prostitution
- be entangled by intrigue
- be entitled
- be entitled to an attorney
- be entitled to benefit
- be entitled to speak and vote
- be equal before the law
- be equal in rights
- be equally authentic
- be exact in one's payments
- be exempt from control
- be exempted from taxation
- be expert with a revolver
- be fined for speeding
- be found guilty
- be found guilty on all counts
- be found not guilty
- be free from forced marriage
- be given a clearance
- be given security clearance
- be governed
- be guaranteed against loss
- be guided
- be guilty
- be guilty of murder
- be head
- be heard by counsel
- be heard in one's defence
- be heard in one's defense
- be heavily taxed
- be held legally responsible
- be held liable
- be high on drugs
- be hurtful to the health
- be ignorant
- be immune
- be immune from attachment
- be immune from execution
- be immune from jurisdiction
- be immune from prosecution
- be immune from requisition
- be immune from search
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in a crime
- be in a mora
- be in abeyance
- be in accordance with the law
- be in arrear
- be in arrears
- be in breach
- be in charge
- be in charge of a department
- be in conference
- be in continuous session
- be in control of one's actions
- be in control of the territory
- be in custody
- be in debt
- be in default
- be in dispute
- be in exile
- be in foster care
- be in hiding
- be in hock
- be in jail
- be in jeopardy
- be in office
- be in on a racket
- be in possession
- be in power
- be in prison
- be in protest
- be in session
- be in the chair
- be in the clear
- be in the committee
- be in the dock
- be in the majority
- be in the minority
- be in the possession
- be in trouble
- be in trouble with the law
- be inaugurated as president
- be incited
- be included in a commission
- be included in the amnesty
- be innocent of the crime
- be inspired
- be instigated
- be instructed in law
- be interdicted by law
- be involved
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in the crime
- be legally entitled
- be legally obligated
- be legally responsible
- be levied with a tax
- be liable
- be liable to smth.
- be liable civilly
- be liable criminally
- be liable for confiscation
- be liable for punishment
- be liable for tax
- be liable to prosecution
- be made known
- be made widely known
- be morally bankrupt
- be number one on the hit list
- be of a recommendatory nature
- be of counsel
- be of full age
- be of legal age
- be of little legal consequence
- be of provocative character
- be on a death row
- be on a tour of inspection
- be on all fours
- be on charge
- be on duty
- be on leave
- be on one's trail
- be on patrol
- be on picket
- be on remand
- be on the downward path
- be on the floor
- be on the force
- be on the run
- be on the staff
- be on the stakeout
- be on the take
- be on the track
- be on the wanted circular
- be on the wanted list
- be operating illegally
- be out of court
- be out of it
- be out of uniform
- be out of work
- be out
- be outlawed
- be outside the reference
- be outvoted
- be persecuted
- be personally liable
- be placed in the dock
- be placed into the dock
- be placed under surveillance
- be popularly elected
- be prejudiced
- be present at the death
- be present at the hearing
- be privately owned
- be privileged from arrest
- be proctorized
- be prohibited by law
- be proscribed by law
- be prosecutable by law
- be prosecuted
- be proxy
- be pulled in for speeding
- be punishable
- be put in the dock
- be put into the dock
- be put on parole
- be put on trial
- be qualified for membership
- be raised to the bench
- be re-elected
- be received in audience
- be regulated
- be rehabilitated
- be released at large
- be released from prison
- be remiss in duties
- be responsible
- be rounded up
- be seised of an issue
- be sent on an embassy
- be sentenced to death
- be sentenced to life
- be served with a summons
- be sought for murder
- be steeped in crime
- be struck off the list
- be struck off the records
- be subject
- be subject to a rule
- be subject to an interception
- be subject to call
- be subject to control
- be subject to law
- be subject to licence
- be subject to license
- be subject to limitations
- be subject to penalty
- be subject to punishment
- be subject to qualifications
- be subject to ratification
- be subject to review
- be subject to sanction
- be subject to the supervision
- be subject to torture
- be subjected to censorship
- be subjected to discrimination
- be subjected to interrogation
- be subjected to penalty
- be subjected to persecution
- be subjected to reprisals
- be subjected to repressions
- be subjected to victimization
- be subordinate only to the law
- be subversive of discipline
- be sued
- be sued civilly
- be suspected
- be taxed
- be tortured to death
- be trained in law
- be trapped
- be treated as a crime
- be tried
- be under cognizance
- be under a ban
- be under a cloud
- be under a suspicion
- be under accusation
- be under age
- be under an accusation
- be under arrest
- be under constant surveillance
- be under debate
- be under discussion
- be under examination
- be under indictment
- be under investigation
- be under legal age
- be under surveillance
- be under suspicion
- be under the control
- be under the effect of alcohol
- be under the jurisdiction
- be unopposed in the election
- be unopposed in the elections
- be valid
- be valid for a certain period
- be vested in the people
- be vicariously liable
- be victimized
- be well versed in law
- be widely defined
- be within cognizance
- be without appeal
- be without further appeal
- be wrong -
6 in
в, уin case the votes of the permanent members of the Security Council do not concur — у випадку неспівпадіння голосів постійний членів Ради Безпеки ( ООН)
in good faith and on reasonable ground — = in good faith and on reasonable grounds добросовісно і на розумній підставі
in good faith and on reasonable grounds — = in good faith and on reasonable ground
in-patient psychiatric facility — психіатрична лікарня, психіатричний стаціонар
in the absence of applicable legal rules — за відсутності відповідних правових норм ( в законодавстві)
in the act of committing an offence — = in the act of committing an offense під час вчинення злочину
in the act of committing an offense — = in the act of committing an offence
in the commission of an offence — = in the commission of an offense під час вчинення злочину
in the commission of an offense — = in the commission of an offence
in the interests of the investigation still under way — в інтересах слідства, що ще не закінчилося
- in-custody confessionin the part not contravening the constitution — в частині, що не суперечить конституції
- in-custody interrogation
- in-door training
- in flagrant delict
- in-house expert
- in-house policy
- in a consultative capacity
- in a democratic way
- in a diplomatic pouch
- in a discriminatory fashion
- in a dishonest way
- in a due process of law
- in a non-discriminatory manner
- in a perfunctory manner
- in a state of intoxication
- in abeyance
- in absentia
- in accordance
- in accordance with a direction
- in accordance with the law
- in advance
- in aggravating circumstances
- in an arbitrary manner
- in an emergency
- in an open meeting
- in bad faith
- in banc
- in banco
- in bank
- in bar of...
- in behalf
- in blank
- in bonds
- in bounden duty
- in breach
- in camera
- in camera hearing
- in camera inspection
- in case of death
- in cold blood
- in commission
- in concert
- in conclusion
- in confidence
- in conformity
- in conformity with the law
- in contempt
- in contravention
- in contumaciam
- in court
- in criminal way
- in criminal ways
- in curia
- in default of payment
- in defence
- in defense
- in defiance
- in defiance of the law
- in depth
- in derogation
- in detail
- in dishonor
- in dissent
- in due form
- in duty bound
- in duty status
- in effect
- in equity
- in escrow
- in everybody's interest
- in evidence
- in ex.
- in exchange
- in exchange for confession
- in fact
- in fair do's
- in faith whereof
- in favor
- in favour
- in favor of the defendant
- in favour of the defendant
- in favor of the plaintiff
- in favour of the plaintiff
- in flagrant delict
- in flagrant violation
- in flagrante delicto
- in force
- in forma pauperis
- in full session
- in good faith
- in good times
- in gross
- in hand
- in invitum
- in jeopardy
- in judicio
- in keeping with the law
- in kind
- in latere
- in law
- in-law relation
- in-law relative
- in legal contemplation
- in legal terms
- in line of duty
- in litem
- in local currency
- in memoria
- in money terms
- in mora
- in national currency
- in one's capacity
- in one's discretion
- in one's employment
- in one's own defence
- in one's own defense
- in one's own right
- in open court
- in order of seniority
- in pais
- in palliation
- in pari causa
- in pari causa
- in-patient examination
- in-patient treatment
- in peril of life
- in peril of one's life
- in perpetuity
- in person
- in personam
- in place
- in-place sexual harassment
- in power
- in prejudice
- in preparation
- in principle
- in private capacity
- in privity
- in public
- in pursuance
- in pursuance of a contract
- in pursuance of a law
- in question
- in re
- in record
- in rem
- in rent
- in reverse order
- in revolt
- in rotation
- in safe custody
- in-stock balance
- in terms of money
- in the absence
- in the absence of evidence
- in the absence of witnesses
- in the amount
- in the article of death
- in the bad graces
- in the concrete
- in the course of a crime
- in the course of duty
- in the course of investigation
- in the court-house
- in the face
- in the field of law
- in the guise
- in the heat of passion
- in the interests
- in the interest of justice
- in the interests of justice
- in the interests of security
- in the interests of law
- in the international arena
- in the last resort
- in the legal sense
- in the line of service
- in the matter
- in the matter of
- in the policeman's presence
- in the practice of law
- in the presence
- in the presence of a lawyer
- in the presence of the court
- in the pretence
- in the robe
- in the spirit
- in the spirit of smth.
- in the world arena
- in this behalf
- in totality
- in transitu
- in violation
- in witness
- in witness whereof
- in words
- in-work sexual harassment
- in 2001 edition -
7 make
робити, виготовляти; вносити (зміни, доповнення у документ)make a composite sketch of a suspect — робити словесний портрет підозрюваного ( за свідченнями кількох свідків)
make a false report about an offence — = make a false report about an offense робити фальшиве повідомлення про злочин ( до поліції тощо)
make a false report about an offense — = make a false report about an offence
make a note of smb.'s statement — = make a note of statement
make an early delineation of factual and legal issues — робити попереднє розмежування питань факту і питань права
make electoral campaign contributions for political ends — робити внески на виборчу кампанію з політичною метою
- make a billmake special security arrangements — = make special security measures вживати спеціальні заходи безпеки
- make a bomb
- make a cat's paw
- make a charge
- make a claim
- make a code
- make a compensation
- make a complaint
- make a complaint to the UN
- make a concession
- make a condition
- make a contract
- make a contract with a client
- make a copy
- make a copy of the original
- make a crime scene sketch
- make a deal
- make a death threat
- make a decisions by majority
- make a detainee talk
- make a diplomatic demarche
- make a draft law
- make a false statement
- make a fetish
- make a fetish of the past
- make a final ruling
- make a full confession
- make a gift
- make a good lawyer
- make a good title
- make a joint statement
- make a law
- make a loan
- make a mistake
- make a moral choice
- make a motion
- make a narrow inquiry
- make a narrow search
- make a new will
- make a normative decision
- make a note of statement
- make a part
- make a payoff
- make a penalty conditional
- make a petition
- make a plea in mitigation
- make a poor shot
- make a prisoner talk
- make a proposal
- make a protest
- make a provision
- make a public statement
- make a quick get-away
- make a raid
- make a recommendation
- make a revolt
- make a round
- make a search
- make a shot at smth.
- make a statement
- make a statement for the press
- make a temporary appointment
- make a treaty
- make a voluntary statement
- make a will
- make accountable
- make additions
- make alterations
- make amends
- make an affidavit
- make an agreement
- make an amendment
- make an appeal
- make an arrangement
- make an arrest
- make an attachment
- make an attempt on the life
- make an award
- make an examination
- make an example of an offender
- make an inquiry
- make an investigation
- make an official statement
- make an order
- make appearance
- make one's appearance
- make arrangement
- make arrangements
- make arrest
- make away
- make away with oneself
- make bail
- make bankrupt
- make blood test
- make calculations
- make charge
- make child pornography
- make clean breast of it
- make clear
- make compensation
- make confession
- make court
- make crime
- make default
- make defence
- make defense
- make demands
- make difficulties
- make diplomatic overtures
- make diplomatic sounding
- make disturbance
- make disturbances
- make easy
- make effort
- make enforcement distinctions
- make entrance
- make equal
- make escape
- make one's escape
- make escape by a back door
- make fealty
- make formal charges
- make good
- make good a deficiency
- make good a delay
- make good a loss
- make good an omission
- make good escape
- make good losses
- make handwriting sample
- make handwriting samples
- make illicit profits
- make information secret
- make insinuations
- make known
- make law
- make laws
- make less stringent
- make mandatory
- make moral choice
- make more democratic
- make more severe
- make nil
- make nil
- make nil and void
- make null
- make null
- make null and void
- make oath
- make off
- make out
- make out a document
- make out an invoice
- make out one's case
- make overtures
- make payment
- make-peace
- make peace
- make penal
- make pornography
- make protest
- make provision
- make provisions in the law
- make public
- make public election results
- make punishment fit the crime
- make quietus
- make regular
- make regulation
- make representations
- make reservation
- make restitution to the victim
- make revolt
- make safe
- make safety regulations
- make satisfaction
- make secret
- make secure
- make senior appointments
- make service upon the attorney
- make sounding
- make special security measures
- make stronger
- make supplementary examination
- make supplementary inquiry
- make sure
- make tax policy more flexible
- make territorial changes
- make the bull's-eye
- make the house
- make threatening phone call
- make threatening phone calls
- make threats
- make up a quarrel
- make up a report
- make-up pay
- make use
- make valid
- make war
См. также в других словарях:
Default judgment — Civil procedure in the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Doctrines of civil procedure Jurisdiction Subject matter jurisdiction Diversity jurisdiction Personal jurisdiction Removal jurisdiction Venue Change of venue … Wikipedia
default judgment — see judgment 1a Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. default judgment … Law dictionary
defense — de·fense /di fens, dē ˌfens/ n 1: the act or action of defending see also self defense 2 a: the theory or ground that forms the basis for a defendant s opposition to an allegation in a complaint or to a charge in a charging instrument (as an… … Law dictionary
defense — That which is offered and alleged by the party proceeded against in an action or suit, as a reason in law or fact why the plaintiff should not recover or establish what he seeks. That which is put forward to diminish plaintiffs cause of action or … Black's law dictionary
defense — That which is offered and alleged by the party proceeded against in an action or suit, as a reason in law or fact why the plaintiff should not recover or establish what he seeks. That which is put forward to diminish plaintiffs cause of action or … Black's law dictionary
Defense of infancy — Criminal defenses … Wikipedia
Alliance Defense Fund — The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is a conservative Christian nonprofit organization with the stated goal of defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation. [… … Wikipedia
Israel Defense Forces — Military of Israel Israel Defense Forces logo Founded 1948 Service branches … Wikipedia
Global Defense Initiative — The United Nations Global Defense Initiative (or UNGDI for short) is a fictional militarized branch of the United Nations which is featured prominently in the of Westwood Studios Command Conquer real time strategy video games. A globalized and… … Wikipedia
Israel Defense Force — Israelische Streitkräfte Tzwa haHagana leJisra’el Führung Oberbefehlsh … Deutsch Wikipedia
Israel Defense Forces — Israelische Streitkräfte Tzwa haHagana leJisra’el Führung Oberbefehlsh … Deutsch Wikipedia