1 decisive force
sheet buckling force — сила, необходимая для выгибания листа
to yield to force — подчиниться силе, отступить перед силой
2 decisive force
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > decisive force
3 decisive force
решающая силаАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > decisive force
4 decisive force
Общая лексика: решающая сила -
5 decisive
6 decisive
решающий; решительный -
7 решающая сила
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > решающая сила
8 решающий
прич. от решать decisive, deciding;
key, conclusiveрешающ|ий - decisive;
~ая сила decisive force;
~ момент decisive/crucial moment;
с ~им голосом with the right to vote (at a congress, conference, etc.).Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > решающий
9 area
район; округ; площадь; участок; зона; область; пространство; категория ( действий); см. тж. ground; zonebooster (engine) disposal area — ркт. район сброса [падения] стартовых двигателей [(ракетных) ускорителей]
booster (engine) impact area — ркт. район сброса [падения] стартовых двигателей [(ракетных) ускорителей]
simulated (radioactive) contamination area — ложный [имитируемый] участок (радиоактивного) заражения
— amphibious objective area— armor killing area— artillery position area— dangerous area— delaying operations area— dropping area— gun area— hot area— killing area— lethality area— limited access area— MOS area— patrolling area— POL area— preference service area— radioactive contamination area— rallying area— recreation area— SAM launching area— uploading area -
10 threat
nугроза, опасностьto avert the threat of war between... and... — предотвращать угрозу войны между...
to back up one's threats by smth — подкреплять свои угрозы чем-л.
to call off one's threat — временно отказываться от своей угрозы
to carry out one's threat — осуществлять свою угрозу
to contain a country's threat — сдерживать угрозу со стороны какого-л. государства
to counter the threat from smb — противостоять угрозе с чьей-л. стороны
to go ahead with one's threats — осуществлять свои угрозы
to pose a threat to one's neighbors — представлять угрозу для соседних государств
to proceed with one's threats — продолжать свои угрозы
to represent a threat for / to smb / to smth — представлять угрозу для кого-л. / чего-л.
to repudiate the threat or use of force — отвергать угрозу применения или применение силы
to stand up to smb's threats — не поддаваться на чьи-л. угрозы
to step up one's threats — усиливать свои угрозы
to suspend one's threat — временно отказываться от своей угрозы
to use / utter threats — угрожать
- chemical threatto yield to threats from smb — поддаваться на чьи-л. угрозы
- covert threat
- death threat against smb
- death threat
- decisive lessening of the nuclear threat
- diplomatic threat
- diplomatic threats fly to and for
- direct threat
- escalating spiral of threats
- fascist threat
- grave threat
- he received threats
- immediate threat
- in reply to threats
- inflationary threat
- latent threat
- major threat
- massive threat to the security of a country
- military threat from smb
- mortal threat
- mounting threat
- new flood threat to Sudan
- none-too-veiled threat
- nuclear and ecological threat
- nuclear threat
- ominous threat
- pervading threat
- potent threat
- radical threat
- serious threat
- strike threat
- suspension of one's threat
- tankers under threat from...
- thinly veiled threat
- threat dies down
- threat has not diminished
- threat of a trade war
- threat of aggressive wars
- threat of armed intervention
- threat of force
- threat of nuclear war is low and diminishing
- threat of nuclear war
- threat of universal destruction
- threat of using force
- threat of war
- threat recedes
- threat to international peace
- threat to kill a hostage
- threat to law and order
- threat to peace
- threat to public order
- threat to security
- threat to shipping
- under threat of closure
- under threat
- veiled threat
- verbal threats against smb -
11 leader
n1) руководитель; глава; лидер; вождь2) передовая статья, передовица•to censure a government leader in Parliament — принимать вотум недоверия руководителю правительства в парламенте
to stick with one's leader — сохранять верность своему лидеру
- adviser to a military leaderto take over as party leader — приходить к руководству партией; принимать обязанности лидера партии
- all-powerful leader
- authoritative leader
- block leader
- caretaker leader
- change of leaders
- charismatic leader
- church leader
- civil rights leader
- community leader
- Congressional leader
- conservative leader
- coup leader
- de facto leader
- decisive leader
- deputy leader
- divided leaders
- effective leader
- embattled leader
- experienced leader
- fall of a leader
- floor leader
- group leader
- high-ranking party leader
- ideological leader
- in defiance of their leader
- incoming leader
- industrial leader
- key Arab leaders
- labor leader
- leader of a mutiny
- leader of Congress
- leader of the House of Commons
- leader of the House of Lords
- leader of the Senate
- leader-in-waiting
- leaders of the disturbances
- leaders of the government
- leftist political leader
- longtime leader
- majority leader
- media leaders
- militarist leaders
- military leader
- minority leader
- moderate leader
- national leader
- opinion leaders
- opposition leader
- outstanding leader
- parliamentary leader
- party leaders
- political leader
- popular leader
- popularly elected leader
- powerful leader
- progressive leader
- progressive-minded leader
- prominent leader
- protest leader
- public leader
- radical leader
- rebel military leader
- recognized leader
- reform-minded leader
- regime leaders
- religious leader
- removal of political leaders
- rightful leader
- second-ranking leader
- self-proclaimed leader
- Senate majority leader
- spiritual leader
- state leader
- stop-gap leader
- strike leader
- strong leader
- stuck-in-the-mud political leader
- supreme leader
- team leader
- titular leader
- top leaders
- top political leaders
- trade-union leaders
- underground leaders of an uprising
- undisputed leader
- union leader
- war leader
- weak leader
- worthy leader
- youth leader -
12 combat
бой, боевые действия; вести бой [боевые действия]; оказывать противодействие; боевой; см. тж. battle; action; fight ( ing) ;— close air-to-air combat— close-in combat -
13 date
1. n1) дата, число, день2) время; срок, период
- acceptance date
- acquisition date
- actual date
- alongside date
- application date
- arrival date
- average due date
- bid date
- billing date
- bond redemption date
- border crossing date
- broken date
- cancellation date
- cancelling date
- closing date
- cock date
- commissioning date
- completion date
- contract date
- convenient date
- coupon date
- crucial date
- cutoff date
- data date
- dated date
- dealt currency value date
- decisive date
- declaration date
- delivery date
- departure date
- depreciation date
- dispatch date
- drawing date
- drawn date
- due date
- effective date
- effective date of a contract
- end date
- ending date
- estimated date
- ex-dividend date
- expected date
- expiration date
- expiry date
- facility expiry date
- facility start date
- filing date
- final date
- final date for payment
- finishing date
- fixed date
- holder-of-record date
- initial date
- interest date
- interest fixing date
- interest payment date
- invoice date
- issue date of an invoice
- issuing date
- key date
- last availability date
- last interest posting date
- licence expiration date
- loading date
- mailing date
- maturity date
- odd dates
- operational date
- order date
- original date
- patent date
- payment date
- posting date
- principal repayment date
- priority date
- project completion date
- prompt date
- publication date
- record date
- redemption date
- reference date
- release date
- remittance date
- repayment date
- return date
- rollover date
- rough date
- sailing date
- schedule date
- scheduled date
- settlement date
- shipment date
- shipping date
- short dates
- start-up date
- target date
- tax-filing date
- tender date
- termination date
- trade date
- value date
- vesting date
- date of acceptance
- date of an agreement
- date of appeal
- date of application
- date of arrival
- date of balance sheet
- date of a bill
- date of birth
- date of cancellation
- date of check
- date of a claim
- date of coming into effect
- date of a contract
- date of delivery
- date of departure
- date of dispatch
- date of entering into force
- date of entry
- date of filing
- date of grant
- date of an insurance policy
- date of an invoice
- date of issuance
- date of issue
- date of issue of a bill
- date of a letter
- date of a letter of credit
- date of licensing
- date of mailing
- date of manufacture
- date of maturity
- date of an offer
- date of an order
- date of payment
- date of posting
- date of a postmark
- date of a post office stamp
- date of a protocol
- date of publication
- date of readiness
- date of receipt
- date of record
- date of repayment
- date of resale
- date of retirement
- date of shipment
- date of signing
- date of a test
- date of transaction
- after date
- as of a balance-sheet date
- as of a specific date
- at a certain date
- at an early date
- by the due date
- from date
- of this date
- on set dates
- out of date
- date
- up to date
- with blank due date
- without date
- be up to date
- bear a date
- bring up to date
- fix a date
- go out of date
- keep up to date
- put a date
- stipulate a date2. v
- date ahead
- date back -
14 combat
1. n бой, сражениеsingle combat — единоборство, поединок
2. n борьба; конфликт, столкновение3. n дуэль, поединок4. a воен. боевойcombat operations — боевые действия, бой
combat formation — боевой порядок; боевое построение
combat team — усиленная часть, тактическая группа
5. v вести бой, сражаться6. v боротьсяСинонимический ряд:1. armed conflict (noun) action; armed conflict; battle; clash; conflict; contest; duel; encounter; engagement; fighting; hostilities; service; war; warfare2. assault (verb) assail; assault; attack; blitz; clash; do battle; engage; skirmish3. battle (verb) battle; contend; struggle; tilt; vie; wrestle4. resist (verb) buck; challenge; confront; contest; dispute; duel; fight; oppose; repel; resist; rise up against; traverse; withstandАнтонимический ряд:accord; agreement; compromise; defend; peace; support; surrender; truce -
15 critical
1. a решающий, переломный; критический2. a важный, ценный3. a лит. критический, относящийся к критике литературы и искусства4. a опасный, критический; угрожающийcritical defect — опасный дефект; критическая неисправность
5. a осуждающий, критикующий; разборчивый, требовательный6. a амер. дефицитный; крайне необходимый; нормируемый7. a спец. критический, граничныйСинонимический ряд:1. analytical (adj.) analytical; discriminating; judging2. dangerous (adj.) dangerous; hazardous; perilous; precarious; risky; suspenseful; ticklish3. faultfinding (adj.) captious; carping; caviling; cavilling; cavillous; censorious; critic; derogatory; disparaging; faultfinding; finicky; hypercritical; overcritical; picky; strict; trenchant4. important (adj.) acute; climacteric; crucial; deciding; decisive; desperate; determining; dire; discerning; grave; great; grievous; important; momentous; penetrating; pivotal; serious; strategic5. precise (adj.) delicate; discriminate; exact; fastidious; judicial; minute; particular; preciseАнтонимический ряд:complimentary; easy; inexact; insignificant; loose; popular; safe; shallow; superficial; trivial; unimportant -
16 pinning attack
воен. сковывающий ударdecisive attack — решительное наступление; главный удар
17 spoiling attack
1. воен. упреждающий удар2. воен. демонстрация, ложный удар; отвлекающий ударdecisive attack — решительное наступление; главный удар
18 decapitation attack
decisive attack — решительное наступление; главный удар
English-Russian big medical dictionary > decapitation attack
19 limited attack
decisive attack — решительное наступление; главный удар
20 mass attack
decisive attack — решительное наступление; главный удар
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
force — [ fɔrs ] n. f. • 1080; bas lat. fortia, plur. neutre substantivé de fortis → 1. fort; forcer I ♦ La force de qqn. 1 ♦ Puissance d action physique (d un être, d un organe). Force physique; force musculaire. ⇒ résistance, robustesse, vigueur. Force … Encyclopédie Universelle
forcé — force [ fɔrs ] n. f. • 1080; bas lat. fortia, plur. neutre substantivé de fortis → 1. fort; forcer I ♦ La force de qqn. 1 ♦ Puissance d action physique (d un être, d un organe). Force physique; force musculaire. ⇒ résistance, robustesse, vigueur … Encyclopédie Universelle
Force concentration — is the practice of concentrating a military force, so as to bring to bear such overwhelming force against a portion of an enemy force that the disparity between the two forces alone acts as a force multiplier, in favour of the concentrated forces … Wikipedia
force — force1 W1S3 [fo:s US fo:rs] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(military)¦ 2¦(military action)¦ 3¦(violence)¦ 4¦(physical power)¦ 5¦(natural power)¦ 6¦(organized group)¦ 7¦(strong influence)¦ 8¦(powerful effect)¦ 9 join/combine forces (with somebody/something) … Dictionary of contemporary English
Eleventh Air Force — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Eleventh Air Force caption= Eleventh Air Force emblem dates= 15 January 1942 country= United States of America allegiance= branch= United States Air Force type= role= size= command structure= Pacific Air… … Wikipedia
Indian Air Force — The Indian Air Force (Devanāgarī भारतीय वायु सेना IAST: Bhartiya Vāyu Senā) is the air arm of the Armed Forces of India and has the prime responsibility of conducting aerial warfare and securing the Indian airspace. It was established on October… … Wikipedia
History of the Indian Air Force — The history of the Indian Air Force began with its establishment in 1932 and continues up to the present day.Formation and early pilotsThe establishment of the Indian Air Force (IAF) happened when the Indian Air Force act was passed on October 8… … Wikipedia
United States Air Force, The — ▪ United States military (USAF), one of the major components of the United States armed forces, with primary responsibility for air warfare, air defense, and the development of military space research. The Air Force also provides air services… … Universalium
Palestine Police Force — The Palestine Police Force was a British colonial police service established in Palestine on 1 July, 1920,Sinclair, 2006.] when High Commissioner Herbert Samuel s civil administration took over responsibility for security from General Allenby s… … Wikipedia
Eighth Air Force — emblem Part of Air … Wikipedia
United States Air Force Academy — Infobox University name = United States Air Force Academy established = 1954 motto = type = Federal military academy head label = Superintendent head = Lt Gen John F. Regni city = Colorado Springs state = Colorado country = USA undergrad = 4,000… … Wikipedia