1 deepwater flounder
Биология: глубоководная карибская камбала (Monolene) -
2 deepwater flounder
3 flounder
- arrow-toothed flounder
- Bering flounder
- big-mouthed flounder
- black flounder
- Christmas flounder
- crested flounder
- deepwater flounder
- eel-back flounder
- fan-tailed flounder
- finless flounder
- flat-headed flounder
- frog flounder
- great flounder
- green-back flounder
- Gulf-stream flounder
- lambtongue flounder
- large-scaled flounders
- left-eyed flounders
- long-tailed flounder
- pelican flounder
- peppered flounder
- pole flounder
- right-eyed flounder
- rusty flounder
- sand flounder
- spiny-rayed flounders
- spotted flounder
- starry flounder
- stone flounder
- summer flounder
- three-spotted flounder
- tongue flounder
- winter flounder
- witch flounder
- yellow-belly flounder -
4 flounder, deepwater
—1. LAT Monolene maculipinna Garman2. RUS чернопёрая монолена f3. ENG deepwater flounder4. DEU —5. FRA —DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > flounder, deepwater
5 10757
1. LAT Monolene maculipinna Garman2. RUS чернопёрая монолена f3. ENG deepwater flounder4. DEU —5. FRA —
См. также в других словарях:
deepwater flounder — juodpelekė gelminė plekšnė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Monolene maculipinna angl. deepwater flounder rus. чернопёрая монолена ryšiai: platesnis terminas – karibinės gelminės plekšnės … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Bothidae — Taxobox name = Lefteye flounders image width = 240px image caption = Scaldfish, Arnoglossus laterna regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Pleuronectiformes familia = Bothidae subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision =… … Wikipedia
Monolene maculipinna — juodpelekė gelminė plekšnė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Monolene maculipinna angl. deepwater flounder rus. чернопёрая монолена ryšiai: platesnis terminas – karibinės gelminės plekšnės … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
juodpelekė gelminė plekšnė — statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Monolene maculipinna angl. deepwater flounder rus. чернопёрая монолена ryšiai: platesnis terminas – karibinės gelminės plekšnės … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
чернопёрая монолена — juodpelekė gelminė plekšnė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Monolene maculipinna angl. deepwater flounder rus. чернопёрая монолена ryšiai: platesnis terminas – karibinės gelminės plekšnės … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Fish of the Red Sea — Deepwater species= See the List of deep water fish of the Red SeaDemersal species*Ambassidae ** Ambassis gymnocephalus , Bald glassy ** Ambassis urotaenia , Banded tail glassy perchlet*Apistidae ** Apistus carinatus , Ocellated… … Wikipedia
List of fishes of India — This is a list of the fish species found in India and is based on FishBase. [Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006.FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. [http://www.fishbase.org] , version (05/2006)] AlbuliformesAlbulidae… … Wikipedia
List of fish common names — This is a list of fish common names. While some common names refer to a single species or family, others have been used for a confusing variety of different types; the articles listed here should explain the possibilities if the name is ambiguous … Wikipedia
Demersal fish — Bluespotted ribbontail ray resting on the seafloor Demersal fish live on or near the bottom of the sea or lakes.[1] They occupy the sea floors and lake beds, which usually consist of mud, sand, gravel or rocks … Wikipedia
Pleuronectidae — Taxobox name = Righteye flounders image width = 240px image caption = European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Pleuronectiformes familia = Pleuronectidae subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia
Delta National Wildlife Refuge — IUCN Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area) … Wikipedia