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  • 1 son

    (a male child (when spoken of in relation to his parents): He is the son of the manager.) sonur
    - son of a bitch

    English-Icelandic dictionary > son

  • 2 son of a bitch

    noun, interjection ((slang) an annoying and nasty person; an unpleasant task: The son of a bitch tried to cheat me!)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > son of a bitch

  • 3 son-in-law

    plural - sons-in-law; noun (a daughter's husband.) tengdasonur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > son-in-law

  • 4 step-son

    nouns (a son or daughter from another marriage of a person's wife or husband.) stjúpsonur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > step-son

  • 5 the prodigal son

    1) (a disobedient and irresponsible son who wastes money on a life of pleasure and later returns home to ask for his parents' forgiveness.)
    2) (a person who acts irresponsibly and later regrets it.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > the prodigal son

  • 6 abdicate

    1) (to leave or give up the position and authority of a king or queen: The king abdicated (the throne) in favour of his son.) afsala sér (völdum)
    2) (to leave or give up (responsibility, power etc): He abdicated all responsibility for the work to his elder son.) segja af sér

    English-Icelandic dictionary > abdicate

  • 7 grandchild

    (the child, daughter or son, of one's son or daughter.) barnabarn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > grandchild

  • 8 heir

    feminine - heiress; noun
    (a person who by law receives wealth, property etc when the owner dies: A person's eldest son is usually his heir; A king's eldest son is the heir to the throne.) erfingi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > heir

  • 9 junior

    ['‹u:njə] 1. noun, adjective
    ((a person who is) younger in years or lower in rank or authority: He is two years my junior; The school sent two juniors and one senior to take part; junior pupils; He is junior to me in the firm; the junior school.) ungur maður; nÿliði; yngri; unglinga-
    2. adjective
    ((often abbreviated to Jnr, Jr or Jun. when written) used to indicate the son of a person who is still alive and who has the same name: John Jones Junior.) yngri
    3. noun
    ((especially American) a name for the child (usually a son) of a family: Do bring Junior!) sonur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > junior

  • 10 marry

    1) (to take (a person) as one's husband or wife: John married my sister; They married in church.) giftast, kvænast
    2) ((of a clergyman etc) to perform the ceremony of marriage between (two people): The priest married them.) gifta, gefa saman
    3) (to give (a son or daughter) as a husband or wife: He married his son to a rich woman.) gifta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > marry

  • 11 bastard

    1. noun
    (a child born of parents not married to each other.) óskilgetið barn, bastarður
    2. adjective
    a bastard son.) óskilgetinn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bastard

  • 12 be a credit to (someone)

    (to bring honour or respect to (someone or something): Your son is a credit to his school; Your honesty does you credit.) álitsauki, sómi, stolt

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be a credit to (someone)

  • 13 be a credit to (someone)

    (to bring honour or respect to (someone or something): Your son is a credit to his school; Your honesty does you credit.) álitsauki, sómi, stolt

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be a credit to (someone)

  • 14 become

    past tense - became; verb
    1) (to come or grow to be: Her coat has become badly torn; She has become even more beautiful.) verða
    2) (to qualify or take a job as: She became a doctor.) verða
    3) ((with of) to happen to: What became of her son?) verða (um)
    4) (to suit: That dress really becomes her.) fara vel
    - becomingly

    English-Icelandic dictionary > become

  • 15 birth

    1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) fæðing
    2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) upphaf
    - birthday
    - birthmark
    - birthplace
    - birthrate
    - give birth to
    - give birth

    English-Icelandic dictionary > birth

  • 16 bitch

    [bi ]
    1) (the female of the dog, wolf or fox.) tík
    2) (a (bad-tempered or unpleasant) woman.) tæfa, tík
    - bitchy

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bitch

  • 17 blessing

    1) (a wish or prayer for happiness or success: The priest gave them his blessing.) blessun
    2) (any cause of happiness: Her son was a great blessing to her.) blessun, lán
    3) (a prayer of thanks to God before and/or after a meal.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > blessing

  • 18 boast

    [bəust] 1. verb
    (to talk with too much pride: He was always boasting about how clever his son was.) gorta, hælast um
    2. noun
    (the words used in talking proudly about something: His boast is that he has never yet lost a match.) gort, sjálfshól
    - boastfully
    - boastfulness
    - boasting

    English-Icelandic dictionary > boast

  • 19 child

    plural - children; noun
    1) (a young human being of either sex.) barn
    2) (a son or daughter: Her youngest child is five years old.) barn
    - childish
    - childishly
    - childishness
    - childless
    - childlike
    - childbirth
    - child's play

    English-Icelandic dictionary > child

  • 20 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) farþegavagn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) ferðamannarúta
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) þjálfari
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) einkakennari
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) hestvagn
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) þjálfa, hlÿða yfir
    - coachman

    English-Icelandic dictionary > coach

См. также в других словарях:

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