1 default action
судова справа про неплатіж (несплату); судова справа про відмову сплачувати борг -
2 default
1) відсутність ( чогось); неявка; бездіяльність; нестача; невиконання (обов'язків, зобов'язань тощо); провинність; неплатіж; невиправність боржника; неподання; невиконання процесуальних дій у призначений термін2) не виконати обов'язок; не з'являтися на виклик до суду; реєструвати неявку до суду; не виконати у призначений термін процесуальну дію; виносити заочне рішення ( на користь позивача), вирішувати справу заочно ( на користь позивача)•- default actiondefault on debt-servicing obligations — 1) невиконання зобов'язань з обслуговування боргу 2) не виконувати зобов'язання з обслуговування боргу
- default at trial
- default in acceptance
- default in appearance
- default in delivery
- default in payment
- default interest
- default judgement
- default judgment
- default of descendants
- default of defence
- default of defense
- default of heirs
- default of issue
- default of male heirs
- default of payment
- default of pleading
- default of public opinion
- default of sons
- default on
- default on debt
- default on interest
- default on loan
- default on obligation
- default on payment
- default risk
- default summons -
3 claim
1) заява; заявлення; заявка; посилання ( на щось); патентна формула, формула винаходу; пункт патентної формули, пункт формули винаходу; заявлення прав; (суб'єктивне) твердження; привід; претензія; скарга, рекламація; праводомагання, право вимагання (вимоги); вимога; позов; ділянка, відведена під розробку надр2) заявляти, стверджувати; претендувати; вимагати; вимагати за правом, пред'являти права ( на щось); заявляти право (претензію); позиватися, шукати ( в суді)•claim against a bankrupt estate — позов на майно неспроможного боржника; позов проти конкурсної маси
claim for restitution of property — вимога відновлення початкового права власності, вимога про повернення власності
claim recognition of lawful rights — = claim recognition of legitimate rights вимагати визнання своїх законних прав
- claim a lifeclaim recognition of legitimate rights — = claim recognition of lawful rights
- claim a right
- claim adjuster
- claim adjustment
- claim administration
- claim advice
- claim and delivery
- claim assessor
- claim back
- claim based on bill
- claim based on defect
- claim bond
- claim compensation
- claim corrective payment
- claim credit
- claim damages
- claim default
- claim dismissal of an action
- claim document
- claim does not lie
- claim drafting
- claim for compensation
- claim for damages
- claim for dismissal
- claim for dissolution
- claim for exoneration
- claim for indemnification
- claim for payment
- claim for recovery
- claim for refund
- claim for relief
- claim form
- claim immunity
- claim inheritance
- claim in action
- claim in contract
- claim in return
- claim in tort
- claim insanity
- claim letter
- claim not settled
- claim of indemnity
- claim of interest
- claim of marriage
- claim of ownership
- claim of recourse
- claim of right
- claim of sovereignty
- claim of title
- claim on customer
- claim on government
- claim one's right
- claim over
- claim paid
- claim papers
- claim payments
- claim patent infringement
- claim performance of a treaty
- claim priority
- claim privilege
- claim responsibility
- claim right
- claim settlement
- claim sheet
- claim statement
- claim sustained
- claim to personal property
- claim to the throne
- claim under a policy
- claim under another's right
- claim under one's own right
- claim victim -
4 congressional
який стосується Конгресу (США) (часто перекладним відповідником є просто форма родового відмінку Конгресу)- congressional acquiescence
- congressional action
- congressional agency
- congressional approval
- congressional authorization
- congressional ban
- Congressional Budget Office
- congressional candidate
- congressional caucus
- congressional code of ethics
- congressional commissioner
- congressional committee
- congressional consideration
- congressional control
- congressional cooperation
- congressional debate
- congressional debates
- congressional default
- congressional district
- congressional districting
- congressional election
- congressional elections
- congressional electorate
- congressional enactment
- congressional encroachment
- congressional endorsement
- congressional enforcement
- congressional establishment
- congressional hearing
- congressional hearings
- congressional houses
- congressional immunity
- congressional impeachment
- congressional implementation
- congressional instrument
- congressional investigation
- congressional investigators
- congressional law
- congressional leader
- congressional leadership
- congressional legislation
- congressional liaison
- congressional majority
- congressional membership
- congressional office
- congressional opinion
- congressional opposition
- congressional organization
- congressional power
- congressional practices
- congressional pressure
- congressional procedure
- congressional proceeding
- congressional proceedings
- congressional question
- congressional reform
- Congressional Record
- congressional representation
- Congressional Research Service
- congressional rules
- congressional scrutiny
- congressional seat
- congressional session
- congressional size
- Congressional statute
- congressional support
- congressional testimony
- congressional voter
- congressional work -
5 investigation
розслідування, слідство; дізнання; розгляд ( судової справи); обстеження; висновки слідства- investigation actioninvestigation into the legality — (of smth.) розслідування законності ( чогось)
- investigation at the trial
- investigation by default
- investigation cell
- investigation experiment
- investigation expert
- investigation files
- investigation group
- investigation in court
- investigation isolation ward
- investigation materials
- investigation measure
- investigation of a company
- investigation of a question
- investigation of an accident
- investigation of an incident
- investigation of circumstances
- investigation of crime
- investigation of espionage
- investigation of evidence
- investigation of facts
- investigation officer
- investigation on a case
- investigation process
- investigation right
- investigation suit-case
- investigation under torture
- investigation ward
- investigation's findings -
6 party
група; компанія; учасник, сторона (в судовому процесі, угоди тощо); (політична) партія- party affiliation
- party and party costs
- party-appointed
- party at fault
- party committee
- party concerned
- party congress
- party convention
- party convicted
- party discipline
- party elite
- party expenses
- party girl
- party ideology
- party in a trial
- party in contempt
- party in controversy
- party in default
- party in delay
- party in fault
- party in interest
- party in office
- party in power
- party in the procedure
- party leader
- party list
- party litigant
- party member
- party not at fault
- party not in fault
- party of power
- party-opponent
- party opposition vote
- party opposition voting
- party rules
- party to a conflict
- party to a contract
- party to a crime
- party to a dispute
- party to a lawsuit
- party to a marriage
- party to a suit
- party to a trial
- party to agreement
- party to an accident
- party to an action
- party to be charged
- party to contract
- party to proceedings
- party to the charge
- party to the contract
- party to the convention
- party's moral stand
- party's premises -
7 debtor
(Dr)n ком., фін. боржник; дебітор; a дебіторськийюридична (entity) чи фізична особа, яка має фінансову заборгованість (debt) підприємству, організації, установі тощо═════════■═════════acceptance debtor боржник за векселем • дебітор векселя; bill debtor боржник за векселем • дебітор векселя; claim debtor боржник за позовом; defaulting debtor боржник, який порушив зобов'язання; insolvent debtor неплатоспроможний боржник; joint debtor спільний боржник; judgement debtor боржник за постановою суду; loan debtor позичальник • позичальниця; net monetary debtor чистий грошовий боржник; primary debtor основний боржник • першочерговий боржник; principal debtor головний боржник; secondary debtor другорядний боржник; sundry debtors різні дебітори; trade debtor торговельні дебітори═════════□═════════debtor-creditor relation відносини кредитора і дебітора; debtor nation країна-дебітор • країна-боржник; debtor quota дебіторська квота; debtor's default невиконання зобов'язань дебітором • невиконання зобов'язань боржником; debtor's delay затримка платежів дебітором • затримання платежів боржником • відтермінування сплати боргу; debtor on mortgage іпотечний боржник; to sue a debtor подавати/подати на дебітора до суду; to take action against a debtor починати/почати судову справу проти дебітораdebtor: creditor; debtor — довжник (діал.)═════════◇═════════дебітор < лат. debitor — зобов'язаний; у XVII ст. «дебиторъ» має значення «кредитор», «вірник»: «Ѳедорь, дочувшися о прибытю дебитора своєго, умыслне где, скрился». Прот. спр. пот. 6. «Должникъ... доброволне знался, что зостаєт дебиторови своєму девет копъ винень». Акт. Старод. кн. 6. (ISUJ: 685)пр. creditor* * *боржник; позичальник
См. также в других словарях:
default — de·fault /di fȯlt, dē ˌfȯlt/ n [Anglo French defalte defaute lack, fault, failure to answer a summons, from defaillir to be lacking, fail, from de , intensive prefix + faillir to fail] 1: failure to do something required by duty (as under a… … Law dictionary
Action for Global Health — Action for Global Health1. IntroductionAction for Global Health has been formed by 15 non governmental organisations and charities in 2006. Current partners are based in Brussels, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK (see below for more… … Wikipedia
default of pleadings — failure by either party to complete a step required of him in the prescribed time limits. So, where the plaintiff is required to serve a statement of claim on a defendant and fails to do so, the defendant, after the expiration of the period… … Law dictionary
Default — De*fault , n. [OE. defaute, OF. defaute, defalte, fem., F. d[ e]faut, masc., LL. defalta, fr. a verb meaning, to be deficient, to want, fail, fr. L. de + fallere to deceive. See {Fault}.] 1. A failing or failure; omission of that which ought to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
default divorce — A divorce in which one party obtains a judgment of divorce based on the other party s failure to file a response to the divorce petition. A default divorce can be obtained when one spouse truly can t find the other or when the second spouse… … Law dictionary
Action Blast! — was an animation television program shown on the cable and satellite channel, G4 in the 8am ET hour. Hosted by Louden Noxious and The Beav from Kaiju Big Battel, the show was premiered on January 2, 2006 and ended exactly one year later on… … Wikipedia
Default judgment — Civil procedure in the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Doctrines of civil procedure Jurisdiction Subject matter jurisdiction Diversity jurisdiction Personal jurisdiction Removal jurisdiction Venue Change of venue … Wikipedia
Action Quake 2 — Infobox VG |title = Action Quake II developer = The A Team (Akimbo Team Productions, LLC) engine = Quake II version = 1.0c (stable client) released = November 12, 1998 (v1.0c) genre = FPS modes = Multiplayer ratings = Not rated platforms =… … Wikipedia
Default notice — All credit applications (e.g., personal loans, credit cards or store cards) opened in the United Kingdom are regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 2006. This piece of legislation requires that creditors must issue a default notice to any customer… … Wikipedia
ACTION — This article is about an Australian bus service. For the U.S. government agency, see ACTION (U.S. government agency). Mode Commuter bus Operator … Wikipedia
Default Notice — All credit applications (Eg personal loans, credit cards or store cards) opened in the United Kingdom are regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 2006. This piece of legislation requires that creditors must issue a Default Notice to any customer who … Wikipedia