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  • 1 deep

    [di:p] 1. adjective
    1) (going or being far down or far into: a deep lake; a deep wound.) βαθύς
    2) (going or being far down by a named amount: a hole six feet deep.) βαθύς
    3) (occupied or involved to a great extent: He is deep in debt.) αναμεμειγμένος, `βουτηγμένος`
    4) (intense; strong: The sea is a deep blue colour; They are in a deep sleep.) βαθύς,έντονος
    5) (low in pitch: His voice is very deep.) βαθύς,μπάσος
    2. adverb
    (far down or into: deep into the wood.) βαθιά
    - deeply
    - deepness
    - deep-freeze
    3. verb
    (to freeze and keep (food) in this.) καταψύχω
    - in deep water

    English-Greek dictionary > deep

  • 2 Deep

    P. and V. βαθς.
    Of sound: P. and V. βαρς (Eur., Hipp. 1202).
    A deep cut: P. βαθὺ τμῆμα (Plat.).
    Abstruse: P. and V. ποικλος, πολύπλοκος.
    Cunning: P. and V. ποικλος, πυκνός.
    Wise: P. and V. σοφός.
    Of sorrow, etc.: use P. and V. πολς.
    Deep silence: P. and V. πολλὴ σιωπή.
    Deep and dark: V. μελαμβαθής.
    Deep-flowing: V. βαθύρρους.
    Deep-rooted: lit., V. βαθύρριζος; met.,
    innate: P. and V. σύμφυτος, ἔμφυτος (Eur., frag.).
    To draw up one's line four deep: P. ἐπὶ τεσσάρων τάσσεσθαι (mid.) (Thuc. 2, 90).
    The Thebans arranged their line twenly-five shields deep: ἐπʼ ἀσπίδας πέντε μὲν καὶ εἴκοσι Θηβαῖοι ἐτάξαντο (Thuc. 4, 93).
    The Athenians having their ships drawn up one deep: P. οἱ Ἀθηναῖοι κατὰ μίαν ναῦν τεταγμένοι (Thuc. 2, 84).
    Deep down in: P. and V. πό (gen.).
    Sea: P. and V. θάλασσα, ἡ, Ar. and V. ἅλς, ὁ, V. ἅλμη, ἡ.
    Open sea: P. and V. πέλαγος, τό, Ar. and V. πόντος, ὁ (rare P.).
    Deeps: Ar. and V. βθος, ὁ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Deep

  • 3 deep


    English-Greek new dictionary > deep

  • 4 deep-sea

    adjective (of, for, or in the deeper parts of the sea: deep-sea diving; deep-sea fishing.) (που αφορά) βαθιά νερά, ανοιχτής θάλασσας

    English-Greek dictionary > deep-sea

  • 5 deep-freeze

    noun (a type of refrigerator which freezes food quickly and can keep it for a long time.) κατάψυξη

    English-Greek dictionary > deep-freeze

  • 6 knee-deep

    adjective (reaching up to, or covered up to, one's knees: knee-deep water; He is knee-deep in water.) (χωμένος ή βαθύς) ως τα γόνατα

    English-Greek dictionary > knee-deep

  • 7 in deep water

    (in difficulties or trouble: He found himself in deep water when he took over the management of the firm.) σε πολύ δύσκολη θέση,στα «βαθιά νερά»

    English-Greek dictionary > in deep water

  • 8 in(to) deep water

    (in(to) trouble or danger: I got into deep water during that argument.) σε βαθιά νερά

    English-Greek dictionary > in(to) deep water

  • 9 Skin-deep

    P. ἐπιπόλαιος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Skin-deep

  • 10 roar

    [ro:] 1. verb
    1) (to give a loud deep cry; to say loudly; to shout: The lions roared; The sergeant roared (out) his commands.) βρυχώμαι, μουγκρίζω
    2) (to laugh loudly: The audience roared (with laughter) at the man's jokes.) ξεκαρδίζομαι
    3) (to make a loud deep sound: The cannons/thunder roared.) μουγκρίζω, βουίζω
    4) (to make a loud deep sound while moving: He roared past on his motorbike.) περνώ με θόρυβο
    2. noun
    1) (a loud deep cry: a roar of pain/laughter; the lion's roars.) μουγκρητό, βρυχηθμός
    2) (a loud, deep sound: the roar of traffic.) βουητό, μπουμπουνητό

    English-Greek dictionary > roar

  • 11 groan

    [ɡrəun] 1. verb
    (to produce a deep sound (because of pain, unhappiness etc): He groaned when he heard that he had failed his exam; The table was groaning with food (= there was a great deal of food on it).) βογγώ
    2. noun
    (a deep sound: a groan of despair.) βογγητό

    English-Greek dictionary > groan

  • 12 growl

    1. verb
    (to make a deep, rough sound: The dog growled angrily (at the postman); He growled out a command.) γρυλίζω, μουγκρίζω απειλητικά / λέω με άγριο τόνο
    2. noun
    (a deep, rough sound.) γρύλλισμα, μουγκρητό

    English-Greek dictionary > growl

  • 13 grumble

    1. verb
    1) (to complain in a bad-tempered way: He grumbled at the way he had been treated.) γκρινιάζω, παραπονιέμαι
    2) (to make a low and deep sound: Thunder grumbled in the distance.) μπουμπουνίζω
    2. noun
    1) (a complaint made in a bad-tempered way.) γκρίνια
    2) (a low, deep sound: the grumble of thunder.) μπουμπουνητό

    English-Greek dictionary > grumble

  • 14 water

    ['wo:tə] 1. noun
    (a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen: She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; ( also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.) νερό
    2. verb
    1) (to supply with water: He watered the plants.)
    2) ((of the mouth) to produce saliva: His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.)
    3) ((of the eyes) to fill with tears: The dense smoke made his eyes water.)
    - watery
    - wateriness
    - waterborne
    - water-closet
    - water-colour
    - watercress
    - waterfall
    - waterfowl
    - waterfront
    - waterhole
    - watering-can
    - water level
    - waterlily
    - waterlogged
    - water main
    - water-melon
    - waterproof
    3. noun
    (a coat made of waterproof material: She was wearing a waterproof.) αδιάβροχο
    4. verb
    (to make (material) waterproof.) στεγανοποιώ, αδιαβροχοποιώ
    - water-skiing
    - water-ski
    - watertight
    - water vapour
    - waterway
    - waterwheel
    - waterworks
    - hold water
    - into deep water
    - in deep water
    - water down

    English-Greek dictionary > water

  • 15 Draught

    Drink: P. and V. πόσις, ἡ, πῶμα, τό, ποτόν, τό.
    Deep draught: Ar. and V. μυστις, ἡ (Eur., Rhes. and Cycl.).
    Take deep draught, v.: V. μυστίζειν (Eur., Cycl. 565).
    Liquid: V. χεῦμα, τό.
    Draught of fishes: V. βόλος, ὁ.
    Draught of air: P. and V. πνεῦμα, τό, Ar. and V. πνοή, ἡ.
    Draught ( horse): Ar. ζύγιος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Draught

  • 16 Profound

    Deep: P. and V. βαθύς; see deep.
    Abstruse: P. and V. ποικλος, πολύπλοκος; see Abstruse.
    Wise: P. and V. σοφός.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Profound

  • 17 abyss

    (a very deep or bottomless hole or chasm.) άβυσσος

    English-Greek dictionary > abyss

  • 18 appreciation

    1) (gratefulness: I wish to show my appreciation for what you have done.) ευγνωμοσύνη, αναγνώριση
    2) (the state of valuing or understanding something: a deep appreciation of poetry.) εκτίμηση
    3) (the state of being aware of something: He has no appreciation of our difficulties.) κατανόηση
    4) (an increase in value.) ανατίμηση
    5) (a written article etc which describes the qualities of something: an appreciation of the new book.) κριτική ανάλυση

    English-Greek dictionary > appreciation

  • 19 at/in the back of one's mind

    (being vaguely aware of something; deep inside: In the back of her mind she knew she couldn't trust him.) βαθιά στο μυαλό μου

    English-Greek dictionary > at/in the back of one's mind

  • 20 baritone

    ((a singer with) a deep male voice between bass and tenor.) βαρύτονος

    English-Greek dictionary > baritone

См. также в других словарях:

  • Deep — (d[=e]p), a. [Compar. {Deeper} (d[=e]p [ e]r); superl. {Deepest} (d[=e]p [e^]st).] [OE. dep, deop, AS. de[ o]p; akin to D. diep, G. tief, Icel. dj[=u]pr, Sw. diup, Dan. dyb, Goth. diups; fr. the root of E. dip, dive. See {Dip}, {Dive}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deep — [dēp] adj. [ME dep < OE deop, akin to Ger tief, Goth diups < IE base * dheub , deep, hollow > DIP, DUMP1] 1. extending far downward from the top or top edges, inward from the surface, or backward from the front [a deep cut, a deep lake,… …   English World dictionary

  • deep — UK US /diːp/ adjective [usually before noun] ► very large or serious: »Employees were forced to accept deep cuts in pay and benefits. »a deep recession. »These deep discounts will be a major factor in stimulating local telephone competition in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Deep Ng — Chinese name 吳浩康 (Traditional) Chinese name 吴浩康 (Simplified) Pinyin wu2 hao4 kang1 (Mandarin) Jyutping …   Wikipedia

  • Deep — Deep, adv. To a great depth; with depth; far down; profoundly; deeply. [1913 Webster] Deep versed in books, and shallow in himself. Milton. [1913 Webster] Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. Pope. [1913 Webster] Note: Deep, in its usual… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deep — 1 Deep, profound, abysmal. Deep and profound denote extended either downward from a surface or, less often, backward or inward from a front or outer part. Deep is the most general term {a deep pond} {a slope cut by deep gullies} As applied to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • deep — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extending far down or in from the top or surface. 2) extending a specified distance from the top, surface, or outer edge. 3) (of sound) low in pitch and full in tone; not shrill. 4) (of colour) dark and intense. 5) very intense,… …   English terms dictionary

  • deep — O.E. deop (adj.) profound, awful, mysterious; serious, solemn; deepness, depth, deope (adv.), from P.Gmc. *deupaz (Cf. O.S. diop, O.Fris. diap, Du. diep, O.H.G. tiof, Ger. tief, O.N. djupr, Dan. dyb, Swed. djup, Goth. diups …   Etymology dictionary

  • deep — deep; deep·en; deep·en·ing·ly; deep·ing; deep·ish; deep·ly; deep·most; deep·ness; deep·wa·ter·man; …   English syllables

  • Deep — Deep, n. 1. That which is deep, especially deep water, as the sea or ocean; an abyss; a great depth. [1913 Webster] Courage from the deeps of knowledge springs. Cowley. [1913 Webster] The hollow deep of hell resounded. Milton. [1913 Webster] Blue …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deep — ist: der deutsche Name der polnischen Ortschaft Mrzeżyno. Deep (Musical), Schweiz Deep Dance, Bootleg Mixe Siehe auch: The Deep, Kolberger Deep Deep Creek  Wiktionary: deep – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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