1 declare
di'kleə1) (to announce publicly or formally: War was declared this morning.) erklære, forkynne, kunngjøre2) (to say firmly: 'I don't like him at all,' she declared.) erklære, forkynne3) (to make known (goods on which duty must be paid, income on which tax should be paid etc): He decided to declare his untaxed earnings to the tax-office.) fortolle, deklarere•erklæreverb \/dɪˈkleə\/1) erklære, tilkjennegi, deklarere, forkynne2) melde, opplyse3) ( kortspill) melde4) erklære seg, uttale segfor min del stemmer jeg for\/tar jeg parti for den gamle planendeclare a dividend deklarere utbytte, fastsette utbyttedeclare oneself uttale seg, erklære segdeclare somebody (to be)... erklære noen for å være...declare somebody to be without legal capacity eller declare somebody incapable of managing his\/her own affairs ( jus) umyndiggjøredeclare something off innstille noe, trekke seg ut av noedeclare the innings closed ( i cricket) erklære omgangen for avsluttet (før 10 gjerder er utslått)declare war on\/against erklære krig mothave something to declare ( i tollen) ha noe å fortollewell, I declare (gammeldags, utrop av forbauselse eller sinne) har du sett på maken, det får en si
См. также в других словарях:
declared dividend — See dividend declared … Ballentine's law dictionary
dividend — div·i·dend / di və ˌdend/ n 1: the part of corporate net earnings distributed usu. periodically (as quarterly) to stockholders in the form of cash, additional shares, or property either as a set amount per share or a percentage of par value… … Law dictionary
Dividend — This article is about financial dividends. For dividends in arithmetic, see Division (mathematics). Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis … Wikipedia
dividend — /div i dend /, n. 1. Math. a number that is to be divided by a divisor. 2. Law. a sum out of an insolvent estate paid to creditors. 3. Finance. a. a pro rata share in an amount to be distributed. b. a sum of money paid to shareholders of a… … Universalium
dividend cover — /ˈdɪvədɛnd kʌvə/ (say divuhdend kuvuh) noun the number of times that the declared dividend is covered by a company s net profit …
dividend per share — ˌdividend per ˈshare written abbreviation Div/Share, DPS noun [countable] FINANCE the dividend paid out by a company for each of its shares: • KDD pays a 25 yen dividend per share, a 0.2% yield on Thursday s closing price of 12,200 yen. * * *… … Financial and business terms
Dividend distribution tax — is the tax levied by the Indian Government on companies according to the dividend paid to a company s investors. At present the dividend distribution tax is 15% [1], according to the Union Budget 2007, India. As per existing tax provisions,… … Wikipedia
dividend equivalent right — USA The right to receive an amount equal to any per share dividend declared by a company. Dividend equivalent rights are usually granted to an employee or other individual performing services for a company and may be paid in cash, company stock… … Law dictionary
dividend — The distribution of current or accumulated earnings to the shareholders of a corporation pro rata based on the number of shares owned. Dividends are usually issued in cash. However, they may be issued in the form of stock or property. The… … Black's law dictionary
dividend — The distribution of current or accumulated earnings to the shareholders of a corporation pro rata based on the number of shares owned. Dividends are usually issued in cash. However, they may be issued in the form of stock or property. The… … Black's law dictionary
dividend — a distribution of the profits of a company among its members or shareholders. Glossary of Business Terms A portion of a company s profit paid to common shareholders and preferred shareholders. A stock selling for $20 a share with an annual… … Financial and business terms