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  • 21 long

    1) μακρύς
    2) μεγάλος

    English-Greek new dictionary > long

  • 22 as long as / so long as

    1) (provided only that: As/So long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what you do.) εφόσον, από τη στιγμή που
    2) (while; during the time that: As long as he's here I'll have more work to do.) όσο, ενόσω

    English-Greek dictionary > as long as / so long as

  • 23 at (long) last

    (in the end, especially after a long delay: Oh, there he is at (long) last!) επιτέλους

    English-Greek dictionary > at (long) last

  • 24 at (long) last

    (in the end, especially after a long delay: Oh, there he is at (long) last!) επιτέλους

    English-Greek dictionary > at (long) last

  • 25 a long haul

    (a long or tiring job, journey etc.) οδύσσεια

    English-Greek dictionary > a long haul

  • 26 before (very) long

    (soon: Come in and wait - he'll be here before long!) σύντομα

    English-Greek dictionary > before (very) long

  • 27 before (very) long

    (soon: Come in and wait - he'll be here before long!) σύντομα

    English-Greek dictionary > before (very) long

  • 28 get etc long in the tooth

    ((of a person or animal) to be, become etc, old: I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to climb mountains.) τα 'χω τα χρονάκια μου

    English-Greek dictionary > get etc long in the tooth

  • 29 in the long run

    (in the end: We thought we would save money, but in the long run our spending was about the same as usual.) μακροπρόθεσμα, τελικά

    English-Greek dictionary > in the long run

  • 30 so long!

    (goodbye!) γεια!

    English-Greek dictionary > so long!

  • 31 the long and the short of it

    (the whole story in a few words.) με λίγα λόγια

    English-Greek dictionary > the long and the short of it

  • 32 Foot

    P. and V. πούς, ὁ.
    Step: P. and V. βσις, ἡ (Plat. but rare P.), V. ἔμβασις, ἡ.
    Measure: P. πούς, ὁ.
    In scansion: Ar. and P. πούς, ὁ.
    Base, lowest part: P. and V. κρηπς, ἡ (Plat.), βάθρον, τό (Xen.), βσις, ἡ (Plat.), P. ἔδαφος, τό.
    Foundation: P. θεμέλιος, ὁ, P. and V. πυθμήν, ὁ, V. ῥίζα, ἡ.
    Foot of a hill: P. κράσπεδα, τά (Xen.).
    At the fool of, prep.: P. and V. πό (dat.).
    At the fool of Mt. Gerania: P. ὑπὸ τῷ ὅρει τῇ Γερανίᾳ (Thuc. 4, 70).
    At the foot, adv.: V. νέρθεν (Eur., Bacch. 752), ἔνερθεν.
    Foot ( of a piece of furniture), subs.: Ar. and P. πούς, ὁ (Xen.).
    On foot: P. πεζῇ, or use adj., P. and V. πεζός, agreeing with subject.
    Fight on foot, v.: Ar. and P. πεζομαχεῖν.
    Battle between foot-soldiers, subs.: P. πεζομαχία, ἡ.
    Spring to one's feet, v.: Ar. and P. ναπηδᾶν.
    Trample under foot: V. λὰξ πατεῖν (acc.); see Trample.
    Set on foot: P. and V. καθιστναι, προτιθέναι; see Institute.
    Set foot on: P. and V. ἐπιβαίνειν (gen.), ἐμβαίνειν (P. εἰς, acc., V. acc., gen., or dat.), V. ἐπεμβαίνειν (acc., gen., or dat.), ἐμβατεύειν (acc. or gen.); see Tread.
    With bare feet, adj.: Ar. and P. νυπόδητος, V. νηλίπους. νάρβυλος (Eur., frag.).
    How many feet long? P. ποσάπους;
    Two feet long, adj.: P. δίπους.
    Three feet long: P. τρίπους.
    Ten feet long: Ar. δεκπους.
    A stool with silver feet: P. δίφρος ἀργυρόπους, ὁ (Dem. 741).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Foot

  • 33 ridge

    1) (a long narrow piece of ground etc raised above the level of the ground etc on either side of it.) ράχη, κορυφογραμμή
    2) (a long narrow row of hills.) οροσειρά
    3) (anything like a ridge in shape: A ridge of high pressure is a long narrow area of high pressure as shown on a weather map.) οτιδήποτε έχει σχήμα κορυφής
    4) (the top edge of something where two sloping surfaces meet, eg on a roof.) σαμάρι στέγης

    English-Greek dictionary > ridge

  • 34 stride

    1. past tense strode [stroud]: past participle stridden ['stridn] - verb
    (to walk with long steps: He strode along the path; He strode off in anger.) περπατώ με μεγάλα βήματα,δρασκελίζω
    2. noun
    (a long step: He walked with long strides.) διασκελισμός,δρασκελιά
    - take in one's stride

    English-Greek dictionary > stride

  • 35 Cubit

    P. and V. πῆχυς, ὁ (Eur., Cycl.).
    A cubit long: P. πηχυαῖος.
    Two cubits long: P. δίπηχυς.
    Three cubits long: P. and V. τρπηχυς (Xen. and Eur., Cycl.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Cubit

  • 36 ago

    (at a certain time in the past: two years ago; Long ago, men lived in caves; How long ago did he leave?) πριν (από)

    English-Greek dictionary > ago

  • 37 column

    1) (a stone or wooden pillar used to support or adorn a building: the carved columns in the temple.) στήλη, κολόνα
    2) (something similar in shape: a column of smoke.) στήλη
    3) (a vertical row (of numbers): He added up the column (of figures) to find the answer.) στήλη
    4) (a vertical section of a page of print: a newspaper column.) στήλη
    5) (a section in a newspaper, often written regularly by a particular person: He writes a daily column about sport.) στήλη
    6) (a long file of soldiers marching in short rows: a column of infantry.) φάλαγγα
    7) (a long line of vehicles etc, one behind the other.) φάλαγγα

    English-Greek dictionary > column

  • 38 drag

    [dræɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - dragged; verb
    1) (to pull, especially by force or roughly: She was dragged screaming from her car.) τραβώ
    2) (to pull (something) slowly (usually because heavy): He dragged the heavy table across the floor.) σέρνω
    3) (to (cause to) move along the ground: His coat was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.) σέρνομαι
    4) (to search (the bed of a lake etc) by using a net or hook: Police are dragging the canal to try to find the body.) ερευνώ το βυθό
    5) (to be slow-moving and boring: The evening dragged a bit.) τραβώ σε μάκρος
    2. noun
    1) (something which slows something down: He felt that his lack of education was a drag on his progress.) κώλυμα
    2) (an act of drawing in smoke from a cigarette etc: He took a long drag at his cigarette.) ρουφηξιά
    3) (something or someone that is dull and boring: Washing-up is a drag.) αγγαρεία
    4) (a slang word for women's clothes when worn by men.) (αργκό) γυναικείο ντύσιμο από άνδρες, ντύσιμο τραβεστί

    English-Greek dictionary > drag

  • 39 epic

    1) (a long poem telling a story of great deeds.) έπος
    2) (a long story, film etc telling of great deeds especially historic.) έπος

    English-Greek dictionary > epic

  • 40 far

    1. adverb
    1) (indicating distance, progress etc: How far is it from here to his house?) μακριά
    2) (at or to a long way away: She went far away/off.) μακριά
    3) (very much: She was a far better swimmer than her friend (was).) πολύ
    2. adjective
    1) (distant; a long way away: a far country.)
    2) (more distant (usually of two things): He lives on the far side of the lake.)
    - farthest
    - faraway
    - far-fetched
    - as far as
    - by far
    - far and away
    - far from
    - so far

    English-Greek dictionary > far

См. также в других словарях:

  • Long (surname) — Long is a surname, and may refer to many people.A* Anne Long (c.1681 1711), English celebrated beauty and London society figure * Armistead L. Long (1825 ndash;1891), American Civil War General * Asa Long (1904 ndash;1999), American checker… …   Wikipedia

  • long — long, longue [ lɔ̃, lɔ̃g ] adj., n. m. et adv. • Xe temporel; lat. longus I ♦ Adj. A ♦ (1080 lonc) dans l espace 1 ♦ (Av. le nom) Qui a une étendue supérieure à la moyenne dans le sens de la longueur. ⇒ grand. Une longue tige. Un long fil. De… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Long Beach Unified School District — Type and location Grades K 12 Established 1885 Country United States …   Wikipedia

  • Long Island (Begriffsklärung) — Long Island ist der Name mehrerer Inseln: Long Island im US Bundesstaat New York Long Island (Andamanen), Insel der indischen Andamanen Long Island (Bahamas), Bahamas Long Island (Neuguinea), Neuguinea Long Island (Seychellen), Seychellen Long… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • long — long, ongue (lon ; lon gh ; le g devant une consonne ne se prononce pas : un lon chemin ; devant une voyelle ou une h muette il se lie et se prononce comme un k ; un lon k espoir ; au pluriel, l s se lie : les lon z espoirs) adj. 1°   Qui s étend …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Long — Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn out… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long clam — Long Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long cloth — Long Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long clothes — Long Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long division — Long Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long dozen — Long Long, a. [Compar. {Longer}; superl. {Longest}.] [AS. long, lang; akin to OS, OFries., D., & G. lang, Icel. langr, Sw. l[*a]ng, Dan. lang, Goth. laggs, L. longus. [root]125. Cf. {Length}, {Ling} a fish, {Linger}, {Lunge}, {Purloin}.] 1. Drawn …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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