1 daze
1. verb(to make confused (eg by a blow or a shock): She was dazed by the news.) aturdir
2. noun(a bewildered or absent-minded state: She's been going around in a daze all day.) aturdimiento- dazedtr[deɪz]1 aturdimiento1 aturdir\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in a daze estar aturdido,-a1) stun: aturdir2) dazzle: deslumbrar, ofuscardaze n1) : aturdimiento m2)in a daze : aturdido, atonadon.• deslumbramiento s.m.v.• aturdir v.• deslumbrar v.• encandilar v.
I deɪznoun (no pl) aturdimiento mto go about in a daze — estar* en las nubes
transitive verb (usu pass) aturdir[deɪz]1.N aturdimiento m2. VT1) [drug, blow] atontar, aturdir; (=confuse) aturdir2) (fig) [news] aturdir, atolondrar* * *
I [deɪz]noun (no pl) aturdimiento mto go about in a daze — estar* en las nubes
transitive verb (usu pass) aturdir -
2 daze
s.1 aturdimiento.2 estupor, pasmo, deslumbramiento.vt.1 aturdir.2 deslumbrar, asombrar, atarantar, encandilar. (pt & pp dazed) -
3 to be in a daze
estar aturdido,-a -
4 stun
past tense, past participle - stunned; verb1) (to make unconscious or knock senseless eg by a blow on the head: The blow stunned him.) dejar inconsciente2) (to shock or astonish: He was stunned by the news of her death.) aturdir, pasmar, asombrar•- stunningstun vb aturdirtr[stʌn]1 (make unconscious) dejar sin sentido; (daze) aturdir, atontar, pasmar2 (surprise) sorprender, dejar atónito,-a, dejar pasmado,-a; (shock) atolondrar, aturdir, dejar anonadado,-a1) : aturdir (con un golpe)2) astonish, shock: dejar estupefacto, dejar atónito, aturdirv.• abombar v.• asordar v.• atronar v.• aturdir v.• pasmar v.• tumbar v.stʌn1) ( make unconscious) dejar sin sentido; ( daze) aturdir2)a) ( amaze) dejar atónito or (fam) helado or pasmadob) ( shock) dejar anonadado[stʌn]1. VT1) (=render unconscious) dejar sin sentido2) (=daze) aturdir, atontarhe was stunned by the blow — el golpe lo aturdió or atontó, el golpe lo dejó aturdido or atontado
3) (=amaze) dejar pasmado4) (=shock) dejar anonadado2.CPDstun grenade N — granada f detonadora, granada f de estampida
stun gun N — arma para inmovilizar a animales o a personas temporalmente
* * *[stʌn]1) ( make unconscious) dejar sin sentido; ( daze) aturdir2)a) ( amaze) dejar atónito or (fam) helado or pasmadob) ( shock) dejar anonadado -
5 aturdido
Del verbo aturdir: ( conjugate aturdir) \ \
aturdido es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: aturdido aturdir
aturdir ( conjugate aturdir) verbo transitivoa) [música/ruido]:este ruido me aturde I can't think straight with this noise aturdirse verbo pronominal ( confundirse) to get confused o flustered; (por golpe, noticia) to be stunned o dazed
aturdido,-a adjetivo stunned, dazed
aturdir verbo transitivo
1 (dejar mareado) to stun, daze
2 (desconcertar) to bewilder, confuse ' aturdido' also found in these entries: Spanish: abombada - abombado - atontada - atontado - aturdida - cortado English: daze - dazed - groggy - stunned -
6 wander
1. verb1) (to go, move, walk etc (about, in or on) from place to place with no definite destination in mind: I'd like to spend a holiday wandering through France; The mother wandered the streets looking for her child.) recorrer; vagar, errar; pasearse sin propósito2) (to go astray or move away from the proper place or home: His mind wanders; My attention was wandering.) extraviarse; divagar, viajar
2. noun(an act of wandering: He's gone for a wander round the shops.) vuelta, paseo- wanderer- wanderlust
wander vb vagar / deambular / dar vueltastr['wɒndəSMALLr/SMALL]2 (stray) apartarse, desviarse, alejarse; (get lost) extraviarse3 (river, road) serpentear4 (mind, thoughts) desviarse, divagar; (person) apartarse, desviarse1 (streets, area) vagar por, recorrer1 vuelta, paseo\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto go for a wander ir a dar una vueltawander ['wɑndər] vi1) ramble: deambular, vagar, vagabundear2) stray: alejarse, desviarse, divagarshe let her mind wander: dejó vagar la imaginaciónwander vt: recorrerto wander the streets: vagar por las callesv.• barloventear v.• deambular v.• desviarse v.• divagar v.• errar v.• extraviarse v.• pasear v.• recorrer v.• recorrer a la ventura v.• vagabundear v.• vagar v.• vaguear v.
1. 'wɑːndər, 'wɒndə(r)a) (+ adv compl) ( walk - in a leisurely way) pasear; (- aimlessly) deambular, vagar*he wandered in at ten — llegó a las diez tan campante or como si tal cosa
b) ( stray)don't wander off! we're leaving in five minutes — no te vayas por ahí, que dentro de cinco minutos nos vamos
don't wander off the point — no divagues, no te vayas por las ramas
to have wandering hands — tener* las manos largas
to wander the streets — deambular or vagar* por las calles, caminar sin rumbo fijo
noun (esp BrE) (no pl) vuelta f, paseo m['wɒndǝ(r)]we're going to have a wander around the shops — vamos a dar una vuelta or un paseo por las tiendas
1.N paseo mto go for or have a wander — pasearse, dar un paseo, dar una vuelta
2. VI1) (for pleasure) pasear; (aimlessly) deambular, vagar, errarthey wandered aimlessly through the streets — iban deambulando or vagando por las calles
to wander round the shops — curiosear or pasearse por las tiendas
2) (=stray)to wander from the path — desviarse or alejarse del camino
3) (fig) [person] (in speech) divagarto wander from or off the point — salirse del tema
his attention wandered for a moment and the milk boiled over — se distrajo or despistó un momento y se le salió la leche
my attention wandered a bit in the second half of the film — perdí un poco la concentración or me distraje or me despisté en la segunda mitad de la película
3.VT [+ streets, hills] recorrer, vagar porhe had wandered the seven seas in search of it — liter había surcado los siete mares en su busca liter
* * *
1. ['wɑːndər, 'wɒndə(r)]a) (+ adv compl) ( walk - in a leisurely way) pasear; (- aimlessly) deambular, vagar*he wandered in at ten — llegó a las diez tan campante or como si tal cosa
b) ( stray)don't wander off! we're leaving in five minutes — no te vayas por ahí, que dentro de cinco minutos nos vamos
don't wander off the point — no divagues, no te vayas por las ramas
to have wandering hands — tener* las manos largas
to wander the streets — deambular or vagar* por las calles, caminar sin rumbo fijo
noun (esp BrE) (no pl) vuelta f, paseo mwe're going to have a wander around the shops — vamos a dar una vuelta or un paseo por las tiendas
7 atontado
Del verbo atontar: ( conjugate atontar) \ \
atontado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: atontado atontar
( distraído):◊ contesta, que estás medio atontado answer me, you're in a daze;ver tb atontar
atontar ( conjugate atontar) verbo transitivo [ golpe] to stun, daze; estas pastillas me atontan these pills make me groggy; la televisión los atonta television turns them into vegetables o zombies
atontado,-a adjetivo
1 (bobo) silly, foolish
2 (aturdido) bewildered, amazed
atontar verbo transitivo to confuse, bewilder ' atontado' also found in these entries: Spanish: abotargada - abotargado - atontada - abombado English: dazed - dopey - groggy - punch -
8 aturdimiento
aturdimiento sustantivo masculino ( perplejidad) bewilderment; (por golpe, noticia) daze
aturdimiento sustantivo masculino confusion, bewilderment ' aturdimiento' also found in these entries: English: daze - giddy -
9 aturdir
aturdir ( conjugate aturdir) verbo transitivoa) [música/ruido]:este ruido me aturde I can't think straight with this noise aturdirse verbo pronominal ( confundirse) to get confused o flustered; (por golpe, noticia) to be stunned o dazed
aturdir verbo transitivo
1 (dejar mareado) to stun, daze
2 (desconcertar) to bewilder, confuse ' aturdir' also found in these entries: Spanish: liar - turbar English: boggle - stun -
10 dazed
adj.aturdido(a).pp.participio pasado del verbo DAZE.pt.pretérito del verbo DAZE. -
11 atolondrado
Del verbo atolondrar: ( conjugate atolondrar) \ \
atolondrado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: atolondrado atolondrar
◊ -da adjetivo( despistado) scatterbrained ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino scatterbrain
atolondrar ( conjugate atolondrar) verbo transitivo atolondrarse verbo pronominalb) ( precipitarse):◊ no te atolondres, piénsalo bien don't rush into it, think it over carefully
atolondrado,-a adjetivo foolish, feather-brained, ' atolondrado' also found in these entries: Spanish: atolondrada English: scatterbrained -
12 atolondrar
atolondrar ( conjugate atolondrar) verbo transitivo atolondrarse verbo pronominalb) ( precipitarse):◊ no te atolondres, piénsalo bien don't rush into it, think it over carefully -
13 atontar
atontar ( conjugate atontar) verbo transitivo [ golpe] to stun, daze; la televisión los atonta television turns them into vegetables o zombies
atontar verbo transitivo to confuse, bewilder ' atontar' also found in these entries: Spanish: atontado
См. также в других словарях:
Daze — (d[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dazed} (d[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Dazing}.] [OE. dasen, prob. from Icel. dasask to become weary, a reflexive verb; cf. Sw. dasa to lie idle, and OD. daesen to be foolish, insane, daes, dwaes, D. dwaas, foolish,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Daze — may refer to: Daze, Burkina Faso, a village in Tenkodogo Department, Boulgou, Burkina Faso Daze (Eurodance band), a Eurodance band Daze (comics), a fictional character who appeared in Marvel Comics MC2 series J2 This disambiguation page lists… … Wikipedia
Daze — Daze, n. 1. The state of being dazed; as, he was in a daze. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining) A glittering stone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
daze — [deız] n [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: dazed] in a daze feeling confused and not able to think clearly ▪ She wandered round in a daze, not quite sure what to do … Dictionary of contemporary English
daze — vb Daze, stun, bemuse, stupefy, benumb, paralyze, petrify all mean to dull or deaden the powers of the mind through some disturbing experience or influence. Daze may imply any of numerous causes (as a blow on the head, an excess of light, or a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
daze — [ deız ] noun in a daze unable to think clearly or understand what is happening because you are surprised, upset, tired, or have been hit on the head … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Dazé — Porté au Québec, le nom s est écrit autrefois D Hazé, Dasay, Daze et Dazey. Le premier porteur du nom au Québec venait de Loudun (Vienne). Il désigne celui qui est originaire d Azay ou Azé, nom de nombreuses communes françaises. Signification du… … Noms de famille
daze — [n] confusion befuddlement, bewilderment, distraction, gauze, glaze, haze, lala land*, maze, muddledness, nadaville*, narcosis, shock, stupefaction, stupor, trance; concept 410 Ant. expectation, understanding daze [v] confuse, shock addle, amaze … New thesaurus
daze — index confuse (bewilder), discompose, disorganize, muddle, obfuscate, overcome (overwhelm), overwhelm … Law dictionary
daze — (v.) early 14c., dasen, perhaps from O.N. *dasa (Cf. dasask to become weary, with reflexive suffix sk). Or perhaps from M.Du. dasen act silly. Perhaps originally to make weary with cold, which is the sense of Icelandic dasask (from the O.N. word) … Etymology dictionary
daze — ► VERB ▪ cause to feel stunned or bewildered. ► NOUN ▪ a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment. DERIVATIVES dazedly adverb. ORIGIN from Old Norse, weary … English terms dictionary